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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Well, Dear old Xinny, that is pretty clear. A puntlander must tell you if some party or individual is good or not. The past actions and contributions to advancing the Somali cause, their proven academic grit (a pre-requisite for sound political nouse) is not enough. A close uncle you trust must sign on it for you to take it seriously. And this is coming from one of the most reasonable people from SOL. Indeed, Somalia is in deep crisis. Second, the syntactical construction of your words are nothing more than excuses and pretexts for inaction. Why don't you make use of the proximity of the Professors to go and give the advise you volunteer here? Why do you wait for the Professor to do all the job? Afterall, this thing is still in its infancy! Third, this false dichotomy between acadamician and politician must stop. What constitute a good politician? Abdiweli barely expresses himself but is doing fine as PM. Sharif Sakiin is a misfit but is doing the politics. Sheikh Sharif's forte is homilies and reciting Xadiiths, but is the President of Somalia! If Hiil-Qaran has won the support of prominent Somali politicians ( and the good ones that include Abdirisaq), isn't that a sign of good politics? If the line of thinking of people like Xinn persist, we may be forced to send 'tolka' members of the Hiil-Qaran to talk to their tol. Ultimately, that is part of the plan, but I thought people like Xinn will not need that. Dear Uchi, Adigu, inaad wax mucaarado iyo pessimism and negatvity mooye, when are you going to contribute to the revival of the somali qaranimo you so dearly talk about everyday? Pessimism and cynicism are a safe bet, it is the only view of life one cannot get disappointed in!
  2. Generale, I did not talk about multi-party system. I asked which party is ruling it. It cannot be like China. The Chinese Communist Party is in charge there!
  3. Hadda looooooool iyo Excellent wax tari maayaane, si dhab ah oo daacadnimo ah intii ku qanacsan barnaamjika ururkan ficil ha ku muujiyaan taageeradooda.
  4. This shows that political organisation in Puntland is of the vertical lineage type - based on primoridal association. In Somaliland, it is a bit advanced as it has a horizonal arrangment where people are organised along ideologies or political programmes. Or at least that is how it appears from the surface.
  5. Welcome to Puntland, a land with government, 'democratic' too. A land with parliament, judiciary and the executive branch. Yet, curiously, this land has no political parties. Or maybe it has but I don't know about it. Who is the ruling party in PL anyway? Faroole & Sons Pvt.Ltd Democratic Party?
  6. Way inoo duunteen waagaas. Dadkii yaqaanay way qaylyayeen, and all they warned about this terrorists happened. We will not be fooled twice.
  7. Maaddeey, your bearded Moo.r.yaan are on the run. Let us talk about them in a week's time. Today, in the Jubbas, they were wailing and warning people that anyone who works with the 'infidels' when they come (this shows they have already given up) will be killed. Gaaladiibaa soo socotee ciddi la shaqaysa ha ogaato inaan magaalada joogno oo aan ugaadhsan doono thing. The Alshabab are feeling the heat. The funny thing is I heard whereever the Ethiopians march the Alshabab are feeling well ahead of the attack. They are offering a bit of a fight back in the Kenyan front. Fulay! Moor.yaan Gareey ah.
  8. Adduunyada hawaa lagu larbaye, Waxaa u laacaaya Hadba libinta eebahay, kuu u liil galine Midna lur iyo ciil kaa bartoo, luun afka u marine Che and his terrorist bandwagon are on their last breath. They are on the run, and even Maddeey's fake Alshabab ambush threads cannot halt their fall. Waxa ninka aqyaarta ah ee Che ah argagixisadan jeclaysiiyey baa fajac ah.
  9. Xinny, This is not about me. This is about you. If we go by your cyber pronouncements, this is your party. And you are at the top of the people I am appealing to. If you are a puntlander first, and then a somali second (like General Duke), then this is not your priority. Those who subscribe to regional politics may not find this party attractive. Leadership'ka ururka ciddina kaama xigto, kaagamana aqoon badna. Markaa seek it through the proper channels. But you cannot start with the top, first become a member. You have my support if you contest for leadership. At least you can be useful in packing yet another Hiil-Qaran caravan! :D
  10. Well, It is one thing to wish Somalia good. It is quite another to do your bit. You can make a difference. Hiil-Qaran is an all-inclusive political party whose vision is to revive a new wave of somalinimo. It is not a party led by dreamers; It is a party led by capable men and women whose calibre is proven beyond any doubt. Solers who are satisfied with Hiil-Qaran's vision and political programme must contribute to the party. Those who want to be part of it, can fill the membership form and pay membership fee of $60 Dollar (monthly) the first 6 months and $ 20 after the first six . Those who want to remain supporters but not active members can still contribute by sending money to the accounts provided below. I appeal to all Somali nationalists to act and make a difference. Pledge your contributions here and fulfill your promise by sending the money to Hill-Qaran account. The various options for sending money is explained in the party's website. http://www.hiilqaran.org/membership.php Haye, let us shame the doubters. Barbarkay ka baxdaa, .... The esteemed Professor Abdi is here in Nairobi and I had the priviledge of meeting him for a while today. Have already managed to mobilise few friends to support this cause. I personally appeal to SOLers who share the same vision to show their patriotism in action.
