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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Carafaat, I followed your threads last few weeks and maryaha inaad tuurto ayaad qarka u saarayd. The moment Somaliland attacked buuhoodle you went into overdrive, losing the usual poise. So, naturally, I felt you really didn't like what was happening. Am I wrong? Maaddeey is usually a sensible person. He is knowledgeable, he is modest and well-mannered. What makes such a man a follower or even worse a promoter of terror defies logic and mama batuulo's wisdom too!! I was shocked to see him wishing carnage to continue in Somalia. clearly, he doesn't think the Alshababa are liberators of Somalia? if so, he has the mindest of a Boko-haram. Peasant, don't accuse him of anything yet. He is most likely the twitter guy for Alshabab or the editor of Al-kataaib though. :D
  2. His logic is as convulted as the terrorists who think they defeat enemies by blowing up students at their graduation ceremonies. His nationalism is as fierce as that of Ahmed Godane who thinks foreigners are to be fought, but with other foreigners on your side (Arabs). His cyber propaganda is as lously as that of Emmauel Chrichir, the spokesperson of the Kenyan Defence Forces (KDF). He has been championing the cause of 'Jihad' and 'defeating infidels' for the last three years in SOL. In the last three weeks, with his jihadists feeling the heat, he is losing his head. A bomb thrown at an army convey in El-ade becomes a napal bomb at invaders for him, in this frenzied mindset. Much like Carafaat, who also lost all poise after the Buuhoodle attack,something you would think he will be happy about, but an attack that mysteriously makes him nervous and restless, Maaddeey is producing threads after threads claiming Alshabab victory on key battle fronts. He is doing a Mahamed Saeed Alsahaaf on all. This lover of Alshabab is the Boko-Haram of the cyber world. Maaddeey's autobiography "My life defending Terror" will be out soon. This is a week of many books. It will be followed by Carafaat's "A unionist in Secessionst's Clothing"
  3. We will heed the Horseman's call, and pray for Las-caanood. Indeed, more than prayers, we will contribute our resources for the cause of defending this town and the SSC people. More than Tolnimo, it is the urge of decent human beings to stand with the wronged, and measured by all standards, the people of SSC are wronged by the delusional lot in Hargeisa. Thanks Xinn for posting this timely call. Indeed, the last couple of weeks were good for the unionists in Somalia. The SNM clan agenda which used to hide behind colonial borders were made to lose its useless facade and it is now in the open for all to see. There is no freedom without tears, without blood. And the first tears of the final chatarasis is shed in Las-Caanood. The secession agenda is unravalling quickly and what we see in Buuhoodle and Las-Anod these days is the last kick of a dying SNM clan delusion.
  4. http://www.hadhwanaagnews.com/ We are a nation. We are a country. Somaliland is not about a clan, but about many clans. This was the talk before the test. Maanta waxay maraysaa Beesha Sacad Muuse will sell their camels and Siisoow trucks to defend the nation. Good Luck! But, this whole week I couldn't help but sing a famous Amharic song, one in which a watchman bids his wife Almaz goodbye as he prepares for a daunting night shift. Anyway, a rendition of that old song is now used in football stadiums to taunt opposition teams that are badly losing a game. (mainly in Derby matches). Tarayaa nay inaa (The shift tonight is mine) Indhaa ti shabarii (Don't get scared) Si leyish aznaalaw (I am sad to leave you in this state) Almaz dhanaa dharii (Almaz, good night) :D Somaliland Dhanaa dharii!
