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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Mine is clear too. Anything and anyone that destroys Alshabab is welcome. Those who want to link this position to goodwill for Azania are playing dirty games which Somalia cannot afford. We can be pro-Somalia, anti-Alshabab, pro-forces that fight Alshabab (foreigners included), anti-ras kambokni, anti-azania, anti-gaandhi at the same time. We do not have to be one of these at any given time.
  2. Carafaat is a good man and a valued member of HiilQaran. We trust he knows HQs stance on this issue.
  3. MoonLight1;839705 wrote: Abtigiis, what's your stand on Azania, Pro Gaandhi, and the Kenyan caravan? Gaandhi, Azania, Ras kaambooni, all stink!! They are all for division, false clan pride and hegemony. They will not go far because their philosophy is based on a bankrupt idea. The winning formula eventually is that of HiilQaran!! Professor Samatar is my professor; professor gaandhi and professor galayr are clan professors, who normalized to the dominant idea of this tumultous time-clan is everything. But the end of Alshabab is good news.
  4. carafaat,there are no subclans here. It is about geography not clan geneology. The article i quoted did not mention Kenyan somalis, Os or otherwise, and this is because they are not part of the group referred to fierecly pan-somali. The people talked about live in Somalia (jubbas) and Ethiopia, not in Kenya. And the omission of the somali kenyans is not a happenstance.
  5. Moonlight, dadka soo qaday Uganda iyo Tanzania iyo ilaa Souh Africa way ku nool yihiin. It has nothing to do with kenyan somalis, who by the way talk ill of dadka soo qaxay hadaad run dooneysid. Dagaal iyo gabgab iyo cunsuri may noqdaan lama odhan; laakiin dee waan la nool nahay oo waan aragnaa siday u dhaqmayaan badankoodu. Mid xabashi i moodaya ayaa mid kenyan ah maalin dhan u sharxayay how he is not from somalia and therefore 'better' than the other somalis nonesense. Markaan adkaysan kari waayey baan iskaga kacay meesha. haatu waa runtii, baryahan way roonyihiin, laakiin dad bah dilan bay ahaayeen.
  6. You have ignorant and vulgar people everywhere!! But i am not sure the Os in kenya are different from the other kenyan Somalis. Dad soomalinimada ka carara oo qoowmiyad kale isu ekeeysiya Ehiopia laguma sheegin laakin Kenya way joogaan.
  7. I do not consider kenyan somalis as somalis, the Os included. By and large, they lack confidence and self-worth. They remind me of the vulgar Amhara insult against Oromos. " ye tegebe Galla ( deregatory - oromo ), Amara neyn yillal. [ oromadii kibirtaa axmaar baan ahay bay tidhaa]. "sijuu kii kibraa, kukuyu baan ahay buu yidhaa". away haatu ha i weeraree!!!
  8. Uhuru will win in landslide, if the ICC thing isn't there. Anyway, could be Mudavadi or whoever the Kikiuys decide to back, but Raila is a finished as contender. It is a common knowledge here.
  9. Peasant, I think a quote from Macbeth is in order then!! "And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!" Go away with your little mind! Having a regional state does not negate pan-somalism per se; but even the idea of a jubbaland or Azania is always discussed in the framework of a unitary somali state. I am not saying Azania or jubbaland is righ, but it does not negate pan-somalism. Midda kale, it is not me who is saying they are 'fierecly nationalist and pan somalist'. I quoted the media.
  10. It is true Addis Ababa has nightmares about one somali clan,,, It is also true the tolka, by and large, are pan-somali and would never settle for fiefdoms. Ngonge and his ilk, who suffer from what Amartya Sen calls the miniaturization of human beings - or the narrowing of the self, is trying to project the misguided search for jubbaland by some misguided tolka politicians as an evidence they are not pan-somalist. Well, even these misguided folks ultimately want to live under the blue flag of Somalia. Nowhere is the somali flag and symbols of somalinimo more revered than somaligalbeed. Sen warns against the deadly dangers of the narrowing of the self, whose immediate cost, he says is a slippery slope to violence. Witnessing how Somaliland is hoisted by its own petard of division and secession - with the advent of Khaatumo and Awdal, it is hard to disagree with Sen's theory.
