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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Yes, the man made some horrendous political mistakes. Yes, his one-dimensional political convictions and 'I-only-can-sort-out-somalia' mentality has made him take some bizzare decisions which had fatal consequences. But as I always said Yey is not a man who lies about his past or present. And I have to confess that listening to this interview (link below) is an eye-opener for anyone whose version of facts is coming not from the concerned horse's mouth, but from sheep that were in the vicinity of the action but did not partake in the grazing. And we all agree yey is not a man who knows what lies or twisting facts are about!! In this candid video, Abduallhi Yusuf's intellect is clearly showing. His foresight and convictions are all there to see. We may hate his politics, his power-hunger, but judgement on historical figures need not be about total vilification or total adulation. Give the man his due and praize him for refusing to surrender soldiers to be killed after the defeat of the somali army. Extol him for the heroic 'balanbal and goldogob are part of somalia' stance, inside the belly of the enemy. Given the delicate nature of his politics in those days, few could have taken that risk. A risk which turned into a solitary confiement for him for nearly 5 years. And I am not falling heels over head for this man, simply because he is a look-alike of my father. Yes, that influences me a bit but not to the extent of making me lose any drop of remaining objectivity. Hail the Yey of Mudug, a man who lived like a lion and died like a lion.
  2. War meeshani dee hadda way wareertay, somaliaonline ma ahee waxay noqotay ilfuur-online.
  3. :D lool@safku wuu dheer yahay. Maaddeey ma kuwa safka inaan la qaldin ilaaliyaa? Somalina, anigu nin weyn oo oday ah baan ahay, ciyaalkan energyga haya saf lama gali karee fadlan arimahaas jira tixgeli. Kan Maaddey ah ee tuuga ah hadaad wax kamaqashana waa dilaal oo oday TFG wazir ka ah buu lacag kaaga qaadan.
  4. Dearest Somalina, dee pm igu soo tuur aan arintaa galee. Midda kale heshiis wax dhaafsiisan miyaadan ii haynin? Ma heshiis kaliya ayaan xinn kaga tagaa?
  5. Somalina, hawshaadaa igaga weyn xinnfanin saaxiintinimadii, canaan ma ahe xaalkayagu waa xabad mar hadaad soo cabatay. Laakiin aan hawlgalee hoos wax iigu soo sheeg dee! Ileyn nin xiin laqiimo ah balanqaad kaliya looma dili karee! Waxaa kale oo aad iga bogsiisaa ninkan Abdisalam Abdullahi Maaddey ah meeshaad qaraabo ama xidhiidh kale ka leedihiin, waakan nagu noqday wixii xisaabta lagu odhan jiray "asymptote" -ever close to the axis but never touches camal! P.s too many spelling errors, because iPhone aana horay u aqoon baa mid ii keenay. I am already thinking of going back to my Nokia 1110 also known as tooshle in Somali.
  6. shame on yoiu carafaat! jacayl xaasid ma waayo.
  7. Those of you who imply Ina-Caraale is me, what is wrong if I am him? Somalina waa gabadhaa yar ee super'ta ah markaa hadaan ku luqluqdo sow dib u noolaan maayo oo skin cusub iga soo bixi maayo?
  8. Maaddeey;810386 wrote: Maalmahaan pm-ka aad gabdhaha ka safi jirtay ma sidanaad ku bedeshay? waxaan moodayey inaad masuuliyiinta TFG'da iyo ciida dani ka gasho uun laaluushka u kala qaadee, muqalasnimadaadu ileen waa heer jacayl, oo warqadaha gabdhaha loo dirana waad la socotaa? :D
  9. yaa Wardheer ah dee? ma saddex faataxaa laga yaqaan wardheer. Gabdhaha marka la maslaxayo waa loo gabyaa meeshaas. Somalina wada xaajood hoose ayaa noo socday ayaantan, laakiin macal shirbka gacal xaayoow way diiday inay raali gelin u qaadato. Waa barobalem..
