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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. The only thing that doesn't delight me about the buuhoodle news is the capture of two technicals that belong to SNM. for those who may not know these things are dilapitated old N3 italian made laanches from second world war. They paint these old smoke-producing metals and they parade them as the technicals of ciidanka qaranka, itself a qat-addicted club of skinny camelboys. The SNM leadership are quite advanced in the art of mugging those who trust them, like the hugger-muggers of greater Manchester.
  2. There is only one defeat that is really relevant tonight and it is in Sol joogta. REDSEA used to be sensible but of course tough times call for tough measures. I understand.
  3. The London tonal ring is particularly concussing, clearly indicating that the deep anxiety in the Secessionist enclave is unlikely to be fobbed off neither with light explanations SNM cadres are wont to dish out at rallies or internet forums, nor with this “ London is nothing” panicky decrees. The shot of sitting SL beside the ragtag Ahlu-Sunna is a well-calibrated one, sure to take out the zeal out of any self-respecting SNM chauvinist. It would alienate the mugged masses mainly youth and women, whose faith and belief in the ‘recognition’ cause is already under siege, under severe strain. Only a teetering leadership , betrayed by age and reason, like that of Siilaanyo can be content to feed blatant chicanery to naïve ululating mothers and youth easily titillated by clan slogans. The SNM’s indecipherable destructive creativity is about to dry up once the assumed God-fathers –white-ones for that matter, tell a different story. Oodweyne should know this is not about London conference; this is about the resilience of the psyche of an already faltering secessionist mob. And what is wrong with this mintid chap? Does he believe a man from the dusty shrub-lands of fat-stone, who can water his camels from bulaale or if he want far to the west from sulul, a direct descendent of the Sayid- and by extension of the prophet himself (if we take the mad mullah's words at face value), will harbour inferiority complexity and will wish to be reborn as a midget charcoal-burning secessionist in the barren lands of lanqayrta and maqaayada inanta? For what reason? For what rhyme? God forbid! :D
  4. Yes, the Guru has always been verbose, but his verbosity had a distinctive appeal. Desperation has now reduced him to a blubbering juvenile. His writings are no more coherent and he is avoiding key issues. Such as my contention that a rejection of SL agenda in London will be a major psychological blow to the SNM. Ngonge, the crazy Abokor kid and the angry Burahaadeer could sit out a revival of the South from their comfort homes of Albion and across the Atlantic. The mood in Hargeisa is far from what they think. No one can stomach another 5 years of self-imposed isolation, especially when half of what was supposed to be Somaliland territory declare allegiance to Somalia. Ngonge and the crew here are giving their diaspora version. Those back home have an exacting reality to adjust to, not false pride or more delusion.
  5. Oodweyne has his head in the sand, but it should be clear to him London was supposed to be where the final deliverance is to come for Somaliland. I mean the Brits were not part of Embagathi and Carta, and therefore Sulieman Gaal’s children were always seeking refuge in knowing London is giving ear to their baby cries. The succor of white in-laws was awaited and was what gave the SNMites the tenacity and perseverance to keep going to the road of perdition which is secession. They were of the opinion that their collective pedigree as historical butlers of the British is good a reputation, and therefore their collective welfare must always have a white guarantor, underwritten by the owners of London, whose seal of approval they will secure one day. They thought the shadow of a white caretaker angel will always hover above them; that their every stride in whichever course is white-minded, white approved. Which is why the London meeting is so relevant and important, more as the banisher of such fantasy, less as a provider of instant salvation for the South. London is where that coveted status of “a motherland" for SNM hoodlums is about to hit an unflinching reality. It is where this hated frozen chrysalis state of clan grandiosity is to be broken, it is where the unilaternal maternal methapor of “Shankaroon State” will meet its end. It is where the refractory clan conceit will finally make a detour, compelled to move away from reliance upon white tutelage. The London conference is significant in this psychological aspect. I hope Oodweyne and Ngonge will get what I mean.
  6. No, it doesn't. but it does mention stablisation fund, it does mention bringing back Somali armed forces, it does mention the option on table is only centralised Vs federal government in Somalia. So, we will see how long the sulking secessionists cope after this is put in place. The South managed to survive the SNM scare for two decades, let us see if you can survive a flourishing south for three years, with no travel documents, no international donor money. I know your reaction, but good luck! Qasab baan kugu qabayaa ma aha, laakin markay Awdal, Makhiir, Khatumo iyo sizeable SNM's soo xaroodaan, NG will remain with a small group of calan-cas who are basically reduced to being prison guards, with no real power or means to challenge the unfolding events. Then the walaaltinimo talk kicks in, not before that. Because they say a petulant child drinks for dinner the milk he refused at lunch.
