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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Brother Rudy, Your political conciousness is adolescent, we can't be needlessly tough on you. This is a weighty topic, one which is dealing with weighty national matters. We will send you an invitation card when we discuss JLO, 50 cent, 'who let the dogs out' and the cool things. So, for now chill out in the sunny california. c'mon, man! Peace Action You are right, but can you add time dimension to the issue you raised? When did I oppose Ethiopian invasion? in 2006. What was my and many people's view of the ICU then? What is it today against Alshabab? Can you see a difference there? Mise waa hiil aan micno lahayn waxaagu, as usual? Xinnfanin thinks the Kenyan incursion weakenes the TFG, the TFG and I think it will strengthen it. He thought I was supporting Azania, when I was merely opposing Alshabab. I still believe the effort now has to be how to bring Azania to the TFG fold, but anything that eradicates Alshabab must be supported. I strongly disagree with Xinn's way of looking at things on this mater, he is not making any sense apart from being consistent. He is consistent, but consistent on being short-sightedness. Not all consistencies are signs of virtue.
  2. princesshafsa;755867 wrote: Fasting on the day of 'Arafah absolves the sins for two years: the previous year and the coming year, ! I have not sinned last year nor do Intend to sin next year. So, no I am not fasting tomorrow. I take care of my family and children, I don't harm others (except on SOL banter), and I mind my business not anyone else's. Nor did I kill, rob or embezzel anyone.
  3. Ok, what about Kitchen and Bed? Surely you cannot argue Islam has other place for women? I mean, why would you even go there if you want to put forth an argument about women liberty? Are you also hypnotizedt oo? I am not a fan of how wadaado treat women.
  4. Incidentally, today I was in an Ethiopian restaurant and the cashier suddenly called me and said let me show you a picture of former dictator Mengistu with his family at their house. Wife, two daughters and him looking like an ordinary father and young (when he was in power). Then I saw something written in Amharic on the screen which was displaying lots of photos. This was not a picture, it was a sort of saying. It said "setina wot kal tamaasalu yigolgulalu', meaning 'If women and porrdige are not thoroughly mixed, they get bad". So, bluelicious, not all people agree with your assertion that women are not made to be kitchen slaves.
  5. :D raali ahoow. Meeshaas baa nalaga raacay oo waan habaaranahaye. Istaaqfurlluah, tubnaa ilalaah.
  6. ^God knows I hate this wicked side of me, but it is impossible to suppress it for eternity. Whenever I read the name of the girl above, I pronounce it as Bootylicious . Istaaqfurullah, tubnaa ilalaah. Aloow na astur.
  7. I didn't embrace Azania a year ago, I didn't embrace it last week, and I will never embrace it in the future. It falls short of the ethical benchmarks I set for myself. I, however, attacked and derided those who I thought were barking like mad dogs about an impending clan entity when a bigger monster was in the room. I opposed Azania to the extent many kins don't greet me, including close sisters married to key men of Azania. They say 'kii inyar oo lacag ah helaaba, tol ma aqaan iyo waxaasu ku meeraystaa'. They say i will come back to them the day I lose my earnings and need them - a fate I am not prepared to put myself in. Like the rest of the somalis, I will not want to see injustice against my own clan, but I will not fight for their supermacy and hegemony. I will not fight for a homeland in Somalia, when they can have all of it as their home if proper statehood and stability returns. I believe Gandhi must do the TFG bidding. Sharif was wrong in his knee-jerk reaction which contributed to the heightining clan polarisation. I believe Gandhi has a unique opportunity to earn eternal greatness. To earn that greatness, he must reject the idea of a homeland for his clan. He must take tough decisions. He must go to Mogadishu and say here I am Mr. president, what should we do in the Jubbas? Sharif is useless, but it is only when we respect order and hierarchy that we can get out of the nomadic egalitarian mindset in our politics. Zack, You cannot advocate for clanism on the basis that others have become clannish. Azania project must give way to a representative regional adminstration accountable to the TFG. Othewise, why were we condemning Somaliland and Puntland? Was it out of envy? Was it out of bitterness?
