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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Dr Badiyow is a good man, but is a shame his SOL campaign manager is a core member of the HAG (Hadhuudh Against God), also known as H Action Group! - one Dr. Oba Hiloolow. It sullies the reputation of the Good Dr. Badiyoow. Oba, you and yoru HAG should leave the Dr. alone if you want him to succeed.
  2. :D Maaddeey, Whoelse would have come up with the ingenuity of erecting a false rig on dry lands for political posturing? It is out of this world, I tell you.
  3. The freeman, don't take this somalia kid seriously. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He is a kid in the diaspora who knows very little about the big issues he is trying to comment on.
  4. Carafaat;843459 wrote: They all know there won't be no oil production anytime coming 10 years. But if Dubai can have a Royal House, loyal subjects, booming economy and still have no or little oil income. Then so shall Qardho. :D lool at Dubai analogy. The problem with Sayid is he cannot even dream wiihout asking for permission from the overbearing Farolites!! The man (sayid) is sin of Dar.od. He can not have a wish, a dream like his puntland siblings.
  5. I can understand if Uchi falls for thick oil sham; I can never understand how SayidSomal can think the oil story is true!!
  6. Dr_Osman;843427 wrote: Puntland remains mighty strong HUUU RAAA baan ku iri abti. Indeed, it will remain mighty on the basis of false rig, just as you will remain a profound thinker on the basis of this fake Ph.D. On a serious note, I am sure you have a Ph. D. But I think yours stands for Permanent Head Damage!
  7. MoonLight1;843426 wrote: I...There is oil in many places in Somalia and Puntland in particular no doubt about it, but these dodgy companies can not and will not be able to extract a cup of it. The real problem is not dodgy companies. Companies want profit and could not wait to extract what is there. The real problem is dodgy puntland politicians, who provide fake geological survey documents to companies and pilfer some dollars.
  8. Adeer, hold it. Your oil is as real as your doctorate!
  9. Coofle, thanks. But my loyalty is to the people of Puntland, who are conned by ruthless and rapacious political elites. We stand in solidarity with the poor people of Puntland who eat bountifully in their dreams everyday, people who fill their stomachs through imagination! I heard from some of the big men in Puntland. There is no oil. I believe we will all wake up to this reality very soon. Sayid - I am not trying to achieve any of those two. You, you should have other priorities. Dream Qardho has uranium deposits and bargain. Nin rag ah iska dhig oo riyaa la isku daafee riyoo.
  10. No one – I repeat, No one, should pillory Puntland for their political creativity. It is a gift from God which the timorous Galmudug and even the refractory Somaliland cannot invoke in million years. Fully aware that no one is to be conned anymore by the baloney about the enormity of the number of the inhabitants of the Land of Punt - which is fabled to be as countless as the number of any moving black-headed sheep in the peninsula and beyond, the Punties have to find new ideas, new strategies, refined storylines that will militate against a political relegation, sure to come on account of the politics of numbers that Somalia gets by. Their political relevance and representation must survive the tests of the times, indeed must coil through the lasting myth of their infiniteness! If not in their infinite numbers, in their infinite resources. On the grave of the myth of black sheep, a new myth of black oil must be planted, if they have to remain competitive in the politics of the day. And in baffling naivety, we all salivate to get drunk from the copious oil fields of Dharoor. We, the greenhorns of Somalia's cutthroat politics! The dysfunctional rig planted in Dharoor by Faroole and his acolytes for political relevance must be dismantled as soon as possible, and must rather be deployed to dig for water, an equally life-saving resource. The truth hurts but there is no butter from the myriad black sheep of that land, let alone oil, in Puntland. I too was naïve in thinking there is oil in Puntland, until this old man woke me up last night from my deep sleep, shouting “nimakan Puntland ee riig aan jirin qotomiyey si loogu waabsado koonfurta maad naga qabataan! ” . Was I dreaming?
  11. Abwaan, maskaxdii arimahan lagu sixi lahaa way soctaa ee ha samri waayin. Their struggle will not be in vain as you will see in the not so distant future. By the way, you are completely wrong to say "taagero dhab ah ma haystaan". They have the full backing of the clan, unfortunately only one clan but the clan. They will not have survived without this crucial grassroots support. Meesha ay dhaantada ku tumayaan meel aan ka fogayn thousdands of Ethiopian troops ayaa jooga, Somaliland iyo Puntland way raadsanayaan yet they survived with incredible organisation and tenacity for over two decades. There is a peace deal going on and hopefull this will culminate in massive political concessions. If it doesn't, the struggle will continue, but I agree with you its success is not guranteed unless they change this divisve name and come up with new forumals.
