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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Don't blame them. No international experience and they are playing in a terrible climate. Only if you knew how tough it is to walk in Addis let alone play football for 90 minutes for lowlanders. Anyway, I thought he could be bad. 3-0 is ok. They should keep it there. Even big teams lose by that margin on any given day.
  2. I was fearing the last 30 minutes will be the toughest. They are probably getting tired. It could get worse. Fitness is the issue.
  3. 60 minutes gone and still 1-0. Commendable, but they need to score one to qualify. Great. Nuune, how is the Somali team performing. I am at work and couldn't watch.
  4. By the way, I was absent from the forum for nearly 6 month this year and never thought I could be a candidate (for a serious race or one for fun). But then I want to ask Juxa something. Are you serious I offend people? Who? Truth be told, I get abused more than anyone and could win the race for the most victimized soler. Sometimes we are just labelled and they stick. Juxa was on my case a month or so ago, and if at all I should feel aggreived by her. I delink my real persona from the cyber one and therefore take abuses and criticisms hurles at Abtigiis as something that he deserves on account of his actions and utterances in the forum. Never do I extend them to the real man, an therefore that helps in coping with the attacks. I still want to ask Juxa who do I offeneded? Especially this year? Sure I say what I want, about life, woman, politics. Some agree with it, some don't, some intolerant ones rant. What is my mistake? Expressing what I want to say, sometime for real, other times for jest? I have to strongly disagree with Juxa's charactersiation.
  5. In "Of grammatology", jacques Derida says that a text is not a text unless it hides from the first comer, the laws of its composition and the rules of its games. Xinnfanin's political philosophy and pronouncements do not hide even from tentative passerbyers, and are therefore blatantly a fraud non-text. Its conclusions are the same as its premises, for it all revolves around the familiar notion of the clan. We hear you Xinn, we just don't understand you! As Ngonge noted, we are all confused.
  6. Ok, after carefully looking at the list, I voted GoldCoast. There is no way Nuune could lead that pack. No way, I say. MMA is a pleasant character but a bit too politically correct and avoids confrontations even when it is clear he should engage in some. I was hoping we do this Nomad of the Year thing for people who join in that given year. In that case, Bootylicious or Knight of Wisdom would have been the right candidates. If we are looking at all people, the indisputable Nomad of all times is Ngonge, truth be told. He is educating, entertaining and all. Xinnfanin lost his muse recently but is an excellent nomad too. Prometheus, the more learned person in this forum should also get some special award. Malika, Cara lead the women's pack. I like fairness, and I say it as I see it whatever tenous chords snap. If this nominations are going to be a jok,e, you may well have nominated Faarax-Brawn for the best political analyst of SOL, along wth Rudy Diiriye. :D Or Axmed-Ina-Jaad for the best discipline in SOL forum!
  7. NGONGE;758612 wrote: Xiin, saaxiibo have you not noticed how confused everyone that argues with you is? Talo maxa nago wada dhacay ninyaho? looooooooooooooooooooooool! :D In the name of Xinn, the mist, the journey! lol! hayayabaa sidaa weeyee!
  8. By the powers vested by the statues of SOL, LST has appointed me as the undisputed chairman of the Independent Election Comission of SOL. This circular issued today the 13th of November, 2011 will take effect as soon as it is posted on a SOL thread, and a copy of it sent to the supreme gurdian LST by PM. 1) Whereas it is in the interest of forum members to establish credible "Nomad of the Year" Nominations that serve the purpose of stimulating SOLERs to actively partake and share their knowledge and ideas in the future, 2) Whereas it has become to the attention that this process is iniated without enough consultations with the grassroots 3) Whereas it is clear this is a stolen election even before it started, 4)Whereas we noted with sadness that no criteria for selection was stated before names were posted here 5) Recognising that potential winners must get their prize on the basis of the quality of their contributions, and not on perceived good cyber persona and on the benefit of incumbency 6) Noting that such worthy candidates as Bluelicious, Oba hiloowlow,Knight of wisdom, and the one and the only Xaji Xundjuf are exlcuded, The Independent Election Commision, hereafter called the Commission, annuals this candidature and calls for an immediate investigation into who and how it started. If as alleged it turnes out that some candidates have bribed the poster so that he comes up with this list, the law will take its course and these candidates will not only be disqualified, they will face harsher punsihments. Pending this investigation, the commission has decided it will prejudice the outcome of any investigation if the main suspect is allowed to continue to post anything. Therefore, we announce that Nuune is banned from posting anything until the results of the investigations are made public. Azania Akbar!! In the name of Xinnfanin, the mist, the journey :D
  9. I have always like Abdiqasim despite somalis smear campaign against him. He is a good man and he is saying this for the good of the country. I see in this forum some (general duke) who malign the names of any sensible somali intellectual. Is it envy or stu.pi.dity, I don't know. But if we do not respect our learned people, are we content with perpetuating anarchy and disorder? Professor Samatar's, Ali K. Galaydh, Abdiqasim are all good breed of somali intellectuals. I see kids sitting here saying the professors only wail and talk. Well, that is all they can do, and telling the right words is a measure of doing something good. After all, they can't jump onto a tank and fight Alshabab, nor does the environment in somalia allow them to come down and do politcial campaigns locally. Kuwa dadka ku eedeeya dhib unbuu sheegayaaye muu xal sheego are simpletons. These intellectuals always offer recommndations. But no one is listening to it. Does that mean they should stop making their point and all go home? NO! I don't support the kenyan invasion. I support the annihilation of Alshabab. Give me that by all means.
