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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. If at all he deserves redicule and verbal lynching. If he hasn't supported Yey, good for him. In hindsight, we now feel we may have been wrong about that too. So, there is nothing that shows his opposition then was based on good judgement. The same way his current opposition could also be based on ego, and to earn the title of 'the most consistent man in SOL'. We don't begrude him of that title. We happily grant him. But all consistencies are not a merit. Hassan Dahir Aweys is consistent too. The think is I am shocked Xinn is playing fear-mongering saying if Alshabab are defeated the next scenario is foriegn-controlled "Statelets". This is outrageous. Don't we already have such "Statelets"? What is "Puntland"? What is "Somaliland"? What is Galmudug"? What is "Ahlu-Sunna Wal jamaaca?" Creations of the TFG? How can Xinn present a predictament we are already in as a potential scenario? Oodweyne suggested a good thing. Xinn's horizon is two scenarios: "foriegn controlled statelets" and "Alshabab resurgence". I believe the first scenario (which is a misnomer because it is actually a reality we live in) is my choice. Provided that these foreign-controlled statelets have a semblance of peace and order like Puntland and Somaliland. And then the next step will be how to bring these togather. Alshabab are also foreign-controlled. So, the choice is not between a foreign-based entities against native forces. This is a false choice. If Xinn believes the UN and the US will not take the side of the Somalis if Alshabab goes out of the picture, then he may well settle for tiny republics in SOmalia, for there is no other force that can help Somalia, including somalis themselves. Bal Alshabab'kan somali lagu shaambadeyey aan aka taqalusno, deedna aan eegno inaan aduunka ku qancin karo inay wax inala qabtaan, ileen inagu mana heshiin karo, waxna maqabsan karnee.
  2. xiinfaniin;760922 wrote: ^^Not a bad call. I am on my heels as I race to exit the building and head home for a long, Thanksgiving weekend. So let me brief: Two scenarios I can foresee: 1- Foreign armies succeed in driving alshabaab out of current strongholds and erect friendly statelets or militias 2- Foreign armies get bogged down and fail, resorting to find a face saving exit, leaving behind a much emboldened alshabaab In my opinion both scenarios will leave behind a more polarized, divided, Somalia with perhaps no TFG to symbolize a cohesive political framework. And this is why I am so passionately opposed the new intervention. And with that I yield the floor to my good friend Prof Abtigis, waa inoo Isniinta haddii alle idmo ya jamacah And where does the UN and Mahiga came into this scenarios? Can Xinn elaborate. I thought all along he was saying the TFG is a cohesive political framework. And whose framework it is? What can spare scenario 1 if that is what the founders and funders of the TFG is what they want? Xin's opposition to foeign armies doesn't mean much. They are already in, and with the blessing of the TFG. So, is he saying the choice is between scenario 1 and 2? I take scenario 1. Period. We already have "friendly statelets" in the form of Somaliland and Puntland.We will cure the disease and contamination brought by the new "statelets" the same way we cure the Somailand and Puntland ones. Maanta miyeyna Ethiopia far ugu yeedhin Puntland iyo Somaliland? Markaa ma maamulo dheeraad ah oo abuurma ayaa dhib hor le oo aan ina haysan hadda soo kordhin doona? Personally, I don't support new regional states; i don't like federalism. But I will take anything but Alshabab. People wake up and go to bed in peace in the Ethiopian "bantustans" of Puntland and Somalia. They fare better than the areas Alshabab control. As to the grand idea of bringing th central State of somalia back, it is a different discussion, which will not be served by either of the Scenarios Xinn is giving. But I think the two scenarios are false. The TFG cannot beat Alshabab without external help. And I (if not Xinn) know that the UN will not be working to support a strong somali national army to do the job of fighting Alshabab. The solution is to take scenario 1, and try to move from there without suffering the reflexive charge of "a terrorist" country. It is easy to deal with Kenya and Amisom. The big issue is Ethiopia, but one step at a time. If we have to launch a genuine Somalai Re-liberation Front (with no religious objectives), so be it. But we cannot allow Alshabab to control the country and kill the nation. We can talk sense to warlords, bribe them, but we can not deal with people who think they are doing God's bidding. Xinnoow Farooole is accountable to Addis Abab more than Sheikh Sharif. Iska daa dalwad-goboleedyo hor leh oo dhalannayee, first Puntland Ethiopia ka soo jar oo talada soomalida ogolaysii. If Meles tells Faroole to stop cooperating with Shiekh Sharif, he will do. So, maxaad scenario hada aan ku jiro oo na haysata uga dhigaysaa wax soo socda oo dadka ugu cabsiinaysaa?