  8. Barwaaqooy, Inkastoo anigu dadka soomalidu amaanto aan ka shakiyo, hadana i have seen some learned guys who spoke good of him. I only started to wonder if he really is what they say after looking at the length he can go to get a perch or post. Azania came after the TFG bid failed. I don't think anybody can be an Iley but I believe Gandhi can do Ethiopias bidding if he finds it useful in his war against Sharif. I would have thought a full professor would see his rivarly to Sharif and TFG as a mild sibling infighting compared to the lurking threat of Ethiopia's destablisation of Somalia. I don't see that. I can tell you all my clan folks will be celebrating his journey to Addis in the belief that it will clear the last hurdle for the creation of the coveted tribal homeland of Azania. You see, although Xinn thinks I am for Azania, there is nothing I hate more than Azania. Sorry, except Alshabab. I don't like Gandhi because the message I hear from Tolka is that he is a champion of the tolka cause. If one can't transcend tolka aspirations, what is the point of calling him a professor? Gandhi must talk to the TFG, talk to UDUB land and other clan entities in Jubboyinka, use the external support he is getting to assist the TFG project of reclaiming statehood. He should embrace the bigger national interest. If he can't do that, he is another Barre Hiiraale. A darker one and with degrees, but nonetheless a Hiiraale. Xinn, I aplogize. It was an oversight on my part. I thought you are talking about Somalia. I am not you, I am very much fallible.
  9. Barwaaqooy, This Professor is not an engima, he is an ego personified. He thought about Azania after falling out with Sharif and losing his post in the TFG. He was supported by powerful clan men in Kenyan government. His objectives also coincided with Kenya's interest and he was taken on board. Now, Meles thought fast and hard about the situation and predictably thought it will be easier to domesticate Gandhi instead of fighting him. If we know the Tigre well, they will never trust him. He is most vulnerable tonight than he ever was. The best way you can keep the Tigres with you by positioning yourself as antagonistic to them. Many Somalis don't know this. ONLF fights them and they give many concessions to the clan they perceive to be fighting them while other clans cry in Somali region. Now, In Jubbas, they think if they get nice with Azania, they will continue the anarchy in Somalia by using the likes of Gandhi to oppress other clans in the region. They think they found an Iley in Azania in Gandhi. Dadka kale inuu ku tunto oo isagana Shariif'ka iyo TFG'ga loo adeegsado ayey rabaan. And he will gladly accept that. But his rapproachment will not last long largely because the restive nature of his constitency. Most oppose Ethiopia and once he is asked by Ethiopia to arrest those they think are their enemies, the opposition will start. I have always detested this so-called professor, and I think I will be proven right in the end. I hate people who like power, who do anything to get power. He has all the hallmarks of a Yey! I mean Abduillahi Yusuf.
  10. xiinfaniin;755860 wrote: But the fact he played a role however negligible in taking an stable nation to war for such a poor idea is itself a great reflection of his skills and network... Holy s.h.i.t in reeking raft!! My goodness! which stable nation has been taken to war? Burnei? Barbados? Lesotho? Is this guy an Alshabab in disguise? Only the demented islamists think their rule is milk and honey for the people they rule! This man is clearly not the one I thought I was talking to. Xinn is possessed by idiopathic demons of denial and delusion. He needs our prayers and a serious qurbaan.