  11. Unlike the delusional SNM who actually believe their Clan State has an international boundary, Puntland (I hope) realizes that the self-declared autonomous States in Somalia are transitory administrative constructs, whose boundaries are not cast on stones. Of course, Putntland today is led by an equally delusional, narcissist old man, but one only hopes the general populace will stop him from stifling the SSC dream. Puntland can live with an autonomous SSC, after all, they all are part of a bigger and nobler entity called Somalia. The big losers at Taleex are the SNM zealots who tried all tricks in every book to hoodwink the international community into believing that a fetid clan agenda deserves recognition and respect. No secessionist is today wearing a dry pant. All have wet themselves out of fear and trepidation. The stomach of mother Puntland is checkered and produces all types of men. In politics, it is the land of honorable men like Abdirisaq Xaaji Xussen; but also land of nepotistic clowns like Faroole. In SOL, it produces men like Xinnfanin, endowed with intellect (although not always deployed for noble causes); but it also imposes on us authentic quacks like General Duke. In a matching test, Xinn would go with Abdirisaq, Duke with Faroole.
  12. General Duke;770431 wrote: I must say I have enjoyed the cments specially fr the secessionist and one confused individual who seems to harbor a deep envy towards one of the main clans of Puntland. I understand the individual to be mean. I didn't know the General is a coward who can't say what he wants to say. What I said (below) doesn't talk about any clan but few individuals who were patronising the good people of SSC. Picture this: General Duke says the obvious by asking us to support the Taleex conference. Xinny dashes in breathing short and congratulates the Duke for the intelligent ideas. A small prince (who says he is related to the Duke) - mind the names which point to biological infatuation with titiles and majesty- nearly weeps in joy for sharing blood with such great men. Xinny, ever the shrewd, calms the young boy and in mock-modesty proclaims "I and Duke are not the real heroes. The people of the the SSC are!". Gheele T asserts what the General said is great. And the Duke and Xinn exchange mutual appreciations for pulling this thought through. You can not miss the kin sacrilege; it gets a bit incestuous.
  13. Ethiopia-Somalia Medieval History Has Nothing to Do with Contemporary Insecurity in the Horn of Africa: A response to Barry Malone’s “Troubled Ethiopia-Somalia History Haunts Horn of Africa” Reportage January 04, 2012 Barry Malone’s(1) reportage on the current Ethiopian military operations in Somalia posted on Chicago Tribune on December 28, 2011, under the title “Troubled Ethiopia-Somalia History Haunts Horn of Africa” is profoundly shallow and misleading. For a start, any reference to Ahmed Gragn (Gurey) and alleged continuous religion-based antagonism between Ethiopia and Somalia, in this age and time, can only come from sensationalism and lurid exaggeration. This is so because both Ethiopia and Somalia have different challenges and priorities today. The current Ethiopia is focused on dealing with internal ethnic political struggles and cross-border rivalry with Eritrea. Somalia of today is too divided and weak to pursue an expansionist or cross-border religious or nationalist agenda. The current political rulers in Ethiopia have an unfinished vendetta to settle with their erstwhile allies – Eritrean political elites. The current Somalia politicians rely on international backing as they strive to bring back their nation. The political rulers in Ethiopia and Somalia are allies, not adversaries. It, therefore, goes that the story about centuries-old religious contest between the two countries is not relevant to the current Ethiopia-Somalia relations. Even if history were to be an issue on the matter at hand, it wouldn’t have been about religious history; perhaps the often-cited Somali irredentism which espouse nationalist ideal rather than a religious one, could slightly have been relevant. By omitting present-day Ethiopia’s continued hostility with Eritrea in his analysis, Mr. Malone has digressed from the epicenter of the whole instability engulfing the horn of Africa today. The fact is, the current Ethiopian military and political interference in Somalia is not about settling old historical grudge with Somalia, but rather a spill-over of more recent Ethio-Eritrean border conflict. Eritrea is not the only omission from the analysis of Mr. Malone. While he touched on the ****** War between Ethiopia and Somalia, Mr. Maloney did not discuss the current insurgency in the ****** region and the international outcry over human rights violations by the Ethiopian regime in this region. He could, at least, have presented the current Ethiopian military incursions as self-defense measures to deprive the rebel group in the region – the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF), a foothold in Somalia. That would not have been the truth; but at least, it would have rhymed better as a reason than the fatuous claim of projecting Meles’s war in Somalia as a continuation of medieval religious feud. Mr. Maloney could also have reflected on the huge demographic changes in religious orientation in Ethiopia since the days of Ahmed Gragn. Today’s Ethiopia cannot be characterized as Christian, simply because Muslims in Ethiopia outnumber those in Somalia by three-fold. This statistics was also missing from Mr. Maloney’s analysis. There are more religious tensions inside Ethiopia than Ethiopia has with neighboring countries today. These religious confrontations pit Orthodox