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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Showqi, dad xog ogaal ah baa ila taliyey oo igu yidhi luuqadaas unbay fahmaan. Mid wuxuu ii raaciyeyba in idinkoo hurda oo meel fiican ay idiin mayarso uun kadis laguu waydiin "horta maanta barlamaankii baa Nuur Cade ku foodhyey ma runbaa?"
  2. Dear SOL'ers: I am advised that these girls from Puntland are too politicized that they cannot understand my feelings unless I vivdly describe them in political terms. With this advice, I sent this letter to a girl I am attracted to, who happens to be a close relative of Prime Minister Abdiweli! ___________________________________**********_________ Here is the letter: Faadumo, Gacaliso, Xussuustaadu sida geesiyaashii loo taagay taalada daljirka dahsoon waa mid qalbigayga ku qotonta. Waxaad tahay mid aan hadh iyo habeen ka walbahaaro sida dastuurka Puntland, ku naaloodo sida halyeeyadii SSDF, kuna faano sida ra’isal wasaare Cabdiweli iyo madaxdii burjiga lahayd ee dhulkeena ka soo if baxday. Waxaan hubaa inaadan walwal ka qabin nolol cidhiidhi ah, adigoo ogsoon saliida iyo khayraadka dhex ceegaaga dooxada Dharoor ee dhawaan la dhoof geeyn doono. Galcaliso, Aniga hawlahayga isku-dubaridka jaaliyadaha ku abtirsada Puntland waxaa ii dheer walbahaarka jacaylkaaga oo ah mid mar walba qalbiga walaaqaya, oo la daalaa dhaco sidoon ahay ganacsade shixnad u maqan tahay oo xog ku helay in maraakiib dhowr ah budhcad badeed ku heshay dhexda. Jacaylka aad I qaadsiisay waa mid ku taagan sal adag sida dawladnima puntland oo marna ayna liicin Karin warxumo tashiil iyo argagixiso toona. Waan ka dharag sanahay tol-jaceylkaaga iyo sida aad ugu fog tahay sokeeya-u kalkaalida, waxaanse baryahan danbe walbaahar yar ka qabaa in dad shiddaysan oo tol isaga kaa dhiga, gaar ahaan kuwa ku raad gata magaca Khaatumo, ay ku duufsadaan oo jacaylkeena iyo isku duubnideena wiiqaan! Ma aha oo kaliya kuwa sokeeyaha iska dhigaya ee xiligan aynu ku jirno cid waliba waxay iila muuqataa inay duulan ku tahay isfahankeena. Waxaa duul duul igu soo gaadhay in ay jiraan wadaad-xumayaal gabdhaha muslimka ah fara inay lamaanahooda ku xushaan dhawaanshaha Ilaahay oo kaliya! Ha maqlin argagixisadaas, qorshahoodu yahay in ay dhalan-rogaan dhaqankeenii sooyaalka ahaa iyo nasabimadda reer-Puntland. Ilaahay kama yeelee, haday tooda noqoto, waxay barinna soo wadaan inay yidhaahdaan Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo Shati-guduud baa isku taariikh ah! Faadumooy, Ka feejignoow hadalada aan laga fiirsan ileen ma tihid Faysal Cali Waraabe e. Habeenkii dhowyed ee hadalku ianaga xumaaday kelmadihii aad ku hadlaysay waxay igaga xanuun badnaayeen qudbadihii Afweyne ka akhriyi jiray fagaaraha 21ka October xiliyadii laba kaclaynta kacaanka. Mar walba ogow in Puntland tahay meeshay jacalyka iyo gobanimadu ka bilawdaan. Golis adigoo haysta ha u hanqaltaagin Telesom. Waa jacayl tolnimo darted waxaan magaalo kale intaan tago aan Qaran lacag kaaga soo diro iyadoo Dhahabshiil agtayda tahay! Waxaan rajeeynayaa in afkaaraha iyo talooyinka aan kuu soo jeediyay aad u qaadan doonto sidii go’aamadii ka soo baxay shirkii Garowe two (II). Waxaan ku rajo waynahay in meherka iyo gur-galkeenu la kow san doono dhismaha dawlad rasmi ah oo Cabdiweli madax u yahay dhamaadka bisha Agoosto. Waxaan kuugu bishaaraynayaa in aan madasha arooska keeni doono hobolo caaan ah oo heesihii arooska inooo qaada, misana inoogu dara heesti “Ku dayo Puntland”. Waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aynu isku duubnaano ahaanana ul-iyo-diirkeed sida Faroole iyo wiilashiisa. Jacaylkaaga Cali Beeldaaje Cisman Eriboodhka Galkacyo
  3. Ditoorku waxan ma fahmi karo, isaga iyo faroolihiisuba ee muu iska daayo. Samatars can teach faroole, abdiweli, and dr osman with their left brain.
