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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. No wonder we men of deep-voices and limousines often lose girls to broke fellows with jiqiiq voices. Ileen farsama kalaa jirta. Allah awoodiisu weynaa,
  2. Lool! you are waiting to enjoy the last 5 years. Wouldn't it be too late then to relish it? by the way, naagtii boos kayga aheyd eed igu aflagaadaysay waa efficient ee adaa damiin ah is no more! She is removed from the first week of February. And everybody is rejoicing. So at least you owe me an official apology, not kii hore eed aad Ngonge soo marisyay.
  3. 3! only 3! not at once, but one after another.of all the voluptous, long-necked, built from the back, tiny peas, and all that roam the streets. It is cruel, yes.
  4. Years after I narrated this story to you, I wonder if Ardo's husband was as cruel as I initially painted him to be. Indeed, passing through the mid-life crisis is a tough thing, they should call it the Second Adolescence, or to be more precise the Second Coming orgasmically. It is this mid-life crisis that makes men like Caano-geel feel he is married to any and every women whose sight he relishes in SOL. As far as I know, Caano-geel has a wife and he should be content with her, instead of claiming VAL. His wife is "Google Earth".
  5. Adeer, if there is something I hate about Somalis, it is the over-suspicious, conspiracy-thoery-mindset, and generalised view that there can be no man clean from clan virus. Yes, most somalis are clannish and view things from the angle of what it has for their clan. But that doesn't mean there can't be some (even if few) who transcend this mindset and hold higher and nobler ideals. If you close your mind to this possibility, you will never understand the actions of men who do good. You will always look behind the shoulders of these men, to see what is the 'real' motive. For a 'good' motive cannot be a motive by itself for any somali man. I don't subscribe to that scool of thought. In fact, I subscribe to the opposite school of thought which take what people say and judge them on their actions. If the actions and words are good (according to my defintion of good), I accept people on their words. That doesn't mean all those whose words and actions I take as good are actually doing good. But I believe time is the best investigative journalist and if what one is saying or the actions he is doing are fake, he will not die with them. At one instance, it will be seen and exposed. I think it is better to be naive than negative.
  6. Well, it is not something I thought I will do ever - to disagree with Baashi. I always seem to agree with what he says, and saw no reason to confront him. But I disagree with him here and now. There is a lot of revealtions in this video. It cannot be downplayed as a mere meeting where a clan is plotting against another clan. It has a much more significiance than that. It shows the mindset that ruled Somalia for 21 years. These men who are speaking in this meeting are not traditional elders. They were commanders of Somalia's national army. They were political leaders in actuality because politics and military were one and the same under Siyaad. While we all have heard of the decadence of the leaders of Somalia's false Kacaan, hearing from the mouths of the men themesleves is quite revealing. Look at the amount of nonesesne Gabiyoow is spweing in this video. Look at the mindset. Shantii or lixdii or laba iyo tobankii D- block ayaa meesha fadhiya, I feel like God toda because the clan chose me.... Look at Morgan's useless sterotyping: Rer-hebel baa sal-fudud baa la yidhi inagaa ka sal fuduud blah blah... To say this while cheawing Qat with your friends is soemthings, to institute these false sterotypes and insert them in national policy is a different matter altogather. What is even worse is knowing that the two Generals are not speaking for themselves alone. The whole Somalia government had the same mentality and no wonder other clans who saw what is going on revolted. Of course other clans are not better too. Like the same Kaydmedia group who use this clip to fuel a backlash against another clan. War dadka Somalia ku nool,what are they? I am not worried about the masses. War ka daaya hal qof oo yidhaa (ku yidhaa reerkiisa) maxaa loo la'yahay. In this regard, I salute Buuba and the few Somalilanders who faced upto their kins and said no to what they saw as wrong.
  7. loooooooool@'hope you still don't think I am bootylicious'. Occassionally, I do. It is an involuntary reflex. No, there is nothing growing here. VAL is out of stock. All I did was to post her picture and show her contributions to the SSC cause. Yes, the SSC men are half-crazy, pass-by-myside-and-step-on-a-stick-that-will-touch-my-toe and we have a fist fight types. But I find it easy to talk to them and generally consider them good-hearted. Therefore, I am keenly following the SSC triumph.
