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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. As Alshabab's control of Somalia wanes, Maaddeey ( the Boko Haram of Somalia) sheds his old skin and wears a black-amerian avatar. It is a clear indicator Alshabab is indeed on the run.
  2. The Title is slightly wrong. The right topic is: Silent cry aka Og youth embrace Ethiopian Birr.
  3. very soon dear daughter of the soil, very soon, waad ka bixi ciilka iyo caga-jugleynta. Of course, for that to happen we need to jettison this crap Ogade.nia tag and embrace the big name with more ventilation which is Somali. We also need to play our politics right and forge a common pan-Ethiopian resistance against Meles, for the Somalinimo tag will only help us symbolically. The Tigres are not killing other clans in the region, they are killing the Oga.d.e.n*; and therefore not many feel our pain or could fathom why we are fighting let alone join us. Yet, we need to speak in theri name because insisting on Oga.de.n** identity will do more harm than good. There are always good Somalis who feel our pain and may join in the political front if our brand could include them. I feel your pain. Only this week Ina-Laba go'le cut the tip of the breast of a young daughter related to me and she is losing the whole breast. She was an inmate in "jeel-Oga.deen" in jigjiga. So, Canab, there are no plenty of options for us to choose from. This is genocide, it is aggression, and it needs to be fought hard. Lose or win is what follows, not where it starts.
  4. Today is 24 February, 2012. One day after the London Conference. Can believers of hadhwanaagnews and safk.hore.com tell us what special status had yesterday in the meeting? Will the real Oodweyne stand up and share with us the video of Somaliland sharing lessons on peace and security with the participants?
  5. Xaq umalaha inuu qabiil la laynayaa is difaaco meesha kuma qora. Xaq buu u leeyhay maanta iyo bariba. Waxaa laga hadlayaa waa inuu guulaysto waxay ku xidhan tahay inuu balaadhiyo halganka. At least at the political front, ninka qoriga wataa koley meel un buu u badnaan.
  6. MMA, dee 10 daqiiqo sii oo akhri aad fahantid wuxuu rabee. Hadii kale wuxuu rabo ha qiyaasin. Xabashi ha la isu dhiibo ma laha, la iska celiyo laakin iyadoo loo dhan yahay ee hal qabiil yuuna is xiijin buu leeyahay.
  7. Although sitting in the coldest of places in Sweden, Nuradin is talking hot as ever, and this is a man who have the ability to shape the future of ONLF. We still have our differences but I have no doubt deep inside him he knows without a unified Somaligalbeed front (politically), the struggle will not win. It is good the ONLF is starting to get used to self-criticism and civil debates, or so we hope! Here is his article. http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles%202012/Feb/14_rejoinder_ilyas_barre_nuradin.html In his recent thoughtful article Mukhtar M. Omer touched on many things that are of critical importance to the continuation of the struggle for freedom in ******, currently spearheaded by the ONLF. ...And although we both share a passion to free our people from Ethiopian colonialism, I tend to disagree with him on how to do it. Having said that, some of the remarks he made recently about the struggle and the wrong aspersions he casted on the ONLF – ironically, as he defended them in the same breath! - are uncalled for. I cannot judge whether this the result of misinformation fed to him, lack of objective reasoning on that particular topic, or deliberate intent to cause damage to the struggle. Nevertheless, let me register my objection to the sections of the article I have issue with. http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles%202012/Feb/14_rejoinder_ilyas_barre_nuradin.html
  8. Wadani;786154 wrote: As a Somalilander I exhonerate this man of his crimes solely based on the inhumane, despicable and unjustifiable treatment of his clan by fellow Somalis. Hes killed a couple thousand of us physically, but weve slowly killed the souls and spirits of millions of these innocent people for countless generations. So if we bring him to account for his crimes, who will bring us to account? Ilaahay ha kaa abaalmariyo xaqa aad ku eedaantay. How true! Sad JB and few clan zealots don't see the bigger picture regarding this matter.