  3. We know what is at stake perhaps more than you. We are closer to the center of the theatre than you, and we certainly can analyze things the way you do. We also are in many ways insiders to what is going on, by virtue of the cursed work we do for a living. So, none of what you are saying are new. We know all of this, but anything but Alshabab, I say. I prefer warlords to Alshabab. Ending Alshabab is not the end, it is a phase. Whatelse do you have to tell? For you, Ethiopian modus operandi in Somalia is a matter of analysis and adding one to two; for us we know it from the horse's mouth wh
  4. Yahya, Thanks brother. To say you write like an Ethiopia would have been a huge insult But I went there and the scars are still with me. If I went to a better place, I wouldn't have been restricted to SOL and arguments with Oodweyne. Xinnfanin,, For you to call a victim of Meles like me an ethio-lover is a not only insensitive, it is deeply offensive. Adeer, I have lost many family members to Meles and I am certainly not exposed to "Stockholm Syndrome" - a rare psychological phenomena where victims start to love their victimizers. I still hate him with passion. But I believe the biggest menace to Somalia more than Meles is Alshabab. Meles wants Alshabab and my only worry is he may have gone to Somalia to disrupt the ongoing operations against the terrorists. He is already rallying warlords for his cause,including Mohamed Dheere and it is not something I like.
  5. Oodweyne;760849 wrote: :D Dear Mr. Abtigiis , But, still you could argue that, time like this, and Somalia in her presence condition, she can’t be “dignified chooser” of her fate. Consequently, even, known poison (which is what this invasion may turn out to be, at the end of the day) is to be prefer to the “slow asphyxiation” in which Somalia is heading towards. Particularly, if matters are to be left as they are. And, therefore, the likes of Al-Shabaab of this world are left undisturbed from their merciless grip that they have at the moment, on the tender wind-pipes of Somalia. But this is my argument. Somalia can't be a "dignified chooser". Thanks for the term. But can you sell that to Xinnfanin. They say, in Amharic, "It is hard to wake up a man who is feining sleep"
  6. looooooool! What a discovery!! The Director of Teddy's hit song "Yasteserial" which is strongly believed to have led to his arrest (the actual charges were he hit a pedesterian and run away) is one TEMESGEN YALEW. I just read the name. He was my former roomate in Addis Ababa university for 4 years. A pleasant character with unparalled sense of humor. He was carefree too, we had a lot in common. In fact, on the night of graduation, him and three others looked for me in the town, dragged me out of where I was, and forced me to spend the whole night in a nigh-club in Arat Kilo. What a memory.
  7. :D Xaaji, you are a good chap. But you are not really known in SOL circles for your competence in political matters. Just because you coined some catchy slogans like "Way Duushay" doesn't mean you are qualified to throw yourself into serious political discussions.
  8. Sayid, the reason I see Xinnfanin everywhere and attack him is because he is the sharpest of all pseudo-nationalists. And there is a danger others may give his raw lines the benefit of the doubt, not because they are convinced, but because they are simply confused. Also, picture this: you go to watch a music concert, but do not know much about songs. As one singer comes to the stage and one side of the hall predictably starts to sing with him, you try to follow suit and move your neck sideways while lifting your feet up and down. Suddenly, you notice the guy next to you who is deeply immersed in the playing song has a weird hair, sports a funny beard, has tatoos on his biceps and is wearing an erring. Are you not supposed to get supicious about the lyrics of the song? Are you not supposed to look around and check if you are in the right concert with the right company? Why can't Xinn check his side and notice who is singing with him on this show? Alpha - Thanks.
