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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. under-attack from Liyu Police militia, which has been killing people in other parts of the region, the people of Gaashamo refused to let their daughters raped, and their men killed for no reason. The proud people of Gaashamo also refused to take the Liyu-Poice for a national or regional police force, and saw it for what it is, which is Iley's tribal gangsters. The Gaashamo people fought heroically, killing 9 of the attacking dogs and is organising itself very well to stop this petulent aggression. All freedom-loving Somalis must stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Gaashamo. Lying, hypocrisy and bad political culture has become a national trait for somalis. The Khaatumo guys who were denouncing aggression at Buuhoodle few weeks ago are now the main transmitors of the false news that Gaashaamo people are Alshabab. This useless politicking is despicable and must be denounced vehemently. In the end, we either have to stand for the ideals of freedom and truth in all seaons, or should not cry foul when injustice and aggression faces us. I am exteremly proud of the heroism of the people of Gaashamo. I wish them success and peace.
  2. kow is not only a liar, he is crazy. This is an aggression by Liyu police on the people of Gaashaamo.Tplf approves of it.
  3. Guul to the courageous people of gaashaamo. ha iska celiyaan tuugta. Suldaanka waa runtii, Liyu policeku wa ciidaan cidwalba dila, laakin in this case hab qabiil ayey u dagaalamayan.
  4. waryaa Showqii, war dee kaftanku hal dhinackama socdee, gabadhu way iga xumaatay, inaan raali geliyo weeyaan waajibku. Ma in la isa sii jiido ayaad dan u aragtaa. Me and Somalina will settle this issue amicably as I said. Aniguna wax fiican ma sameyn iyaduna igama roonaan. Laakin waan dajinaynaa xaalada. Xaal ahaana waxaan Somalina u dalbanayaa heestii Maxamed Mooge ee "Wariseey dharaarahan",mise tolow waxaa u dhaama Aways Qamiis's "Shuumeey".
  5. wrong tactics, I concede. Wrong tactics. it works in my areas, but should have considered that Somalina is a fish-eater from the south. I come from the land where this happened: On the night of the wedding, after all people left, the groom and bride looked at one another from afar in their room. The man had no idea how the things after the nikah and celebrations go. How can he start talking to the girl? He is a man! he can not say childish things like 'ii waran" blah blah. Suddenly, like a revelation, it all come to him at once. He took out a big dagger (toori) from his side, jumped and clutched the daah of the dasso house. "Walaahi inaan gurigan wada kala jeex-jeexi" he decalred, his eyes showing intent and anger "War maxaad u kala jeexi" the bemused girl asked "Hadaan dooni adigaan kula jeexi" He said, rushing towards her, throwing the dagger and firmly embracing her.
  6. Gooni, ubax unbaan siday ee farsamadaa iga xumaatay walaal. Waagaan iskuulka dhigan jirtay xataa dhibtaa waan qabay, oo gabadhaan ka helo, intaan banaanka ku sugo ayaan buugaagta ka jeex-jeexi jiray.
  7. Somalina, I want to tell you a story. This guy from Burco come to Hargeisa. So he asked how to make ways into girls. He was advised inuu u iljabiyo. The next day he went directly at one girl and, alternating between the two eyes, gave her quick winks. She asked: "War maxaad indhaha isu qabqabanaysaa? waa maxay?" His answer: " way iska kay raaceene, i fahan dee". Dee ifahan oo dagaalka iga daa.
  8. hedde kol hadii VAL sidaa ii qiimaysay waa inaan hoos isu eego oo aan meesha iskaga tago. Anigu nin abaal yaqaan baan isu haystaa oo saaxiib leh. Laakin waxaad tahay ma tihide, wuxuu dadku yidhaa waa tahay baa tahay baa la yidhi. Markaa, waa inaan is dhuubaa uun. Somalina inaanu is layno ayaan ugu tala galay maanta ee kama ma ahay arinku. Iyadoo saxiibaday meelahaa eryanaysa unbaan arki jiray, markaa inaan isku qaad qaado yaan go'aansaday. Wataa suqa badhtankiisa igu rifaysa dee hadda. Somalina - xaal hadiidin dee. Ileen waa dhaqankeenee.
  9. Gabadha waxba kuma sameeyn. Adigaa fidno abuuraya. Kolna halkanaad sheekh iskaga dhigtaa, kolna laaluushka wasiirada loo wada ayaa lagugu soo hagaajiyaa. :D By the way, I want to settle this issue with the sister amicably. She is a dear sister and I really want to be in good books with her. Whatever happened has happened. Yaa na dhexdhexaadin kara oo aan u duceeyaa? I am serious.
  10. :D xaal iyo xurmayn qaado walaal. I did not mean to offend you at all. To the Moderators, I think the rules of the site need to be updated to reflect the actual way we do business these days. I think we should say " personal insults against any nomad is not allowed, except in the instances this is directed at Abtigiis. Those who insult Abtigiis will be promoted". Somehow the understanding seems to be because Abtigiis is a bad person, insults against his person is ok.