  9. Maya, ee waa iga halkii odaygii askarta ONLF ta iyo Liyu-Poliska af-soomaliga kuwada hadlaya ku dhax wareeray ee yidhi: Idin Kala Garan Maynee, Guulaysta! :D
  10. Whatever the personal guilt of this man is, he is wronged in more than million ways by Somalis. Adeer, ilaahay intaad ka yaabtaan ninkan quudhsiga dadiisa loogeeystay awgeed ha loo saamaxo. Haduu 1000 uu dilay, tobanaan kun oo uu la dhashay ayaan dhimana nooleyn oo nolosha lagu cadhaabay through segregation, stigma and racism cad. Markaa waa in la saamaxo odaygan si dadka uu ka dhashay ayna ugu qaadan in tani daba socoto dhibaatadaii haybsoca ee lagu hayey dadkiisa.
  11. We welcome West Puntland. Che, it is not right to welcome Khaatumo (which is a minus to SL) and feel sad about the birth of West Puntland (which is a minus to PL). Meeshu ama isku toosto,ama jilib jilib ha noqoto.
  12. THEY are known as 'Aslaqaash'. It is a big business. Will tell u about it.
  13. Carafaat, the details you talked about are strategies. Me and Xinn agree in the ideology of unionism. My support of foreign invasion was also nuanced. The end of Alshabab was and remains the critical milestone and preoccupation to me. Talking of Alshabab, it is sad Boko Haram's spokesman is in the dock but Maaddeey is still at large.
  14. adiga Jacayloow, halkanaan kaaga sii afeeftay! :D These are the facts, but those who are deaf to reality, blind to reason and impervious to logic can deny it, the ostrich way.
  15. Ngonge, Forget the tedious palaver about the Mardo ( breaking news of death) protocols, which of the three facts I stated is false?
  16. No, Dukey. He was told under the glare of an African sun, but he will have to tell it between night and day to the hapless masses who were mugged for all these years.
  17. In the lands of high mountains, hunger and flies around Dejen, Debra-marqos, Debre-sina, the land of Begimdir and Gonder, all the way to the lush green fields of Semen Shoa, it is deeply offensive to break the news of someone’s death at breakfast, at noon, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at day. There are strict protocols that if broken will leave an enduring blemish on relationships. The practice may have started in the Amhara lands around and beyond the blue nile, but it is one that is firmly entrenched in the national psyche and applies to people in Addis Ababa, Awasa, Nazret or even as far as the Oromo lands of Dembi-dollo. It has disseminated to all parts and communities, by way of viral cultural diffusion. The news of someone’s death can only be broken at the dark hours of dawn, where night is about to give way to day. Those selected to break the bad news will go to the home of the family whose relatives have died. They knock at the door, and unless the mind of the family soon to learn about their bereavement is still hazy from munching sleep, the knock immediately tells them bad news is on its way. If the knock is not enough sign, they will soon get a much clearer clue. The conveyers of the macabre news will soon walk past the perplexed family into the saloon, thereby smashing any pictures, glasses or beautiful items to the ground, or taking them out of the room into the veranda. They will proceed to the kitchen and smash few utensils. All along, the family woken from deep sleep will be asking “who is it? Assafa? Tigist? Mamo? When?” The news breakers will not give the name, but most often family members almost figure out who it could be, their mind alternating between a sick father or son or daughter, a family member in travel, or a married cousin living somewhere else. The newsbreakers will then hug the elder of the family, utter some innuendos about the inevitability of humans' demise, and will then confirm the person who died, when and how. The logic is that these series of procedures would prepare the family who lost the dead person mentally for the bad news. These formalities are cardinal rules that no one is exempted from in that land of Abysinnia. The moral of the story is that people are more receptive to bad news if they are prepared for it. And that is exactly what the masses in Somaliland are treated to these days when it comes to the London Conference. What we see from Hargeisa politicians these days is the telling signs of the knock, the breaking of utensils. Let us subject the statements made so far on the London Conference by the political leaders of the enclave, to a truth-o-meter and see if they are false or true. (1)Somaliland is given ‘special status’ to attend London conference: the official communique from the British Foreign Office says the meeting will be attended by TFG, Puntland, Somaliland, Ahlu-Sunna, and Galmudug. It doesn’t say the meeting will be attended by Somalia (puntland, ahlu-sunna, Galmudu) and Somaliland. The brackets are not mere punctuation marks, they define who belongs to where. “Somaliland will not attend in the same status of Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu-sunna” is the talk more recently. Let us see if a bagde that reads “Somaliland, attending this meeting in different status to Puntland, Galmudug, and Ahlu-sunna” is printed and displayed on February 23. Because Somaliland is not attending this meeting as a donor, or observer, the absence of such a tag in the meeting hall will confirm that it is part of Somalia. (2)Somaliland is attending the meeting only to share lessons on peaceful governance and prosperity: This is the second falsehood. Measured in serenity terms, Barbados and Zanzibar offer much more than Hargeisa can offer and should have attended too. They sure have a lot to teach Somalia about tranquility and calm. They are not there because they are not part of Somalia. Somaliland is in London, even with its ‘lessons’, as part of the Somali Republic. No “constructive ambiguity” granted by the Foreign Office, or wordsmithing by a leadership under immense duress can stifle this fact too. (3)Somaliland will not be part of the discussion about ending the war in the south and forming an effective government in the South: True. But is this not because the British and the world believe that you don’t have to fix where it is not broken in Somalia? The formation of effective government in the south is a prelude to the second phase, which is where the status of Somaliland will be irrevocably defined. These are the facts, but those who are deaf to reality, blind to reason and impervious to logic can deny it, the ostrich way.