  9. NGONGE;760784 wrote: ^^ Have you not worked out Xiin's table of priorities, warya? It goes something like this: 1- The restoration of the Somali State as long as all the below conditions are met: a) No Somaliland b) No Foreign Troops c) A PL President or at least PM for the TFG d) Federalism 2- The restoration of the Somali State as long as some of the below conditions are met: a) NO Somaliland b) Yes to Foreign Troops as long as they’re not Ethiopian or Kenyan c) A PL President or at least PM for the TFG 3- The restoration of the Somali State as long as a few of the below conditions are met: a) No Somaliland b) Yes to Foreign Troops (including Ethiopian & Kenyan) as long as they go nowhere near Kismaayo c) A PL President or at least PM for the TFG 4- The restoration of the Somali State as long as a couple of the below conditions are met: a) No Somaliland b) If SL is recognised so should PL c) A PL President or at least PM for the TFG :D Ngonge, ninkan anigu waan ku wareeray walaahi. Sometimes, waxaan is idhaa malaha dhab kama aha waxanoo isyeelyeel ah ee dadka inuu ka hadliyuu rabaa. You forgot to include "no Azania" as one of his priorities.
  10. Forget about Xinnfanin’s obsession with Azania. An obsession that has reduced him to a dejected malcontent, castigating God and man for the ills of Somalia, without offering any concrete and realistic ideas on how to get out of this quagmire. I want to talk about Oodweyne in this installment, but one cannot analyze the current political developments in Somalia without debunking Xinn’s homilies about sovereignty and the dangers of the presence of foreign armies. Mind you, the notions of national sovereignty and presence of foreign armies in Somalia are irrelevant at this stage, for both principles are breached long time ago. So, if Xinn's protestations aren’t analogues to the false claims of a menopause hooker that one of her clients had deflowered her and she is losing blood as the result, I don’t know what is! The President of the Republic and all government institutions are protected by foreign troops. The Ethiopians freely operate in Galguduud and Hiiraan, and don’t even need to notify the TFG about what they are doing there. Sheikh Sharif can’t utter one word. Foreign planes bomb whichever village they fancy and the TFG hears this on the news just like you and me, in some case, after we heard it. That Ethiopia is an enemy and has other interests is not news too. That the UN will not create a national Somali army (which would have been the best way of addressing the issue) cannot be gainsaid. That the only time this agenda of rebuilding the Somali national army can be promoted and marketed is after the threat (or excuse for the UN, US and others) of Alshabab disappears is clear to all. So, why is Xinn putting the cart before the horse and talking about issues that he knows no one will implement in the foreseeable future? Or is subverting the Azania agenda more important than the rebuilding of Somalia, especially now that his accusations that Azania is a rival to the TFG is discounted. I digressed. The subject is Oodweyne but the soup I served Xinn can also be given to him. What is unique about Oodweyne is that he doesn’t even believe in the restoration of the Somali State. He opposes it, because he thinks it is a direct threat to the myopic ambitions of Somaliland. So, why is he bothered by what is happening in the South? Clearly, he used to relish the mayhem in the South, a mayhem that made him and his kins look refined and more humane by way of macabre comparison. Now that advantage is being revoked with the possibility of reviving a stable Somalia from the South, frantic meddling and secondhand nationalistic posturing starts. And why is Oodweyne more concerned about the effect rather than the cause of the current proceedings in Somalia? Why is he worried about infringements on Somalia’s sovereignty, something he has defiled long time ago by flying a red-white-green colour of a clan? Something he has sacrificed for the triumph of the tribe? Who in SOL doesn’t know Oodweyne is the sharpest mouth of all secessionists who have put loyalty to their ancestry before the national interest? Isn’t this a case of the proverbial man who pitied the plumage (feathers) of the bird, while forgetting the bird dying next to him, gasping for thin air as blood gushes out of her mouth? Why care about the plumage (foreign troops) when the bird (Somalia) is dying? And particularly when you are the one who threw the first stone that hit the bird? How can the clearest of all opposite binaries, XInnfanin and Oodweyne, sing from the same podium on this matter? How come Xinn is not alarmed by this? If this doesn't raise his supicions and comple him to do some real soul-searching about his current stance, nothing will.