  11. xiinfaniin;755854 wrote: 1- On TFG, I have not said anything new. It is what I have been telling you all along, but again you have no center, so arguing against puppet arguments is what you naturally excel. 2- As for Alshabaab, the strategy to defeat them will not be based on calling every country who is willing to invade Somalia and fight Alshabaab to come in and do what they think fit. That is madness. Alshabaab call in foreign fighters to come in and support them. What you have been supporting unwittingly is to mimic Alshabaab's own strategy. Only difference being they call individuals, you are calling states and foreign armies just to defeat one single organization. 3- How to defeat alshaab lies in strengthening (gradually) the capacity of TFG, pushing alshabaab out of the capital, and establishing real, effective governance in areas they vacated in xamar. That has been the case, and the TFG was progressing quite rapidly, there was a positive attention for Somalia, and there was a political track with a reasonable transition time table to hope for. All of that is disrupted, a new army is on Somalia's soil with a zero regard to sovereignty in the name of fighting alshabaab, and you fall for it. This is the contradiction I talk about which literally drives me mad. You disprove some issues with the full weight of words only without elaborating. "This is madness" you say. Who says? The TFG you say we should support thinks it is not madness. Who are you to determine the pace and force they use to fight Alshabab in the Jubbas? The Amisom forces will not liberate the Shabelles in the coming two years, so all this time Kismayo must finance Alshabab terrorism? What stops the TFG from doing all you say it has to do in Mogadishu now? If at all, what is happening to the Alshabab in the Jubba must allow them to move faster on their front! What kind of logic are you presenting here? Just because you write judgemental sentences doesn't mean you have presented sound arguments. I hope you realize that! What stops the political transition plan? Wouldn't the presence of Alshabab in Kismayo and the south parts have been a worse scenario for the implementation of the plan? Who has 100% regard for Somalia's sovergnity? Uganda and Amisom who are pressuring Sheikh Sharif to accept what he doesn't like? Who force popular PMs out? Which sovernigty are you talking about honestly? And why do you inflate Kenya's power to do what it wants in Somalia when all the facts we know is that Kenya is not capable of forcefully doing anything without the consent of those Somalis who are supporting her incursion? War ninyahow aamuskaad ku roonayd. Whenever you talk about the real issues, your reasonings become so shallow.
  12. When in school in Addis Ababa, I used to hear the Axmaro say to those they think are utterly mentally underpriviledged " Go to your mother, a parent never forsakes his son or daughter". You mean there are still people who take General Duke seriously and agree with his 'diagnosis'? As a cousin, you are being very generous to him. Only in the parents house can fools like Duke be given the platform to address people. Xinn, please don't say what you said again. The last paragraph of your post is sound argument. So, you now think the TFG serves the purpose of symbolism and cannot and shouldnot therefore be seen as an effective instrument to bring statehood back? I can't argue against that. I also think that of all the enemies you stated, only one deserves attention for now: Alshabab. Forget about the secessionist, you and me know they are in dreamland and will wake up from the artificial reverie soon. Forget about Azania and the ego-maniac Gandhi that leads him. Let us destroy Alshabab and move to the next task. Do we agree on that? Or is the fate of the Caanoole muckascar also something we should worry about?
  13. There is little absolving alibi a changeling pirate (not a real one, but from Qardho)-aspiring to be accepted in the infamous kingdom of sea robbers, can bring into this discourse on behalf of Xinnfanin. :D Hobnobbing with Faroole's kin and kith for strange ends doesn't always pay. Ask the SSC who tried it before only to be left in the cold.
  14. It is working and it is clear you are slowly distancing yourself from the antics of the evolving sheikh. All we need was for you to see what everybody else have been seeing in the Sharif. That he is not a real material for leadership. A story is told of a man who stole ropes from a nomadic community and after asked whether the community has moved for better pasture, quipped "walee reer aan ogaa ma guuro". Walee Dawlad Shariif hogaamin baan guul keenin. As you correctly diagnoised, the man is magudbe. He is like the cat in the Eveready dry cells which is permanently detained in the belly of Number 9. The other evidence that it is working is the fact that you are recently doing a Jacaylbaro on us by posting several threads, some from antiwar even. You are nervous and it shows. Your contradictions have been put under nomadic scruitny and your supposedly indestructible poise is crumbling. I welcome and agree we too are not enemies. In fact, I enjoy debating you even when it is tiring. But can you please tell us if you support the TFG still and if you think the Somali people should sleep deeply with the knowledge the Sharif will deliver? SayidSomal, Is all the payback I get for defending Ras Casayr an under-handed attack, excuted on behalf of Xinnfanin? Have rer Qardho become so conditioned to Pirate bullying that they cannot stand up and confront glaring inconsistencies?