  18. Bashing XINNFANIN for his support of my ideas regarding SL is absurd and petulant. We share the same political vision, we share the same political ideology. So why would he not support me? The scessionsts think they can't handle the two of us firing from the same side, and want to bully him into silence. That won't work. We are grown up, people. We have grown two hairs with different colours, and it is only the egalitarian construct of discourse in the internet that forces us to take insults from adolscents like Abokor, who are discovering their manliness through masturbation debut and the wart of growth in their face.
  19. For two decades, warlords and religious zealots kept South Somalia in state of perpetual mayhem and bloodletting. For two decades, the SNM kept the people in the north in a cycle of solitary confiment, perpetual belligernce, and political heartbreak as endless promises of recognition come to nothing. If to state that is to be a hateful faq.ash, then i am one such with all its horns and grtotesque features. But the theme of the post is the sad state of SNM's inability to come up with achieveable political targets and pitiful confusion of doormen wh were only oriented at the start of the struggle, but who has been kept in the dark about the unattainability of the nirvana they were promised. That promised political target has since become the source of income and sort of a hobby for the elite, but the mugged masses, the doormen in this case, continue to shout directions as to where to go to pretenders who are obliging the orders to buy time. They sit in the front, and they know when the looming danger arrives, they will have time to see it coming and will jump off the train in the nick of time.
  20. Dear uchi, The jist of it is, that Somaliland's policies and strategies are drafted in the livestock market of Hargeisa, not in the State House. And that is scary.
  21. What is truly baffling about Somaliland’s secession agenda is not that it doesn’t have buyers, but that it is marketed by leaders who do not believe in it. Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Igal was a closet believer in unified Somalia; Abdirahman Tuur openly showed where his heart was soon after he left the perch of Presidency; we all know the whole gimmick was about buying houses in Cairo and renting opulent flats in Paris for Siyaad’s former spy Rayaale; and Silaanyo’s doubts about the cause of Somaliland, the one he reluctantly leads, is well acknowledged. The epic duplicity and farce of these leaders’ tragic story of blind journey for a cause they don’t believe in, might sound like another episode from Greek mythology, but in actuality it is a tale that is cinematic of SNM’s political bad habit of taking its cue from the masses it is supposed to lead. The SNM, as a party, have never led its people, it always followed the verses and vagaries of the clan zealots of its base. The Interior Minister, who is veritably named duur (jungle), predictably with jungle mentality and bucolic looks, is the best that a fervently clannish base can produce as leaders. It could be argued that the distinction between the SNM and ‘clan zealots’ is false, and to talk of the two as political binaries is more appropriate. It can also be argued that the ruling ideas in Somaliland are that of SNM, and because SNM was established by a clan, it cannot outgrow its primordial distinctiveness. Nor can any ‘governor’ – Rayaale or Igal – (none of whom were SNM) espouse any other ideas that are contrary to the founding ideas of SNM. The sagacity of banning or harassing rival ideas (like that of unionists in SL) in this leaky age of Internet and Satellite Dishes can also be questioned. It must be lost to the SNM that contending ideas can only be defeated through compelling counterpoints, not through censorship, not through persecutions, not through depredation. But, this is a debate whose parameters I don’t wish to extend here. The point to be stressed is that for twenty years, the SNM sat in the driving seat of the secession train, steering it to any lane at its sight, whether the railway is a mirage or a real one with all its fasteners, sleepers, ballast and subgrade. All this time, the doorman telling the driver which way to go with the train, even though the doorman,hanging from one side of the train, can only see what is on its side, never what lies ahead. For sure, Mohamed Kaahin can see Buuhoodle, because it lies to the Southeast of Hargeisa, but he cannot see where the self-encagement will lead to. It is not because you have big and bulging eyes that you see things; it is because you have a mind that interprets what the eyes convey to it. And mind is a scare commodity in the SL enclave nowadays. How far can a train that is taking directions from a doorman go? What is equally shocking is also that learned men and women from that region support this bare-faced clannish itinerary through offensive denialism, claiming that the Somaliland project is about multi-clan Statehood, only to attack the clans who disagree with their vision later. Minitd Farayar, Oodweyne, Norf, the belligerent Burahadeer, Ayoub, Suldaanka and many more in this forum dismiss legitimate criticism of their SNM and its short-sighted political agenda as the malicious propaganda of the malcontent and the envious. Wouldn’t it be utterly banal if they do so once again?