  5. MMA, Soomali xalaal ah oo aan xaasid aheyn inaad tahay waxaan ku ogaaday markaad Hiil-Qaran taageertay. Qoraaladu dadka intellectuals ka ah ayuu target gareeynayaa, markaa wa Ok english. Gabayadaa kaga haboon dhinaca bulshada kale. Samir badan uma leh soomalidu wax akhriska. Gabay fiican baa ku jira website'ka Hiil-Qaran. Anyway, turjum kana oo meel ku dhaji. Although the two terms may sometimes coincide, ruling is fundamentally different from governing. Governors are gate-keepers and operators of prescribed structures/institutions of rule, whilst rulers conceive, proffer and shape the ideas, ideals and aspirations that govern societies. In the past two decades, Somalia has been governed (misgoverned) by Somalis, but was and continues to be ruled by foreign ideas. These foreign ideas have mutated into a conventional wisdom that codify the frames of discussions on politics and State reconstruction in Somalia. This is not to exculpate Somalis from culpability for their predicament, but to stress the ruinous role foreign ideas played in assisting Somalis in their self-immolation and national hara-kiri. One such ruling foreign idea is that Somalis can only organize themselves along clan lines. The other ruling idea, which is the sequel to the first idea, is that clan-based Regionalism/Federalism is the panacea for Somalia’s governance ills. These ideas are relentlessly marketed by foreigners and their Somali accomplices, that it has, today, assumed hegemonic status. Influential players and pundits in the politics of Somalia subscribe to these ideas. The Gramscian exposition of hegemony is strikingly evident in the present-day Somalia, and these ruling foreign ideas have become ‘common sense’ and ‘natural’, voluntarily accepted by the subordinated silent majority. The point to emphasize is that “political rulers” (mainly foreigners) in Somalia found and built their monopoly of power on this system of ideas based on clan and partition, and “political governors” (Somalis) validate and legitimize themselves through processes sired by the selfsame structure of ideas. The birth of Hiil Qaran Party in 2011 was the first real challenge to this cycle of recycling failed and foreign ideas as a solution to the political problems of Somalia. This political party, founded by prominent Somali intellectuals, political leaders, and elders, is about galvanizing the grassroots for a common vision of a unified and democratic Somalia, governed by rules firmly grounded on Somali and Islamic values. More importantly, it is about reclaiming the ownership of the ruling ideas that will guide and direct current and future political search for a unified, sovereign State in Somalia.
  6. http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Jan/Mukhtar/20_Hiil_Qaran_Indegenous_Ideas_Organic_Leaders.html
  7. What is new? This looks like the sort of demos Gadhaafi used to organize in his last days. Shall we see a Zenga-Zenga from Silaanyo today?
  8. Horta wasiirku markuu Kenya yimaado meel aan fadhiisano buu bunka ka cabaa, markaa sometimes when he is chatting with few kinsmen around, I visualize how he will later translate this small meeting into shir balaadhan oo aan la yeelanay deeq-bixiyaasha caalamiga ah ee jooga Nairobi. Anyway, we accord him the right respect as he is a 'minister'. Si fiican baan u salaanaaa. Carafaat, please let us not dwell too much on this that is fake, this is fake business. There are too many fake things in the world and in this site for sure.
  9. Peasant, waan maqlay arinta, inkastoon subaxnimadii shalay aad uga murugooday Buuhoodle attack. In Galabtii, lagu faraxashay ciidamada qaranka SNM waan maqlay. Now will Ngonge realize the SSC comeback is more than a meeting? Will the guru update us on a minute-by-minute basis?
  10. " Ku Dawaaqdee, kumaa daqangelin?" Secessionist Guru Oodweyne offeres some advise on how to stop the SSC. Link below. http://hadhwanaag.com/detail.aspx?id=55591
  11. Amazed JB finds this sweet. Disgusting, pretentious, caveat-emptor! Minus the indhaadeyd, harawsiga islaamaha ay ka naxsatay, and some silly moves, she would have been fine if she turns like that in the bedroom. Maan-qas, baan odhan lahaa, laakin this one is appetite-killer, walaahi.
  12. galia;773761 wrote: ^^^ Why don't you attack warlord futtoole instead of attacking people who've made something of themselves You hate everyone but your clan, you hate the republic of somaliland, the people of mogadishu but you love your precious tribe in Garoowe I did, little one. But you were not here. You were mixing mud in Somalinet. :D
  13. galia;773648 wrote: ^^^ Its funny how this sicko, tries to paint the noble people of Somaliland as if they are wrong. Ease up young girl, and eat your vanilla ice-cream calmly. That is what you would know a lot about. You are too young to know what you are tyring to talk about. There is nothing called the PEOPLE OF SOMALILAND. That myth has long been perforated and is only fodder for the fools. There is what is called the people of rer-hebel X, rer-hebel y, reer-hebel Z, and reer-hebel Q. That is what we have in North Somalia. Whoever told you there were such a distinction between a SLander and a Somali in the euphoric days of 1960s has the brain of a frog and can only be the son of a confused SNM mujaahid.
