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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xinn, and what is Sheikh Sharif saying about this? I thought you will update us on that too! I second Ngonge. They must leave immediately. :D
  2. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    Xinnfanin, you say you owned me in other threads. I say the following: Blood and broken bones are vivid consequences of violence; they are not its cause or explanation. The fact that one is wearing a leaking wound, however deep, suffered for trying to sell a fermenting milk to honest customers, should never be used to grant one innocence and the pity or apology he doesn’t deserve. The wounded man must answer some hard questions of how he got the damage and where, even if that means from hospital bed and between injections. We relate to political debates like cinema goers whose sympathies are allotted on the basis of who the stronger side is, never on the basis of who cast the first stone, however small. Losing an engagement you triggered does not render you innocent, or pity-deserving. But Xinn knows this ‘cinema-goers’ syndrome and the man is a good strategist. He disappears after heavy artillery is deployed against his one-line jingo, and clandestinely throws a piteous ‘I am only human. I am exaggerated persona’ nonsense from his hideout. And the gullible nomads rally to chant slogans of support like unthinking horde tricked by a mischievous rabble rouser. We agree Xinn is a good debater. We are just saying he sells secondhand huudheyd cloths. [/b] Oodweyne, You like Xaabsade for supporting your clan, you pillory Osman Kaluun ( a man who transcended clan identity) for going over the Tolka fence! Village hypocrisy! Come on, Oodweyne; you are not a coconut head. Don't act like one.
  3. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    First, a point of clarification. Saalax, I thought the one's you were saying like to follow but never lead were my own folks. That is why I agreed. If you meant the SSC, I can't support you. I know they are directionless; but I have no proof to say they can't or haven't led. Second, Ngonge is right. If Val could do this, what about the rest? Somehow,I knew it was coming! Xinnfanin, who said I am owned elsewhere? We missed your one line jingo, which curiously is always the same, but somehow we still enjoy. Oodweyne, I believe you subscribe to the school of thought that think SSC is only about tall girls. You have repeatedly talked about this tall girls, but refuse to answer my question about your opinion about their capacity to produce leaders with better caliber than the pay-phones you use in Hargeisa like Xaabsade!
  4. Faroole has what it takes to be worse than Gaddafi. The man is shameless and greedy. Nepotism and naricissim defines him. He must be stopped.
  5. NG, you lucky something! Anagu 1970s somalia naloola qaxay iyo Hargeisa oo instead of Japanese Samurai we were watching real Axmaaro bombardment. Our hide and seek game was not Sasuki but mother's rushing us to the nearst forest to escape Ethiopian jets. As the war subsided and we came back from Hargeisa, giraan, jabadaan, and luuf were the normal pastime for some years. If Nuune doesn't say where he was in 70s, I will write it for him on the basis of what he told me. Waryaa Nuune, soo daa dee. Geeli iyo libaaxdii, aad saska ilaa hadda ku haya ee jinni ku tusa aad ka qaaday. Start like this: " Jarati, where to be a real camel-boy meant to brave the rains in the darkness of African nights, and sleep by the side of a raging fire, warming you feet, to compensate for the coldness you feel in your head, as you recline back on a cushion of dareemo grass to keep your head above the flash floods of deyr. :D
  6. away Xinn dee? :D soo kii lahaa waa inoo isniinta?
  7. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    Saalax, :D Hard to dispute that, mate. But then, isn't following better than anarchy and going into all directions in swirl that never has a beginning or end. That is what the SSC are doing. They are as colourless as water and as directionless as octopus. Malika, I am only stating facts. I know what I say here won't lead to bloodshed. At least that is what I assume when I write about SL and PL. Maybe, I am going too far by going for the hot-bloodied SSC.
  8. I know him very well from his Leeds days. Was averge player to me. Not that talented but made up with good work rate. Only last week he was praised for Wales's revival.
  9. I believe Alpha is the 90s. There are only five people from the 70s. Xinnfanin, Oodweyne, Nin-Yaaban, Nuune(although baby-face) and Xaji Xundjuf. But I believe it is not only me, Ngonge and Malika who are from the 80s. Please be brave and come out.