  4. "Blunt language cannot hide a banal conception” James Wolcott warns, ditoore. It is utterly predictable false doctors would hate the samatars. All the mediocre academicians nurse their affected self-worth through bashing those who have left them behind in thought and intellect.
  5. Since that fateful hareeraysi, Ayoub has never been the same again. He lost his muse and wore a bucolic political garb, just like Oodweyne. Intii wakhtigaa ka horeeysay, nin macqul ah buu ahaa!
  6. Brother Carafaat, Abdi and Ahmed are the only real somali professors. Bal wax ay galaydh iyo jimcaale qoreen oo micno leh i soo tus. Somalida xasadkaa ku badan ee these men are in the top league in the academic world.
  7. Dear Ayoub, Actually islam is not compatible with moden governance. A simple question is how do you raise the funds to run the state machinery? Zakka? The catagory of allowed benefIciaries does not include traffic police, mInisters, MPs, the military, diplomats etc. The 8 catagories allowed all have to be poor! Just an example. Also, on the issue you raised, why only doctors and teachers for women to work? Do you think the vast number of women in the west (muslims) will be able to find work in a women-exclusive environment? Isn't that wishful?
  8. Juxa, haddana ma waxaad leedahay Abtigiis waa bakhayl?!!! Waa damiim hadaad waa bakhayl iigu darto soow ka kac ma aha? Macal adigu kaalay hadaad rabtid. My offer is serious BTW. Gabadhaan jeclaa een lahaa, guul bay ila raadiin Ha gunoobo Abtigiis, haday hadal ku soo gooysay Gartaa yaan u geeyaa, oo gudboon gogol inuu meersho?
  9. Carafaat, Ducada Ngonge iyo tolka lagala bakhayli ee aniga la ii duceeyn soow duco ujeedo leh ma aha?
  10. Ayoub, Gormaad wadaad noqotay adigu? Aniga bahashaas waa la igala quustay. And I can tell you that unless the islamic religion reforms with times in some areas, it will not escape the fate of other religions, which is to remain the pastime of few old people and the rular communities. I do not agree that everything in the world of today is captured in the teachings of the religion. I know it is a tough thing to say but it is the truth. Dantaa keeni doonta in casriga la waafajiyo diinta xilil ay noqotaba, without reneging on the core foundations. Haweenku yaynha shaqeeyn if their men are working for instance ma aha mid socon doonta after few generations. Just an example. Ngonge - oo hadda waad tagtay? waan ogaa in saaxiibtinimadeenu one-side uun ka socoto, laakin in qabyaaladiiste aad tahay oo reerihiina mooye aadan cid kale dan ka lahayn ma ogeyn. JB waan u tagi doonaa, inkastoo xiliga iyo goorta aana announce gareeyney hadda maadaama aan ka shaki sanahay inuu meelo aan ogahay ii dhiibi.
  11. A traditonal liberal, if i may redefine! Ng, 06 may hargeeysa ma joogaysaa? Waryaa ha tagin inagoon isarag! Hadii kale nairobi igu soo mar!
  12. On a serious note, Ayoub wuu mahadsan yahay. Qof dan kaa leh oo ku jecel unbaa wax kuu sheega, marka talada Ayoub waan raacaynaa, maadaama uu secessionst yahay darteed xaqa uu ku hadlayo diidi mayno. I am secular and quite liberal but i fit that within the traditions of our fathers, before hardliner mullahs started importing an islamic version marinated with Arab culture, quite at odds with our values. For instance, i prefer colourful duruuc to all black attire. Related to this, i actually prefer moderate islamists than westernized secularists when it comes to who should govern somalia. My secularism is not one endorses or abets drinking, womanizing, shisha, and imitating foreign cultures. I really hate all this. I like the homegrown secularism which promotes somali art and literature, allows music and sports, encourages creativity and free thinking. Sidii aabayaasheen iyo hooyooyinkeen ku soo koreen inaan ahaano unbaan jeclahay, but at the sametime be tolerant of diffusion of harmless social behaviours like flirting on the web and the like! Maalinka aroos jiro in la isdhex boodana waan jeclahay! Hada anigu qof xishood badan baan ahay oo runtii ma dhex boodo, laakin atmosphere'ka noocaas ah waan ka helaa! Am i clear?
