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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Alpha Blondy;826941 wrote: a scathing attack on somaliland Oo caawa soo arooskaagii ma aheyn, ma dib baad u dhigtay? Waa inoo habeen danbe, kolkaas ayaad ii warami insha allah.
  2. By virtue of this logic of fascination with some arithmetic figures, we can safely deduce that the SL militia killed 50,000 in Las Anod and Buuhoodle!
  3. So, John Major and Tony Blair are direct descendants of Sheikh Somaliland! This (video) notable somaliland historian is claiming that is the case. He is also claiming that 50,000 somalilanders died defending the British empire against Germany and other enemies. We all know that Slanders also say they lost 50,000 in the war against Fa.q.ash. Could it be that they just like how this figure sounds when pronounced? I have a four year son who smashes windows if you do not agree he is 7. He just loves this number. I see some similarity here! Ngonge's cousins are really funny. We know nations are about tangibiles- people,rivers,buildings, but also about intangibles:myths, heroes, trumph,setback etc! That is why everywhere you visit you find narratives of heroism and heroes. Nations who do not have heroes must invent some to consummate nationhood. But Slanders have really taken this requisite invention of myths and heroes to a whole new level. That is why koodbuur, a nobody, has to be a hero. That is why this great grandfather of oodweyne (see the video) is rewritting somali and british history to knit a functional narrative that fits the political hallucination of this profoundly confused secessionist clan!
  4. Kolkii hore waxaan islahaa waxaad qortaa "A day in the skin of the Babyface Nuune", hadana duuliyaha jimankiisii yuuna kugu soo dirin baan is idhi!
  5. Well, lets just say, that the sort of hide-and-seek verbal construct , in which you intending to play with us in here shan't be good enough to cover your naked back-side . Hence, it really ought to be beneath you to play coy with us in here. Consequently, a gallant man would say, I stand by my argument, and, therefore, I in turn, shall go to end of the world in defending what I have put my name to it. Hence, it's understandable, that you are of the opinion in disavowing what you have written till you get the "permission slip" from those that command your action (intellectual or otherwise) on a daily basis, indeed... My friend, do not, for love of god, curse yourself altogether into unnecessary "early grave" in here, indeed. However, if, by-the-by , on the other hand, you would of have said that you may die long before you see something call "ONLF" amounting anything other than a passing fiction of the day in which some "Somali Diaspora-based" communities entertained themselves with it, at least as a "political distraction", then, one, after the soberly fashion in which this sort of thing ought to be talk about it, would of concur with you there, indeed, my friend.... Walaahi waa Timeless tani! Which means oodweyne actually does not need to be here to respond to me. NG bal alaabtiisii hore wax soo quf! Lambarkii Jacaylbaro na PM iigu soo tuur arooska Alpha ayaan tagayaaye.
  6. But sharif is the ultimate political gymnastician!
  7. Maqaal culus oo micno leh hadii cid wax garan jirto! "Recent public discourse about the draft constitution has not been encouraging. Instead of objective critique and measured appraisal, draft constitution has been subjected to a deliberate demagoguery and rabble-rousing intended to mislead and misinform the general masses. This is partly the result of TFG’s lack of coordinated effort to disseminate information pertaining to the draft constitution. But it is also clear that politicians and previous warlords who participated in the utter destruction of Somalia and its people are beginning to reappear in different clothes, dwelling on generalities to dismiss the draft constitution as the work of ‘non-Somalis’. We must understand the intent of these politicians is to derail the process, and delay the transition in the hope that more opportune time will come to boost their chances to grab political ‘power’ again. The cost Somali people will incur as the result of their political calculation and scheming does not matter to these politicians. There are also those with genuine concerns about both the legitimacy and process through which the draft constitution is produced. Their inputs and suggestions need be voiced and incorporated during the constituent assembly deliberations. But one thing must be understood: if the draft constitution is a critical component of the process to end the current transitional status, as I think it is, we must do everything possible to have the soon-to-be selected constituent assembly debate it, amend the clauses that need amendment, and adopt it in time to meet the deadlines of the imposed political calendar. We must do so just in time to select parliamentarian members, so a non-transitional government can be formed by August 2012. Some do, and will, have misgivings on the draft constitution. But our national priority should be to get out of the transitional status. We must also remember that come 2016 this draft constitution will be up for ratification." http://wardheernews.com/Articles_12/May/Liban/03_End_the_Transition_Pass_the_Draft_Constitution.html
  8. The evolving Sheikh has been sending out different message in the last couple of weeks. Now waa tan tu kale. Ninkan warkiisa anigu ma qaato oo final uma arko. For sure, he will evolve again!