  7. It will but I won't. But seriously the Roadmap which Sharif and Faroole put their money on is no more. :D I just can't think what more spin the lackluster Mohamed Abdullahi Omar wiould come out? Whatever the outcome of the London meeting, one thing is certain. It will mark a firm rejection of the secession agenda. P.s. Ok, I accept your advice on the other issue.
  8. NG, what is rediculous about what I am saying about your fiefdom? :D Someone saw the Draft Communique to be issue after the London Conference, I see no where in it about Somaliland, except under Piracy where it says " We welcome the arrangements some of us have instigated to allow us to capture pirates at sea; transfer them to the jurisdiction of the Seychelles and Mauritius for trial [and others]; and then if convicted, the transfer of prisnors to internationally certified prisions in Puntland and Somaliland. These arrangements will be extended, to ensure a virtuos and effective circle of arrest, trial and imprisonment from sea to Somalia." :D So, who will be calling who a Pirate after this is publicized? I won't leak any more on this, but it is clear the South will be different if what is written is implemented.
  9. STOIC;779928 wrote: Even if there is a kernel of truth of what you are saying, the question you should ask yourself is Who cares what type of "race" these women marry? .I think I know and you know whatever pendlum a woman attracts towards what is between her leg is purely a choice that she makes and you are turning it into a political gaffe .......... :D No, I am not! But clearly you cannot delink politics from the women's choices particularly when the choices are induced by punitive environment that minimized their options. I am an economist, and I look at various economic, behaviourial and demographic factors to arrive at some conclusions. There are too many indicators that show secession agenda is changing the social and demographic attributes of the North. I highlighted one such case. Argued differently, the increase in marriage between mere refugees from neighbouring countries and the women of the host community is also a sign of economic meltdown, for marriages are also about economic power-play. It shows the state of unemployment, destitution is more severe than we ever thought. Let us look at this discussion from that angle. :D
  10. I cannot be expected to offer pointless apologies and assuaging words every time a touchy Somalilander plays victim over a non-existent insult. For reasons only posterity shall know, the issue of woman in Somaliland attracts an unwarranted confrontation, even when their names are raised in a non-abusive way. That Oromos are marrying Somaliland girls in droves in Hargeisa is a fact of life that cornering poor Abtigiis on SOL would not solve. It need not be a problem too, unless some of us subscribe to the foolish belief that some people are better than others. My point was political, not social discussion. I would have liked more integration between SL and South so that the cause of unity triumphs over that of disunity. There is no reason why I would have to look for some deflecting parapet on this issue. Jacaylbaro knows it is true, Oodweyne knows it. To like it or not to like it is up to them. If this trend of cross-breeding with foreigners was to cement the distinctiveness of SL from Somalia, and it ended up with a dizzying and ecstatic tango with refugees from Ethiopia, it is not Abtigiis’s fault. I did not force anyone to mate with strangers. In fact, I gasped when I saw hands and limbs of two different races locked in a poisonous embrace. We all are old enough to know that making love creates babies. Why lament the ensuing pregnancy if one didn’t mind the embrace? In this case, why mind the gossip, if one didn't mind the act? Faced with a disastrous “human” consequences of politicized-love, the secessionists in SOL have characteristically turned to victim-playing for some modicum of mitigation. I can understand their manufactured rage. But the real issue is that the secession agenda is coming to its close, and therefore we can expect sore eyes, drooling noses. Sister Blessed, Talking about women is not necessarily insulting them or looking down at them. True, some people sometimes say things like “you talk a woman” etc, but that is not an insult. Men and women are different. They reason differently, they talk differently on many issues. To the extent the said statement is to reflect this difference it is not offensive. If it is meant in the classical Somali way of “waa dumar warkii”, then it becomes an offence.
  11. The women of SL are the biggest victims of this session drive. Oromo refugees are feasting on them as they are cut of from the rest of Somalis. All secession has achieved so far is make our woman cheap in the north for foriegners. If Oodwyne thinks this is an achievement, let him say so loudly.
  12. Unless this so-calles Guru is confused,he should understand that a child whose father is missing after going to a battlefield is fundamentally different than one who is standing over the mutilated corpse of his father. The first child grieves but also nurses a beguiling feeling of hope that his missing father will resurface one day. The other son erects a tent for a fitting funeral wake. The first son is from Somaligalbeed, still chasing an elusive freedom. The second confirmed orphan is from Somaliland, gazing at the bloodied body of his parent,his hope. Clearly, there is a closure for one, a hope for the other. The two boys cannot post the pictures of their fathers on the same obituary pages. Simply because one is dead, the other not. I therefore have every right to celebrate the end of SNM ERA, while Oodweyne should wait for the demise of my dream. The recent demonstrations in the enclave is the blood and clots that herald the premature end of a young pregnancy for a woman badly in need of a child after several previous miscarriages. The secession fetus is dead and is coming out in bits from the womb of SNM. All that remains is for a thorough cleaning of the secession uterus. LONDON is where the gynacologists will do this badly needed cleaning.
