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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. She is Ducaysane's ex- girlfrind. It is so hypocratical of him to act like a cultured man in this foum while dating a girl like this.
  2. She is inviting you to take her impulsively! DO NOT take the bait. If she doesn't want to marry the guy, she will not. Somali girls in that part of the world (SL, somaligalbeed) waa dhaqan common u ah, waa la i soo doonayaaye, maxaan yeelaa?? Insist that you believe in calaf - I know you don't, but insist regardless!! Wish her good luck, but always with the nuance that if God meant her for you, you will find get her one day. Seriously, if you love her and think you are ready for marriage, dee iska guurso. :D If you are not, marka horeba maxaad wakhtiga uga luminaysay inanta? U sheeg runta oo try to help her make a good decision.
  3. :D Adigaan kaa cabsaday oo intaa ugu daraye, odaygu neef ma helin baa la yidhaa sheekada.
  4. This nomad descended on fellow clansmen playing shax in the middle of sunny Qabridahare some decades back. The man was obviously distressed. He shrieked “tolaa’yey” in a calculated but chaotic move to get the attention of his clansmen. After the men dusted off red clay from their buttocks and all asked what happened to him, he narrated his grief. “I lost my camels. All of them. War geeli ha la ila baadi doono, oo male (guess) ha la igula doono. (loosely translated to: my tolka, let us look for my lost camels. Armed with guess work, for I do not know where it has gone to.)” The funny part is the following. He gave four scenarios of how the camels were lost and where they may have headed to. “Inuu geelu, halkaa iyo shaygoosh u kacay oo buur uu jilabka ka cuni jiray ku leexday, deedna waraabe ku dhex dhacay oo jidkii ka leexiyey (oona uma leyneyn) ha la igula doono!” He added: “inuu xagaas ba uuna u kicin ee kolkuu ceelka ka cabay, oo bari afka saaray oo wardheer oo carro iyo milix lagu sii jiray u kacay (oona u maleyneyn) ha la igula doono. He added two more scenarios but on each case winding up his guess with “oona u maleyneyn”. This bucolic story has a lot of similarity with Somaliland’s search for recognition. For two decades, Somaliland has been in search of an elusive recognition, a search which, like the camels of Qabridhare, was solidly based on guesswork. If I artictulate the scenarios for this situation, we have the following: War aqoonsi ha nala la doono oo male (guess ) ha nalagula doono: (1) in halkaa iyo carabta uu jiro aqoonsigii oo Kuwait iyo Masar intay Arab League ka saxeexaan ay UN ta u gudbinayaan (oonaan umaleyneyn) ha na lagula doono. (2) Maye, in halkaa iyo Britain iyo EU oo taariikhdii British Somaliland haya uu jiro oo arintii 60 kii qaldantay dib loo saxo (oonaan umaleyneyn) hana lagula doono. (3) in dhinacaa Ethiopia uu jiro aqoonsigii oo Ethiopia oo garab siyaasadeed gayiga soomaliyeed ka rabta ay IGAD arinka sii mariso oo AU loo gudbiyo (oonaan umaleyneyn) hana lagula raadiyo. (4) in Halkaa iyo Peter Pham iyo Peter Tachel iyo Matt Bryden aqoonsiguu ku habaabay oo nimankaasi ay UN monitoring group iyo Africa-US advocacy group intay soo dhax mariyaan Security Council’ka ay keenaan (oonaan umaleyneyn) hana lagu la raadiyo. (5) in dadka soomaliyeed ee Konfur wadahal lala galo oo TFG saxeexdo aqoonsiga Somaliland (oonaan umaleyneyn) ha nalgu la raadiyo. Despite the old camel-man’s confusion, the story ends that he recovered some of his camels. Could Somaliland be as lucky? Mise waa laf baan toobin ku hayaa?
  5. Where I go for coffee in Nairobi (which I will take you when you visit us here), we often sit around one table (somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians) and enjoy the day. You will not notice one bit of rancor or enemity. So, the issue of friendship between Ethiopians and Somalis is naturally resolved. The curtain of ignorance and mutual suspicion has long gone after the two communities mixed due to the influx of somali refugees into Ethiopia. You will find residual hate here and there, but that is really commonplace everywhere else in the world. Regarding the relationship between ETHIOPIA and SOMALIA as countries (not Ethiopians and Somalians as people), there will continue to be mutual suspicion and enemity so long as such relationshiop is not based on equality and mutual respect for the soverignity of the other. The evidence so far is that the ethiopian regime does not want a stable somalia, and therefore it is difficult to ask partiotic Somalis to be magnanimous, when such magnanimity is synonymous with dereliction of national duty. Somalis will continue to dislike Ethiopia (the country) for what it is doing to their country and to their kins in Somali region of Ethiopia. The key for a better relations today is in the hand of the rulers of Ethiopia, not in the hands of Somalis.
