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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. NG, you are right! What Rudy is describing is purely about carnal gratification. Apparently he doesn't get it that the men in pursuit have a full-time supply at home and are not in hurry or in deep thirst. I personally find Rudy's option unacceptable for it defeats the whole purpose of the chase! The idea was to feel important, but sleeping with a prostitute has the opposite effect. You feel low. So, I don't think Rudy got the essence of this matter. Waryaa NG, to be honest I don't have to repent. A good indicator my situation is that I do not have access to my phone after I come home from work at 6:00. The mother of the children markaa unbay xusuusataa reerahooda, to my deep displeasure. The phone is taken, cause it is post-paid, and I see it only in the morning. :D It has been a point of contention, but the day the "buurhakaba' thing comes to mind, I will definitely learn from NGONGE (before he repented) and keep one sim line firmly in my wallet for the underground callers! Walaahi, I can not imagine having that life at home. Imagine how paranoid you will in your own house. Talafoonkii soo dhacaba naxdin baa ku dili. I asked this friend of mine who kept on showing the photos of his girls from his cellphone, how he manages to live at peace in his house. "I have told my wife that she CANNOT touch or answer my phone"., he said. Well, I thought that is actually a clear-cut admission of indiscretion! I don't know how he gets away with such things! Dadka qaar baa nasiib lehoo gabdho fiican oo calm ah haysta! We can only be envious! Originally Posted by NGONGE I consider it reckless for any man to attach himself to, have any amorous dealings with or maintain contact with more than one woman. *It shows a lack of control and a whiff of immaturity No. No. Actually, a book I read says promiscuity is about self-valuation. And many are engaged in it to deal with nagging low self-esteem. I concur. That does not mean each and every bedhopping is done by people who feel 'unfulfilled' emotionally, but with the majority of serial womanziers have issues on their head! Blessed, Adigu u kaadi, this phase applies for men who are married for more than 10 years. The urge kicks in a decade or so. :D no woman should take the behaviour of her husband in the first 10 or so years as an indication of his true fidelity. Just an advice.
  2. By now, you would probably know that most married men have clandestine love affair outside their home. You may deny it, you may find it repugnant, but it is a fact. The key word is MOST, not all. But then it is not a tiny MOST we are talking about, it is an overwhelming majority. Most o these MOST are not missing love at home too. It is just that man thing of measuring up his manliness against new nubile girls, to reassure himself from time to time. For the men in this transgressional love business, there is no enemy potent than their own cellphones. By design, love stints with outside girls have the unwritten code that communication is one way. You call her, she doesn’t call you. Most men get into this memorandum of understanding from the outset. But the fact that some girls may develop an emotional attachment ( which is sad, because the whole furtive love was supposed to be an addendum, a transient one too, and not something that should create an unwanted bondage) is the problem! The problem starts when the girls forget to abide by the rules. Feeling hurt and abused, they get even by depriving the married men of peace at home through phone calls. Initially pleading, later belligerent. This eventuality compels married but emotionally-accessible men to develop defensive tools and tricks. And when it comes to this tricks, they are not all in the same league. The ingenuity of some is simply breathtaking. Last night, as we sat for a dinner with some VIPs, just after we returned from a visit we paid a very, very senior Somali politician in town, we exchanged recipes on how to cope with similar tringular love quandary. A man showed us a contact name from his phone. It said “John office”, he told us this is actually his sweetheart and the wife doesn’t know it. The other one showed as “Gardaro Colleage”. He said he has too many callers, so for him it was about making sure he does remember who the caller is. A girl who he says came to him boldly and asked for attention (way I gardaraysatay, he says) and she is in college, hence when she calls the name that appears is “Gardaro College”. But a journalist who I will keep his name as Ahmed Dheere for obvious reasons beat everyone. He has couple of girls. One of them is saved as “Burhakaba Police Station”, the other one “Baarlamaanka Hargeisa”. We all went flat out, laughing heartily both by his ingenuity and the sheer comedy in imaging his wife yelling from the bedroom where he is watching TV: “Axmadoow, saldhiga booliska Buurhakabaa lagaa soo wacaya. Dhowr jeer bay soo garaaceen. There must be something news-worthy!” No all succeeded all the time. They also told me some real busts!! :D Like Someone who saved a girl's name under Sheikh Ali (garage guy), only to receive a text message pregnant with sensual longing in the evening, which his wife saw! Desperate times call for desperate measures? or is it necessity is the mother of invention?
