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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. A Tigre is not an ONLF. KOW- you do not know about what you are talking. Saying Tigres did more good than Amharas just shows the level of your ignorance.
  2. Ok, markaa KOW la sii wad hawsha, nin weyn baa ku moodaye. The general in Hargeisa, Berhe, is a Tigre by the way.
  3. Somaliland is a banana enclave, only Buurahadeer and jacaylbaro doesn't know this. They should have expelled Berhe right away.. They think appeasing Tigres works. Allow yaa wax u sheega. Kow iyo ciyaalka qabyaaladu madax martay xishooda oo beenta joojiya. Dadka Gaashaamo lagu laayey waa shacab.
  4. but legally speaking, is Gaashamo not part of Ethiopia? Why and how can either somaliland or a united somalia woild interfere? I am talking about legality here, not morality. Carafaat's analysis is wrong. The lesson here is we must understand the perils of clannishness and the cruelty of colonialists. We must support people under attack and oppressio, whether in gaashaamo or guunagado. A weak united somaia would not have done anything about this gaashamo massacre. I also condemn fikirka extremist ga ah ee ciyaalka SNM ta ee cadaawada soomalida kale loo qabo ku waynaatay eey indhatirtay sida burahaadeer.
  5. They are from all clans, but they serve Abdi Iley and quite often fight with purported O mentality. Qabiil ahaan qaarkood ONLF wa isku qabiil, laakiin sheekasa ah waa iskumid Jacaylbaro iyo inta lamidka ah eee sheeko qabiil meelahaa la wareegaya hala waydiiyo.
  6. Taleexi waa nin fiican oon jeclahay. Laakiin oday reerka ah oo Cabdi Dube la yidhaa oo haweenka dhankooda hadi laga maro ad isdilaysaan bay isku dabeecad yihiin. Arintaas makhiir unbaa lagu sheegi jiray e Taleex na ma lamid baa? Mise ninkani waaba hunguri laftiisii? In which case, it is totally understandable.
  7. burahadeer, arintaa aad ka dhawaajisay ha la sii wadwado. Xinnfanin is really a big man. No one would have defended a friend so wont to conceeding so many penalties and own goals, with such sustained determination. As he pointed out above, no one should be surprised if charlatans like LANDER rush to make some moral and political gains from this light-hearted thread, scavenger like!
  8. Chimera;807113 wrote: Abtigiis as a boy was once beaten up by another boy called Hassan. He had his payback when he hit Hassan's sister Hamdi and attempted to transgress her, but a defect at Abtigiis' birth, rendering his manhood disfunctional, resulted in Hamdi's maiden status being preserved (though he will proudly claim to anyone that bothers to ask that he took Hamdi's purity, but she knows better and secretly he does too!). Abtigiis fled the city, his dusty feet on the path to nowhere and with the seaside city disappearing in his back, the young Abtigiis had an epiphany that would become his motto in life; to get back at the man one must go through the woman! :d this is good banter. haa dee sidaa haloo kaftamo, waa maxay dadkan wada serious ka ah.
  9. Blessed iskuma dhacayno. Qiimahay agtayda ka joogto unbaana agteeda ka joogin. And that is her choice and judgement. I did not invent this story for thw record. Ngonge, why offend? Only this week, a girl related to me sent a facebook notification which shows that she changed her status from ' married' to 'single'. Markaan idhi na fozia maxaa dhacayna waxay tidhi xalay baa ina caraale warqadii la iiga aaday. This is a true story. she updated her fb profile before she informed immediate family. Markaa this thing is that simple. maxaa dhiiga la isugu kicinayaa.
  10. Sideed ku hubtaa? Ma beenaale ayaad tahay baad leedahay? Hagaag. Inta meel loo dhaafo garanmaayo. Aynu raali kala ahaano markaa.
  11. Some habits never die** indeed, ng. such as the habit of whinning and victim playing. ngonge, do u seriously believe i insulted someone here,?
  12. Can i respectfully ask Taleexi and blessed to re-read what i posted. I am actually saying the same thing you are saying. I am condemning it. Let us bee clear:are you saying i should not told the story i heard? If so, say so. Laakiin a odhanina cid baa lacaayey fadlan. Be fair. Blessed, xantu way iska jirta, maaddeeyba waxaa lagu xantaa inuu dilaal TFG ka dhex yahay.
  13. I cannot be held responsibile if excitable boys imagine lewd things at the bare mention of divorce and marriage and start masturbating live online.
  14. Dearest sister blessed, salaan qaali ah iga gudoon walaal. where is the insult please? You know who is dating Kim Karadshan. what is wrong if i know and share who is divorcing silaanyo's girl? Seriously why do people feel that if they write abtigiis,women,insult in one line, it is a charge which should be confirmed without further investigation? Since when has to be jilted became synonymous with to be insulted? Or more accurately telling a sad heartbreak qualified the teller for a criminal?