  10. Ku sinaan dharaartii La sargooyey Somaliyee Siyaadkii la tuuree Moryaan sare na saaqdee USC siloon iyo Caydiid Suudi meeriyo Lagu safay sawaabee Suuqda meel la boobiyo Sabo laga hayaamiyo Laga dhigay seero boodh badan Dabadeed la sahanshee Qofba meel la siiyee Sildhigeeda qaybaha Ciddi uma sinaynoo Dalku Puntland sastayoo Faroole’na soortoo Sidko dhalay ku haystoo Helay seer-mawaydiyo Azania silicdayiyo Laba kala sad roonbaa Subax noolba joogee Waan soo socdaa kow dhe Kenya way ila socotaa laba dhe Samir yeelo waligaa Xinnoow ha fududaan Inaad Amisom soortiyo Faragalin diid kala saar Kalagaro sir iyo caad In san weyntu waligeed Kalatahay Uganda iyo Kenya Shariif Amisom sawaabtoo Sanka loo dalooshaad U sidaa maqaarkee Ha u gaabin seetada Samir yeelo waligaa Xinoow ha fududaan
  11. At the end of the day, if God decides to put me in hell, he will have to be an extremely petulant creator who is also pedantic. I don't drink Alchol, I don't practice adultery, I raise my kids with all the love I muster, I am good to my parents, I am honest to my friends, I respect others, I earn my money with my sweat. So, what is he going to put me in hell for? For listening to music, for shaking the hands of women, for lambasting mullah who make business in the name of religion, for refusing to be dogmatic about who is good and bad (based on myopic faith parameter only), for liking fun and happines? Ayoub, no one is going to be intimated with your thinly-veiled edict. The word you talk about is interpreted differently by many. Your word might be different than my reading of the word. So, stop the bullying.
  12. Dear Sharma-arke, If there is anything I respect in this world, it is people's personal choice. I respect that to the extent some say I encourage moral anarchy. That doesn't mean I do whatever I like. Personal choices are conditioned by our upbringing and our current environment. I also respect and practice all the social norms that we Somalis value, except charlantry and double-talk. However, I refuse to judge others, and I found others who find fault with that. But Polygamy is the few things which I don't understand. I always think the women who live with it must be upset inside, maybe I am wrong as Ngonge said. But of course, I won't fight polygamous men. I have a very good friend, civlized and educated, who has two wives and after two years of silence, I finally asked him what he thinks of his current situation. He said it is ok, but not ideal. Of course, I can see from his life it is runing him, but then he is religious. Think about the children. Polygamy is not tenable in this modern age. You need to sit with your children and help them with their homework. Take them out for fun. Now, the demands of work is already a big issue even with one wives. Imagine splitting your time between two wives. It is not right. Again, that is according to my feeble mind. Who knows others may understand i better.
  13. NGONGE;758305 wrote: ^^ Can't really compare the two, saaxib. With polygamy there is at least a certain level of consent between all parties. Adultery is just cheating. Cheating is not nice warya. NG, there are only two types of women who accept polygamy (it is better to say who tolerate, or live with it). The uninformed and the unempowered. Any woman with a means to support herself or with education will not accept it. SayidS -ma Alshabab iyo takfiikri ayaad ku biirtay oo baryahan dadkaad gaaleeysaa? Waraa anigu nin muslim ah baan ahay, but I call myself a liberal muslim, if that is acceptable to you. Wadaada wax adadkeeyana waan ka xanaaqaa.
  14. Polygamy and Polyandry are one and the same. I talk to few somali men with two wives and everytime I look at them I feel like what goes in their mind when they are alone! May isla quman yihiin dadkani? Adultery is million times better than polygamy. That doesn't mean adultery is not evil.
  15. GD, They won't miss him. He is a defensive midfielder and they will likely be attacking throughout the match. Anyway, i don't think the Ethiopian players are good, but the altitude is bad. It is like Bolivia playing in La Paz.
  16. Waryaa waxaa iskada oo warn the boys about the altitude please (ciddi gaadhsiin kartaa ha gaadhsiiso). And I suggest the following tactics to deal with this problem: 1) in the first half, they may not feel much of it, but they should not run too much unbeknown to them. They should conserve engery as much as possible. Wasting time, feigning injury, individuals keeping the ball, should do. Also defend in numbers in the first 20 minutes. 2) Use deadballs and corners to attack 3) Second half: bring in three versatile players in defence and midfield. At about 60 hour mark when the team beings to tire. This is my suggestion, and who knows they may have a chance. Even if they lose, it is ok as long as it is not an embarassingly scoreline.