against Protestant Christians, Christians against Muslims etc. Malone’s depiction of Somalia as a unitary state that is feuding with Ethiopia is bizarre and factually incorrect. Somalia today is composed of tiny, self-declared autonomous States(Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug, etc) controlled by Ethiopia, and a weak Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which is blessed by Ethiopia, and on whose behalf Ethiopia claims to be fighting the Alshabab. Almost all armed groups in Somalia (with the exception of Alshabab) are in one way or the other supported by Ethiopia. So, which Somalia is fighting contemporary Ethiopia in this alleged ‘historical religious feud”? Alshabab? Does Mr. Malone recognize Alshabab as the legal and moral representative of Somalia? Aren’t TFG, Puntland, Somaliland, and nearly all other political entities in Somalia logged in bitter fight against these terrorists? Why don’t they count? Somalia is not a threat to the world security nor to its neighbours; the same way Afghanistan is not a threat to the world! Alshabab and Taliban are the threat to the World security. To transpose these terrorist syndicates in place of Somalia and Afghanistan is deeply offensive to these victim nations. Failed States become a threat to the world when a terrorist group lays egg on their lands. And, often it is the host people that suffer more than the neighbours. All the terrorists in Afghanistan were not Afghanis, nor are those in Somalia all Somalis. There are Americans, there are Asians, and this is truly a global challenge. Somalia is unlucky that it has become one of the venues where this global conflict has to be fought. Malone’s report paints Somalia, and by extension, Somalis as a threat to the region and to the world. This is dangerous and irresponsible. Alshabab are an off-shoot of global terrorism and should not be accorded a national identity. The Islamists in Somalia do not have a nationalist agenda of pursuing a historical religious feud with Ethiopia. They are global terrorists who have inflicted more pain and suffering on fellow Somalis in Somalia, more than anybody else. Their terrorism and extremism has at times spilled over to neighboring countries, but the brunt of their barbaric rule is borne by Somalis. As such, they are not fighting any neighboring country on behalf of Somalia. The internationally recognized government of Somalia is an ally of Ethiopia, and therefore, to speak about an Ethiopia-Somalia war at this time is to distort the truth. Mr. Maloney’s reports are often Ethiopia-friendly; but this one has gone far in the sense that it has, inadvertently, painted a whole nation –Somalia, as a flag bearer of Islamic fanaticism. Intermixing historical accounts with contemporary events is fine, but only when and where a clear connection can be established. To his credit, Mr. Maloney acknowledged that “present-day incursions and clashes are driven by strategic motivations and regional politicking against the backdrop of the global war on terror” but sullied this superb conclusion by adding that “those [religious rivalries] centuries-old grudges, raids and musket-battles still shape events.” The question is where? When? Is Alshabab‘s focal fight against Mulsim Somalis or Christian Ethiopians (if there is any such thing as Christian Ethiopia)? It is pedantic, but how can an Ethiopian army which is commanded by a Muslim (General Mohamed Yunis, alias General Samora) be portrayed as Christian army, anyway? Mr. Maloney’s portrayal of Ethiopia-Somalia history as the source of insecurity in the horn of Africa is short on objectivity, and suspect in causality. By Muktar M. Omer WardheerNews Contributor E-Mail:muktaromer@ymail.com
  14. The Zack, He did ask. He wrote official letter to kenya. There is no dispute there. What he agreed to doesn't amount to much. basically, he says if ONLF wants to talk to me in the presence of a third-country (maybe Kenya in his calculation), fine! Maybe he thought that is a small precondition that he can meet. He hasn't yet granted (from what I know) the full engagement of regional, and international institutions such as the AU, IGAD, UN etc. Second, the ONLF guys are making lots of assumptions as to why this offer came now. We have warned them against believing it is because Meles feels weak. It is a possibility but it is very improbable. The ONLF is not taking towns militarily, division among the O community has been increasing in the last couple of years, and the Ethiopian economy is doing well. He has largely managed to keep the war between the Liyu Police and the ONLF. So, why would he feel so desperate? If you ask me, Meles has been told that the ONLF is weak and that offering a new exit-door for its leadership will at least make some of the leadership jump ship. That is my conclusion, which is not shared by many. But then call it self-praising, but I do not put my analysis of the Ethiopian politics second to any ONLF leader including the Admiral. Because I don't base my analysis on gut feeling and conjecture but on reliable information I receive from many sources. Meles's main motivation is because he wants to end the international bad name he is getting because of the confilct in the region, to be able to immeditaely access the gas resources in the region, and to be able to fully concentrate on Amharas and Oromos (whose opposition is increaing by the day). All these are pressures, but it doesn't make him desperate just yet!! The TPLF has been in more tighter political situations in the past and they certainly think this episode isn't worse than what they faced in 2005 elections, or when their leadership broke up into two. Anyway, we will see how it goes.