  13. Alpha, I will actually arrive on the 06th of May. Blame taliye baas. Adiga iyo caruusada iyo kii xumaa ee Jacaylbaro ahaa iyo wixii secessionist SOLers ah hadaad firaaqo hesho habeenimada Axada (may 06) there is standing invitation for dinner at Ambassador. If Ngonge is to stay till then, waa eesh calaa. Oday caato ah oo kaligii socda hadaad aragtid waa aniga. Bil amaara koodh madoow baan xidhan si aan isugu buuro oo wax quman isaga dhigo.
  14. 50 years ago, a close uncle of mine was angry because camels he rustled from 'gaalo-loving' northerners was returned to its owners by the british. Vowing to take the herd back once the skies clear and the cold climate subsides, but also warning the weak northerns that their camels will end up in his den, he said: Caradiina dheel iyo intay dhadada baas joogto Dheehooy intaan kaamaqnahay, waa dhibicda dayreede Goortay magaaladu dhashaad, dhadarbiyeeysaane Dhurwaayahay ha iga siisanina, dhar iyo soor toona Nirigaad ka sii dhaylaysataan, dhagar u qoondeeya Dhaqaaleeya geeliinu,wuu inaga dhaxeeyaaye Adeer i realise all this smear campaign is because i realise that if you substitute dawladnimo for camels, the above poem is sill valid for the current state of the enclave you call somaliland. 'dhaqaaleeya dawladnimadu way inaga dhaxeeysaaye!'. As to this takfiiri PM to be drafted, it begins at home and the primary recepient should be Ahmed Godane. It is however richly ironic that a progeny of the people who hate habaar because it usually contains the sentence 'ilaahoow gaalada jabi' should be telling religion and quranic verses to the direct descendent of the Sayid!
  15. I can confirm i will attend this wedding, if my visit plan is confirmed. Alpha, minxiisada yaan la igu qabsan imikaba!! I will even sing for the caruus and caruusad: "War bal gaabso oo aamus Guurkana ha ceebayn Gabdhahana wax ha u dhimin" ayaan meesha kaqaadi doona. P.s ngonge ha iga tagin inagoon isarag eeyaa! Jeega-xiirka Jacaylbaro ah ayaan la soo hadli next week insha allah.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;821118 wrote: Abtigis muxu Prof Togane ula yaaba isba Wa Professor mar mar Siyasada ka dhex baadha Luga dhexdooda wuxu ka helu leeyahay:D. Somalilanders'ka la isuma kaayo maqlo. Gabadh aan idhi Mahiga ayaa lagu xantaa ayaa mashruuc la igu weeraro laga dhigtay. Caawa meel aan fadhiyey gaalo cad baa arintaa hadal haysay oo aan aniga aheyn. Inta aanu SOL saaxiibada ku nahay mooye meel kale hadal xun ama qaloocan kama idhaa. Qofkaad ku tidhaa ninkaasaa waxaas yidhi waa beentaa unbuu ku odhan, sabatoo ah waan la igu aqoon basar xumadaas. "la iguma sheegin" bay haweenku odhan jireen!
  17. Xinny, waan joogaa. Ngonge siday oo kale ayuu hawl kale ku jiraa oo nafta nasinayaa. Ngonge hadaad imaqlaysid fadlan meeshaad joogto ayaan imanayaa May 06 ee ha tagin ee isug! Hadii xilligaa ka hor aad baxaysid ii shoo sheeg si aad Nairobi noogu soo martid.
  18. :D lool @qaranka. Islaamahaa sodoha ah baa la fuulaa kuma jirto ridicule'ka. Plus Togane is a false poet! Si gabay ah oo "maxaa gabadha adoon loo siiyey oo kale ah hadii loo dhigo waa caadi, laakin hebla waa dhi.lo iyo hebel naagtiisu waa b.i.t.ch meesha kuma jirto. Adigoo waliba serious ah. Midda kale wax koox gole ku wada jirto ku kaftanto iyo waxa mashraxyada lala tagayo waa kala laba. Xinny, not at all. I am on leave and when so I find it hard to sit infront of a computer. Niman badan oo meeshaad joogto ka yimid na way nala joogaan oo wada wareegno. I will return to work on Tuesday and I long for our hot exchanges.