  17. fitness is a big problem of the somalia team. with this physical shape, God help them In Addis but I believe they will be routed. Good result today though. A team without a country drawing with professional players is comendable.
  18. ethiopia scored a 3rd offside goal. 0-0 still.
  19. red card ethiopia. but somalis creating scense foolishly.
  20. I am now watching it. Somali team is not playing as a team. As usual, everyone is trying to dribble until he tires. Ethiopians look more cohesive, but I am impressed with the efforts of our boys. Somali team predictable also making too much reckless fouls in dangerous places. The game is on S-24. shame on you Nune.
  21. greayt! All they need is to defend this for now and score another one in the second half. That will kill Ethiopia who will struggle to score many goals in Addis. Universal Tv just said they are going to broadcast LIVE the second half.
  22. Passerby, yaamasilaa, Meles iyaa masala aydhel? Yilqun polatika la gizew tawinaa, yiheen video iski tamalkat. He has messed up Firew Hailu's 1970s "Eshururu", which itself was vulgar in no small matter, but this guy has taken it to new heights. :D http://www.ethiopianreview.com/articles/36323 License, Tax and VAT None concerns you Yours is a blessed bakery We the sheep of Abraham, Are always there for you A broke like me fills the airtime for you, The engineer pays for your school And sugar dady buys the car :D looooooooool! Firew's much maligned original lines were, She painted her titis and lips Slept on the bed, and refused to wake up! Sima, you may not like Elias Kifle but his site has got real jokes. By the way, why does Meles prosecute a blogger who lives across the ocean on terrorism charges? bukaataam malaataa!
  23. That is your argument, but then I phrase your like this: 1) Faroole can take orders from Addis, but Gandhi can't do that with Kenya 2) Federalism for one clan is fine, it is destruction of the country when others do I serioulsy fail to see what your real motivations are. Maybe I am reading more into your nationalist posturing than I should? Adeer, read this and tell me why you think your judgement is better than that of those who live in the Jubbas? You didn't answer some of the questions I asked in the other thread! Quite noticeable in Xinfannin’s legalistic political dialect in disagreeing with what the people of Jubba think is in their best interest is a creeping trait of overweening conduct which comes with exaggerated sense of cleverness against a clear proof of his tempering intellect that is at display constantly in this forum. Both his flagrant disregard of home opinion and his abusive response when confronted with his contradictions smack of a Teutonic giant in theoretical Somalinimo but one whose fear of rival-clan hegemony makes him a cringing midget with no national standpoint to defend.His declaration that I should learn from him, when he is basically imbibing the sound homilies I hear in every Friday prayer and not any actionable policy recommendation, suggests a convoluted sense of own intellect by a man who lacks it, indeed who needs it so bad. What is the point of talking about the legality or otherwise of one foreign force or the other, in a political edifice which is itself made by and maintained by foreigners. Because principles and ordinary national state dignity do not apply in Somalia’s case, what should define the soundness of any intervention should only be the goodness or badness of the expected outcome of such interventions. The punch-line is that all the miasmic legalistic talk about what members of Parliament (itself not trusted nor elected by Somali people) endorsed or not endorsed is irrelevant. Do these so-called MPs also represent the wishes of the Somali people when they split into two and table and counter-table motion-hunguri on a daily basis? If we take a cue from Mrs Malaprop in the “The Rivals” by Richard Brinsley Sheridan , Xinnfanin actually could be read as Xiin (sound) and Finiin (shrapnel), signifying a by-product of a blast and the frightening sound that accompanies it. He may wish macabre sound and Shrapnel for the Jubbas, something he doesn't want for Puntland. Today, all his illogical Azania-bashing antics are vain props which at worse invite Zack’s sharp rebuke or a hoarse laughter of contempt. Here in SOL forum we laugh at Xinnfanin’s attempted grandeur simply because he exercises no real power to stop the Azanians from getting their wish. With real power in his hands or his alter ego Sheikh Sharif’s palms, such laughter will, tomorrow, invite a bullet in somebody’s formidable skull. Here is a country battling merciless pseudo-religious goons, a people living in hell. And instead of welcoming the demise of the arch-enemy, Xinnfanin wades into perfectionist controversy which is not worth Shariff’s cheap koofiyad. Xinnfanin must embrace realism and jettison fantasy. This fight is between everyone else and Alshabab. He should pick his side. He cannot love the liver and the white meat at the same time, as Somalis are wont to say.
  24. At best, that is your speculation. I would take the word of the man himself over your speculation. He is saying he is himself. But then, isn't what Faroole should do with TFG dictated from Addis? I am not saying this makes the kenyan dictation right though.