  8. Liibaan, so it was caadi afterall? Adeer Xaal iyo Xurmayn qaata. It is me and Xinn who are at fault by judgeing such accepted and established culture of the hegemony of the fist and muscle. Markaa, let craniums crack open and testicles get crushed. I am sure such normal thing will not hinder the success of the Taleex meeting.
  9. Qandalawi;772176 wrote: A&T adigu meelkasta iska dhaxbood, you behave as thick as 'long footed' man to get the agenda behind the release of the clip of Gabyaw's coronation as SPM leader in 92. I aways believed Adan Gabiyoow was a green-grass munching fool and moron. This video cemented that belief. Otherwise, how can a whole General get so elated about a false title with that much relish?
  10. Who is saying this? The Somaliland press? So, why is it a news? Isn't this what Jacaylbaro, Ayoub, Burahadeer and even their so-called Guru Oodweyne state on an hourly basis on SOL? For this clan chauvinists the whole concept of Somalinimo is illegal let alone a clan they have a neighbourly feud. Their opinion does not matter. What is illegal in the real sense of the word is hosting German playboys in Hargeisa, and welcoming British faggots with red carpet merely because they spoke of good of the SNM agenda. Let the Somaliland press first deal with the dozens of illegal things at their backyard first before talking about others. But the bottomline is what they can do about the ONLF, even if they declare it illegal. The last time the gallant boys crossed this enclave, we remember the phoney "hareeraysi" operation that quenched our thirst for some real fun.
  11. xiinfaniin;772182 wrote: Honestly I don't understand why Liiban and Abdikhadar of people are discussing this nonevent. You would think they should have been the ones burying such distractions reported as news. The reaction that represents the general sentiment in SSC today about this foolish booing is not even that of Liban and Abdikhadar. It is the one expressed by FreshPrince: "Kuddos to the audience" he said only sad that the booing was not followed by Iraq-style shoe-throwing. War adeer, this people have an excess of blood (waa rag dhiig leh). They confuse high blood-pressure with zeal, determination and ficil. What should have been a clinical case is treated by endless reconcilliation gogol and xaal-marin.
  12. ^missionary? Islahel, ilaahay idankii. Ok let me come clean: Salvation Army in Waliso (East Wallega, a town called Dambi-Dollo in Oromoiya). :D Waryaa, I attended Ramadan Private School of English in Wayla-laguxid. My teacher was the late Ina-Xadhigo. Abdikhadar, No, I am saying the SSC folks have an abnormal propensity to react violently to the mildest of provocations. It is either the sun, or a curse in the blood that followed them from the exploits of milk and meat of camels acquired through raids.
  13. xiinfaniin;772173 wrote: Not a big deal--booing is expected in such conferences , it is natural tor some people to express their anger and frustration. This should not be a big deal I don't agree. It shouldn't be a big deal anywhere else, not in SSC. These creatures are half-crazy. They love Somali unity,and we love them for that, but they are certifiable lunatics on the majority.
  14. Have they started? I mean boos and all! It looks more of an SSC meeting now then. Was wondering how the thing could go with so much calm for so long. Deja vu. The booed Isim will go and boo the whole thing through the BBC, his sub-clan will join the exchanges and a fist-fight will ensue at Taleex. Rarely does a congregation of SSC men who meet at a given place in numbers - be it in Qat saloon, or funeral place, disperse without few men nursing broken noses and others sifting the soil to look for their false front teeth. This people have short fuses. Now some will cry foul and say this is sterotyping when we state the obvious. They just can't take things they don't like! What is wrong if the guy says whatever! Now, the next news is of a gruelling fist-fight, especially when the discussion moves beyond maudlin midimada beesha topic, and jostling for influence starts!