  10. Before his peers named him Anelka for his bucolic looks and resemblance to Nicholas Anelka, Ina- Caraale was a foreign exchange dealer, which he still is! I saw him on Saturday, talking on the phone near the big mosque, and it was unmistakably clear Somalina, or her mind-double, was on the other end. “sidaa ha odhan hadda. Aniga wax ii kaa dhaama majiro oo waad ogtahay” He said, grinning slyly and kicking an electric pole he reclined on with the heel of his right leg. “Listen, waryaa. Adigoo kale aniga ilama sheekaysato. Waan xidhaya talafoonka” She must have said, judging by the way he cringed. It must have happened to him before. She ended the call, I think; because, I saw him hymn a rather befitting song: Ma jabo ha dhiman baa Ma aakhiro u jiidaa Ma jaan jaan ahoowbaa Maxaa looga jeedaa? He was singing for love, as if Somalina is one who answers such bodily calls. She is politics, and Anelka should have packaged his epislatory love in a lexis that she understands. The missive should have read. “Hi Somalina. Guul! Guul! Somalia ha noolaato. Intaas kabacdi, waad la socotaa in roadmap’kii sidii jacalykii Hodan iyo Boodhari intaas soo socday la soo gabagabaynayo. The undercurrents of the Roadmap mirror my quest and longing for a final release from loneliness. Just imagine what it would like if the transitional arrangements of the yore give way to a real and permanent governance in Somalia? Wouldn’t it be fitting for any man or woman to return the good graces of God with an equally enchanting union of the body and soul? Picture this: Sheikh Sharif is elected the first President of a non-transitional Somali Government. The flag is waving proud and high over your beloved Wardhiigleey, like the wedding gown you will wear if you answer my call. Just like the gun salutes and inspection of guard procession, imagine you walking by my side, inspecting the families and friends clapping and whistling in a new liberal Somalia; all as a solemn prelude to a late night of feverish batar and mock istun, where you will whirl like a wind, holding my hands. Isn’t it blissful?” Ina-Caraale is making the same mistake I made the day I angred Somalina. Sad and repentant, I offered countless apologies, even composing poems to that effect. It would get no ear. Apparently, all I should have done was to send a non-expensive three Faataxo, which would have ended the matter. Speaking of cultural differences, I mean.
  11. Nasser, person of the year does not necessarily mean best person of the year. Adolf Hitler, Osama iyo kuwo kaleba in western media Person of the year baa loo aqoonsaday. Waxay ila tahay Wardheernews waxay arintaa ula jeeday ninka ugu cadcadaa 2012. And that can be for all the wrong reasons.
  12. Ninkani nin xun ma aha. He is not perfect, but he is always disciplined, a rarity among somali polititicians.
  13. The problem here is people compare Ethiopian towns to those of Somalia like garowe,burco, beletweyne, etc in their mind and get surprised when they see towns that were growing in the last twenty years in Ethiopia. JIgjiga isn't that developed but has a better town plan than Hargeisa. Oday, do justice to dire dawa, xaafadii ashaawa safer we ghetto ayaad woo sawirtay. Dire is by far nicer still hadaad xaafadaha jezira ilaa gandaqore soo sawiri lahayd. Buildings have mushroomed in that part. But I have always liked Harar, was keep qaboow oo Dhir badan. Carafaat, ONLF jigjiga Kama dagaalanto we maxaad ku maagtay? Mise Laami la dhiso ayaa ka qiimo badan dad lalaynayo. Fadlan hadalka ha la Isugu tudho, ooo wax aan war loo Hayn yaan laga hadlin.
  14. Hambalyadii waataan PM horey kuugu soo diray, libaax. Here all i want to say is wiilka Faroole iyo wax la hal maalaa yay gardaadin. yes i bring politics here, it is my right.
  15. Anigoo ku hadlaya magac taageerayaasha ONLF ee SOL (title kale oo macno leh ma lihi in my small life) waxaan tacsi u dirayaa eheladi iyo qaraaabadii marxuum Col Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed. Today, we are all puntlanders, and we grieve with all Somalis who loved President Yusuf. May he rest in peace.
  16. lool qandalaawi. xaalku ma Puntland waa dawlad calanlo Cidi lama hadlaysee Cilad eebe keena Admin igu canaantoo Data daydii lumisee Caynkii araweeliyoo Cadow haygu noqonine Hayga masaxin dataa da Libaax ii calool dabac... Dhirin... dhiirin..dhin... dhiiriin
  17. Data loss aa? War ilaahay maad ka yaabtid? Post yada budhcad badeedu qortaba ma lumaane, maxaa kuwa ONLF ta uun ku beega data looska? :D
  18. Federalism is the vogue these days and the hegemonic idea, to borrow from Gramsci. But I expect intellectuals to see beyond what is immediately clear for the common people. The dangers of federalism in Somalia is that it will precipitate divisions amoeba-like. Particularly when some people feel they are not having enough of the clan cake (federal state). A central government with decentralised economic policies and devolution of adminstrative power to disctricts or zones is the right way to go. Carafaat, miyaad i cayday intaan maqnaa? War don't delete what you wrote. Put it back. Insults, in this forum, are my salary. I expect it whenever I post something. P.S. I never knew I had this much latent admiration and love for the man. I really cried today for him, and you know I am not tear-happy like Aaliyah. I like men of principle and I just think he was one.