  15. Jacayl, miyaadan ilaahay ka yaabayn? Inaad intaa dhaantid baan u haystay! ONLF does not attack any clan. Qabaa'ilo ayaa isku laaya meesha xuduuda wadaaga. Ma sida Ina-iley'ga yidhaa SNM baa na soo weerartay oo xadka ka soo gudubtay baad adiguna u hadlaysaa. See what the Jacaylbaros of our side write in that case: http://xaajo.com/dagaaladii-aagga-gaashaamo-oo-socda-dad-badanna-ku-nafwaayeen/
  16. The link you posted about SNM not Somaliland people, for your information. Anyway Have you ever bullied a little kid, Abtigiis? When he can't match your physical power and can't retaliate in kind, the only thing left to him is the eternal "hoyada waxa ku samee". Now I'm not sure who that kid is; you or the Khaatumo guy you're telling about. :D I think the narrator cannot be held responsible for the actions of the protagonist in a book. Stoic - I am condemning the boys act, remember. And I am serious.
  17. A certian LANDER, himself the product of Somaliland's brainwashed social education, with no capacity to see beyond what is immediately close to his mind, was saying I sterotype people. This rumor may yet again be taken as a continuation of that pattern. But we are here not to assuage the petulant egos and pride of secessionists. We tell what we hear. This creature, LANDER, still believes that Somaliland is not a one-clan entity. How more brainwashed can one be?
  18. ngonge, adigu waxba ma ogid. Dilaalka ayaa wax badan og ee warayso. Dilaalka waa Maaddeey waad taqaanaa. :D you heard last week in Abdisalam Abdullahi Maaddeey lacagtii wasiirka loo waday lagu hagaajiyey.
  19. This is not a joke. As I told some of you, I meet a Khatumite guy who is a bit radical everyday for lunch nowadays. He is hilarious, but too political. He speaks to senior khatumo people like Galayr and Cali Ciise and infact made me greet one of them. The boy who is refusing to have anything with Silaanyo's daughter is apparently talking lots of other nonesense, including how he wasted his sweat on a separtist woman. The talk really was foul, but I sanitized the language. No one who knows how an angry Khatumite reacts can find it hard to believe what I wrote. Malika -waan ku salaamay macaan.Laguma arag baryahan meeshan ee miyaad safartay?
  20. If the pain of bloodied youth in Buuhoodle is too much to take for the body, the tears of a jilted lover is too hurting for the soul. Apparently angry about how Silaanyo handled the Khaatumo people, a young Khatumite thinks he can get even by breaking the heart of Silaanyo’s daughter and the thing is really getting bad. I think the boy should take politics out of love matters and behave. This is below the belt and it is ugly.
  21. A bit of political maturity from the ONLF. It is true the front has lots of problems but to the extent they listen advice from those who want them succeed, they will prevail over the Tigre's. We still want them to do more and embark on a major personnel and policy reforms if they want to make progress. But this press release is a very good development. The Admiral himself has also written on the matter. They should have done the same when Liyu police attacked and arrested civillians in Laanqeeyrta area. http://www.******net.com/?p=9844 Admiral Osman's press release http://www.******net.com/?p=9860 Resolve Oga.den joins in. People should understand that this press release is coming at a time Iley is getting lots of support from clannish members of the community, who are spreading vile propaganda about how the ONLF is siding with the 'enemy'. Under this context, the front has taken a bold decision and we should applaud them.
  22. Some somaliland websites who share AsadSL's clannish mentality are engaged in a very dangerous vitriol against the o clan. it is really sad. these people are the carbon copies of Iley who no doubt is pushing a clan agenda to gain some political mileage. The ONLF has denounced the Gaashamo massacre and that is a very good move, but sane members of both sides need to speak to each other and avert bad blood between the concerned communities. One good news is that the Gaashamo warriors have killed 40 of the attacking dogs. This is a victory for justice. We should celebrate this. The liyu police dogs must be hunted down and killed whereever they are. They do not represent a clan. They represent Ethiopia's mendacious divide and rule policy.
  23. Xaaji Xunjuf;806439 wrote: It all started with a group of liyo Boolis from the command of wardheer arrived in Gaashaamo and started harassing some local females a young man from gaashaamo stood up to them first they brutally beaten him and after that they shot him dead.. This is what they do everywhere else everyday. Rape young girls, kill men who they don't like etc etc. The atrocities in Gunagado a month ago was truly shocking. 26 people killed for nothing, just for belonging to a particular clan. Gaashaamo people showed that aggression cannot be tolerated.
  24. Qandalaawi got my intentions here wrong. Yes, I would like others to join hand but I am not naive. I know that won't happen. Honestly, I was being sad about the actions of Iley and his dogs because they are buying the community more enemies. That is what it is about. Also, the Gaashamo people are my people.
  25. I have always been objective. But objectivity does not include saying things for cheap populism. I oppose the clan enclave and its attendant clan philosphy in what calls itself Somaliland. That is being a unionist not a tribalist. For your information, one of the 9 killed from the Liyu Police is a very close relative of mine. He died while trying to kill innocent civillians. I stand with the victims, not aggressors. The rethoric from some of the elders from Gaashaamo is as irresponsible as the actions of Iley's gangs. We have since asked the ONLF to issue a statement condemning the attack on Gaashaamo, and I believe it is on its way. This is not a clan warfare, it is a war instigated by Iley, with the blessing of Meles, to create more enmity bewteen neighbouring Somali clans. Many believe this is a cheap attempt to make the Liyu police popular in the O-lands and I agree some are falling for it. But this bare-faced clan aggression must be fought and the Gaashamo people are doing that. The day the Gaashamo people join hands with the SL admin and attack Buuhoodle, we shall also speak against it. Unlike you, dear lander, our political positions are not glued to our ancestry. They are based on solid analysis of each case on its merits.