  12. Ngonge is saying Italy! Ok, that is bold and plausible.
  13. Portugal to win the cup. loool@ngonge's ' whole stable of dark horses' Can anyone be bold enough to pick a winner now and not after the quarter-finals.
  14. No one expected Russia or Holland to exit, and croatia did well. I never said they will win it. I am now picking Portugal based on the form of the teams that qualified.
  15. Now that we have seen the first round games, the most complete team is Portugal. We know their past problems and that they are prennial chokers, but i tip them for this title. Strong defense, midfield and attack. Croatia did well, and with a bit of luck, could have kicked Spain out.
  16. Thanks walaal serenity. Sidee wax u jiraan baryahan kumaanaan arage. you been missed.
  17. U can make it 21 if you make it plural. Wareegaeeysaneeysaan
  18. Bluelicious;841181 wrote: Not sure what you said but did you really have to highlight that part where I was being selective about on purpose. Just pretend you never saw Abtigiis say that. The man is married he should be thanking me for saving him warxumo tashiil baa ku helay!! Yaa kugu yidhi he is married oo suuqa iga xidhay?? Allo ha u nadariistee Foos marwo fiican bay ahayd!
  19. Raula, karkar majiro, laakiin wax dayacan baanaan baylihin karin!! Nin odey ah baa waa ila taliyey. He said to me : adeer,xooga iyo muuqa aad maanta leedahay xili aadan yeelan doonin baa jira, markaa hadaad gabadh ishaysata oo ku ogol heshid ha dhaafin, hadii kale markaad weynaato qoomomo ayaad u dhiman. Adigoo tusbax qaata oo towbed-keen u wardiya ayaa dhaanta adigoo qoomamooda. Ngonge, war dee my two boys bet with me and are with me. They tease me marka kooxdayda laga badiyo, gabdhaha markay soo galaan waa ok, but i hate brazil games qaar carnival mode ah baa soo gala and i have to switch it to another channel briefly. The boys actually turn away and look at me when these things happen, as if to say we did not see!
  20. Blue, ka dhex bax meeshan adigu gabadh baad tahaye, yaana waxaa Ikraan lagu sameyey kugu sameeyne. :D
  21. which means Rudy will go to heaven without interview. Imisa gabdhood oo culumo dhashay oo nigisaantooda qolkiisa ku ilaaway ayuu ka daba geeyey oo uuna cidna u sheegin!
  22. No coofle. My folks the O's never use the term barigii aan qaxnay. For them, it is barigii aan dagnay (which are not many days). Waligood ba waa qaxooti so they do not really count the days of displacement. They are in perpetual trekking!!
  23. They did, if you know the history. They were routed. Not that they are not the better fighters, but they are not trained in mechanized warfare. kooda dhinaca technikda ugu fiican darawal gawaadhiga qaadka ayuu gaadhay, markaa they could not use technicals and armoured tanks. The other side did and the rest was a complete rout.
  24. wax xun ma sheegin; laakin bureaucracy' yada aan micnaha lahayn ee korka lagu raagayo waa necbahay. I always think it is for those with no boiling desire like the whites oo u baahan in la diiriyo. Africa iyada iska ready ah saacad kasta oo hawsha toos bay u aadaa ee wax aan micno lahayn kuma lug go'do. Even at the offices, when you hear a woman complaining about sexual harassment (here in Africa),you never hear he tried to kiss me, ama xoog ayuu luqunta ii qabsaday. It is usually "he slapped my bottom". So, I find Africans more like a team coached by Sam Allardyce -direct play; as opposed to Spain, in this case the whites oo maanto dhan joogo bonita ku mashquula iyo little things. Unlike the confues whites, African'ku waa yaqaanaan meesha wax ka jiraan!!
  25. Somalis share common language, religion, culture (relatively), and looks (sort of). But narrating the calamity of the last two decades provides a glimpse of the lack of shared history and future. Here is what barigii aan qaxnay means to different sections of the Somali people: Reer-waqooyi (Slanders) : 1988 **** united : 1990 The farmers in Mogadishu (Yallaxoow et al) : When Aideed chased Ali Mahdi Maadeey’s anarchists: 2006 when Ethiopian troops chased them (in whatever façade they were, ICU etc) away from most of Mogadishu Azanians: When Aideed took Kismaayo Disco and Meringue (*****): When USC captured Baidoa Puntlanders: Early 1980s when Siyad cleansed them ******: When Cigaal’s maryo-alool effectively won the war Khatumites: When Las-Anod fell Abwaan and Barre Hiiraale twice: 1990 as part of the ****; again, when Hassan Turki took Kismayo Makhiiris: Whenever there is no more enough fish stock in the sea due to foreign vessles and they have to cross to Oman or Yemen. Tan waxaa igu yidhi Hunguri (nomad).