  6. Carafaat's thread would have been precocious were it not for the fact that it is untimely. When a church decided to put an avowal by way of displaying "Jesus is the anwer" on top of its front door, cheeky vagrants sneaked in the fullness of the night and scribbled "what is the question?", which took the whole matter into a whole new philosophical discussion, far from the theological one it was meant to be. Likewise, the right reposte to Carafaat's "Ethiopians are our brothers" is "who is saying they are not?" They sure are our brothers- even more closer to us by looks and culture, than fellow Africans. The baffling question is why Carafaat is talking about "we should never invade neghibours (ethiopia) to realise the Somaliweyn dream". Is this really an issue today? It is not. It is also unlikely to be a problem in the future, which means Carafaat is solving a non-existent problem! Secondly, is it the right time to talk about Ethiopian and Somalian rapprochment and brotherhood when somalis are still in need of national reconcilliation. First things first. Somali reconcilliation is the theme we need to invest time on, not some maudlin mending fences with neighbours. To his benefit, Carafaat may also need to know that Ethiopans also have deep fissions and are badly in need of internal national reconcilliation. The two governments (somalia and Ethiopia) are friends as I write, in deed one is the custodian of the other. So, why talk about issues that are not issues at all. As for the situation in the Somali region of Ethiopia, it has nothing to do with the pan-Somali thing of the past. The evidence is there that none of the somali entities (TFG, Puntland, Galmudug, Somaliland etc) are hosting or helping the ONLF. In fact, these entities are actively fighting ONLF on behalf of the Ethiopian regime. Which means, there is no connection between the fighting that is ongoing in somali region and pan-Somalism. As to the friendship with Ethiopian people, we sure are and somalis in Addis and elsewhere will tell you more about this. But this social coexistence has nothing to do with the actions of the politicians in both countries (politicians who do not represent the people in Somalia and Ethiopia too). In a nutshell, there is no issue here unless we are just fond of palaver and arguments for the sake of arguments.
  7. "HQ is not in touch with the current political situation in Somalia" Liban. Indeed. And that is precisely why we support it. The current political situation in somalia is rooted in clan organisation. HQ is pioneering a new way of doing politics. I concur with Mario, the HQ idea may be just a little bit too early but it is better early than late. Somalis often base their political support to a party on the basis of whether it has the potential to take power in a short period of time. We think we should support parties on the basis of our judgement on whether what they are doing or saying are right or wrong. The HQ idea is right and we support it regardless of its current political might.
  8. Yes, it was tiresome afternoon and evening and missed my kids as saturdays are for them, but no regrets. I invited the two Samatar professors and carafaat's friend Asad to lunch, which later extended also to dinner and had a great time. Many hot issues of HiilQaran concern were dissected. I will update you on what i learned from the two prominent somali intellectuals, the jokes and the song in my car which prof Abdi insisted we play it twice or thrice! Indeed, a prophet is never respected in his own country, they say, but i rubbed shoulders with real intellect and that is not something you get everyday. Later on the day i spoke to Hillqaran pointman in Holland - carafaat, and the young man was exciting too. I call upon Miskiin Macruuf Aqyaar and other genuine somali nationalists to join us in this effort of trying to mount a front attack on tribalism, parochial federalism and myopic defeatism!
  9. Sending your poor uncles to school, paying the medical expenses of a friend who will be free of tumor or something because of your intervention, finding a job for a good friend (decent person) who has not been fortunate, things like that!! I had different priorities at young age as you would probably know. Big and lavish wedding night, fancy cars, beautiful girlfriend etc. these are still important but overtime the welfare of children and family takes over as the key priority. I am sure most of the issues you raised in the list are valid, but maybe for a person with your status and upbringing. The homeboys and old men may find some of the issues yiu raised a bit too advanced for them. War gurigii. Iman iigu d.ir, inaan meesha islaan ku maheriyaan rabaaye! Sanadkan waa la ii yaabaa, waxaan u maleyn in aan inta yar ee haysto is dhaafin doono!
  10. These things do not help the averge somali person. Also few of the things are really a bit too surreal. Which Somali will get more happiness by travelling to Paris or Barbados when he knows someone oo close relative ah oo aan dab loo shidin! maybe it is us the old men who worry about people we shouldn't be worrying about. For me, i get happy when i contribute to the happiness of others in a meanigful way.
  11. A lot of people know who Abtigiis is. I have spoken to Xinnfanin last night. Was pleasantly surprised he has a soft voice. Must have found mine old and coarse as it is.
  12. Waan ka qaaday walaal. Qabla diin, Tillamock maadan ahaan jirine isukay sheeg. Bal PM igu soo tuur adigoo raali ah.
  13. The major problem for us SOLers will be that Xinn will be coming back from Istanbul claiming to be privy to classified stuff, on account of his meeting with Faroole, Abdiweli and his salafi contingent. A man who has been riding a peace pegasus for so many years from snowy Minnesotta is now armed with new insights to kick start another long march towards a false peace caravan, which he will use to defend the real spoilers of peace and statehood in Somalia. Dealing with Xinn armed with new supposed insights is a tiresome undertaking!