  19. The encroachment of vulgarity into the seemingly civilized demesne of scholastic kingdom is a worrying development which is a vivid reminder of the gravity of our societies’ moral degradation. This needs to be confronted if we are serious about creating a tolerant, progressive and cultured Somali society. When a whole holder of a Ph.D behaves like a hot-tempered illiterate vagrant, it indeed, invokes the wise words of genuine Somali Poets of yore, who in state of profound melancholy, wondered who would cure a “sick medicine”! With poems that surpass William Topaz McGonagall’s doggerel lines in their shoddy hilarity and chaotic cadence, Professor Mohamud Siad Togane has been soiling the names of various Somali politicians, personalities and clans for years with reckless intemperance. The lowbrow professor, who is evidently a hostage to archaic Victorian literature, enjoys penning poems larded with bombastic obscenities, severely lacking in substance but rich in flawed generalizations and sordid stereotypes. Because Togane is a victim of medieval syllabus, he is irascible and malevolent as the poets of ancient times. And his fascination with the scatological is for a purpose. It is to project the image of a liberated intellectual - fair and knowledgeable; a profound thinker, undeterred by social mores and antediluvian religious strictures. That is why Togane’s poems are invariably made of insults, lies, crudity, and hate. Those who are charitable would say his poems are also funny and frank. I beg to differ. There is no fun in knowing Sheikh Sharif has red lips, or Mama Khadjia was bonked by a ********** man. There is nothing frank about Togane’s indictment of the ****** clan as fools or the Habar-Gidir as looters. This is a dangerous generalization that is unbecoming of any learned person. Only the naïve would take his repetitive “Donkey” allegory for the ****** clan as a selfless assault on his own clan, which he accuses of doing harm to Somalia’s Statehood. It can be a crafty camouflage intended to keep the real motive wonderfully unobtrusive beneath a false patina of ascribed scholarly neutrality and virtue. This way he can attain a reputation for blunt objectivity which he does not need to validate. The real motive can be to attack perceived rival ideas, individuals and clans, without suffering the reflexive charge of being a tribalist. His immense hate for the ***** clan, which is the clan of his archenemy – “Afwayne” (former President Siyad Barre) is very palpable. A careful scrutiny of the textual constructions of his lines on Siyad Barre and the MOD (Mareehan-******-***********) elite betrays deep-seated animosity to these clans. His simulated love for Puntland serves the double purpose of escaping the charge of anti-*****, while also offering a poetic reward to the ********** for their anti-Siyad stance in the “revolution” days. Admittedly, this is a conjecture on my part, but a plausible inference. Pillorying own clan doesn’t absolve one from culpability for acerbic vitriol against other perceived rival clans. But even if he is indeed an equal opportunity basher of all clans, how does such an act help the reconstruction of Somalia? Or reconciliation of communities? Does he not appreciate the sensitivities around clan issues in Somalia? Or is he too noble, too brainy to care about such sensitivities? Does he think to be foul is to be firm? Does he mistake insults for ideas? Are narrations of alleged carnal events the necessary details that must be told to give the insults against Galaydh, Siyad Barre, Buri Hamza, Abukar Arman, Sheikh Sharif and many others, some verisimilitude? Attacking these individuals or ridiculing their political ideology and personal character is fair game. But why talk about the phallus of these men, or what they do in their bedrooms, or their wives? Why attack Abukar Arman for his Arab roots? Where is the evidence Buri is a bandit? Why is Galaydh’s wife, an old Somali mother, a “*****”? Is Togane a personification of a Kangaroo court? Who gave him this libelous latitude? Or is he nursing an ingrained inferiority complexity, such that any visibility and attention is to be cherished at all cost, for self and others? People are generally opinionated, but none as opinionated as false intellectuals. There is a veneer of sophistication and righteousness to the enormous self-centeredness they exhibit when analyzing all things from politics to exchange of pleasantries, reinforced by the apparent acquiescence of conned grassroots, who are primary victims of this fraudulent posturing. In this context, anyone who takes Togane as a bona fide poet, who proffers