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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. To the extent they concede this is in the league of the ONLF dhaanto sessions in western capitals, and certainly not a national event, I do not begrude them of their batar and saar for the day. It is good to see somalis in jubilant mood for once, even for nonesensical reasons, amid these years of tumultous disasters and national melancholy.
  2. Partying'ga waxba kama qabo. Mid abti aan u ahay ayaaba igu yidhi lacag aan dharkii aydhiin May (18 May) ku tosho ii soo d.i.r oo lacagtii Dahabshiil shalay looga qaaday. I mean anyone can party when it pleases him. Rose is leaving our office and has been partying throughout Westlands in Nairobi ilaa shalay ilaa xalay. Where I have a problem is when tribalistic baloney is passed on as national event, simply by default, taking advanatge of our sheer decency and silence, which obviously is being considered as foolishness.
  3. Hadaad rabtaan Khadra na igala noqda hadda. :D Hadaan la hadli oo ta yar ku odhan xidigaha cirkana qabo... ileen fleshly temptations looma gunoobee!
  4. You see AsadSL's reference to Ballerz as inaadeer is telling! It can't get more clearer than this! The simple hint of May 18 convinces AsadL that Ballerz must be from the same clan! Tol'aayey iyo inaadeer bay maraysaa, which is why my blood boils when I see this May 18 thing, even when I am sympathetic to the general populace in that part of the country. Markaan aamus idhaaba, eey sarar wataan arkii, miyey ahayd odhaahdii?! War bahasha tolnimadaa iyo reer sheekh hebesha ka saara hadaad rabtaan inay macno yeelato.
  5. Ngonge, summertime uun kuma ekeyn. I think even JB was amazed by the number of people I know in Hargeisa, anigoo waliba isqarinayey oo aan xididkii iyo xigaalkii midna la xidhiidhin. I have many friends in that place, unlike you the born-again something!
  6. Hadaan fahmay markaa!! Ileen JB intaan moodayey inuu soo dhaweyn iila socdo, sidaa ma ahayne anigu gaadhka iga hayey oo magaalada iga ilaalinayey! Ciddna imuu tusin, intaan xoogsaday mooye.
  7. Coofle, xashka inaan tagaan rabaa doorkan markaa danbi waan qaadi karaa ilaa mudo oo quota iga banaan.
  8. Abwaan;830871 wrote: Abtigiis tiro badanaa, mar waa ONLF, mar waa Somaliweyn, Mar waa Somaliland admirer....maxaa ku xiga? Abwaan, unless you are daft which I know you are not, these supposedly conflicting ideals are actually enforcing each other. You can take being ONLF and admiring Somaliland as two pillars of the Somaliweyn agenda. Is it too difficult to comprehend this?
  9. Dear Coofle, The real question is how much has this stocked anger against perceived social bullying by sibling clans contributed to the radicalisation of Godane, who is now taking it out on southerners under the name of religion.
  10. rudy-Diiriye;830864 wrote: So abti how much did u get paid there? Must have been a large wad of cash!! Care to share? Dont be stingy....throw few dimes to homies. I will pm u my western union account. Thnx What money, Rudy? I have not abandoned my Somaliweyn aspirations, I am only getting more frustrated with the south and hence more understanding of SL's position.
  11. Dear Xaaji, This message may come as a surprise to you. I returned from Hargeisa last week, with a lot of positive things in mind. I have always liked somaliland and Somalilanders, even when I opposed their scession bid. The more I see the disintegration and mayhem in the south, the endless tussle between PL and anarchists, between clans that seem to have forgotten no one's interest is going to be served by continued antagonism, I feel perhaps SL's bid for recognition is not too irrational afterall. But I have also seen some negative things. Your own community from Baligubadle need to be liberated. As if they were not the backbone of the SNM liberators, the short and dark lions who reside from Lanqeyrta to close to Ina-guuxa, are the butt of jokes in Hargeisa. Godane should have fought this war first before imposing Islamic emirate on Somalia. The cheeky habros in Hargeisa have even now renamed "missed calls" as "call-Arab". "naga daa dee call Arab'ka oo si fiican noola soo hadal" makes the round. Far worse, there is no recognisable hero from Baligubadle community in the illustrious list of tolka heroes from Axmed Dhagah to koodbuur. It is quite surprising the maroodi-jeex community who mostly fled to Ethiopia and whose role in the war was largely moral and financial support has more heroes than your short lions, who are rather sarcastically named Arab, although the faces of most of them is as dark as two african nights combined. Xaaji, in trying to give a poetic succor to the abused community, I composed this to a girl from Lanqeyrta who lives in degmada Maxamed Mooge. Ishu tii ay raacdeen, ku arkay aaga Ina-Mooge Edeb iyo xishood bay laheyd, indho-u-roontiiye Aqoonyahan ayey ahayd, ilbaxaha naagoode Account'iyo waxay leedahay, waliba email'e!