  22. What really follows this hilarious parody is to reflect on the denigration somali history and heroes suffered under the lips and limps of SNM and to somberly assess if what they have been doing to Somalia and somalinimo is any more less disrespectful than erecting a memorial to Corfield. Afterall, the day the Colonel met his maker, many SNM ancestors who died for Corfield's cause were in attendance. The real relevance of this story lies in the poignancy of its hypothetical import, which loudly proclaims that were London to ask for the Colonel's statue in Hargeisa in exchange for recognition of SL, SNM will not only take the offer gleefully, it will kill for it. Such is the mindless ego and implacable rage that they get by, that anything,every trick or ignominy is justified to get the coveted clan pipedream.
  23. Somaliland's hypcracy on this issue is to be condemned, buy so is Iley's cheap politicking. FOR SL TO DECRY khaatumo' rapproachment with Ethiopia is sheer bigotry. No one relishes talking about their friendship with gaalo than slanders. Granted, it is stereotyping but an adult slander is happiest when talking about his encounter with white mem. "Waar soo ninkii Edward (they pronounce it idwadh) ahaa wada joogna, kii john ahaa nalama soo hadlino, ma odhan onantii ilisabeet aheyd iloow iyo iloow ii imaaday idin tidhi muu odhan! " That is the moment they get a real erotic release.
  24. Mintid Farayar;782873 wrote: As usual it's difficult to keep up with the positions of our brothers from the ONLF (at least the ones on SOL). On one hand we're subjected to regular postings condemning the 'traitorous' administration of Jigjiga led by some of their cousins. Yet on the other hand, when that administration engages in actions seen as detrimental to Somaliland, it quickly becomes 'a glorious administration'. . I denounce those who lionize Iley and his ilk. He is a scumbag, a useless murderer and hosting Khaatumo or Galayr cannot wash his dirt away. But Mintid is right. It is something that has been bothering me for a while that those who decry Iley's atrocities against their 'people' condone his acts when it is done against 'others'. I know Iley very well. And his adviser -cirro, a former Somalia NSS. They are primitve bunchs for whom clan is everything, or at least they pretend it is everything to them. I was not surprised one bit when I heard they are helping Khaatumo and Galayr. It is about the D connection. Listen, I may not like Somaliland's secession drive. I maynot mind Khaatumo state. But I cannot support Iley's clannish agenda just because it looks in sync with my political preferences. I have objected and denounced Iley when he arrested poor villagers who were labelled as "SNM" two months ago. Laakin waxaa ogahay dad badan oo Iley ku qalqaalinayey inuu u hiiliyo Khaatumo. This is rubbish and nonesense. Iley should stay out of Somalia politics becasue he doesn't beleive in Somalinimo. I wouldn't mind anyone inside Somalia supporting Khaatumo state, but Iley's "hiil qabiil" is every bit shameful. Charity begins at home. Iley is doing cheap politics. Haduu cid qabiil ugu hiilin, dadkiisa uun xansuuqayo for the coins of the Tigres ha u hiiliyo. This ignorant fool!
  25. War ileen tan oo kale! War nimankan qofkii hadlaba waad na cayday leh ma gabadh aroos ahbaa nugulaa?