  15. WEEP NOT OODWYNE In super-market parlance, the VAL is out of stock. A brand that won’t come back in months, or years, in its current design. It is out of market too. But,soon, and very soon, an unmarried sister from SSC- image cut and copied by scale from the Val you saw here – will be Taleex’s newest grace; - will have to roll down the Xargaga Valley, turn left into another valley, this time the one down to Xudun. Down, down that rough-way, past abooraale, past tuulo-baas, past Sabareey’s trenchs, into the Qorsheel’s den, crossing the haasweyne River, leaving dusty villages alone to her West. The Darwish-girl from Canada will do a gentle dip, into the masrshlands of the SOL plateu, unevenly split by seasonal streams as it hurries to empty into dry, thirsty soils, close to Las Anod, the place of repeated tears. Legend has it that the SSC sub-clan in LA is bewitched by marauding secessionists, black cats cut into miniscule pieces of flesh and blood, green and yellow eyes from fattened he-sheep removed from their sockets, mixed with honey and milk, and dried hair of sterile widower, and then buried in a water-well in the center of the town. Day in, Day out, families drink water from the deep well, all the time absorbing the jinx of division into their emaciated stomachs. But this beauty will throw a cleansing spell on the cursed town, splashing coca-lite she imported from the lands of thousand rivers onto bony and ribbed cows of home. The bones belong to Garaad Jaamac. These four legged carcasses scatter along either side of the road outside Las Anod, clearly sapped, seemingly browsing barren, ashen soils of Sol. She will feed them hotdogs and crisps and these beasts swell, and swell before her own eyes! And then she will proceed, and proceed, to where the curse will be lifted, to where it will happen. For days. Before she will have walked for long, only for few days, and close to the fortress of Taleex, the cheering cavalcade (decorated he-camels carrying her) shall mop, drums and ululation, slowing pace, closing ranks into an incessant bee-like of blinking right indicators. Only that the indicators are gunfire from AK-47s. Whereupon, the lead he-camel shall gaze at the carving on an aging Qudhac tree! It reads “Taleex, Khaatumo 2”, the bottom side of the 2 meancingly pointing towards Hargeisa, seemingly taunting whatever race there to dare a disruption of this idyllic wedding. And then appears the stone-walled edifices that housed Somalinimo and Islaamnio for decades, standing still, bereaved and streaked like the hand of a leaper. A toothless old man shouts “it badly needs a caring Alma Meter. Taleex’s Palaces”. This SSC bride will have arrived, will have finally touched the loaded red sands of home where cattle and camels buy you a wife, send boys to school. Where to be smart is to tie three big satellite dishes (some analogue, some digital) and revolve it heaven-wards, southwards and at times downwards, to gaze at the innards of this universe with this potent desert ‘Challenger-II’. She will have arrived to a household with all these rich idiosyncrasies. Whereupon the anxious village shall explode into happiness, less for the Val’s younger sister’s marriage, more for the promise of a great eating feast to follow. Coca Cola sent for a task of taking the chunky meat of goat and camel home, as far as the bigger intestines, rice munched between animated gossip, and amid sowing of it back to the plates where you harvest to the annoyance of some who think this is bad table manners; only that it is bacda cuntada manners in the land of the Daraawish! Ony that a bigger marriage of clan cohesion is taking place by the side, making the joy of the bride ephemeral. And the SSC gray-haired men read scripts after scripts. Embarce one another and clap and jump in circles in joyous dance of triumph. The triumph gives us more of the girls we watched, to be marked for adoring pursuit of the dwindling species – the tall and durable girls of the SSC. That is the real triumph. So, weep not Oodweyne. Taleex is more than mundane politics. it's the EGOLI (place of Gold) of eating; the time of drinking; the hour of ephemeral plenty. It is a three-dimensional endevour in this land of perpetual scarcity.
  16. They maybe a violations of SOL but they shouldn't be! These kinds of filth should be openly brought out, rediculed and censured to the extent it becomes too fetid for anyone to go that way again.
  17. No Che! No! No! I and you can never say those things. I cannot, will not, have not. The playful banter here in SOL should not create false impressions. I cannot insult or degrade or see in bad light another creature, let alone a Somali. Doesn't matter if I say it here or if you believe it or not. but my conscience is 1000% clean on such things. I was blessed I haven't lived through what Somalis in Somalia lived through. For me, Somali meant something special, until I found out its entrails.
  18. Well, there it is for all you. These were our "national' leaders, our national Generals, the creme of our leadership! Having soon the minds that led the damn thing called Somalia, I always wonder how the whole thing lasted for 30 years! Ina-lilaah wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun! Even those in power today are of the same breed. I go to Somaliland, I go to Puntland, I go to the South and the mentality I see is simply saddening. What are these people made of? loooooooooooooooooooool at the end (summary) by the Kayd media guys. They are saying Azania is a follow up of Morgan and Gabyow's project. May be, may not be! But how can you condemn a clan vitriol with an equally poisonous clan vitriol?