  11. As Meles said, I am proud to be born from the people whose nationalism, patriotism and unwavering love for somalinimo is tested with fire and proved to be gold! :D Excerpts: "Kenya`s main Kismaayo ally is the powerful Raas Kaamboni militia, drawn mostly from the ***** clan. The **** are fiercely pan-Somali and nationalist, and they form a large proportion of the Ethiopian Somalis. Addis Ababa is reported to be afraid that if they became hegemonic in the south, they could form an independent "Jubaland" state, using the lucrative Kismaayo port trade to raise resources to sponsor the secession of the **** province of Ethiopia. Ethiopia will do anything to prevent that. If it sends its troops to Kismaayo, it could find itself at odds with Kenya, with which it has had a defence pact since about 1964. If Amisom and TFG forces get to Kismaayo first, this potential face-off can be prevented." http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=4801
  12. Real power in Kenya is not in Raila's Office. Everbody knows this. He may personally like SL, but he has no influence in Kenyan Foreign policy. And he is effectively a lame-duck PM, waiting to be voted out very soon. The man is an isolated political figure nowadays and any average politician would not take Raila's assurances seriously.
  13. But what if what i say is right,juxa??! Che baa mooday kaad silly ku leedahay inuu aniga yahay! Wixii xunba aniguu ii aaneeyaa baryahan. Wuu iska kay dhex arkay si uun.
  14. War che dee baryahan waxbaa si ka ah, sidan kuma qumana malaha!! Juxa is saying silly not to me, but to the person who asked this question. In fact, she agrees with my answer somewhat! So, why are you implying she is talking about me?!
  15. Haye showqi. Lool @ blue. Waryaa blue, gadhka ma maalin kastaad xiirtaa?! I don't think there is a better freudian slip than this !!
  16. Ma sheeko kale ayaan la hayn maanta, waa maxay sheeko dhalankani. Naga daaya fadlan.
  17. If it is a girl, i will take her hand and after a second she will have an answer. If the person is a he, then he will know it through the red blood gushing out of his nose, as i give him a sound beating. Seriously, silly question has no answer.
  18. Carafaat;811506 wrote: Someone is trying to hack our emails. It was back in 1999 and it was my first and last time I hacked an email. Through answering the secret question, I knew the mothers name, I got acces to my cousins email adres. I was a teenager and in love. Lol! All my passwords are my mom's name + some birth date! : D
  19. Islam hasn't solved this for over a thousand years and will not solve it in the future. Social enlightement through education and economic empowerment of the oppressed minorities are the game changers!! Of course islamic teaching can contribute to the social enlightment, but it cannot do the job per se.
  20. you can't blame. Too many things have happened to my cousins in Doqon mawaaye!
  21. Xaaji, I stated the situation is the same in Hargeisa and Dhagaxbuur. No room for misunderstaing. I agree with marwo Blessed here. Alpha is a handsome man but that thought was ugly. Does that solve the matter? Blessed, waan ku salaamay marwo. Salaantu waa mid xididtinimo oo Khadra ayaad isku jilib noqoteen, sida maanta la ii sheegay.
  22. No, Alpha. Infact, if at all the so-called Midgo and gabooye usually are more handsome than the average somali, at least in the areas I lived. The boy does not look bantu at all.
  23. Somalia;839065 wrote: She's not from the secessionist clan, she's from its little brother, if she was from the secessionist clan.. they wouldn't survived the first day. I fully agree with Somalia here. I also thought so. They would not have survived to do that interview if they were from the secessionist clan. Nimankaas ilbaxa isku sheegaa dhinacaas jahli weyn baa ka haysta, along with my folks from somaligaleed oo la mid ah.
  24. elsewhere they may have a chance, not in the North. The girl's family will do everything they can, including murder, to get their girl back to preserve some 'honour'. It may not happen immediately, but even the two young lovers will find out that life is not easy for them after the initial love fades. I, however, pray for them. Coofle, gabadhaas waxay ahayd "Ubax gudaafad ku hareeraysan tahay" with the gudaafad being the racist somalis around. Anigayga kula hadlaya arintaa kuma dhiiran karo, waayo islaanta hooyo ah ayaa racist wayn ah oo is dal dali! I don't think dad will worry about it much.
  25. Being in the north, their marriage will not last. This kind of things are not tolerated in the most racist and tribalist part of somalia. The rascists will have the last laugh!