  13. Dear Fiqi, I have not beaten them because I have better words. I have beaten them because I support better, nobler ideas and aspirations. When a thief is caught red-handed while trying to steal, he gets tight-tongued and still, not because he is not a wordsmith, but because the ignoble act shames him and disorientates him. It is the same case with SNM affecionados here. If it was about tongues, these guys in the North has the sharpest of it all. But with no high-minded ideal to talk about, they are mum most of the time, and incoherent when they speak as if they are Mitt Romney answering a question about his tax records.
  14. Poor Oodweyne, he is a good man, one with a good sense of humour too. He can’t bravely step out of SNM line like Xaaji Xundjuf, if only to vindicate the commonsensical typecast that the Habroos in Burco and its environs can only follow, they can’t lead ideationally. In this enclave of overbearing compliance, Xaaji-Xundjuf’s occasional exit from SNM line is no small trait. I wish to congratulate the Xaaji. What he lacks in cerebral rigour, he has it in compassion. Oodweyne is the opposite, what he has in intellect, he lacks in rationality. Efforts at stitching the shabby secession rag that SNM has dreamed about have come to vast, spotless naught!..hollow... Nothing! Of course, this is neither tear-jerking nor unforeseen. The vultures have long been in the air, the beast –that is “Somaliland” tottering like a drunken British lord. Many of its clannish children were feeling ensnared by their “Country’s” wobbly merry-go-round politics to nowhere. The SNM’s final collapse will release many from this heavy sense of entrapment. They have twisted, turned and spun into an ever-widening gyre. They certainly needed a release, and the London meeting might just be it. Gentle SOL’ers, brace for SNM’s Ides of March, by way of a massive shrinkage in profile and pomposity as they sit next to Ahlu-Sunna to eat from one round plate, to be followed by a rejection of their predliction for splits, amoeba way, itself an interregnum before a permanent reunion with motherland, all to finish this pathetic, diseased creature called “lander-nimo” that SNM and Siilaanyo spat in our crowded room called Somalia. So, you might ask: why the iteration, dear Abtigiis, why this wordy celebration? Well, for the sake of the mugged brothers in the North, victims of the harebrained political pretense called “recognition”, who had to be pressed to make them see the light, I would reply. And Oodweyne is one such, and frankly my heart goes out to him, hoping old Siilaanyo to whose politics he is betrothed, is verily cured of this nagging disease called split. Oodweyne is deeply hurt that the “the Somaliland republic” is sent the same invitation card as the one received by Sheikh Toosiye of Ahlu-Sunna. He blames it on Britain, his erstwhile benefactor.He comes across as a soul in profound distress, a soul that yearned for an eternal suture to this deep political gush that is about to rock his “nation”. Now Britain, Oodweyne's religion, God and benefactor in one, has shattered that entire dream and he is very unhappy.Given who he is in terms of lineage, which is all that matters in his enclave, I get the sense he is ventilating the exasperations of his ‘ruling’ sub-clan nominally headed by Siilaanyo, a man in bad mental and physical shape. If the old man (Siilaanyo) was an untiring fighter yesterday, he is a man-child today, uttering akhas and uf on national media, which is why it is hard to say he is in control. As a fawning clanman, Oodweyn, is without doubt a child-man, which is why Xiinfanin watches with glee as exacting events smack him the schoolboy style. There is something immensely politically naïve about this surly SNM man from the big-fence village; something that makes him a fervent teenager in the fertility dance of elders. If you do not understand my simile, then go and see the post Oodweyne did few days ago with “perfidy” as a title. He thinks Somaliland can reject Britain. He thinks Somaliland’s absence from the London conference will strengthen its secession drive. He is of the opinion a fight between SL and UK is a tussle of two giant elephants. Such is the level of delusion that he thinks London is Buuhoodle, or UK is Khaatumo State, or more accurately Djibouti. Few weeks ago, his senile uncle was summoned by Djibouti to be told that SL’s passport is no more accepted in this tiny casino state. And his uncle could do nothing. Instead of taking that as a useful indicator of where power lies and more crucially where it is absent, Oodweyne petitions the SL government not to go to London. This, amid Khaatumo’s triumph, amid Awdal’s resurgence. Poor oodweyne,! Evincing this clannish anguish for secession, he finds himself hoping to blunt drawn daggers, by a blow of fetid fart called “absence from a meeting”. As if the fart can blunt the dagger, or Somaliland’s absence can delay Somalia’s revival! Like all SNM’ites anxious for recognition, he is set to lose it, or even get devoured by the meeting he is so reluctant to attend, let alone fully understand. The cause is lost. The agonized petitions of Oodweyne, the siege of Buuhoodle, the frantic rants of Waraabe are signs of the depth of the disenchantment in the clan-enclave. Like Oodweyne, Siilanyo is fastening his “cause” on the wishes and dreams of the mugged clansmen, even when the dead-end is so close and visible! How dead and uncalculating can a leadership ever be politically?