  10. Jacayl, you are the late 1990s. Not a funny decade if you ask me, although it is the decade I married my first of five marriages.
  11. NGONGE;761570 wrote: . There were no girls around. Girls were only seen from a distance and the most impressive and (to this day) arousing thing was to view a girl/woman/female getting out of a car; for that split secnd we could view a quick glimpse of a smooth ankle (unless it were some mad woman who wore socks). :D These species were pervasive, dear NG. The Mawardiis,Orit, Tutugn, Khania (all Harari's), The Badria, Kimiya, Fatiya, Asia of Oromos, The Etaferahu, Woynishet, Tigist, and Zigerada of Amharas, and even one or two Somalis (Fardowsa and Roda). :D The biggest challenge was not finding a pretty girl (especially when you have the fame of being among the top students, academically, of the school and can go to their home under the pretext of helping 'the girls with their studies'.) All the girls needed as an alibi was to bring their mothers to the school at the end of the school year in June, so that they can witness the boy 'who helped their girls in studies' receiving prizes from the school director in the parent's day :D The ground-nut, the guava, and the mangoes we expended for free is countless. For those who believe in the maxim "to control a girl's heart, you have to go below the belt', there was no fear of killer diseases; the maximum punishment being a transitory Gonorrea, which itself will be wiped out after a week or so by attacking it with a handful of Tetracycline. Time was then, NG! Speaking of the coke, it wasn't used for the hair in our part of the world. I know of teenage girls who used to believe it prevents pregnancy if taken intensively in the days preceding or following vulgar action. Jacayl, you re the 90s, we know that. You missed the glorious 80s.
  12. Harar, where to complete elegance meant slipping into an Azzaro shirt and Idol trouser pair, and on top of this, a kaki jacket with many pockets, given to you by secondhand dealer, who you befriended and implored to keep nice coats and jackets from new consignments for you. And sometimes full three-piece suits, invariably oversized, which you got from a fat relative who descended from abroad. Ah, the times have faded but not the memories. In those years of boyhood and early adolescence, to be happy was to leave home early Saturday morning, armed with dirty one birr (local currency), then head to the ‘Billiard place” in Faras-magaala. After scintillating games, whose magic is not diminished by loss or win, you head to Kebele 14 for some hot roasted meat. But the real thing starts at 1:30 as you go underground in the Ras Makonen cinema, becoming Indian, American, or Japanese for three full hours, depending which film is on show. Ah, the ground-nut, the arguments, the cheeky noises that break the roof amid darkness. And the strange sounds on the side where a gentle-looking man with a worn-out tie is sitting with a lady, who goes to the toilet very early during the breaks, just before the lights are on. The real thing is the Saturday’s the school walks to Alamaya (Haramaya now), 20 km from Harar. Today, the lake is dry but in those days, it meant lake Victoria for us. And there were nice tukuls all around. There, after lunch, and under the sun, each group of 10-15 friends (boys and girls) surround one National Panasonic recorder, the vocal potency of the recorders augmented by extended amplifiers. Coke in hand, you jump into the makeshift sandy dance floor to jive furiously to ‘English’ songs whose meaning you don’t understand; harvesting sweat from your forehead in merriment as you sing in unison “yellow, yellow fever”. Who cares if this was a promotional song for World Health Organization! The beat is what matters. You chant piercingly when the words you are sure you know come across. “illushaa” you say for “Illusion”, at once getting the words and the accent too. You jump up and go down in rhythmic twists and turns, all to the great notice of the town/village beauties toadying hesitancy, playing the un-eager, even as their eyes tell a different story. All done, you lash out a snowy handkerchief, often with a lavishly put romantic message from a loved one from the village. You recline back on a chair opposite the beauty you fancied, and elaborately open the buttons of your shirt and push the collars back as far as your backline, all in a huge ritual show of flamboyance. That was to be home, to be in Harar then. Life has never been the same for me. What about you, dear nomads? I mean those who are old enough to remember the 80s? :D