  15. Picture this: General Duke says the obvious by asking us to support the Taleex conference. Xinny dashes in breathing short and congratulates the Duke for the intelligent ideas. A small prince (who says he is related to the Duke) - mind the names which point to biological infatuation with titiles and majesty- nearly weeps in joy for sharing blood with such great men. Xinny, ever the shrewd, calms the young boy and in mock-modesty proclaims "I and Duke are not the real heroes. The people of the the SSC are!". Gheele T asserts what the General said is great. And the Duke and Xinn exchange mutual appreciations for pulling this thought through. You can not miss the kin sacrilege; it gets a bit incestuous. Adeer, I don't know if the 'all' in "we must all support" includes me and the others who are not from Puntland, but isn't it a formality that any Somali will a thinking brain with welcome the SSC unity. Of course, these SSC's have no problem in agreeing, they have a problem in respecting the agreements they sign. Or maybe, I am just a fear-mongerer worried further fissures will emerge soon. But if this Taleeex thing succeeds, the SNM will be walking nude, fully undressed. For now, they are wearing pants, although naked at the top. The SSC should not play second fiddle to any other clan. It has better historical pedigree than both Somaliland and Puntland. The Daraawish are finally back to claim their rightful place in Somali politics and they do not need pirates' patronizing endorsement! Unlike Faroole whose Somalinimo (somali unity) is a factor of what share he and his sons get in power and coins, the SSC's love of unity is legendary and unconditional!
  16. I totally, totally disgaree with brother the Zack's assessment of the situation on this. I don't think Meles is approaching this issue from the point of weakness. There is even new school of thought emerging as to whether he actually wants to talk or it was a ploy. Anyway, the chance of any agreement between Meles and ONLF is exteremely low. Caution, dear the Zack. The good thing is that the ONLF grassroot and fighters are given a direction through the Finland declaration, where it was reiterated that it is basically business as usual as far the struggle is concerned.
  17. Norf, arintaa aad sheegtay way badan tahay. Somalida Somalia ka timaadaana ku badan tahay. Inta badana it is a sign of the person's city life. Dadka reer-baadiyaha ku waynaaday ama tuulo-jooga ah ayaa sidaa u dhaqma. I am sure the young people from Diaspora and those in Africa but who have lived with different societies are better. Kenyans Somalis are relatively better in this regard. Somali region of Ethiopia waxaad raacisaa Somalia proper. People are rude there too. But the WORST of all is Djibouti. Meesha iyada waa embarrassment socota. I used to live my table when Djiboutians enter where I am having fun in Addis. Too much showy, rude and disgusting manners.
  18. Qarmac iyo Xanshar, Walaashay, ciidamada Ethiopia xansuuqa ay ka geestaan somaligalbeed sheekuu kugu yahay. Aniga adeer run ah iyo laba abtiyaashay hooyaday la dhashay oo shacab ah ayey caruurtooda hortooda ku toogteen. Markaa intay xanuun i badeen waad dareemi kartaa. Laakiin, inta ay Shabab jirto Ethiopia iskama celin karo. Markaa wixii Alshabab tirtiraya waan taageeraynaa. Haday dawlad soomaliya ka dhalato (waxaa taas ka hortaagan maaanta waa Alshabab) meel dadkayagu ugu yaraan ku cararaan ayey helayaan, Ethiopiana pretext ay Somalia ku gasho ma helayso. I hope you see my points.