  9. Abtigiis

    Ha I Furin!

    Sad story but I can say the same thing is going on in many houses oo ninman gadh waa weeyn ka soo toosaan! Arintaa Qoraagu ka hadlay maana qorin ee maalin walba waan ka sheekeeyaa. Useless Wadaads. Hedonism is their preoccupation, and stop the crap about "don't generalize"! Wax yar baa caadi ka ah nimankaas.
  10. Wa ayo ninka anigoo 47 ah waa 53 ileh? Maxaa sidaa la isugu bahdilayaa?
  11. :D Adaa iga yaqaan ninkan. Walaahi for once I thought you are Ood. The peridy of this pernicious rabble-rousing, if I may repeat, is to cast doubt on my epistimology, tarnish my aesthetics and vilify the metaphyiscal reality that Somaliland is flying high among the astmospheric global community; in such that the niggling mouses of Somalia shall temporally and spatially regain the laughable Khaatumo and the buccaneers of East included, indeed. And that my dear Xinny is the realsim which the defated lot of the Fa.q.ash punctiliously walk into head on. Regards, Oodweyne
  12. I miss Oodweyne's english. And i thought if i speak to him in his own language, he may feel the urge to reply. Dear Oodweyne, In brother-malating my acetogy or in articulating my superficious sentimentality, how dare you live in such atmospheric cosmogean pressure, inhaling narrow-mindedness! I would like to see you in this forum pakefoniously, no matter how lugubrious!! Oodweyne wuu fahmayaa waxan!! Waa wixiisi!
  13. Bluelicious, labadan ciyaalka ah ee isku kaa tuur tuuraya ka talo bax, anigaa hawshaada dhameeynaya oo aroos la diyaar ah ee PM aan kuwada xidhiidhno!
  14. Waryaa NG, meeshan ciyaar ma taalo saaxiib! Walaahi ilmaa igu soo istaagtay. Dhibaatada dadkan haysata caadi ma aha. And some of us complain about this, that and what not!
  15. I support Xinnfanin on this, i really do not know what these people are oppossing!! I have not read the document, but from what i hear i do not see any major problem with it. I do not like the federal set up but then this is a matter political parties can set as an agenda in the future elections and the constitution is a living document which can be amended anytime. Soomalidu meela uma socdaan, dan shaqsi iyo mid qabiil ayaa kaga weyn wax walba!!
  16. waa la barkadaa, qadaad qadaad! oo waliba TV'ga lagu daawadaa!
  17. Maryan Shaheen Samatar maxkamada ICC waa in lala tiigsado!! Gabadha kale way mareeysaa! miskaheeda kaliya hadaad barkato xaad baa kaa soo bixi! Paragon, waan ku salaamay!
  18. Xinoow, dawladnimo diid mooye dastuurdiid ma jiro. Adiguse sidii dooxada dharoor shidaal loogu sheegayba our girls are in higher demand baad meel kasta la taagan tahay. amaan baad isleedahay laakiin waad ceebeeynaysa! Si kale macno uma laha ee shidaalka ha loogu xisho yuu noqon karaa hadalkaagu! Hargeisa haweenka dhaqaale yar rogrogta ee ninka guursada aan waxba ka rabin "Naarajiin macaa weel" baa looga yaqaan! Yacni iyadaa wax walba isku sidata oo iskufilan weelkiina sidata. Markaa are you confirming PL girls inay "naaraajiin macaa weelnimo" abaal ku qabaan?