  13. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    looool@guba saga. I was weary of this spin, but nonetheless, if by reminding them of their misery, I am inciting them for violence, so be it. I don't think the issue is about incitement. If someone calls you bald seeing you are carrying a head similar to that of Cigaal-Shiidaad, you will definitely get upset. But that won't give you hair. Facts are facts, and I stand to be corrected on this if I made any incorrect statements. The rest is ego, and Oodweyne had done a marvellous job of buttressing the SSC ego with talk of how gallant, generous, and tall they are. He even talked about the beautiful and enchanting SSC girls, as if these are not the ones Sheikh Adan Siiro is saying it is perfectly islamic to molest and forcibly marry them in dozens. Is Oodweyne implying that the SSC is incapable of producing real politicians, but that they only sire tall and beautiful girls? There are no shortage of SSC anger and uprising. After several false starts, including importing veteran colonels like Sabareey, and the Xaglatoosiye saga, we are now in the Khaatumo series. SSC had several "brainstorming sessions" in the past to come up with rarely implemented declarations. Now, they have moved to "mind-boggling" sessions, of which Khaatumo is one.
  14. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    Misery enjoys company, they say. So, if the predicament of those who ended up on the wrong side of colonial demarcation offers any comfort to those who have a better chance of doing something about their fate, let the SSC relish our company in wretchedness. And the thread says nothing about the colonized Somali people in Ethiopia being in a better situation. But historical misfortue sometimes defines how we live today. Botswana didn't fight to get independence, and could have ended up being a province of any neighborujing country, if the British for some funny reason didn't demarcate it as a different colony. Palestinians or Chechens may have won their indpendence long time ago if it was not for the misfortune of being a colonoy of Israel (and US and Europe), and Russia respectively. Ethiopia is not quite that powerful, but their current military might has much to do with western support. And people forget that no sustained liberation struggle has been done before. The Makhtal Dahir insurrection, the Nasrullah moments were brief uprisings. Somalis mistake that for sustained struggle. They were not. The ONLF is the first to survive two decades, with different levels of strength. The TPLF fought for 17 years, 14 of these years nothing more than a nuisance for the Derg regime of Mengistu. Of Abdi Iley and co, it is the ineluctable fate of the colonized that they will have few traitors and the SSC is not different. But the SSC are in denial. They don't agree they are under colonoization or to put it more accurately under occupation.
  15. some still take the pen-for-hire Peter Pham as a serious analyst?? Good luck, passerby. He is the opposite version of Mohamed Megalomattis.
  16. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    Abokor, there is some truth in what you say. But then you realize there is a difference in the contexts of the two people. Today, Ethiopia is the master of all Somalis. Ironically, there is only one clan that is refusing to submit to them and fighting against the Abyssinians. Meles said too many times. "Why are the 'long-footed' fighting me, when all Somalis are under my feet?" That said, the problem with the SSC is they are not occupied with a country with 200,000 professional army. They are occupied by a tiny clan with deplapitated 'technicals' and Qat-chewing 'army'. The progeny of those who ruled the heart of Somali gallantry, Taleex, are now occupied. Las Anod needs a daring sons of the Alma Meter of Taleex. Abdikhadar, this is tirtirsi not mocking. I hope you see it that way. And also I know the real SSC people are not in this forum. What we have here is people like VAl and Malika, conditioned and softened by their environment and few disaporan who have lost the temper of their ancestors. I write what I wrote here on Xargaga and other forums, and you would have read my name in the obituaries. Btw, Abokor waadiga abtirsadaye, J Abokor yaad ka sii tahay?