  14. Is this Uchi waging a war on me on behalf of Xinnfanin?! adeer, my head of office is istanbul but that is because he is American. I am not a somali according to my passport, and also i am a small man outside SOL forum, where i pretend to be a big thing!
  15. Perhaps it is the semiotic legacy of the horse he is named after, but Xinnfanin's mendaciously optimistic political predictions have been a source of pain for many of us. The connotative dimension of his tryst with Faroole in Istanbul is there for all to see. This was a man who has always seen himself as a Puntlander first and a somali second. He is the intellectual version of Uchi, or a more diplomatic General Duke. Nothing more!
  16. I have received very reliable information from authoritative sources that the most vocal Faroole apologist in this forum Xinnfanin is not only in Istanbul but that he has been dining with Faroole for the last two days! Most SOLers remember Xinnfanin for his maudlin optimisim and ever-wandering peace caravans. Now that he has drunk from the poisoned chalice of Faroole, the expectation is that he will be back from Istanbul breathing fire against detractors of the sellout pirate entity. We shall see.
  17. In Somalia, they vulgarized the famous song "bini aadamkuba, bilawgiisi hore, wuxuu baahi qabay, barashiyo aqoon, ayuu kaga baxee..." into something like: "Maaddeey reerkoodu ba bilawgii hore Waxay baahi qabeen Bililiqiyo boob Ayey kaga baxeen"... It can only be a war language!
  18. gabdhuhu ha is qaawiyaan ma odhan, laakin inay markay ku ag maraan cadar iyo uunsi ka soo kamkamo naftay u fiican tahay. Muqdisho hadda hadaad tagtid, markay gabadh ku ag marto waxaad moodi in nin isqarinayaa ku ag maray. Udgoonkii hore majiro. Midda kale gabdhaha alaabtan madmadoow ee culus halaga furo. Si kale ayey ku noqdaan!!
  19. The funny thing was he was debating with Faysal Ali Waraabe and Faysal kept on saying "ma gu'i kartaan waryaa". :D Loooooool!!! Waxaan ma qli jiray "wuu la jaad leeyey".
  20. Walord Mohamed Dheere may be a man with an ugly mind and ugly walk (you should see how he staggers when walking) but he certianly is not one with ugly humor. Here is the solution he proposed when he repeatedly heard that Somalilanders want to secede from Somalia. "Anagaa ka go'aynee, iyagu ha iska joogaan". :D It is a suggestion that throws a psychological salvo at the north. You see the semantics is important. To secede entails one jilting the other. If the south declares they secede, the psycological connotation is the North is hated and divorced because it is barren-land with no meanigful output. If the North secedes, it means the south is a land of blood-letting and political imbecility and the north left them because they cannot babysit this anarchists forever! Looking at this connotations, Mohamed Dheere's reposte is more than a funny commentary.
  21. First criteria for me is the President must be an INTELLECTUAL. Secons is he must be an INTELLECTUAL. Third is about his personality. When I say an Intellectual, I mean an intellectual, who does satisfy the representations of an intellectual as set out by Edward Said. Only a man of such character can take somalia out of the abyss it is in. No Faroole, Sharif or men with old clan mentality. I have to confess I do not know Abdirahman Badiyow that much, but from the few meetings (rather encounters I had with him) I felt he was a mature and knowledgeable man. I have no problem if a modern islamist rules somalia. In fact, I prefer that to a crazed secularist. you see I am secular and will not tolerate any government interferance into what I do in my home, but I want a government that regulates the society in such a way western bad cultures are not imported mindlessly. No place for gay, alcohol and other socially harmful practices. Alcohol and open sex bring about diseases and social malaise. Girls going without Hijaab doesn't bring any social ills. So the government must not regulate these aspects of life. Plus weddings and art.
  22. Waan la helayn ee Professor Ahmed Ismael Samatar. Haday ka tagi waydana, I am fine with Abdirahman Baadiyoow.
  23. I do not know if Farmaajo is good or bad guy, but he behaved very well while PM for a short six months. But his political mantle was tested once (when he went to Kampala) and he let everybody down. He lacks political testicles and can never make a good leader. A man who allowed himself to be intimidated by a Ugandan army general in his own home (mogadishu) is a weak man. I do not rate Farmaajo highly. Nor do i think he is what we saw in the last six months in terms of character. I have read his thesis and the man is not a big thinker at all. Having said so, I like him for he looks decent. My problem is I don't trust that facade. Call it six sense or whatever, I just think Farmaajo's true nature isn't what we saw when he was PM.
  24. why is Ngonge robbing me on a broad daylight! It is me who said it is about self-worth and self-respect first. Go and see the first pages of the thread Serenity!