  14. Letter to my prodigal abtiyaashay Dear Abtiyaal, Waaryaadaheen, May the bones of Suldaan Guuleed stalk me wherever I go, whenever the sun sets, if I hate you, if I wish you harm, or if I forsake you at your times of need! No. I have cried when you were crying, and I have felt your pain when you were in pain. But that is yesterday. Today, you are inflicting pain and misery on others; you are fully walking into Siyaad’s shoes as protectors of ‘sovereignty’ and using it to justify aggression and oppression of others. And therefore, we should raise our voices and warn you, censure you not as an attack but in the spirit of solidarity, for those who advise you right are your friends, not enemies. The SNM fought against oppression, but it soon become clear that the real leitmotif of the whole struggle was about clan conceit. Otherwise, why not come up with political arrangements that will ensure the past never comes back by way of constitutional guarantees? Why not even take the lead and rule Somalia? And if you don’t want both of that, why not simply focus your project to its real target beneficiaries? No, this secession thing is not about future progress, not about past injustices, not about present challenges. It is not about politics, economics or logic. It is about capricious clan conceit, and that is what makes me oppose it. But I am hopeful. The prodigal abtiyaal are reaching the end of the road. And they will soon hit the return lane of the road.
  15. Xinn's endorsement is a big endorsement. I welcome it, I relish it, and obviously the secessionist crowd here resent and fear it, because they know it is a big cannon behind me. Hence, cheapily getting personal and agitated. Of course, Xiin will attack Oodweyne for the sins of the juvenile Abokor. He will not say a word to the confused youngester. Anyway, admitting the SNM struggle was just as it was against oppression doesn't mean we endorse the SNM when they plot aggression against the sacred ideal of somalinimo, and even worse when they try to impose their will on other clans in the North. When I was in the Southern hemisphere of Africa, I saw the ANC youth chanting the war chant during the days of struggle ‘‘Dubula ibhunu! (Kill the Boer) in Polokwane and unconsciously puffed out my chest, and lip-synced with the chanters even though I do not even discern a single stanza. I haven't yet reached to the stage where I will substitute the "Kill the Boer" with "kill the secessionist", but if they attack the SSC, It would be about time.
  16. " Miyihir waxaad ku waydaan Iswaal kuma mahiibtaane" All I can say for now (a notorious kid is nagging me to listen to his school day stories) is balwooy, hooy balwooy, waxaa i baleeyey mooyaaneeeeeeeeee, balwoooooooooooooy! Oodweyne has an interesting syntactical constructions when it comes to English, but when he gets angry, it gets even more interesting. :D
  17. Fair enough, NG! That sounds logical. And probable given the self-destructive propensity of the half-crazy folks in SSC. But, you are counting on its failure. What about if it works? Is the scenario projected of the secession agenda being weakened correct? I think this conclusion is not celebratory. The gravitas and significance of the SSC get-together will be tested soon though. But the panicky rants of Mr. Waraabe shows it is certainly a stern test to the false republic in Hargeisa. In “The Path of Thunder”, Nigerian poet Christopher Okigbo, states “Now that the triumphant march has entered the last street corner, remember o dancers, the thunder amongst the clouds…” Indeed, beyond the sentimental Press releases and declarations, and victory parades, lies a real danger. The SSC can only succeed in achieving the political clout and autonomy it craves, only if the Taleex conference can quickly establish the foundations for an effective administration, which can raise funds from the SSC people everywhere, in a short period of time. Then, it will have to do the routine stuff: set up a security sector, provide services, and pay civil service, etc. This week was a tale of two Hyenas (Waraabe’s). While Haji Abdi Waraabe’s threats against the SSC people is the insensitive fart of a sleeping person, which does not irritate the owner but sends the awake shying away and out of sorts, Faisal Ali Waraabe’s panicky and discordant reaction is a signal that the SSC politicians and elders in Taleex cannot expect a noiseless ride towards an autonomous homeland. The SNM militias in the garb of ‘republican’ military will visit them in the not-so-distant future. The Taleex triumph is a Eureka moment for those who believed in the cause of togetherness, and not in retail politics. But as Okigbo warns, this faltering step forward is the beginning of a cast that will have to go and change over several, long seasons to come to bear fruit. The Taleex trajectory, therefore, unavoidably heralds vibrant vicissitudes of success, failure, grief, risks, confusion, impediments, opportunities, breakthroughs, and setbacks. What is at stake the morning the ephemeral ecstasy in Taleex ends, is for a more focused, more resolute, and a more durable understanding of the huge tasks ahead.