  17. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    looool! who would have thought Val is from SSC. Add Malika too. And I think I have to revise my assumption about SSC temperament. I mean I can understand Malika, she never lived there, so you expect her to behave different. But Val is so clam, one wouldn't think she has any SSC blood. Now I see. But then these women are the exception rather than the rule. It is Abdikhadar who has real SSC blood. That he is not going to kill me here is only because he realizes I am not an enemy to SSC people. But I can see the man has a true SSC blood. I still refuse to take Val's assertion about more cohesion coming to the SSC. I heard Beesha J. S catagorically saying they are not represented and they don't endorse the Khaatumo series. By the way, what is this fixation with Kha? The other time it was Khusuusi. Now, Khaatumo. And is Khaatumo meant to be the climax of the whole thing, hence the name? The real challenge is not whether the SSC can come out with one voice from the Khaatumo conferences. The real issue is will they maintain that one voice for a week or two? because of the speedy and efficient way of responding to issues, the likelihood is when a small matter goes wrong, someone will quickly react and give an interview to the BBC and sundry, saying "arinta hebel wado, hawl Dh.ul.ba. something u dhan yahay ma aha! kuma jirto beeshayadu!" Reliable sources confirmed to Hadhwanaag Times that the general director of Somaliland’s minister of religion and endowments sheikh Ibrahim Ismail Mohamed defected with a lot of money and little luxury car. He did it? And he is from the journey people you mean? He will defect back to SL after two seasons, this time the bad news will be announced from Garowe. Does the SSC acronym stand for Sii-socod, Soo socod, Celcelis??????
  18. It is pedantry, but Mintid is not even a real Somalilander. Why he hobnobs with secessionsts is baffling? Still, I respect how he communicates his opinions. But a man of his calibre should rise above clan fray. And this false "we can't join a burning house" is not good enough reason for him to prefer suffocating pants when he can wear a big Alxalaaf-99 by embracing somliweyn.
  19. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    NG, where is your thread? still, this is a different dimension. This covers the entertainment commodity and fighting through 'robust and deliberative conferences'. How people who do not blink to slap you if you spill a drop of hot tea on their toes by mistake, so sheepishly watch the occupation of Las Anod defies logic, mathematics and Darwiish baala-xoofto combined. Dear Oodweyne, We can be accused of being neither here nor there as far as having a coherent 'state' structure is concerned. We cannot be accused of not having a direction or focus. People are firmly behind the liberation drive, a drive that has not died down for over 4 full decades. Very few could muster such tenacity facing one of the mightiest army in Africa, supported by the West. Let us not forget that.
  20. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    Oodweyne;761251 wrote: Mr. Abtigiis ... :D In other words, "political confusion" aside, they are a proud Somalis, that, one could still be grateful that we still produce folks who are the finest specimen in which Somalis could be, in-terms of generosity of spirit, valor at the battlefield, honor in dealing with others; and lastly, a teeming beautiful ladies, .. .. True. But they are the biggest joke in the Somali politics. Everytime I see their websites it is about one side of them shooting down an initiative by one of their own. Given that they are the most patriotic Somalis, who whole-heartedly support the struggle of the Somali-galbeed people, I always wish them good. But I am getting frustrated nowadays. How can a small SNM clique ransack their towns using stooges for years and all they can do is fight back with a serious of "consultative meetings" and non-existent entities with funny names like Khusuusi?! Qandalaawi, those you are talking about ( the people Saalax is saying have unique liking for powder-milk) are people still colonized. The context is different. But the majority of the people know what they want and are fighting for it. There is a direction, whether that will be achived or not is a different matter. In the case of SSC, do you dispute their direction is as direct as the urine a running she-camel draws on a sandy field?
