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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I hear you rudy; never really understood what utility is to be drived from the thing in the picture. Meeshaad sheegtay bay nimcada Alle taalaa!!!
  2. What i hate is not so much the act, it is the cheap imitation. Yacni, they do it, we have to do it thing!
  3. Abwaan;840931 wrote: lol....Waa runtaa anba waan la yaabay, wixii ay iyagu isku sheegi jireen bay moodeen in loo sheego. :D :D loooooooooooool. It shows the national psychosis in somaliland. Abwaan, xog hadda aan helay waxay leeyihiin islaanta waa runteed oo arimahaas waa loo sheegay. Waxaa u sheegay Xaaji Xundjuf!
  4. Waxay habeenkii saameeylka nafta ku sasabto ayey ku leedahay we heard it. I thought she is a little bit more intelligent than this!!
  5. A blatant lie!! Edna says 'we were told recognition is coming. We heard i in 93, in 2002 etc." who told her?? We did not hear it.
  6. Cara.;840572 wrote: Are these the kids from bahda yar? I know the others must be well past school-age, Abtigiis. The oldest already rents cars without having to pay extra insurance The only good thing about this post of Cara is that she is alive and around. It pleases me cara is finally back. For all my other tendacies, i am staunly against bah yar bah weyn thing! I am a fan of divorce if things do not work. In this modern age, there is no room for half-dad, half-husband.
  7. Whatever the character of galaydh is, it is so shame to see young boys like Somalia and fiqi badmouthing an old man. It is sickening and shows the moral degradation among our youth. Saado's song is so below the belt, whether her target was faroole or galaydh.
  8. Uchi, u have to be negative even on a day like this?????????????????
  9. A vivid reminder how clanishness consumes ones soul and intellect!
  10. Maadeey, i know in heestii barnaamijka waxbarashada lagu furi jiray ed "biniaadamkuba bilawgiisii hore wuxuu baahi qabay, barashiyo aqoon ayuu kaga baxee,,," xagiina ay ka tahay: "Habar-anarchist'uba bilawgeedi hore Waxay baahi qabtay Bililiqiyo boob Ayey kaga baxdee" :D
  11. I do not long for any best wishes from terrorists and their sympathizers.
  12. I must use oppotunity to thank SOL which allows me to sit at home and socialize. I do not miss much of what is going out in town or elsewhere. Online friends make up for real ones who you could not meet due to family/work committments. Although i am changing and starting to hang outside more these last months. Sitting at home allows you to follow what the children are doing, shape their attitudes and thinking, and create attachment. Plus reading and reflecting. There is little value in getting out if you ask me.
  13. Thanks a million dear Malika. Kids doing well in school is banal but is the context in my case that makes it special. Damn!! Didn't know code-breakers are here!! bura getting close indeed.
  14. They overeacted; i expected one of them to shout 'maxaa weeye sacabku?' and a bit of commotion. But then NG is right , any of the others would have done the same.
  15. wyre, sucuudiga ma ganaax baan u keena??
  16. Qandal - mahadsanid brother. I left the school compound barely 45 min ago and heading home. I wrote this thread with so many emotikns inside me. Reerahayagu they say caruurtuu ku waashay; meel kasta wuu is sab wadaa, but missing them for one day is unthinkable. I have turned don many lucrative jobs because they would have meant i leave my kids behind. I rather remain poor than leave the kids yearning for fathers lov and attention. I get the reward through their reciprocal love.
  17. Wyre, ... Or secular warriors who protect the somali race from the evil of religious extremism and intolerance!! Chubacka, mahadsanid walaal. I am! And they had promises made which probably motivated them to perform so well. They will have a lot of fun.
  18. Congra waan kaa qaaday; coded message ma garan! I am in a celebratory mode. There is a lot klof history behind this story that makes me hapy. You can imagine these are surmounted challenges. But this isn't anything, the road is long and the war is not yet won! It is a small battle victory.
  19. I am really, really happy today. The kids are making me proud. Three of them in different classes all recorded a magnificient A*, in sum and in each subject. Well, the fourth one, my favourite Zidane, is too playful and fun-loving to reach there but got a decent B. He improved a lot from last semister. The investment is justified. All he needs is to get more focused and serious. Waa mahad Alle maanta waa ayaan!!
  20. Amina weheliye's love for a podium is legendary and there she is milking it to the maximum. Asayda ay sheegto ma south somalia dadka ku nool unbay u sidaa ileen kuwa soomaaligalbeed lagu laayo waa ta u mashxaradee!! Ee ina-iley u nacamlaysa. Caasha-kin, the lady who said shariif sakiin is gaffa-prone, she actually says dayuus-baro (diaspora) which could also have ignited another walkout! The video sums up everything that is wrong with somalis: pettiness, useless loquacity, false anger, etc. I am a talkative man, but that is in the cafe. I can never imagine taking the stage, just to repeat what has already been said by someone else. Hadalka la iska daba maro xafladaha waan necbahay.
  21. The most likely scenario for now is neither independence nor unification with Somalia.,so, why tire over thnigs that do not look like they will happen?!
  22. Ambiguity is better than clarity sometimes. It is dangerous now to say we will join Somalia, but i know many ONLF supporters and even leaders who privately agree that there is no substitute for pan-somalism. There are those who imbibed the O land fantasy too. But in the end, i think the independent O land idea is just not going to work.
  23. The majority of the masses will not favour an O state. Almost all non-Os do not want it, the silent majority of the O will not like it if oriented properly. I am confident Somalinimo will have a better appeal than O-nimo if they are put out as two choices in a free society.
  24. Jokes aside, the dream of setting up an Ogad.enia State even if the armed struggle succeeds is just pure, unmitigated fantasy!! No such entity can and should never exist. It is against the founding idealism of this struggle, which was anchored on strong pan-somalism. Naming the region Oga.denia is also a recipe for inter-clan conflict and is not acceptable.
  25. Moonlight is a bright guy, he is playing the naughty boy here but i am sure he knows that we do not have to be only one thing at a time. The anti-alshabab/anti-Azania; pro-foreign-forces-that-fight-alshabab/pro-somali-sovereignity mutualities can coexist, because this is one of thos unique national situations where the end justifies the means and principledness can be sacrificed for emancipative pragmatism. Che made a useful distinction. I agree, the ONLF is intolerably myopic and my battles with them is a matter of public record. Yet, they are right in resisting cruel oppression. Will they win the way they are? No!!