  12. Lol! Wife is a TV and Girlfriend is a mobile. Mid baa ii soo diray at work. So you know what I talk about is pervasive problem. Wife is like a TV, Girlfriend is like a MOBILE . At home u watch TV, But when u go out u take ur MOBILE. No money, u sell the TV, Got money u change ur MOBILE. Sometimes u enjoy TV, But most of the time u play with ur MOBILE. TV is free for life, But for the MOBILE , if you don't pay, the services will be terminated. TV is big, bulky and most of the time old, But the MOBILE is cute, slim, curvy and very portable. Operational costs for TV is often acceptable, But for the MOBILE it is often high and demanding. TV has a remote, MOBILE doesn't. Most importantly, MOBILE is a two-way communication (u talk and listen), But with the TV you MUST only listen (whether you want to or not). Last but not least .. TVs don't have viruses, But MOBILEs often do!
  13. Abtigiis

    Ma ogtahay

    rudy-Diiriye;829213 wrote: ma ogtahay siraadey somaliyo idil uma sidatid quroxdey habla kula sinma jira . :D loooooooooool@Rudi. This one has me rolling! Waxaad ku dartaa, Rameel wayaa, Rameel wayaa Jalalaqsii wayaa, Heelaloow, heelaoow Raameel wayaa, The stuff foodleey used to sing iyagoo garaacaya jerikaano iyo caagado. Coofle's things are in the same league, hilarious but confusing. Coofle, where is the evidence for all these claims?
  14. Waraa naasir, inagoo saaxiib ah siday iigu danbeeysay unbaan arkaa baryahan adigoo burush wasaq leh ila daba ordaya, markaa horta goorma iyo meelma ayeynu ku coloownay? Waa su'aal. Tan labaad, adigu wadaadada gabdhaha ku ciyaaraya ee leh waxbaanu mehersanay iyagoo raba uun inay tay ka helaanba mustafeeyaan, maxaad u difaacaysaa. Ninyahow ma taageeradii Alshabab ayaa wax kuu dhintay? Tan saddexaad, everyone is using the name islam for different ends these days. Wax badan ayaa ka qaldan many things oo Islamic prefix ama suffix loo sameeyo. Islamic banking ayaa ka mid ah. Ilaa hadda wax uu kaga duwan yahay normal banking (other than being about calling your hostage a guest) waan fahmi la'ahay even after long lectures from islamic banking experts. Markaa i just want transpareny in our religion. There are too many obfusatory narratives and practices that all go under the name islam these days.
  15. I can find another word if i have to call a frog a baby elephant!
  16. Very few men, very few, do not have wandering eyes or do no flirt. Just this week an acquiantance of mine married a girl on a qudbo-sir whatever that means. When he told me what it is, the intention, i knew it is just about getting an islamic cover for an animalistic behaviour. It is islamic prostitution. If i have to compare two evils, i think sleeping around with woman without nikaax is by far better than marrying them when you are not fully committed. As a humanitarian worker, we are lectured to not raise expectations and to 'Do no harm' when delivering assistance. I think both principles are violated in islamic prostitution, whether in secedtly arranged nikaax or open polygamy to some extent. Only the young like Che and the unsuspecting newly-wed girls think there are some men with no wandering eyes!