  15. looooooooooooool@magudbe. :D Which world is Sheikh evolution talking about? Which aid is enough and came at the right time? I am glad Xinn is finally seeing the futility of riding the caravan of a fool.
  16. Ngonge, Just because I didn't come back and confront you doesn't mean I don't know what you did with the last PM I sent you! About Xinn, for him, it is about who is right and who is proven wrong; who is seen as most consistent by SOL folks; About cyber vanity; about Mucaskar Caanoole; about high-minded principles that the somali people sadly can't eat, shelter or wear today. The Alshabab atrocities, the mayhem, the hunger, the economic strangulation are not the real and present concerns, they are all secondary matters that can follow the realisation of his fake puritan political philosophy. After sitting on the receiving end of four years of obfuscatory narrations and circular arguments from Xinnfanin, we now sadly have come to the conclusion that this man's purpose in life and task in SOL is to oppose everything without offering alternatives. Is that a distinction that can earn him the 'intellectual' mantle he so badly craves? He has to get rid of overly relying on borrowed poems and quotations to get to where he aspires to reach. For now, his over-reliance on secondary material indicates a creative and critical thinking that is still at its infancy.
  17. Che, The Gurey one is official. Iley is yet to be officially fired, but it will happen soon. Iley's close advisors are now peddling a lie that he is not fired but he is resigning. Who cares? 'Alshashum zor allu" he did not run away, he fastly turned the corner they say in Ethiopia. Wa is la halkii. I wonder where the id.io.t will live now? I expect the Tigres will give him something in Addis, but then a friend of mine was now asking me containerkii Gaddafi la dhex dighay oo kale xageeynu ka helaa?" :D
  18. Addis Ababa has been the Mecca for somali politicians for sometime. Gandhi cares only about perch and power and will swallow whatever the Ethiopian asked of him, if that means he will get his dream of Azania. My loathing for the man is only doubled now. But I still believe he is a better alternative than Alshabab or a rivarly between Kenya and Ethiopia in the Jubbas - Something that can derail success against Alshabab. Once Alshabab is defeated, I support Sheikh Sharif's plan of usig Amsion troops to adminster the Jubbas. Otherwise, with this crazy professor at the helm, clan warfare will ensue.
  19. Xinnfanin is still busy with character analysis, something that won't answer the fundamental question he is asked. How does he hold all those contradictory beliefs in one single head at one given time? The question is if he opposes the process that brought TFG to life (creating governments in foreign lands), if he opposes most of the actions of the TFG, If he opposes its policies, can he actually say he is supporter of the TFG? Granted he can say he is a fan of Sheikh Sharif; for what, the big Gods can only tell. Now, to Xinn and his other bizarre victim-playing. In the course of this debate, Xinn has been asked a simple question without calling him names. He responded by questioning my intellectual depth (whatever that is supposed to be), said I am a fool (maybe by atavistic association), and pretended he is wronged (saying I made a gaffe). It is only too clear who was throwing out labels with reckless ease. Xinn is like the whip farmers use to scare off birds from their harvest-ready produce. It makes the sound, but it cries with pain. For a man who boasts of intellectual profundity, abundance of ideas, and unparalleled problem-solving skills, he is yet to offer any substantive ideas to solve Somalia's current problems. I mean million homilies of what ought to happen and who ought to do won't help the poor people whose limbs and legs are cut off daily by medievial terrorists. Does he mistake whimper for policy recommendations? Does he think complicating simple matters is a measure of one's robust thinking? Does he wrongly think dogmatic intransigence and cognitive stagnation are synonymous with 'Princpledness' and 'steadfastness'? Dear Xinn, yes, you have opposed foreign interventions in the past. Amisom being the exception, although you seem to mind military meddling and not political interferance as is openly observed in Puntland, Somaliland and TFG. Yes you have said only Somali can solve the Somali problem, a claim all available evidences do not support. But has that lessened the misery for Somalia's suffering people? Sitting in America and sipping hot cappuccino, perhaps time is not of a big essence for you and you can wait for all your utopian ideals to become real. Dreaming is the luxury nature has afforded us and you can do that. The problem is the suffering in Somalia is real and need real soultions. Malika - my interest in Somalia: the long term vision: to see a stable, secular, democratic, vibrant and prosperous Somalia. The short term: to see the end of Islamist mayhem. I don't think you disagree with this.