  18. No one will be begged. It doesn't work like that. No one will be attacked and subjugated too. Like a marriage this is a voluntary union. Those who want will stay, those who don't will go. Also, it is naive to expect the SNM will give ear to foolish homilies of 'you are our brothers, please don't go'. Money and portolios are at stake. But if it is going to make the minds of even one SNM zealot in this forum, i am officially asking them to stay by inviting them Mike Posner's "PLEASE DON"T GO". "Let's run away from these lies, back to Yesterday, safe tonight yeah, you got me begging please don't go, please don't go please don't run away from my bed and start another day Stay instead :D
  19. Mintid and Ngonge, I think this is different than Carta and the previous events. You can hear the loud calls for an attack on SSC from your elders and politicians. And that is because they feel things are getting out of hand. Minitid - start Plan B adeer, which is to go for the independence of the burco-berbera-hargeisa triangle. As things are now the Plan A which was to pretend different clans in the north support this madness of secession is now kaput and gone. Freshprince - why does SSC has to be either within Puntland, Somaliland or whatever. Like a tick on a sheep, can't you survive without sticking with anyone else? I think the rest of the SSC Solers will be disappointed by your post up there.
  20. Ibrahim Dhegaweyne spoke well and seems ahead of the brainwashed fanatics like Buraahadeer. But he still seems to be treating the SSC issue and the factors that led to the Taleex meeting as a matter of grieviance or protest against the maladministration of Somaliland. It is not. It is a protest against secession. And no amount of political accomodation by SL will convince SSC to be part to sacrilege called Somaliland. There is a clear example of that in Awdal, where even after Rayaale reigned for so long in SL, the Awdal State is in formation. The secessionists are approaching this weigthy matter with open eyes but closed minds. They need to close their eyes and open their minds. if all of the resources in SL is mobilized, and SNM manages to sew golden suit and dresses for each and every SSC person in this world, the far-sighted Malika and VAL included, and even the feeble Freshprince and Bluelicious's deceased lover (Knight of Wisdom), they will not succeed to sell the secession craze to these people. In the end, the war of liberation that resulted in today's status quo in the North was fought by a single clan, and for a single-clan agenda. Those who were not part to it to that struggle obvioulsy are not too keen to share its exploits.
