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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Paragon, sheekadii naagtii boqorkii masar iyo nabi Yusuf dhexmartay oo kale weeye hawshu ee waxaan odhan lahaa bal intaad Hargeysa safar ku timaadid, kadib aynu iswareeysano. Sidaa yeel Minnesotta 'say walaahi' ga aad ku target gareeyso iska daa oo!
  2. Blessed anigu cafis baan waydiistay wixii ay qoonsatay; Rudi se waa certified vulgar e waa inayna serious unqaadan hadalkiisa. Tallo aan la ii dirsan.
  3. I will settle down dear che, comforted by the realisation that you will grow up. I mean your mendacity has no limits, you tried to characterise me on the basis of a banter story. Xinn, sodohaha marka la caayo waad ka hadashaaye, sodog yadu miyaanay protection u baahnayn?!
  4. Xinn, Kaftan iyo maad ma aha, clearly. I thought so, but look at Che. Laughable. Anyway, i think we are reaching to a stage where it is becoming difficult to distinguish between garowe online, hadhwanaag news and somaliaonline. It is very clear it is decision time for some of us. People enjoying the immunity and protection of culture are abusing us.
  5. Anigu somaliland inay tahay hoyigii jacaylka iyo meel nabad qabta oo shahaado sharaf ha la siiyo mooyee meel aan ku idhi somalia iyo somaaliland ha la kala gooyo miyey jirtaa?! Semantics is everything but not for the gullible. Come on you are better than this!! Nin weyn oo xinnfanin isku aynu yihiin baan ku moodayey.
  6. I have officially invited JB and Alpha to Naiobi to reciprocate the kind welcome and generous hospitality. Once i get even, i will be feel morally free to indulge in real somali politics. I saw Che's reaction in the other thread. Surely he is not serious, but if he is then it s clear he is a certifiable fool with no celebral paucity to tell ash from flour.
  7. Xinnfanin, arinka ha sahashan, there is a method behind the madness when it comes to this recognition. Blessed, isdaji, meesha dhamaanteen cyber personalities baynu nahay, and we need not take things very seriously. Hadaan kaftan qaloocan kuula imidna waan loo noqonayn ee 100 jeer raali ahoow. Hedde Blessed gabadh yaroon iska celin karana ma aha, ee waa marwo. Markaa waa inaan cafis iyo saamax uun ka dalbanaa.
  8. What has dollar got to do with it!? Waryaa this was love at first sight! Sharmaarke, not an ordinary girl away! But, yes khadra!
  9. NGONGE;828985 wrote: ^^ Khadra, like the colour her name describes is but a summer dream that will fade with time and distance. But when Khadra fades away, will your recognition of SL go the same way? :D Very good question Ngonge. Time will tell, but Khadra's memory has the imprints of anything but something that will fade! Let us hope it lasts, and so does the SL recognition support. I feel for Paragon and Taleexi and the misfits fishing from the mud ruts of Eastleigh and Minnesotta. They should go to Hargeisa. It is the ultimate heaven for the casanovas: whether old like me, or the young like Alpha whose only foible is that his dress code is a bit too advanced for the local girls. Now, he should know very few would tell the class between his Spike-Lee glasses and the one blacksmiths use to fend of the glare of iron when on wielding duty! :D P.S. On Second thought, I resent Ngonge's mischievious question. What is this? A rendition of Sir Paul's "Will you still Love me when I am 67?"
  10. Those who are pillorying my change of mind on Somaliland underestimate the power of love and are fools who do not realize that something as petty as the urge of a prick has ignited major wars and international disputes in history. They also do not know about the beauty of young Khadra. Profound thanks to Jacaylbaro, greetings to Alpha, and unreserved condemnation to the obivously not so blessed "Blessed". Seriously, I saw people who respect their politicians and governance structures. I always knew they are the most generous among the somalis. Why then does their fate has to be tied to the anarchists in Mogadishu and Goboladda dhexe and the envious Puntlanders, who can not produce one shiny face like that of Khadra in million years?!!!! :D
  11. The key words are in bold in case Ximaaya missed the whole point. Xinn waa balaayo, he thinks what I said is not coming from a sober mind. Ogeebeey jacaylkuna, Waxaan jirin haduu yahay Jaleecadaan ku eegaba, Jirro ima haleesheen, Mana jidhidhicoodeen, Ee haa, aa haa, Intaan jaah wareeree :D More on the reasons why Somaliland deserves a full recognition.
  12. Ximaaya, is daji perhaps these lines will give you a useful hint. : Ogeebeey jacaylkuna, Waxaan jirin haduu yahay Jaleecadaan ku eegaba, Jirro ima haleesheen, Mana jidhidhicoodeen, Ee haa, aa haa, Intaan jaah wareeree
  13. ... Soon to come After wallowing in the wilderness of denial, envy and dogmatic union for over two decades, somali unionists need to face the reality that there is no logic in crippling the aspirations of people who have done miracles in transforming their region. The call for dogmatic union is even more foolish when one sees the political immaturity of Southerners, who are still in state of anarchy despite getting all the support and recognition they needed from the international community. Waan sii faah faahin doona, after i rest with the family here in Nairobi. The change of heart and mind on Somaliland has nothing to do with the purported allegations that jacaylbaro has threatened to release videos that allegedly show me kissing a teenage girl inside a car in Hargeisa. :D This is simply a lie, xinnfanin and his mendacious unionist zealots will use to discredit the logic in my judgement about this matter. I will talk about Alpha, the young rascal, and my impressions of him. I will talk about how Ibtisam's body is in Hargeisa but how Blessed controls her mind from afar. I will talk about jacaylbaro's wonderful reception. All this coming soon in "The Hargeisa chronicles".... :D despite ibtisam's understandable efforts to avoid me, i have seen her from afar. She was chatting with an old white man, most likely a business associate of hers. Clad in black linen cabaayaa and light red scarf, there she was, charming, confident and predictably full of herself.