  21. Blood and broken bones are vivid consequences of violence; they are not its cause or explanation. The fact that one is wearing a leaking wound, however deep, suffered for trying to sell a fermenting milk to honest customers, should never be used to grant one innocence and the pity or apology he doesn’t deserve. The wounded man must answer some hard questions of how he got the damage and where, even if that means from hospital bed and between injections. We relate to political debates like cinema goers whose sympathies are allotted on the basis of who the stronger side is, never on the basis of who cast the first stone, however small. Losing an engagement you triggered does not render you innocent, or pity-deserving. But Xinn knows this ‘cinema-goers’ syndrome and the man is a good strategist. He disappears after heavy artillery is deployed against his one-line jingo, and clandestinely throws a piteous ‘I am only human. I am exaggerated persona’ nonsense from his hideout. And the gullible nomads rally to chant slogans of support like unthinking horde tricked by a mischievous rabble rouser. Qandalawi should be ashamed of himself. Of all people, he is a man I expect to see the hollowness of Xinn's argument. We are not Ethiopians, nor are we Kenya's errand boys. We are genuine Somalis who are trying to find practical solution to Somalia's problem. How can a man of Qandalaawi's statue fail for the absurd fear-mongering that Somalia is at a risk of becoming small 'Statelets". Isn't that what it already is? We agree Xinn is a good debater. We are just saying he sells secondhand huudheyd cloths.
  22. Abtigiis

    Hotel SSC

    The best of friends from SSC region can’t agree on an order for tea in their own restaurants. So, naturally you do not expect them to agree on a single political goal and strategy. That is not unique to them if you ask me. Somalis and Somali clans are divided. One good thing I see these days is that unlike Ngonge’s mantra ‘clan is everything’; actually ‘interest is everything’ is becoming the new norm and modus operandi for Somali politicians. I like that, because clan is rigid but interest is an elastic concept, one that has both time dimension and room for considerations. However, no one is divided and fragmented as the SSC. They are divided into three groups in geographiy and political orientations. Pro-Puntland, pro-Somaliland, pro-SSC. But within each group, there are further divisions. The only place I see them united is in SOL. They are united in agony and cynicism about anything. They are also united on Somali unity. They are unionists to the bone and that is the defining feature of the people of the SSC. They are usually truculent and fast to act. If you want to engage in cheeky kaftan, you should keep your dentists in stand-by before the talk session. And you may never know what made them angry in the first place. This is a land where tolerance is cowardice, and truculence bravery. Their politicians are the best pay-phones Somalia has ever produced. They only talk if you insert coins and only up to the time your balance is over. The biggest and state of art brand of these SSC pay-phones is called ‘Xaabsade AC’. The next best item in the market is called ‘Sandulle 900”. But they also have mobile gadgets, such as ‘Xaglatoosiye’ which is portable, with tiny antennas and said to be loved by the ladies. Their biggest export is entertainment. SSC is home to SADO Ali,a fiercely nationalist and astoundingly beautiful (at least in the days it mattered for her) artsist. But SSC does not only export SADO's DVDs. There are equally entertaining political artists called Khusuusi which can also be read as Qusuusi, or can even be taken as khuquusi. This comes in the form of Nintendo game that plays hide and seek in dry villages, surrounded by marauding hostile militias. If you don’t fancy it, you can find Playstation 3 material by Garad Jamac. This comes in nice drama by a good orator but poor doer. If none of this entertain you, you can opt for live native cricket (a 5 year series, with 500 overs for each elder) called khaatumo. It is a series. And so far Volume 1 and 2 are in the market. ,,,to be continued…
  23. Valenteenah.;761204 wrote: I don't believe Xiin flogs baarixi goods. I think he tries to stay on the middle road in a land la is gilgilayo. He is a bit like a deep-rooted tree standing tall in the midst of a hurricane and not bending to the rain and sleet and flying debris that's pummeling it. He has his eye on the horizon. Simply put, he rocks. This is a huge endorsement for the Horse man, coming from Barwaaqo. But I trust it is her compassionate side not her discompassionate side that is talking here. Otherwise, it is really clear Xinn is like a crook tailor who sells stictched up trousers as a new wear, saying the stiches are vogue. How the great mind of Valenteenah mistook a dead wood protruding from a sandy ground, oblivious to the life around it, neither moved nor concerned by the winds and hurricanes, for a deep-rooted living tree, only she can tell us!!