  11. looooool! simaa yane fiqir tamalkataa, inqilf yelgn qanim maataa. Literal translation! :D Meseehanayaa (is supposed to be i don't sleep) I have always wondered whose traditional dance Ethiopian actors dance. It can be anyone's but not that of Somalis. On the issue, I am a man wandering outside his home country as an exile, and cannot go and see his loved ones. I am a man who lost first uncles and aunts to the terror campaigns of Meles. I can't dance for Meles nor for Ethiopia. Let us talk sense. But I cannot torpedo anything that can bring a better day for Somalia, simply by looking at it from the vantage point of what it will mean for me or Somaligalbeed. I know Meles's rush to Somalia this time may ironically be to save Alshabab. He needs Alshabab, but if his fake marches into Hiiraan aand the central regions can set fear in the hearts of the terrorists and can weaken them, fine. The easier way to fight Ethiopian menace for somalis would have been to support the ongoing war of liberation in Somaligalbeed, but Faroole and others have chosen to kowtow to Zenawi. So, no, we cannot listen to the progeny of Faroole to tell us that they see Ethiopia as Somalia's historical enemy. Xaaji, Addis Ababans say: Ja Yastaserial (God forgives) Meles Yasraal (Meles arrests) It rhymes! :D
  12. I thought they had a state SSC, now have they regressed the whole thing to a political party? And what happened to all the bizarre names like Khusuusi and what not? Let us bet on this thing called party. I say they will break into two factions this coming Friday, the 25th of November. Who says, no they won't; they will break up next Wednesday? When I go to Easligh, my favourite tea place is a HOTEL SSC and I always see fun. The SSC guys basically come happily chatting, sit on the corner and after ten minutes, you see glasses flying, punches exchanged, blood spilling from one's upper lip, and you wonder what devil came between them. Only to learn that they argued whether to have a tea with milk or dark tea (bigays). Shaah caddays ah ama biggeys ah ma cabnaaba ilka la iska daadin. Adeer, what compassion is for Isreal, tolerance is for SSC folks. Still my favourite group. So, quintessentually Somali, hot-blooded and generous.
  13. Dear Oodweyne, I resent your gate-crushing into matters that are not of your business, ceteris paribus, meaning provided your erection for a phoney state called Somaliland hasn't subsided yet. No one is saying what is happening is ideal, but i expect you to know about the "Theory of Second Best" if you have ever came across the teachings of the dismal science we call "Economics". That is what we are talking about. For you, the UN is a threat for it will undermine all that you have dreamed in the sands of Haji Saalax and oodweyne. So, it is understandable why you have to act nervously like a spinister visited by a suitor for final appraisal and is shaking out of sheer fear of being judged unfit for matrimonial selection.
  14. I agree Ethiopia contributed to the rise of Alshabab, or may have contributed to them coming much earlier they would have done in any case. I think even without Ethiopian invasion, the ICU would have engaged in infighting given the glaringly difference on many issues between its different groups. But I don't agree with this writers assessment that Alshabab can engage in gurriella warafare. They haven't done before, they are unlikely to do it now. They don't have the support of the locals, and without this, they can't do insurgency. Also, the more areas the government takes, the more more youth the Alshabab will lose.
  15. Dear Oodweyne, If people accuse you that you are a wordsmith who mistakes words for ideas, it is no body’s fault but yours. You have displayed a worrying tendency of presenting soundbites as solid arguments. But even your critics know you are a straightforward nomad who says how he sees it; the Joseph Blatter types whose every utterances are guaranteed to generate some rebuke. Also the type Somalis cover up by saying ‘waa nin qalbi xaadhan ee wuu yar dhacdhacaa”. What is not your trademark is a flagrant charlatanry who takes his viewpoints as established facts. There is no possibility of arriving at any consensus or clear points of departure with such knaves. The supreme guardian of this state of confusion and cul-de-sac is our own Xinnfanin. That is not news. It is a hurt already administered to our cyber body-politic. But long stay with skilled concubines often leads a nubile girl to a grisly deflowering by one of the male clients of the women, justifiably in search of new pasture, new challenges. We are detecting signs of Xinn’s charlantry sneeze in you, caught from his loud coughs of dogmatic intransigence. Also in this discussion, I believe there is no space for you, but you are acting like the village desperadoes who gate-crush into the weddings in neighbourhoods and insist that they will spoil the whole party if they are not allowed to sing for the bride and the groom. I believe you should focus on the predicaments of Somaliland, including the machinations of Faysal Ali Waraabe and the rer-Hawd, who are only few months away from declaring new separate enclave within the enclave.