  19. Maaddeey cousins na bililiqaa loogu daw galay! I heard she is related to Maaddeey. Bah dilka soomaliya lagu hayo ayey ka mid tahay arintan foosha xun ee meesha ka dhacday!
  20. Ngonge's visits were staged. JB was paying people to come and greet him to impress NG. When I was there, I asked few people and only one said he knows him. Told me some nickname of his too.
  21. He is convicted: guilty of abetting and assisting murder, etc etc but not committing himself! Maybe will save him some years!
  22. Nuqul kamid ah warqadan ayaan hadda email ugu diray Puntland Diaspora Forum. Koolkat arintan wixii aad ka qaban karto ka qabo!!
  23. Xinn waxii ku xidhan waan helayaa!!
  24. For those challenged in Somali, a free translation: Dear*Faadumo, Your memory is immortally erected in my heart in the manner the statue of the unknown soldier reminds us of our liberation heroes. I worry about you like I worry about the*Puntland*Constitution; l am proud of you like I am proud of SSDF martyrs; and I relish my bond to you like I relish the eminence of Prime Minister*Abdiweli*and the countless past national leaders who hail from our recalcitrant soil. Dear, I know you are not unduly worried about poverty and a life of squalor. Not when you know the massive natural resources under the red earth of*Dharoor*valley is to be unearthed and marketed soon! My Love, In addition to the task of facilitating and organizing meetings for the communities that hail from*Puntland, I also carry the cumbersome anxiety of your love. I feel apprehensive as if I am*a trader who got the bad news that pirates have ambushed ships, at a time he was expecting a large consignment of goods. The foundations of the love you erected in my little heart*is*solid, and unshakeable like the statehood of*Puntland. I am aware of your*Tol-loving tendencies and how good you are for the kinship. But I am nervous about the rumors that some pretenders, whose newest skin they are wearing is*Khaatumo,*are hovering over you, to lead you astray. I resent this! It is not only these imposters, but I also heard that some fake sheikhs are propagating that the main consideration for any girl, when tying a nuptial manacle, ought to be whether the person you are marrying is close to the Gods and not he is close to you by blood. This is hogwash. Do not give ear to this blatant denigration of ourforefather’s*culture, intended to besmirch the noble blood of*puntlanders. If we accept this today, these sanctimonious social climbers will demand that we equate the history of*Abduallahi*Yusuf to that of*Shatiguddud! It is a disgrace that we simply cannot take! Disregard the functional homilies of these terrorists! Faadumo, Please think twice before you say some words that can hurt my feelings and possibly our love. The things you were saying the other night our talk turned sour are simply horrendous. They were more painful than the long lectures*Afweyne*used to make in the*21 October Square in the last days of resurgence of the Revolution! I got sick, and the sadness I felt was even bigger than the one I felt in the days the USC**********were ransacking the Villa*Baydabo, pretending to be Jihadists, just because they cannot take*Abdullahi*Yusuf as a president! * Always remember that love begins at home. It is why I travel to distant towns to send you money through*Qaranexpress when*Dahabshiil*is my*neighbour! I hope you will take my advice in good faith just as we have all endorsed the decisions of*Gaorwe*2 conference. It is with pleasure that I promise you a wedding full of gaiety and majesty, where our laughter will be swallowed by the sweet melody of “Arin*ma aha*uguboo,*Aadan*iyo xaawaa*ololaha*bilaabe”! There will be no wedding song that will not be played! You don’t worry about the glorification of our homeland. I will make sure a rendition of “Ku*dayo Puntland” is loudly cheered in the hall! I pray our bondage and unison becomes like the one between Faroole*and his two sons.* Cali*Beeldaaje*Cisman Eriboodhka*Galkacyo
  25. NGONGE;822816 wrote: Can just picture A&T sitting with her under the shade of a romantic tree (there are such things you know) and softly spitting out passages from the the PL constitution at her as she titters and covers her face with her hair at every word. :D :D loooooooooool! oo aanu ku murmayno the Presidential term in PL is 2 terms each 7 years, iyaduna leedhay ma aha ee waa 4 years uun!!