  19. Heroes err like all other humans. But history rehabilitates and cleanses historical figures well after they are gone, buried in dark graves. No one remembers Che Guvera for the wives he deserted or for his suicidal revolutionary idealism. Sayid Mohamed fought not only colonial occupiers but close kins and tribes who resented his autocracy. He has composed numerous pejorative poems whose appeal and potency diminished as time passed. Yet, all of his warts were washed away by his nationalistic gallantry and defiance against colonialists. And history did rehabilitate him generously, pardoning his escapades and highlighting his grandeur. Abdullahi Yusuf’s patriotic achievements do not parallel those of the Sayid, but so are his crimes. History will remember Yusuf for his intentions than achievements. Wearing a consummate doggedness and self-belief that would define his long political and military career, Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, took his part in shaping Somalia’s political history for the last three decades. And because Somalia’s history was dark and bleak in those decades, it can correctly be concluded that his influence was largely negative. It is hard to argue against that conclusion. In the end, if we judge him by what he had achieved, this is a man who failed in deposing Siyaad Barre from power, having rightly pioneered the culture of fighting dictators. This is a man who led Puntland to war with itself. This is the same man who led Ethiopia’s invention of Somalia in 2006 and vowed to flush out entire communities if they resist occupation. But if intentions are to count, this is a man who had taken the lead before anyone in trying to free Somalia from dictatorship, in resisting political Islam from taking roots, and genuinely tried to bring back the Somali State. If the result was bad, it is unfair to put all the blame on him. He tried. His worst political decision, allegedly, was to sleep with Ethiopia. Yet, the man did not always did their bidding and those who want to look at his engagement with Ethiopia with bulging eyes could argue that Ethiopia was always a player in the Somali political equation since 1990 and all that he tried was to manage this intervention for Somalia’s advantage. There is one fact that even his detractors cannot hide. This was the only Somali politician who the Ethiopians did not dare to push around as they wanted. He was stubborn and proud, traits that Ethiopian rulers do not find attractive in a Somali. It is this unease about his refusal to play to the tunes of Ethiopia that finally sealed his political career. After he left politics, he followed Somalia’s politics from the side with remarkable grace and with dignity that befits a former head of State. He did not whine or curse his political foes, something that usually typifies retirement politics in Somalia. Where Abduallhi Yusuf receives an unqualified approbation is how he treated his immediate family and his political friends. Yusuf was a man who exuded all the good traditions of nomadic life: sharing, honouring commitments, and charming bluntness. He was perhaps the least corrupt of all Somali politicians, both in mind and in deed. A divisive figure? Yes. A man with many political foibles? indeed. Was his archaic mindset one that doesn’t fit the demands of contemporary politics? Maybe. But Yusuf was a “man”, in the parlance Somalis say that word. Few could begrudge him of that distinction. He will remain divisive even in death and beyond. But history will rehabilitate him to show his good intentions and the foundations he left behind for the rebirth of a Somali State, through unpopular but ingenious and effective political partnerships. The Ethiopian intervention we resented in 2006, today we accept it as an inescapable regional reality. Today, we know no one poses more threat to Somalia than its bearded sons and veiled sisters. He foresaw this decads back!
  20. He made some bad political decisions in his long life, but nonethless had realized the threat political islam posed to Somalia before anyone. I did not like his politics and dictatorial tendacies, but I have always felt he was a good man at a personal level. Avancular and humorous, Abdualli Yusuf was a dedicated family man. He also was not a greedy politician with a mentality of grab and run what you get, unlike Faroole. I respect this man and I truely mourn his death. I can't explain why, but I always had a soft spot for him. He seemed a man who believed in what he does and what he says. You cannot say that about Faroole, the charlatan who now leads puntland politics. May Allah grant him the Janna and give the strength to take this loss to his family. RIP!
  21. Ngonge, take notice of the hurt and curse you buy me with your false outrage.
  22. War ninku muxuu darajo iyo title u bukay!!! Ma reerkayagii wafti ah baan la socdaa baa 'I have worked so hard' uu la leeyahay? War anagaa wax aragnay! Adeer, hadaad wax ku qaabila ama wafti aad raacdo aad sidaa u jeceshahay anagaa mid isku dhaf ah kugu dari oo dhowr boqolna dad red carpet kugu soo dhaweeya siine!! Waa ba Darmaan'kii website'yada ninkani. Xabshidu waxay tidhaa waxanoo kale "ye shumat bashtaa" (xanuun masuuliyad-jeceyl) Che iyo Zack baa garan.
  23. If this is true, Godane is a crafty tribalist. He wants to kill the whole Khaatumo thing with this endrosement. Aduunkuu ku dirayaa. He could not have supported his clan lineage in Somaliland better. :D
  24. Even Ngonge?... Ngonge? He has to resort to false analogies to make a case out of nothing? What desperation does to a man!! Adeer, the cats are all out of the bag and they are dead. Meesha waxba kuma haysid aan habar hebel baa la caayey aheeyn. This topic refers to plural women at no stage. It is talking about a single rumour about a single girl (from Presidential Palace -which makes it right to talk about) and a single boy. Where is the 'your girl(s)' thing coming from? I think Blessed and other people are writing comments on this thread while thinking about the Mahiga post. That is unfair. There is nothing sterotypical about a girl divorced or jilted or a man heart-broken. It is a daily occurance and this story is nothing more, nothing less! But people are enjoying the benefits associated with 'flogging a reformed theif'. No evidence is needed to do this injustice, the records of the the beaten man are enough to justify the wrong act. Because Abtigiis have done few things wrong here and there in the past, Blessed and co believe they can cry wolf with impunity. They say the answer is "why insult women to make a political statement?". My question is "where is the insult?" Since when has to be divorced or threatened to be dviorced became an insult?