  16. Oodweyne;760601 wrote: :D All in all; just because WE all desire the end of Al-Shabaab reign of terror in Somalia (and in particularly Jubba region) does not at all mean, Who are "we"? And do the "we" really all desire the end of Alshabab? For what ends? This magnitude you call "we" is not a unitary entity, but a big jungle where all kinds of animals inhabit. You have chamelons, you have snakes, you have rats, you have predators and the prey. And I am sure you recognize that when a menacing lion runs at 'WE', we don't all run into the same direction, nor do we feel the same level of threat. While most of the prey are running for dear life, you can always expect little predators (foxes, haramcad, guduudane) to run side by side with the prey, pretending they are equally looking for a place of hiding, when infact preying on the vulnerable animals in flight. I am sure you do know there are instances where we run with the hares while at the same time hunt with the hounds. And here, my dear village philospher, we have a very clear and present case of such duplicity. Far more useful for Somalia than your crocordile tears and spittle is if you could talk sense into the heads of your feeble kins who want to build a case for secession not on legality but on the basis of the misery in the south. What is important is also that we liberate Somalia from Alshabab, not who rules which region. In any case, Somalia's next rulers whether at the Federal level or at the regions will come from one or the other clan, and if the one from teh Jubbas happens to be from my Tolka, it is a mere footnote, it can be more than that. Especially when we know with the return of law and order, who rules where will depend on the decisions of the masses who will vote in a free and fair elections. So, what you are doing here revives the established Somali maxim "baadida nin baa kula daydaya daala kaa badane, oo aan haddan doonahayn inaad heeshaa daa'in abidkaaye". Much worse than your attempt to hoodwink some people into believing you are greiving for Somalia is your impudence when caught. Instead of breaking your neck in shame and pleading for mercy, you are staring at the eyes of those who caught you pilfering their pockets without any fear, rather tyring to bully them to let you go with some of the loot. This may have worked for the pick-pockets of Hargeisa who victimize my kins in "Doqon-mawaaye", It is not going to wash here in SOL.
  17. War deg deg ah: GoldCoast oo ka baxay tartanka Nomad of the Year PM uu hoos iigu soo diray ayuu GoldCoast ku cadeeyey in uu ka baxay tartankan ka dib markii ay caddaatay in Nuune ku shubtay. GoldCoast oo ay dad badani qabaan inuu ahaa musharaxa ugu haboon musharaxiinta la soo sharaxay (inkastoo baryahan xanuun la yidhaa Xinnfanin-proximity sneeze ku dhacay) ayaa sheegay in guddiga doorashooyinka ee Che hogaaminayo ay u xagliyeen Nuune, oo uu sheegay in Che seedigii yahay. "xageed ku aragtay meel ka la dooran iyo ka doorashada maamulayaa ay seedi isu yihiin, Puntand mooyee?" ayuu yidhi GoldCoast oo u muuqday nin aad u layaaban waxa dhacaya. Khabiir ay waraysatay idaacada tuugoow-mareegaale, oo la yidhaa Abtigiis, ayaa sheegay in musharaxa ugu haboon dadka isa soo sharaxy uu ahaa GoldCoast. " In badan oo naga mid ah maanta ugu horeeysay macagada qaarkood sida positive, cawaale iyo Urban.Markaa magaranayno siday tartanka ku soo galeen. Ma sheegi karno inay meeshan wax ku post gareeyaan intaan hurudno" ayuu yidhi Khabiirku.
  18. Xaaskiisiina waxay ku jirtaa Koomo tan iyo markii naloo sheegay in la xidhay looooooooool! maxay ogtahay tolow oo comma geliyey? Which one by the way? Boqorku mid uun malaha koleeye?