  19. We sincerly apologize if we have infringed on anybody's right for privacy, but we stand by our report and we trust our sources. Bluelicious - you seriously don't expect Val to say 'yes there I am', of course! This is elementary stuff you should know, inaadeertay macaan.
  20. Oodweyne, The girls of the land of gorgeous horses are famed for their beauty. Val is just one among many. The issue is not about someone's beauty. The issue here is about the will of the SSC women to stand by their men at this historical juncture in their struggle for self-rule. The spineless Oodweyne should not apologise. He did no offence to anybody. He dreamed about what it would be to sit beside a rehabilitated wifey, and that is a common wish.
  21. NGONGE;771659 wrote: ^^ As ever, our hopless A&T forgot to update his database and is now mistaking Mrs Ninka-qaba with the pretty single girls that infest this site. NG, I am not mistaking anybody with anybody. Watch the news of Somali channel TV (for January 08) and see the lady that addresses the meeting after Colonel Sabareey and few men speak. I was tipped off by a SOL insider and has to run home to see the feat for myself.
  22. Dear Oodweyne, This is strictly about politics and the SSC triumph at Taleex. :D Let us keep it that way! But for some reason, I feel cheerful today. Really cheerful. And I wish to dedicate Khadra Dahir's marvelous song 'Dadkoo ururay' to the gallant people meeting in Taleex tonight. Dadkoo ururayoo, isutagay dhamaan Ma ogaan karaan, mooyiye isagaa... :D
  23. Glowing with irresistible charm, velvet lip-stick intact and bursting at the seams literally (I mean around the chest area), Valenteenah took to the stage and delivered a moving speech. You can go and watch the clip on Somali Channel TV. She is the lady who speaks just after Colonel Sabaareey. Speaking in Som-English, here is what she said: “Arintan halkan manta lagu hayo iyo Unity’gan anaga dhalinyaradu waa tii aan daydayeeyney mar walba. Waa arin fiican haddi manta dadkii waa waynaana inala joogaan. You see, development possible ma aha, facilities’ka biniaadmku u baahanyahayna lama helayo hadii uuna jirin administration hagga ummadda. Maanta wax education facilities ah malaha SSC. Qofkiii operation u baahdan waxaa loola run gareeyaa gobolada kale ee neighbourhood’ka. “ “Markaa waa inaan unity of purpose muujinaa. Oo aan ka fogaanaa division iyo fragmentation. I wish to congratulate those who organized this event. Mahadsanidiin. Somalia ha noolaato! Come on! SSC! Come on Daraawish and people of the glorious horses”
  24. I knew this Rudy character was out of touch and into something that makes people live a surreal life. But I never thought he has no clue about the situation of Somalia. How can he talk about Arab uprising and online mobilisation? It is the fad to talk about these things and for Rudy whatever that happens in Peru can be replicated in Samoa! Does he know the percentage of Somalis with access to internet when he talks about online mobilisation? And Arab uprising where? In Kismayo? In Mogadishu? Who leads such uprisings? Where is the civil society in Somalia? And what is the literacy levels of the poor country? Anyway, no one was counting on contributions from earring-wearing, dreadlocked juveniles like Rudy. If he doesn't like the idea, he should disregard the whole thing. Simple. $60 dollar ee kuwareeririyey adeer, Gillette shaving cream siiso oo hayso, cidna ha u dirin. I am more concerned about Xinn's statements in this thread than Rudy's refusal to send money to Hiil-Qaran.
  25. Dear Rudy, You can do a little cut back on the non-essential expenditures: move to cheaper condemns, and date your girls once every week (not twice) and you can raise the $60 per month. Seriously, the idea of contributing money is in order to have a party fully financed by Somalis.Xisbiyo dawladda shisheeye ama hay'addo shisheeye fund gareeyaan waa waxa dadka dib ula hadhay. $60 is not much. If you can't, then pay what you can. even $10. You got to trust someone at the end of the day.