  11. Maaddeey baa isku kaaya dilay ee wax wayni majiraan. I called Tiiceey a fool and I think that is why she is angry. But then she has the right to react the way she wants, the same way I can air my feelings. As long as this is done within the rules of the site, it is fine. Abtigiis cidaan caayinna meeshan kama tirsanaan karto. Waa in la ii kala tiriyaa just because I carry an "indecency" fame I do not have to validate. In truth, there are few men more gentlemanly than me in this universe and I know that. Wixii kale ee meelahaa laga aqriyayo waa beenta Ngonge ii faafiyey. Valanteenah, I was bracing for a sharp rebuke when I commented. I did not budget for the foul outburst I received though. Somehow was testing the waters and we now know. :D
  12. bas dee walaal. Anger should have a boundary. We need to exhibit our civility when we are most challenged.
  13. Maaddeey, Far more important than Tiiceey's pictures is a chronology of his deeds that attest to his visionary leadership. All I have done is indicate that. No hard feelings towards the sister here. I provoked her anger and I can take her insults.
  14. The isbaaro girl should get life! If she likes the man, she can sleep with his pictures in her bosom and bottom. But this fool is not a leader. Anyone who thinks he can make Somalia better by first focusing on his clan identity cannot be a leader. He is a follower of the hygemonic clan ideology. No more, no less. If this fool is a leader, then Faysal Cali Waraabe is!
  15. This exposes Maaddeey more than the Minister. Here, he pretends to be a pro-Alshabab unionist, there (as you heard) he is a middle-man for powerful ministers. This audio busted him!
  16. Odey, adeer, isdaji. Do you see anything about sex there. If you see sex in a form you write Female or Male. This is about people struggling with language skills. I could have been the one to make this mistake if you ask me the same question in greek or turkish. Marka, let us not see what is not there. If you really want something erotic, I could have told you the story of the deaf girl (silaanyo's clan) who on arrival to Holland, had the misfortune of seeing, through the glass, a sex shop with all dancing male things. The story goes the girl asked the man with her "waxaasi ma runbaa?" Haa, he replied. "Ma xalaal baa?". Haa, he replied. It has no water and therefore it is xalaal he explained. The rest of the story is not relevant. :D
  17. ma waxanaa ka soo socday islaanta?!! Wax aanu isu nahay majiro. Waa rer-puntland assal ahaan baan maqlay. :D
  18. I really don't get why we somalis always want to see things with western eyes and even look for answers with a western mindset. There is no such thing as a "First Lady". In this context, there will be no such thing! The First-lady-hood adopts a 'rotational system' and whereever the Sharif sleeps the night automatically becomes the First-house and by extention, the first lady!! Why can't we get this ? The guy is lucky. I have to convinve my mind to be a wadaad, something I do not like. There are lots of benefits to be had, runtii. Buuxo, salaan qaali ah iga gudoon walaal. Waan kuu xiisay, warna maynaan kala helin in door ah. Xaggaa iyo cadceed ka soo bax miyaad wali naga jirtaa? dalabaadka heesaha waxaan kuu dalbaday: " dhool bari ka hooraa, dhaan loo nageeyaa,..." :D
  19. This Somali Single mother has slight problem with English but she can help herself with filling immigration and other forms. This is how she did the last time I got word of her: Name: Fadumo I. Jibriil Date of Birth: 23 Feb 1972 Place of Birth: Shushubaale, Somalia Nationality: Swedish Sex: bewildered why anone would ask such a question, and reflecting on her current situation since she divorced Faarax-dhuub she wrote: Sometimes
  20. Dearest Xaaji Xundjuf, I fully understand your confusion on this matter. You see, it is a bit of a complex matter which can actually confuse small minds. Saado is a unionist. Her problem with SNM clan enclave is that is is a clan enclave. She is a national icon. Therefore, she does not see any reason why she should sing for her clan. Puntland is a bit different. It is a state with more than one clan, and a strong partner in the TFG. I hope i simplified things for you Xaaji. But knowing you, you will still not understand how singing for Puntland is different than singing for Khaatumo for Sado. :D
  21. Fully agree Che. Hawshaasi way socotaa sidaad la socotidba. Dadaal nagu mayara, hoos iyo korba. The good thing is the Tigres are really terrible adminstrators that even with all the failures of ONLF, they really can't win hearts and minds. So, time is on our side. But not for long. Ngonge'xii xumaana meel walba wixii lagu qoro ee uu ku arko ayuu it is Abtigiis meelahaa la taagan yahay. Is this his way of avenging my incessant attacks against Somaliland in the last couple of months?
  22. It is!Money can make not only wave flags but wiggle their asses. There is no change of heart as such. Ayoub, horta adiguna welcome back. dee markaan meesha noo cidleeysay ee Dr. Osman oo miidhan nagu soo dayseen baan retirement iska qaadanay.
  23. Ayoud, hedde meesha ma male iyo qiyaas baynu ku wadnaa, mise xaqiiq iyo xog baynu ka faaloonaa. This boys did not know one thing about the region when they did the silent cry. Foodleey ay istusayeen oo ay u heesayeen London iyo meelahaas iyo dad ONLF ah oo abaabulay unbay ku socdeen. Wax dhibaato ah oo ay si toos ah u arkeen majirin markii hore. Haddana waa taas teedii oo Ina Iley baa lacag siiyey dabadeedna sida Aljazeera news reporter baa jigjiga school laga soo waramayaa. The fact is the story of this turns do not really matter. It changes nothing. Markii horena lacag bay cuneen. Ciyaalkanoo kale waa qashin ka baxay halganka. Markii horeba micno aan gabdho naasaha la qabqabto inta "dhaanto" Oga.deeniya xoroowday ah loo saaro wax dhaafsiisan mayna haynin.