  19. Long overdue arrest! If someone ever lived on falsehood and bahaabahaa, Buur-madow was one! A friend of mine wrote this about him some years back. The Chief of Cheifs: The Man who matters in Somali Politics With the crumble of time-honored traditional systems and state institutions, a new breed of leadership arises from the ashes. From Djibouti to Nairobi, the Somali-inhabited Horn of Africa has become the political grazing land of the blissful-looking His Highness the Chief of Chiefs. The Chief of Chiefs is becoming a household name which is simultaneously revered and dreaded. Politics and political gamesmanship are in his blood and the fates of many Somali political leaders are in the palm of his hand. Charismatic, controversial and loquacious, the Chief of Chiefs is a man to be reckoned with – a man of paramount exploits and of different stamp. Majored in the art of expedience, the Chief of Chiefs is extravagant and enjoys the trappings that come with celebrity-like popularity. With cohorts and fans across the Horn, the Chief of Chiefs is the foremost leader that Somalis would look up to when a matter of peace and death are being dealt with. A self-made chieftain, a cheerleader, a clairvoyant, an emerging star pundit, a statesman of stature, a potentate of note in his realm; the Chief of Chiefs is undisputedly the most influential personality in the tumultuous politics of the beleaguered Horn of Africa region. From Asmara to Kampala, he is too cozy with those in powers who are often smarting from sagging popularity and are paralyzed by incompetence, corruption and dictatorship and with influence-peddling business elites, who mercilessly fleece and molest the less fortunate and are eternally wedded to the power usurpers. Intellectuals with glittering academic credentials are queuing and jostling at his doorstep simply to win his blessings and patronage. He is befitting to his alter ego described as one who “likes to feel that men are bricks to his trowel, to build with them what he likes; and they find a secret zest in being led by him”. Immaculately dressed, engaging and friendly and loved by women; the Chief of Chiefs is a trendsetter of a sort. Persuasive and articulate arguments are his inherent forte. The Chief of Chiefs, an indefatigable genius, who has graduated from the school of a degenerating society, from the womb of an anguished nation, has effectively supplanted the natural traditional leaders, genuine politicians and intelligentsia. He is shrewd enough to grab every opportunity that comes his way. He may not necessarily tune to any melody, but orchestrates remarkable symphonies for others to dance to. He enjoys a flamboyant media presence and is outspoken on every issue. The Chief of Chiefs, an impresario of the highest order, can trigger enormous tremors in many shaky fiefdoms in the neighborhood and has the capacity to pull the rugs beneath sitting feeble presidents and prime ministers. Born and bred in the sparsely populated, reddish, parched grazing lands of the Hawd – a much coveted dreamland for the mighty camels in the Somali peninsula, in a period of roiling instability, he commanded what seemed like a posse of bandits. In his formative years, he was a leader of a brutal clan brigand which took pride in raiding villages and settlements of nearby clans for the purpose of wresting the gorgeous beasts - the camel. His bravado and predatory habits enlisted both the fear and envy of his peers. He always carried a crucial item that no man who matters could do without – a rifle. Fickle and restless, unpredictability was deeply ingrained in his DNA. As a conceited, young rogue cameleer with short-temper and swift hand for brawl, he was always quarrelsome and spoiling for a fight. He was inured to bloodshed from childhood, passionately vindictive and audacious in attack often on trifling issues. Boastful of his lineage and their prowess, he proved a highly dreaded bird of prey. As a glutton of the delectable camel milk, the mainstay of the men of the Hawd, a herd of milk camels were always at hand to quench his insatiable cravings for the nutritious staple. Bending his left leg, he will stand on the right, squeezing the teats with his right hand and squirting a flow of milk from the udder to a vessel in his left hand and at times directly into his mouth, guzzling at the rate of about half a liter a minute. Young and culturally untrained, like many of his generation of cameleers, he migrated first to the city of Hargeisa and then to Mogadishu in his late twenties, with virtually no practical skills to prepare him for the shift to the urban life. Apart from crude masculinity and inherent audacity, he was ill-equipped to weather the dynamics of the rough and tumble of city life. A sinner turned a saint; the city life has altered the Chief of Chiefs in a big way. Within short span of time, he transformed himself from a dreaded cameleer brigand to a respected city suave – an influential powerbroker, a kingmaker, an enterprising magnetic personality with unparalleled political clout and patronizing smile. With no compunction and little contemplation of his past, he continues to conquer and explore the world of immense opportunities with vengeance. He peppers a much-needed spice to the often convoluted and murky politics of the region. His expertise in conflict resolution is sought after by governments, warlords and rival clans. Astute in playing his cards and with unusual knack for realpolitik and machinations, he evinces an aura of confidence, wielding wide-ranging political and social leverages, and patronizes trendy restaurants and cozy middle class Qat salons such as the Maan-hadal. The Chief of Chiefs bears a truly regional distinction. With multiple veiled identities, his diplomatic tentacles are wide-reaching. He travels with Ethiopian, Djiboutian, Kenyan and Somali passports, to name a few. He is accredited to have miraculously succeeded in resolving some of the recent political gridlocks in the Horn. Among other things, he has allegedly persuaded Meles to dump the ill-famed former Prime minister of Somalia, Ali Geddi, and Rayaale to set free the incarcerated leaders of the Qaran political party. He is now eyeing the crisis in Kenya where his dexterous hands may be solicited. The Chief of Chiefs is an altogether changed man but the cause for the change of his persona can neither be analytically quantified nor elucidated rationally. His rise to the commanding heights of social and political glory remains one of the inexplicable phenomenons of this century. Experts are unable to decipher into the mysteries as to how he has been catapulted to such pinnacles, but the fact remains that he is calling the shots. Is this the kind of leadership that can steer Somalis out of the quagmire in which they are helplessly trapped in? It is somewhat baffling, if not a mere display of poetic justice, that Somalis, from all walks of life, remain pawns of cunning self-made characters such His Highness the Chief of Chiefs.