  15. Kamaavi, soo noqod wacan inaadeer. Intaad aragtay Ethiopia xoog baa looga helay. Markay xabadu dhamaatana way ka sii fiicnaan uun, iyadoo waliba xuquuqo dheeri ah oo xoriyadeedna la helay. Markaa qoriga yaan la eersan, intaa la helay lama heleen la'aantiiye. ONLF dadka ka soo reeba ayaa keentay in millions gobolka lagu invest gareeyo. Unlike some ONLF guys, I actually think more development will only lead to people asking for more rights. Most of the young men who were sent abroad to do their Masters by the region, went back and worked for a while, but eventually decided that they cannot take the treatment they were getting from Tigres and their condoms like Iley. So, they went back to where they came from. Dadku markuu meelo xoriyad ka jirto soo arko waxa gobolkeena ka taagan lama qabsan karo ama ma ogaaln karo. So, I am happy when development comes to our region. I am doing some research and will hopefully say few things about this. There is a general feeling that horumar undermines the quest for freedom. This is wrong.
  16. Today is a heavy day at offiice. i will respond to some of the issues Xinn, Duke, A khadar and peasant raised here comprehensively tomorrow. But I can say that Farmaajo's thesis was rubbish, and judging by it he looked every bit a qabiilist. His accompishments do not change that perception. I commend his efforts as PM and he looked nin xishooda oo wanaagsan, but he was also helped by a momentum at the time, which was inevitable. Abdiweli doesn't seem to be at the same level with the Professors academically. Let us see a single academic document he has done and judge him. I have seen an article he did, and while good, it wasn't marvellous at all. I am nobody to judge these men, but I can tell a BMW from say-jeento and measured in academic terms, Dr. Abdiwelis is a dwarf when compared to the Professors. I concede I have no evidence of Dr. Ali Khalif's guilt corruption. I say I heard it. But then it could be what Abdikhadar is saying. I like the man, and I am sorry to utter things I am not sure of. I respect somali intellectuals and elders and I give them the benefit of the doubt when they are charged. That doesn't mean we should not see their failings when they fail. Dr. Abdiweli is so far doing well. I have no complaints. But I am not mesmerized by his intellectual capacity at all. Duke, speaking of my hate for North East people, that is nonesense. Friday evening I will be meeting a Puntie, a son of an Isim for that matter. I am a somali nationalist throguh and through, not the types who say something in public and later say other things in Tolka meetings. I tell all the long-footed Tols when I see them that the Azania project is useless to their chagrin, and that the name Oga.denia is foolish. But I can say few sterotypes to lighten up discussions. The grade-11 Professors from the the land of punt is just one such benign sterotyping. You can't be serious I actually believe in such petty things. But every land has its fair share of misfits who think they are great. You represent Puntland in that capacity. I still maintain Professor Samatar is right to oppose Khaatumo and Awdal state. It makes him consisent and it is good. That doesn't mean I think Khaatumo and Awdal are bad. I understand him, but I think beyond image-shaping and politicking, the declaration of Khaatumo and Awdal is a positive thing. The recalcitrant SNM have no ears for brotherly talk. They can only understand the language of beliigerence and eye-for-an-eye.
  17. development and peace is good. but freedom and justice are equally needed. Jigjiga is growing and I am glad about it. But the most developed region in Ethiopia is Oromia, but that hasn't stopped the Oromos from asking for political rights. Kamaavi, ma qolyihii 'nabada' qaatay baad ku biirtay waadigan Xaajo.com ku xidhmaye?
  18. Common sense dictates that there would be too many things to object to in Somalia in the last two decades. It would be helpful to give examples of things the Professors objected to and to judge them on a case by case basis rather than resorting to generalizations. I personally think they have been nearly always correct on all of issues including objecting to Khaatumo and Awdal State. I also think the feeling that old somali sentiment is dead is too simplistic. I think diaspora people like peasant actually gauge things by the polarization they see where they live. I see the communities in Somalia from time to time and I have no doubt that it is not difficult to revive a new wave of somali nationalism. It just needs a bit of belief and work.