useful ideas and analysis, is clearly deceived. Professor Togane is a false intellectual. His below-the-belt poems are neither funny nor frank. They do not add any value to Somali literature and art, over and above maligning personalities and communities. They are no work of academic literature, or educative fiction. They are mordant claims by a talented rabble-rouser, exaggerating his competence by tarnishing the good name of anyone he does not like with appalling disdain. And when talent comes along with a sense of being underrated and personal foibles such as gullibility, naivety and penchant for flamboyance, the ground is made ready for cynicism and misanthropy. Bring bitterness and clannish politicking into the whole equation and the misanthropy happens in a wholesale scale. Togane thinks yelling obscenities and throwing vituperative homilies will contribute to correcting the social and political ills of Somalia. Watching him speak on video (Youtube) is a sheer spectacle. Every now and then, he falsely clears the throat, shifts in the seat, cranes the neck, continuously adjusting a fading jacket affectively, all to trim into a votary of wisdom and knowledge from Benadir, but sadly regurgitating the clannish typecasts of the past, and dishing out insults and laments as solutions to Somalia’s malady.* The "messianic complex" which typifies this conceited thinking yet one founded on so mistaken a premise cannot be missed. You can easily discern the streak of confusion and backwardness in Togane’s utterances. Make no mistake about it, beyond its leaping charades, Togane’s narcissistic poetry amounts to the same old clannish poetic duels re-issued. It does not help Somalia’s rebirth. The onus is on Somali intellectuals to expose Togane’s profane prose masqueraded as poetry. But more urgently, we need to warn the youth from normalizing, through imitation, influence or conformity, to vile language and abrasive discourse. Togane should forget about writing poems and focus on where his comparative advantage lies, which is to write a dictionary of insults and curses. http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_12/April/Muktar/20_Professorial_Vulgarity_Toganes_Fascination_with_Scatology.html Mukhtar M. Omer WardheerNews Contributor
  20. Waryaa joojiya aflagaadada. Forget about the rogue persona i Play in SOL forum for common amusement. I am a decent, peaceful and cultured guy as those who met me would testify. Carafaat, aniga iyo ONLF waa lagaa kari la'yahay baryahan ee se wax u jiraan! Ayoub tiisa gartay!
  21. Mukulaalow;820104 wrote: This guy is the lowest of the low. I disagree. Mooge is the lowest because he takes this fool false professor seriously. Run buu sheegaa buu kuleeyayay. Ma waxaa run ah galaydh naagtiisu waa ***** iyo wuxuu u guursaday si uu siyaad ugu dhawaado? Where is the evidence? Ma waxaa run ah maamaa khadija way tuman jirtay? War waxan in xabad lagu dhuftuu istaahilaa ******* ka foosha xun.
  22. Togane is not sane; he is not a poet too. Sheeko dheer oo enter lagu jarjaray buu waa gabay leeyahay. What he is talking about is utter rubbish. If there is anyone who should be shamed it is this clannish so-called professor togane. Waligay wax sidaas oo kale u hadla ma arag!!
  23. Ya jamaacaa, this is not about a clan. This is about personalities. Away kii xumaa ee maaddeey ahaa. :D
  24. Coming soon... The catchword is the pillaging patriots. All the way from Galgaduud and Dhuusamared. Nomads whose sense of nationalism is so deep that they will even destroy national monuments so that they save them for post-war somalia. To mould Somalia's future, its present must be vandalized. The red soil that will save Somalia produces a full alumni of sheikhs, warlords, singers, cyber-jihadists, CIA operatives, seemingly disconnected and contending, but all united in the vision of resurrecting Somalia through vandalism and benign looting, selfless acts whose real purpose posterity shall appreciate and understand. ......
  25. Sound analysis delivered with captivating prose. I do not share xinny's goodwill towards the inner feelings of the arch secessionist Silaanyo, but i think the old man may just happen to realize that the secession craze is getting them nowhere. I believe silaanyo is clanist and he will continue to fight SSC people. But i am sure he will lose. SSC is the best thing that could happen to somalis ambition of maintaing a unified state. In that, they are very different to all the other clan states. Theirs is for a greater ideal and it needs our support and sympathy. Congrats to the horseman for the purposeful commentary. We never doubted xinn's ability and wisdom.