  20. In Amharic, they say "nabey ba agaru ay kabarim" (A prophet is never respected in his home country). This is a very bad cartoon and very unprofessional. Professor Abdi Ismaciil Samatar is a first-rate intellectual, a proven somali nationalist and a man who decided to do something about his country's politics unlike others. Caamri is saying "ninkani wax walba wuu neceb yahay". I would ask like what? Is there any doubt what he is opposing is things that we all oppose? Hasn't he supported the maxaakiimta when they were looking promising? Adeer Somaalidu waa xaasid miidhan. Most of the attacks against Professor Abdi and his brother are coming from envy and useless tribalism. Amin Camiir lost here. Burhaadeer, You know what you are saying is the most ubiqiutous accusation Somalis throw around? Hebel wuxuu waxaa u samaynayaa waa rer-hebl nacaybkeed! You realise this is your conjecture and not a fact, I hope.
  21. Oodweyne is an entertainer and we have always known he is not to be seriously taken on matters pertaining to south somalia. In fact, it is strange he is opposed to the Kenya and Ethiopia invasions. Surely, it cannot be coming from wishing somalia good. Perhaps he feels this is going to end "Ina-Godane's" mission in Somalia, which is to keep it in turmoil so that Somaliland can beseech the UN and AU for recognition, by presenting the argument that the south is unlikley to find peace anytime soon. A man who breaths the baneful secession ethos is losing sleep over foreign armies attacking Somalia, arguing that such move will cause more instability in the country. Food for thought. About Xinnfanin, we all know the man's otherwise remarkable intellect is undermined by incurable "infallibility syndrome". All of this talk about foreign troops attacking Somalia is just to fit the profile of a consistent man who is not someone who changes his ideas at every turn. Making up your mind about issues and standing your ground are commendable traits. They become wrong when the arguments you used to arrive at your conclusions become obsolete and you dogmatically stick to them. Xinnfanin should not take his viewpoints as cannonical, they are mere viewpoints of a mortal, and as such he should make contingencies for misjudgmenet and misreading of issues. The man is simply devoid of this self-correction mechanism. He should also know that in matters of soical science and politics, where things are more complex than right or wrong, the law of conclusive generalisations doesn't hold. There is no case law in social sciences, only examples and opinions arising from interpreting them. These opinions stand or collapse by their degree of plausibility. They do not become truisms. Coming back to the Ethiopia and Kenys military incursions, what is Xinn saying? Is he opposing it simply because he thinks it is wrong (out of national pride, legality etc)? Is he saying their intention is not to finish Alshabab? Is he doubting their ability to do so? Is he saying their entry will help Alshabab (by galvanizing local support for them)? Or is he worried that the TFG and any successor government will not be truely soverign if they fall under the command of Ethiopia and Kenya? All of these issues are worth separate and long discussions. If he is saying he doesn't trust the intentions of these armies with regard to Alshabab, it is a concern we share too. If he is opposing the incursions on false national sovergnity (already non-exsitent) grounds, we oppose his viewpoint. If he is saying Alshabab will get more local support because of these interventions, we disagree with his analysis. We know the majority of people in the areas so far invaded by kenya and Ethiopia are welcoming these foriegn troops to get rid of religious tyranny. If he is doubting the ability of these armies, we say they are the best bet for now given the International community is not going to support a national somali army for now (ideally this would have been the first choice for me). If he is worried about the political consequences for national soverignity of Somalia, we say we will cross that tog when we get there. Surely, Somalis can turn the Bakaara market into Taxriir square if they think their government is taking orders from other States! SO, we will fight any such bad consequences without fearing Alshabab bombs amid demonstarting crowds.