  24. xiinfaniin;761084 wrote: It is fair to say that xiinfaniin is an exaggerated online persona that does not warrant all these attentions he's being offered in these boards. How can you say that about you? You are not an exaggerated persona; on the contrary you are underrated. For whoelse can sell such flimsy yarns - made of conspiracy theories, conjectures, gut feelings and pessimism, as real cotton (meaning real policy and stratiegic recommendations) and get away with it? No one else Dear Xinn. You have perfected the art of hoodkwinking, which usually gets a willing ear from innocent youth and the uniniatied who are easily titilated by nationalistic slogans. You feed them barfaced chicanery for breakfast and doomsday scenarios for supper. Otherwise, whoelse would take the scenario 2 you projected of 'a somalia made of small foriegn-controlled Statelets' as something to hit us next rainy season? Whoelse doesn't know it is a hurt already adminstered to our body-politik which will take years to heal? Whoelese but you dear Xinn would be able to tie the survival of the TFG and any workable governance framweork in Somalia to what happens to Azania and Gandhi? And we have seen how endlessly people debated such an inane domain for weeks, with some even swearing that what transpires in the Jubbas will determine what Somalia's fate will be? All along you managed to expertly cover from anybody's view the northern horizon where this new Azania disease is endemic, with unmatchable sophistry and wordplay? No, my dear Xinn, you are underrated. If you could market such sour and fermenting milk with such aplomb, where others with fresh (dhay) milk are struggling to sell one cup, we can imagine the speed with whcih you will finish your stock if you had fresh milk!! :D But I concur with those who say this place will be boring without Xinn. He is a good debater, to give the sea-robber (pirate) his loot. That he tries to sell damaged or pershiable goods as real material doesn't diminish his appeal.
  25. The thing I like about the Guru (Oodweyne) is that with him you kill some arguments, park some, and move to others. With Xinn, you are stuck on one item, without moving forward or backward or sideways, like an old lorry caught in mud. You screech with one unchanging sound, going in rhythmically encoded crescendo. I like what Oodweyne is saying and I sign on it. Someone said pessimism is a sure game. You cannot lost at it; you may gain. It is the only view of life you can never be disappointed. And Xinn knows this because all he has to offer is two pessimistic scenarios. Whatever works for the better , there will always be things that will go wrong and Xinn will wait on the roadside to jump on whatever calamity befalls Somalia; to say he has foreseen it. Remember far more than the welfare of Somalia, what matters most to Xinn is to be found consistent, even prophetic. If you base your premises on conspiracy theories, and your conclusions on pessimism, it is hard to lose. I fully agree with Oodweyne’s conclusions. I think for any Somalia to come back, Alshabab must be finished first. But then the real task starts post-Ashababa. And there are many permutations and possibilities about what could follow. One cannot formulate policies without making some key assumptions. What are Xinn’s assumptions about the International Communities plan about Somalia? Will they help a post-Alshabab Somalia to regain statehood or will they abandon it like they did in the last 20 years? That informs what we should expect in post-Alshabab Somalia. I believe there are enough industrious Somalis who can make Somalia attractive for some big power, if not for humanity sake, for resources sake. But Oodweyne’s outcome of a Somalia with tens of statelets is a possibility too. But even that is better than nonstop mayhem. With the foreign-backed statelets scenario, there is chance things can work. A slim probability. With Alshabab-takeover, there is none. When Xinn’s dogmatic one-line jingos become even too disgusting for him, he usually goes to borrowed poetry lines for salvation. I think we have reached there, and brace for few lines about the fool who mistook fog for real clouds and whatnot. As an aside, if Somalis want to tackle Ethiopias menace, it is easy. It is unmanly and cheap to cry about Ethiopia, as if that impoverished country cannot be challenged. All they have to do is allow those who are fighting Ethiopia to operate in Somalia. All they have to do is take the fight to Meles by threating his rule through support to groups that fight him. Or even threaten to do that. Meles is a man sitting on a rickety chair and will think twice if Somalis threaten to reciprocate his actions in kind. Millions of Amhara and Oromo and ONLF people will gladly descend on Somalia to take the fight to Addis Ababa.