  14. Abdihayi waxaan isbaranay muddo labo bilood ka hor ah oo Grand Regency Hotel aan dhowr jeer isugu nimid. I remember we quickly clicked and chatted intensely. Last Sunday, inaanu wada qadayno ayey aheyd but I left Nairobi. The plan was to meet him when I return, but then two nights ago, a mutual friend called and said he is in a comma. Walaahi geeri aad u xun oo naxdin leh weeye. Ilaahay ha u naxaristo marxuumka. Such an untimely death. Walaahi waa naxdin iyo amakaag. There was no sign that he had health problems, so I kind of could not believe when I heard he was in comma and later dead.
  15. Tonight was great. I am grateful the young Alpha left his mafrsish friends to join us. That is appreciated. The talk was good, I have to say. JB is a good-hearted, nice man. The only surprise of the night was that JB is five months OLDER than me. That doesn't mean he looks older than me though. Alpha is urbane, fashionable as you would expect from a young man in his mid 20s. So far the only problem with him is that he is too young!! Carafaat and the other illegal scripts crowding the site was the take away from tonight's gossip. Blessed, I am on a working visit. But brace for more once I leave this place.
  16. Alpha, in fact accoring to Ali, the Wadaads are worse. He is claiming that he has picked up girls left in the street (stranded) after they went into cars driven by wadaads (whom they trusted) but who immediately asked them to do things for them! loooool. Ali says the wadaads do not mind the act but they tell me "astur" the thing! He is a natural born comedian this one!
  17. Apparently, the word "dhakh" is one of the most frequently used words in Hargeysa. I know this because this comical guy "Ali" joined us and even without bothering to introduce himself uttered " Waar, caawa dhakh xun baa talafoonka iga qaban wayday oo waan xanaaq sanahay". Alpha is lying. But certian things has to change in Hargeysa. I mean between men and women.
  18. Far more memorable than the night at “Summer Time” was the encounter at the airport. Our driver gave ride to this beautiful and decent girl. She was sitting at the back and I was at the front seat. Without looking back at her, I asked: “Is it a boy or a girl? Maxaad u mushay?” “Waa wiil. His name is Ahmed.” She said You see, I saw her about 7 or 8 months ago. I did not talk to her. Didn’t even get close to her. Then, I returned to Hargeysa about 3 months later. This time I noticed she was pregnant and any plans about talking to her were dashed. I again returned to Hargeisa, but this time I did not see her. I knew she must have delivered. “We saw you last 6 months ago” she said, at once remembering the last time I was here, but more revealingly exposing that she noticed my itinerant eyes all along. Half-way on the road, I asked “how is the family”. She said it is fine. “Do you have a younger sister who looks like you?” I said. “No, I was the last born”, she laughed at the philandering question. “Is there any discord in the family, now or a while back” “No. Why? There is no such thing. It is fun.” “Are you sure?” I asked in desperation “I am sure. All is well.” “I pray you continue to live in bliss and peace. But should anything go wrong, I hope you will remember to let me know” I gave the impression I was joking. I got no answer. Only an embarrassed chuckle. And a big wave once she descended from the car. Carafaat, of coure it is inevitable we talk and mourn the infestation of SOL with scripts, cheif among them you.
  19. I will not say anything on this. Not when I am still here. :D
  20. She was really pretty. She doesn't know her worth though, from the way she carried herself. JB introduced me, saying "this is Ina Caraale, my friend". She looked at JB sternly and said to me, still looking at him, "I am his bi.t.ch" (dhakh diisaan ahay). I did not budget for that and even my vulgar frame was ruffled. I have to say I found Alpha a bit slimmer than I thought and just a little bit more handsome than I imagined. But who can believe if I say he is soft-spoken and very likeable. What can I say about JB? A true gentleman, nothing like the online persona that can nag! It was a hugely enjoyable night at the "summer time restaurant". I am one day old, a baby. Any life I lived before last night is wasted and should not be counted. For once I almost thought about turning into a wadaad to fill the three slots that would be available in matrimonial terms should I change course in my life philosophy! Brace for live feeds titled: " 4 days with the son of the whistler", In case you ask, I am talking about JB. :D Tonight is dinner at Ambassador and I hope Ibtisam will come and finally will reconcile with her uncle!
  21. I saw that, Raamsade. Really disgusting. Qaar badan oo waxaan arkaa yidhaa tartanka geesinimada aduunka soomaalidu lambar two ayey baxday. Vietnam ayaa wanka baxday!!
  22. Naagtuu intuu subaxii nabad galyo kaga baxay, fiidkii uu ku yidhi iga soo xijaabo waad furantahaye, ee Mombassa 2 da caruurta ah ku haysa ha ka taliyo xaalkeeda sheekh isku sheegani, intuu dastuur iyo wax uuna waxba ka aqoon ka hadlayo. Disgusting! Shareecada uu sheegina loogama baahna soomaalia; waxaan wadaado haween badan afuuf kooda baneeysta aheyn kama soo socoto!
  23. I attended a big meeting where the next development aid framework for somalia was discused this week. It was attended by World Bank, UN, Donors, etc. if only Burahadeer would have heard the comments of the white men about somaliland. One of them said "SL is ready to be assisted through the ministry of planning in Mogadishu, because they are realizing they are not going anywhere with 'this thing'." The way he said the 'this thing' was telling!! Kuwaan arkay hadii aqoonsi laga sugi, ilaahay rer abtigay ha u sahlo!