  19. Let us be honest. Professor Ali Khalid Galayr has a dubious past, mainly in relation to corruption at mareereey sugar factory. Should the Samatars write about him in foreign land, maybe not. But they sure have a better CV in terms of integrity. Again, none of the people who are commenting here have 1/4 of the knowledge the two professors have. So, they should know their limits. This doesn't apply to Duke andthe punties. In that land, the day you enter grade 11, you buy a reading glass (no matter your age), tie the glass-holder small bag at your waist, firmly attached to your suun, carry a briefcase and that is it: you are a Professor. The place has a misguided sense of self-confidence which is beyond impudence. It borders foolishness. So, these naturally-born professors can critique the samatar professors.
  20. Waxba looma sheegayo, soomalida waan naqaan oo xaasidkaa ku badan. Qofkii wax u kordhaan (ama maal ama cilmi) ayey shaqo ka dhigtaan ooy ceebtiisa toosh ku shidaan. Ilma samatar waxay qaldeen ilaa hadda wax sheega lama hayo. Ka ugu badan baa way iska hadlaan uun odhanaya. Tan kale, nin FAROOLE level calibre madaxweyne ka dhiganaya oo Cabdullahu Yusuf inuu siyaasi yayahy aaminsan ayaa Samatar's wax ka sheegi oo odhan siyaasad iyo hogaamin uma qalmo. Meesha Sheikh Shariif ka yahay madaxweyne iyo Abdiweli'gan kaneecada madaxu ku dhufatay Ahmed ama Abdi Samatar wax kama noqon karaan cidna ka yeeli mayno. Anyway, these gentlemen are trying their bit. They are not content in contributing to somalia through cyber fadhi-ku-dirir like most of us here. Maxaa ka qaldan Hiil-Qaran ilaa hadii Duke iyo cid kale ma sheegin, laakin cay iyo aflagaado dad waa weyn oo odayaal ah baa lagu hayaa. Samatar duke oo kale iyo imtixaan wuxuu kaga qaadi maskaxdiisa bidixda ah.
  21. Xaaji, I am happy with your defense of the good professorr. he is wiser and can see things we don't see. But we share the same vision. never would I want the SNM clan in bad shape. Anyone who tells a SNM guy Abtigiis hates SNM clan would get a slap from the SNM'ites who associate with me. Where I live now, 95% of the friends I associate with are from SNM clan. For some reason, I find them direct, honest and having a lot in common with my social values. I like them. But I don't want Somaliland seceed. Can you take that?
  22. Jacayl, mandsanid. Hadaan fahmay. Ngonge, gabadha mar danbe moor*yaan ha ku odhan. moor*yaan* ma aha, waa maxaakiimta.
  23. Somalina, Walaahi mar danbe haad hadal igu soo celiso inaan wadnaha ku goyn. I mean inaan kuu soo fahiisan! :D yaynaan meesha isku lahyne gabadh aan jeclaan ahay baad tahaye, hoos aynu u wad xidhiidhno oo PM ku xalino arinkan. :D You are not fair at all to be serious. The Prof is a learned man, and also your elder. He deserves respect, especially when what he said is correct and principled. We know Duke's motivation. It is about their opposition to Abduallhi Yusuf. I don't know yours.
  24. NGONGE;778429 wrote: but he defends it without being rude or name calling. I don't like Al Shabab but I respect Maaddeey and have hope for him. And that makes him more dangerous. He can poison many healthy minds. It is hard to understand this man. He is intelligent and civil, something you don't associate with Alshabab fanatics. Yet, he agrees with them. War ninka ha loo duceeyo oo neef ha lagu qalo. Haddii kale inta istaloow loo xidho ha lagu tuuro Jilib iyo Mercca, where he will miss the hotdogs and sodas, and will see who the Alshabab really are! Ngonge, be fair. Carafaat is civil too. I haven't seen him attacking others, except me. And of course anyone who doesn't attack me in SOL doesn't think he is a full SOLer yet.
  25. respect the prof! Somalina, at least recognize he knows more than you know. He maybe wrong, but this guy's logic is clear. If he opposes clan fiefdoms, he has to oppose Khaatumo for consistency. Doesn't mean he actually thinks it is a bad strategy to stop the secession agenda, but he shouldn't be seen as endorsing one clan and conmdemning another. Somalina, shan sano kama soo wareegin intii lagu xalaaleeyey, markaa give the prof a break. usualy I like you, but here you are wrong.