  20. ^Ya tahay? Casaan mise madoow? Cir mise dhul? Cad mise caad? Lizard or chameleon? Waan wareernay, Dr. Bal noo jilci oo who are you? Mise sidii Qaasim bay malaaigaha naartiyo janadu kugu murantaa, of course in your case TFG iyo Mucaskar Caanoolee kugu murmaaan?
  21. We value and recognize your intellectual depth dear Xinn. All the citations and poems stand testamount to it. We just couldn't figure out how you can be supporting an entity whose actions and policies you oppose! Do us - the intellectual midgets- a favour. Please talk in a language we can understand and tell us who you are and where you stand? Or is it a hopless mission to make us get the pith of the sophesticated political stances you espouse? Answers please, not patronising evations!
  22. Why? Showqi Abtigiis waxaas aad meesha ku soo qortay waxay u egyihiin maahmaahdii soomaaliyeed ee odhanaysay "Xaraanta ma cunno ee fuudkeedanu cabnaa" Shawqi seems to have got the identity of the horseman. Are you saying the man is ESHU, the God of confusion and treachery? With one side black and the other white, like a hot Machiato?
  23. Mind you, he supports the TFG and its seemingly avuncular President. But he opposes governments formed in foreign lands. The TFG is not formed inside Somalia. He opposes Kenyan incursion, which the TFG endorses. He opposes Amisiom atrocities, which the TFG refuses to blame Amisom for. He enthusiastically sings for Mahiga’s road map, something which the TFG doesn’t seem to embrace with the same fervor. He opposes Somaliland, Galmudug, Ras Casayr, Azania and tribal enclaves. But he supports Puntland. The question remains if Xinnfanin doesn’t agree with all that the TFG is doing, how can he claim he is supporting it? What is he supporting? What is the entity called TFG without its policies? How can you support an entity whose policies and actions you vehemently oppose? Can those who understand what Xinn stands for please tell us what it is that he stands for? I couldn’t figure out his identity by myself. He says Abtigiis is a man of many words but with few ideas. I personally never mistake words for ideas. But let us agree with him for now for the sake of this argument. If he agrees Alshabab is the biggest enemy of Somalia, which he says he agrees, what is the practical way of dealing with them today? Empty and untested talk of ‘Alshabab can only be defeated by Somalis’? Shall we hear from your wisdom and self-confessed rivers of ideas please Ya Xinn? What do you propose as a way out? SOL sermons? Azania bashing? Simulating nationalism? Mahiga? Faroole?
  24. d/p Admin please delete this thread.
  25. After firing two of my brothers (elder one and younger one) from their jobs and from Jigjiga [they now both work in Addis Ababa one for the UN and the other for an NGO} becaue] I am opposing the government, this moron Gurey who used to spend half of his time sitting in my house in jigjiga as a sort of friend of my younger brother, called me several times after becoming Minister of Trade of Ethiopia. He said he would talk to Iley and leave the boys alone if I could call Iley and say I am not opposing the ethiopian regime. Apparently, being from the same sub-clan with me, this would have made him score some points with the regime as someone who is weakening ONLF sympatizers. Even forced father to come to cakaaranews and force him to call me to come back home, but then he totally misunderstands the resolve on this side. Told him to hang both of the brothers he is talking about if he wants. I have no problem dying in exile. This useless id.io.ts should know. At a personal level, their leaving will ease some problem for my family.