  21. Baashi;772641 wrote: Abtigiis, Disagreements are most welcome. We certainly don’t want to preach to the choir I take it you take issue with negative tribalism. And rightly so. I don’t know about you Abtigiis but I am well versed in the goings of Somalis political scene. The very institutions that Somali political framework rested upon have always been that of clan institution -- the traditional clan mold. And yes you heard me right I believe clan is and has always been the basis of our social system. Never has social contract of national scale been drafted without getting the clan consideration right. Clan is not everything to everyone and certainly not to you - I take your word for it - but it is a humongous factor in our xeer . Let me emphasis this. I said xeer ! Xeer in itself is informed by clan considerations. Do this quickly: try to take any institution of significance and extrapolate its line items to trabilism and see the upward trajectory the line traverses! You will find there are no sacred cows from qoys to highest echelons of governments that ruled Somalia in its heydays. General Morgan and general Gabyow were the top military brass and ahd held highest positions of the government. True. They were negative tribalism practitioners long before that meeting. Most of us knew that tidbit. In that sense there is no new revelations in the clip. Dear Baashi, I agree with what you said here and maybe you knew what these Generals and other leaders were upto well before the collapse of the State. While I was not privy to this, my assumption was they would practice this type of clannism but would be sophesticated enough to sugar-coat it and at least not to so unashamedly utter what they practice. I know when Ina Omer Jess meets the O-people (I have never met him by the way) he would talk about danta-reerka. These kinds of things all somali politicians used to do (whether they believed in it (most did so) or whether they wanted to carry the support of the clan for their selfish ends or for both reasons). But to openly address thousands and talk of we have to do this or that to so and so clan is truly shocking. The biggest political quack Somalia has ever known Aideed was also doing this. But it never makes it right just because all sides were saying so, and certainly there is no context to talk about in these kinds of things. I have never lived or visisted Somalia when Siyaad was in charge, and therefore assumed the leadership wouldn't explicitly say such things. Anyway, even today, Yeey, Sheikh Sharif, Silaanyo very much are in the mould of old leadership with clannish mentality. But you don't hear them say such things very openly. Even when Yey said th infamous 'badaan ku daraynaa' he skipped the clan name (micnaha qabiilkiii u macnaystay in iyaga loo jeedo). I am not a fan of neither the Kampala Accord nor the clueless Sharif. Xinn is. But right now, I am not sure if there is any deal better than that out there. Except Hiil-Qaran, of course. But then Xiin is saying he is not sufficiently oriented by a Tolka elder about what Hiil-Qaran is about. Once Abdirisaq Xaaji Xussen finalizes the induction about HQ to Xinn, maybe we will see things the same way.
  22. McGonagall’s personification in the Somali political circles is an opulently bald man named Faysal Ali Waraabe, chairman of one of the opposition parties in Somaliland (North Western Somalia). He is callous, full of vitriol, rough and all. But he captures the mood of the day and the talk of Hargeisa town rather fittingly and also says it with exceptional candor. And, lately he is breathing fast and short, is in combative mode, and remonstrating. His problem? - The secession dream of Somaliland is getting into a dead-end, the passageways of recognition are getting blurry and befuddling. He is not worried about Presidency and the higher perch. He is worried for the fate of his “home-land”. It is fragmenting, he says. Somalia is coming back, he wailed. Sool-Sanaag-Cayn (SSC) is rising, and so Somalia is coming back, he declares. It is a correct transposition of fates. SSC must rise for Somalia to revive. He should indeed be worried, vexed even. For like McGonagall, what he is saying is comical but true. The dream of a clan enclave is turning into a midday fantasy. After two decades of arduous voyage, the secessionists are finally sleepwalking into the final interment. Because the die is firmly cast in Taleex, and there is no going back. Taleex - a dying village which is home and the birthplace of an undying idealism of Somali nationalism! Oodweyne is the Faysal Cali Waraabe of the SOL secessionists. Ironically, he is also the biggest cannon they can deploy and that all he is able to do right now is to talk of condoms is enough testimony the sun is setting for his false mother-land. His is the frantic kick of a dying retail-politics lover.
  23. The short and the long of the story is if Somalia is divisible, so is Somaliland. We owe a lot to the hearty support of the SSC people to our struggle whereever they are. They may not be helping materially or may not have the means to do so, but they love the struggle of the Somaligalbeed people from their heart and wish them victory. It is time we show soildarity with them.
  24. .........The SSC magnitudes, themselves politically footloose and utterly divided, are now coalescing for the cause they are famed for, the cause of Somali unity. With purpose, with determination! And each baby-step they take towards setting up a viable SSC regional administration is a dagger in the heart of the secessionists in the North. With the strong comeback of the SSC, and the declaration of Awdal State, it is evident that the secessionist agenda of the Somali National Movement (SNM) is now not only damaged but it is, in fact, over and the SNM drive of mutilating Somalia, as we have known and experienced it, is kaput, finito and gone. ............... ......Decorating the SNM clan chauvinism is certainly a roguishly attempt to dye the air and is akin to the feverishness of a beautician to spend time applying cosmetic to a baboon. It is ugly, for no amount of cosmetics can beautify a baboon. http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_12/Jan/Mahado/10_The_SSC_Come_Back.html