  17. Faarax, war anigu hot shiisha iyo hot girl toona waxay ii tahay SOL. Boqol jeer baan arintaa sheegay ee wax i maqla markaan waayey ayaan dusha ku qaatay. shiisha urkiisa waaban ku xanuunsadaa! I don't mind gabdho i ag fadhiista laakin waana haynba oo i am yet to find wax yidhaa aan ku ag fadhiistaba! Ragga aan saaxiibada nahay maalin walba message 'iove u' ama ' i miss u' ama 'when can i see you' ah baa u soo dhaca oo ay i tusaan to my utter dismay, anigana 'i love you' waxaa maqlaa uun markay xaadadu mexican ama turkish filin daawanayso.
  18. What is this shar'arke? Naming and shaming? waryaa not all names exchanged in PM are the correct ones! Anyway, actually having a girlfriend ( not a fixed one but for a very short period every six months or on annual basis) makes family life nice as guilt-ridden men do everything for their wife to atone for their carnal indiscretions. So says a kenyan woman colleague of mine. "he wants to feel the new girls and go on the top of the mountain"? Let him do that but once that ephemeral excitement is over, he should refocus on me and the family, and of course i shouldn't know about his outside things".
  19. NG, Number is one is more relevant. The rest is plain nonesense. I have this other friend who keeps on telling me haweenka labadaada jeeb midna lama baro. labada jeeb mid unbaan gartay markii horee.
  20. The man who proferred this advice to me is living happy. He says sticking to these strong principles and practices made the difference after 3 earlier failed marriages. The Guide 1)First of all, if you want to disappear on Sunday – to see your girlfriend, for hot Shisha, or whatever, make sure you take your family out on Saturday and carry the children in front of their mother the whole day to leave that lasting impression of a responsible and caring father. It is not enough to look a good father; you should dine out in the evening with the wife at a place of her choice and buy gifts to her to also appear like a loving husband. Once you do this, you would have saved enough credit (airtime), with which you could date or dance elsewhere the whole of Sunday. If the wife turns petulant and asks where you were in Sunday, get angry, and sleep the night fuming and skip family outing the next week. Also beat one of the children if possible and the circumstances allow you to do that, to register the chastising point that interfering with your leisure days brings trouble for everyone. 2)Always mention the names of your friends or people your friends know who have just married a second wife. You can present it as a bad and irresponsible thing, or you can joke about the feat they are having. But make sure the wife knows there is this window of opportunity should it get to it. It is a necessary castigatory ploy a seasoned geeljire must employ to get peace at home. 3)Openly ridicule the time people waste on visiting sick relatives and attending funerals, a day or so after she has been to one of these social occasions which was not from your own family side. You can make your point more moral if there is a sick child at home who needed care that day, or if something useful was broken at home. Do not nag her; say it as a matter of fact with an air of resignation. Say giving money to relatives, along female genital mutilation, is one of the most harmful traditional practices that our society should get rid of. 4)If she invites her people at home for lunch or dinner, disappear and later say you thought this was a private party for her female friends and you did not see any reason why you have to be there. In fact, stress the fact that you do not like male and female’s mixing up. If she gets any evidence of you doing this outside the home, register the point that outside dealings are completely different than how a Muslim house should be governed.
  21. Hi JB, War ninkii Inoo qaaday 'o leylaa!' ee cumar ahaa igu salaan.
  22. So secularism is a form of schzophrenia. I can take young che's confusion. I fail to understand Ayoub's confirmatory nonesense. I know i have done one good thing in somaliland. I may well have saved one young person's life and future, and Hassan Abukar is right. There is nothing more gratifying than helping others. Forget the drivel about debauchery in Hargeisa. Now that we have done the round of banter, it is time to reveal my main accomplishement while in SL.
  23. rudy-Diiriye;829219 wrote: Secret tape: From Hargeeysa td cabbie!! yall recognize this homie!! Riyo walan weeyee soo baalan teeynii baabuur lalaayoo jaadwalee waado haad baal la moodoo bananaaya buur deer isma odhan ka boodoo nafta so ma bimeeyan ********************* ********************* (we still decoding these lines....lingo was understandable at these lines but will run it on a mainframe system to translate it...he might have been passing out after jumping off the truck when he said these words) Saw badi doonkii wali baafis maan ihi Hargeesya alahoyo ka dig xero hablha lago la kulmo (no wonder... all horney chaps go there for relief!!) khadra alahoyo visa an u dirayo u fudodeey :D Khadra is no joking matter yaa Rudy!