  3. Caruurtii ma soo toostay? Away king na? Waryaada do your homework, you have exams on monday! sheekadani way idinka wayn tahay. Kan I'nimadu ay wax wayn la tahay ee Ayoub ah anagoi isjiid jiidanaa dhaanta inta Xinn imanayo.
  4. Cheap spin! It is not about Addis Ababa or the venue, it is about Faroole, the primitive politician who is holding a whole nation hostage to his endless craving for sybaritic lifestyle! The writing style and the arguments cannot progress if Puntland does not outgrow its filthy tactics of trying to get undeserved political share in Somalia through sellout politics.
  5. Lying for your country is a sort of nobility, or so it was considered for a long time in imperial Britain. The Puntland crew in SOL are imitating this antiquated philosophy but their amateurish approach easily gives clan colour and identity to their political pronouncements. They are all into this habit of mistaking provable lies for propaganda. But Xinnfanin, the TB Joshua of Somalia, with endless prophecies, showcases extra diligence and sophistry in his defence of the devil in the land of the Punt. His false prophecy of what will happen in Istanbul, itself*an evident credo to the intention of this pious propagandist, is not coming because he is not aware that the Istanbul conference has nothing to do with the constitutional process or ending transition. Indeed, unless he is ill-informed or misinformed by his sources, he would know that istanbul is about economic reconstruction plans for Somalia post-transition. It is a result of envious UN and Western Donors gate-crushing into what they perceived to be parallel processes by the Turks and muslim countries trying to stake a firm hold in a stable somalia. Istanbul is about competing foreign interests, and to a little degree about economic reconstruction of Somalia. Rival somali politicians will not be there to deliberate on clauses of their nation's constitution. Which is why I finally share Haatu's charge that Xinnfanin has long abandoned intellectual responsibility and is now a certifiable clan propagandist. His sanitizing remarks on Faroole and Ethiopia's political tryst in Addis is irresponsible when you consider the fact that one of the articles Puntland opposes in the constitution is that "any future president must relinquish his foreign citizenship before starting ruling the country". What is wrong with this? Where else in this world does this formality invoke rebuke? And even if some like Faroole, with an Australian passport, have issues, is it Addis or Mogadishu where this has to be raised and agreed on?! Is this act of discussing somalia's national constitution in foreign lands less of an infringement on national sovereignty than the military interventions of neighbouring countries into border towns? An intervention which Xinn was loudly denouncing few moons ago!! The more relevant question is, if he is prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to Faroole's opposition to few clauses of the constitution, why hasn't he granted the same benefit to the whole commuities and more than 200 parliamentarians who oppose a big chunk of the constitution? Surely, they can also highlight few clauses they do not like if pushed further! P.S i now believe iphones are for the young. Oday indhihii daaleen looguma tala galin. Taking ages to type one word. but then showing off gadgets is one of the new tricks to look a modern man and attract young girls. It poses a dilemma for me. :D
  6. What flag are you wearing? Whose flag is it? Also, isn't not really bizzare both you and Xinn, with radically different and opposing priorities in somalia, would both agree Faroole's latest manouvers are not worrying?
  7. Xinn, I am very, very serious. Will it help you if i tell you i heard Faroole speaking on the phone with some diplomats?! Just yesterday! Or that i can tell you what he is drinking in this hour and minute? The man is trying to spoil the journey towards lasting political solution in the south. Period. A week ago you were raging and saying those who are against the constitution must be punished. Now you are sober even when you know the Addis meeting spells doom for the process. What has changed? Barely two weeks after i hosted an MJ delegation led by an Isin and senior politicians i will not name here, and developed such a high regard for this humorous and civilized community i have always misunderstood (on the political front), one of their men who i regard highly - xinnfanin, lets me down with this blatantly clannish indifference. It is a anticlimax of sort for my heart!
  8. Haatu, on the evidence of what i see in this thread, i will be lying if i say i do not agree with your verdict on the horseman! Actually, i was 100% positive Xinn will support me on this. But as they say surprises are the spice of our life and i learn from this shocking episode. I feel for Ayoub: owner of a mind devoured by trivial clan self-aggrandizment!