  19. Very good news! Hopefully, the other front will make progress in the south too. The Alshabab terrorists days are numbered. We fully support the TFG on this. The terrorists cannot continue to hold people hostage forever. The complete annihilation of Alshabab will herald the rebirth of a functioning Somalia and the implementation of the Garowe Principles. Hiil-Qaran will start mobilising its support base and come the next election, real intellectuals who can make us proud will take the helm. Now over to the sentimental lot in SOL led by my friend Che who will look at the short-term infringement on Somalia's soveriegnity and not on the big gains to follow. By the way, where is the man who thinks condemning everything makes him a bona fide nationalist? Where is he who believes that a country can be rebuilt by tears and sob-tales? Where is Xinn and his template condemnations?
  20. Jacaylbaro;769081 wrote: So he is still talking ??? Yes, he is talking and talking lots of sense. Not loooooooooooooools and Bacaaaaaaaaaaaac's. I am impressed by the intellectual depth of the two professors (brothers). Read their research's and they are top class. Carafat, you are too young and too raw to have any doubts about these greatmen's ideas. Surely, whatever you think about (now) they must have thought about it in 1960s and 1970s. It is sad we all take ourselves seriously and pretend we can critique the ideas of real thinkers the moment we do our first thesis for undergraduate levels. Waryaa Professor'ada ku daba fayl and have trust that they have better minds than yours, not because they were born better, but because they had studied better. These men are not fake Professors like the many other somali academicians we see elsewhere. They are highly, highly qualified and they deserve respect. They could have lived a blame-less life in their homes, but they stepped out to make a difference in a society that is largely not in the same league. Hiil-Qaran All the way! D-Block ayey neceb yihiin iyo dacaayado riqiis ah ayaa la la hor boodey markay aasaasmenba. But they are getting millions of supporters from all clans and areas. Basically it is a party which you can join if you believe in their political programme, not one you become a member outright and by default simply because you are from the clans of its leaders. It is not like SNM, SPM, SSC, USC and other clan-based organisations.
  21. The REAL DEAL. Met the Professor accidentally in Nairobi and contributed resource-wise. Haven't seen anything as appealing and genuine as this thing so far. As usual, kids like Oba and many nabobs of negativity with no contributions of their own will soon say nasty words about this party, but I have asked to be a member. Somalidu dadkay aad u caydo inta badan waa kuwa quman ee aan rank and file 'ka sheekadooda raacin. Taas waa naqaanaa.
  22. Norf, I don't remember what you suggested but if was ONLF should stop fighting and join Meles's politics, it was wrong, It is still wrong. Wax isbadalay majiro. Only a bit of news about an impending talk. Talk that we cannot gurantee will yield any results. In la wada hadlo ONLF ma diidaneyn ee shuruudo ay ka mid yihiin third party presence and in a netural venue (not Addis Ababa like others did) ayey la soo taagnayd. So what changed is Ethiopia seems to have accepted these preconditions. Until we see what issues or concessions are put on the table, we cannot talk about a deal done. I believe this thing is hyped prematurely.
  23. Ngonge, Kolna waxaad leedahay everything is about clan, kolna waxaad leedahay how does Abtigiis get close to the leadership? :D Anyway, This thing is at a very early stage. Wax wadahadal ah ma bilaabmin. In my own analysis, the chances of success are not great unless there is some big change on the part of Meles. Gar-haye - there are some who enjoy my talk. Just don't go to any thread where I posted. That will save you my nonesense. Do we have a deal?
  24. According to the data I have Somalida ajanabiga guursata waxaa u badan SNM'ta. Matt Bryden, Roberts, Mark Gordon, and few others I have seen with Somali girls, in all case, they were SNM. :D But whether that applies to those who are seen with the men with dreadlocks and muscular physique, Ngonge is in a better position to tell. I don't live in the west where these things happen.
  25. STOIC;768629 wrote: AT&T I live near DC (SEcond home of Ethiopians) and what i normally see is Xabashi getting laid by any race... This is not NEWS to me at all. Getting laid is a national hobby for Ethiopian girls. In fact, your chances of laying them down increases the more your Amharic is scarce. I am also least bothered by inter-marriages. I think it is the future as more people from different backgrounds live in mega cities. There is nothing wrong with it. But the people back home (in Ethiopia, and Somalia) will preditictably be less tolerant of this thing.