  22. Xinn, have you finally resolved to live in a utopian nationalism, and have forfietied partaking in the events that are taking place for real. Despite your protestations, foreign arms are in Somalia, the TFG seems to welcome them and the UN supports this. Unless you don't want to len some age to Alshabab for the simple reason of trumpeting that you predicted this would happen, what other reason do you have for supporting an equilibrium of warfare in Somalia? Shall we consider you someone who is now firmly living in the revolutionary escapades of Che Guvera (not the paper che here in SOL, but Ernesto) who in his last days was a mere delusional man, devoid of common sense and rational thinking? What are you suggesting as a short-term solution to the current Somalia problem? And please don't repeat the false argument Somalia dhibaatadeeda Soomali unbaa xallin karta! This argument can be true but the outcome will not be the one Somalia you say you support.
  23. Garnaqsi;760433 wrote: This thing you are talking to is the father of all trolls. He is one of those people one shouldn't take seriously under any circumstances whatsoever. I eliminated the inconvenience of having to read his gibberish posts by adding him to my ignore list few days after I joined. loooooooool! :D even the coolest and calmest of men in SOL lost temper when it comes to the Jaad boy.
  24. Oodweyne;760423 wrote: Mr. Abtigiis ,... :D One of the signs (that is the few that are uncontested in here) whereby one could know that one's interlocutor have lost the argument is when one sees the sheer spectacle of man tackling for all he is worth of the other's man; not, as one would expect, the argument that one was making, but the man, himself. Hence, it's not difficult to imagine as to why dear Mr. Abtigiis would to rugby-tackle me, particularly, when, lamentably, the sheer erudition to which to argue others with deserts him, like now. But, I suppose, in his defense, we can say that we do have, at least from time to time, a bad day at the office; in which, even, to get a nice cup of coffee from the coffee-machine round the corner, will come across as if it will need from us a thinking that befits a rocket-science sort of brain-power, indeed,... :D Hence, it's all forgiven, in here. For he seemed to think, that Kenya and Ethiopia are really doing service for him. Or at least, they are in the business of clearing the slate for him in Somalia, so that he will plant his new republic on the ground they have cleared for him. In other words, he seemed to be under the impression that after the defeat of Al-Shabaab at the hand of Kenya and Ethiopia, he will be given, the chance to start all over again, without never noticing, that, such an outcome, will be what those who defeat this menace from the get go, will make out to be. And, therefore, he and his beloved Somalia, will not have any say of what that outcome will be... :D We missed this, Oodweyne. We missed this, walaahi. For the argument, I will come back tomorrow, the wifey is not amused I am laughing so loud on the screen. tomorrow and I promise you I will tear your elementary arguments to shreds. I hope you don't become the second Xinn, who as Ngonge noticed 'ciddi la doodaba ay ku wareerto'.
  25. Anyone with the bad luck of coming across “The Relief of Mafeking” by William Topaz McGonagall will die of laughter. McGonagall is not only remembered for being the most dreadful poet of all times; he won notoriety for showing no recognition of or concern for his peers' opinions of his work. I trust many of you SOLers will know Oodweyne is the McGonagall of the prose in SOL and hence his talk is not easy to understand. For instance, in The Relief of Mafeking, this is the first few lines: Success to Colonel Baden-Powell and his praises loudly sing, For being so brave in relieving Mafeking, With his gallant little band of eight hundred men, They made the Boers fly from Mafeking like sheep escaping from a pen. If I had to do a The Releif of Oodweyne alone those lines, it will go: Alshabab to Abtigiis and the boot-foot contingent is totally false For being chancing false nationalism like scotland's central defender With the wicked Xinfanin and the Sheikh Sharif bandwagon Making him desperate and force him to run like a donkey that just saw a hot coke Bottom-line: come agaian Oodweyne, I didn't get you. Bal gartaada af-soomali ku sheego not this zigzagging prose. GoldCoast Adeer, Mahiga doesn't care if Alshabab and TFG fight for the next century. And if others don't interfere directly, they can still make sure the war never ends by supporting rival sides. I believe that only the end of Alshabab can open the door for the gradual reclamation of somali soveriegnity. Let me give you an example: right now, any somali who tries to oppose Ethiopia's agenda or that of Kenya will easily be dismissed accused of being a terrorist or a sympatizer of terrorists. If this group ceases to exist and is throughly defeated, that argument will lose credence and therefore patriotic Somalis can easily tell the UN and whoever to get straight or get out of Somalia. There are too many countries vying for the virgin lands of Somalia and its resources and I can tell you all we need is an average government that can dictate terms to foreigners. There is no sight of that as long as we have Alshabab. That is my argument.