  9. Xata xinn???? Ileen fiqi ..... I concede Ngonge is right: clan is everything!!! Ninka waxaas ku hadlay maanto dhan hiil baan ka dhowrayey oo caruurtatan ransom ta lagu koriyey buu kaa qabqaban baa la haa!! Muruqyadii gahayr baan lahaa waad ku meelmariye, Allahayoow ba faadumo sideen ugu muraad seegay
  10. Che is fast losing the celebral capacity to appreciate difference and the emotional temperance to disagree with civility. And that is very tragic for such a principled man. I share Uchi's sentiment. It is not about the constitution mishap only, the whole politics in the south is stinking!
  11. When does political ambition turn into political recklessness? Your benchmark always being mindless ambition such as the one that tells you to subjugate other clans to achieve statehood, it is perfetly banal to expect you to endorse every and any political obsession that a clan man espouses! It aint so for many of us!
  12. Che, it shows in you. With that, i will leave the stage for the children whose school fees were paid by ransom money to sanitize the national disgrace at Addis. Let the Dr and other scripts join the party! Hail the progeny of the sea robbers!
  13. Che, did they not ever teach you not to be judgemental in the madrasa you attended? Where is the theatrics? If something looks theatric to your bird-size brain, must it be 'theatrics' to all?
  14. I am a ranting old man. It is not fair a farting baby fouls my day! Ayoub, adiga wax micna ah hebel baa sidaas ah baa kugu soo hadhay.
  15. War talafoonkiina ma iga qaban wayday?! Arintu way dhan tahay. Xinn oo hal dubba ah ku dhufta unbaa dhiman. Jimce ayey iga noqotay oo Xinn cibaadu ku maqan yahay!
  16. kingofkings;831484 wrote: i don't know what kind of teenage years you had, but here in America that's considered..... :D Hedde, Desiderata says listen to what others are saying, even the fools and kids. markaa bal aan kala faaiidaysanee noo sheeg maxaa la yidhaa?
  17. Waryaa Ngonge, ma cadhoonin, maxaan la cadhoon ma Uchi baan ahay? I only pointed out your below par cantarbaqash! But seriously, we understand why you downplay the renaissance of national consciousness among the grassroot somalis, Perhaps because you do not know about it, but more probably because such narratives are damaging to your efforts to find legitimacy and moral cover for secessionist aspirations. The advent of political parties that are recruiting members along clan divide is a sheer indicator of a growing appetite for new clan-free political dispensation and organisation in Somalia. This is not what naysayers who gauge somali political temperature from london tea shops and not from ceelasha biyaha want to hear. King of faroole,, This is a a serious political discussion between men. It is not a sand podium by the riverside where teasing teenagers splash their tentative sperms at each other after a debut masturbation session! So, please go to the kids corner of this pulpit.
  18. Indeed Mario. Faroole comes to big meetings with the mind of a goat-skinner, uttering nonesense and yet his constituency does not cringe. The PL elites, Xinnfanin included, need to ask questions and demand better representation. Mario, War ninkan Ngonge dee sheekada iyo taarikhda somalida waxay uga bilaabataa aydhi-aydh kii (88). Dagaaladii SNM ta ayaa ugu horeeeyey sheeko Somali markaa halkaa wixii ka horeeyey lama waydiiyo.Rayaale, Faroole iyo waxaas unbuu fahmayaa. Bal C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen muxuu ahaa waydii? Waa Af-hayeenka Alshabab buu ku odhan!
  19. Uchi, o, uchi, why do you display the short-temperdness of a child who grew up in ubaxa kacaanka? If you cannot handle serious discussion, don't start it! Now, look what you have done to yourself! And for some reason, it is when the name Faroole is mentioned that you lose whatever muse and composure you have! Are you his son? Ngonge, This is not a discussion on the shalloweness or depth of Somali politics. It is about demanding a modicum of nationalism from some somali political leaders . As an ardent secessionist who identifies himself first as an 'I' and then as a Somali, the false PL and Sharif blah blah structures mean a lot to you. The fact is there is a growing movement that is disillusioned by these miasmic fiefdoms and are looking for a radical reshaping of somali politics through galvanzing national consciousness. Those would understand the theme of this curse against Faroole. Also, whatever is said about Faroole applies to those who are in the same league, the Shariff's included. And you are absoultely wrong if you think Faroole's manouvers are about PL interest. They are not. As you will see in not so distant future, once the PM and other sensible men move forward on national agenda, the Faroole's of this peninsula will be left in the cold. I take you half-cooked thing as a retaliatory nonesense to my earlier salvo. If at all you conceded Somali politics is as shallow as SNM's secession ideology, then you would know even half-cooked minds would get it.
  20. Medieval Ethiopia had witnessed what was known as "Zemene Masafint" (The Era of Princes), where every small prince or village head somewhere was a law unto himself and national political cohesion was non-existent. It led to bloody wars. Men like Faroole intend to revive such medieval political set-up under the name of Federalsim, as Carafaat perceptively noted. It augurs disaster for Somalia and Somalinimo. It will fuel clan competition and rivarly, not because its design is so bad, but because the designers of this scheme are so primitive and insular. The typology of the State set-up in Somalia, per se, would not have been of concern if our political leaders were far-sighted patriots. Sadly, they are anything but that and therefore the Federalism baloney is a subterfuge for debauched tribalism. Predictably, men like Faroole, Muse Suudi, Faysal Cali Waraabe, with the calibre and competency of a mere goat-skinner, have a distinctive advantage when it comes to fishing from this filthy rut.
  21. Dear Uchi, I see you are in good mood today, so I intend to extend the parameters of this palaver. I have always assumed that one has to get hold of many expletives as contingency when engaging you, because you insult people when you do not like their ideas. I now see that is a part-time thing for you and not a full-time hobby. So, tell me, when and where did Faroole compromise? On what?
  22. Uchi, here you say we have to compromise; there in the other thread you defend the one man who is refusing to compromise. If this isn't a mastery of double-talk and duplicity, then sheikh sharif's sermons are all genuine and good-intentioned.
  23. Dear Uchi, "The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism", writes Karl Marx in his seminal paper "On the Jewish Question". The political emancipation of Puntlanders and Somalilanders will be attained only whey they cease to think of themselves as MJ and I's. Or to paraphrase it, the national emancipation of Somalia is the emancipation of Puntland and Somaliland. Viewed from this angle, Faroole's actions, which are driven purely by self-centredness and a desire for political self-preservation, are inimical to puntlanders interest in the long run, contrary to what Ngonge is saying in his usual harebrained analysis of somali politics. The existential question that must be asked is "where does Puntland's interest end and national (Somalia) interest start?". Faroole got everything he wanted in Gawore II conference. He is now getting greedy and petulant. And he must be stopped. For nothing other than power satisfies him and he thinks the return of a powerful national state heralds dminished political profile for himself. Ngonge, We, here, denotes "we, the Somali people"
  24. The pirate cat has finally come out of its treacherous bag and it is noticeably clear Salad Cali Jeele is not the real spoiler, but Faroole is. This is in relation to the ongoing constitional process in Somalia to end the transition and put in place a government with a broader legal mandate that can bring Somalia back to its glory days. Not overnight, but gradually. After weeks of laments and name-calling against the habitually anarchist central and southern clans, it is somnambulist Puntland, led by a real-life despot exaggerating his potential on account of yet-to-be-dug oil, that is letting Somalia down. To call Faroole a spoiler is to banalise the word into a validation of every kind of small political mischief. What Faroole is doing is treason. He is undermining national reconciliation and the rebuilding of the Somali State. And he, at last, has succeeded in dragging Somalia’s regional nemesis into what should have been an exclusive Somali affair. In rushing to Addis for conspiratorial succor, he reveals his own effeteness in national politics, as much as it is about flexing a borrowed political muscle against his southern adversaries. Borrowing a crown that you do not own seems to be a national pastime in Puntland. We all recall the late Yey on Ethiopian tanks. Faroole also schemed to provoke a walkout by Puntland elders on the process; all the time, basing his opposition to the process on woolly justifications; with the same logic as the one pirates use when asking for ransom! You hear about a deliberation on Somalia’s constitution in Addis Ababa, and you smell a dreadful smolder, the cracking of an engulfing veld fire. Will the false fathers of Somalia, the “international community” issue the same warning they sent to “spoilers” of Madoobe Nunow’s faction to Faroole? Most likely not! But my intelligence says he will not have it his way in Addis. We will see how he reacts after he learns even Addis is not big and powerful enough to grant the wishes of this reconstructed pirate at the expense of Somali national interest. The very notion that a former pirate-boss will be part to the birth of a crime-free Somali state is as oxymoronic as a eunuch broadcasting unbridled fertility! It is a bit of shame and pity that the whole fate of the Somali nation is hinged on the whims of a fatally fraudulent old man, with dour history. Indeed a man with a history pockmarked by so many disgraces, including leading a raid on a bank among other things. Somalis will ultimately get past this political piracy, but we feel it is time Puntland makes the transition from reprehensible to responsible leadership.