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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Now I get the circus! Thanks Carafaat. Except that there will be no such coalition! They can try their luck with their other tricks - false rig included!
  2. ninkaa guriga Global contracting ee ku yaal puntland ka soo baxaya ma carab marti ah baa? :D
  3. Why don't you ask a more philosophical question ditoore? Who doesn't know why you love Puntland? You are from there; also they are fake state, and you are a fake doctor! This commonality explains your love!
  4. Someone once told me if you hear the word D, them Puntlanders have an agenda! What is it that you want this time Fiqi?
  5. Maaddeey;844105 wrote: Abtigiis, rest assured I denounce all HAGS, men and women! :D That is great! So, let us all say in unsion: Down, Down HAG! HAG, get life!
  6. Most O intellectuals actually believe the name O is useless and must be discarded. I got the most calls and feedback when i mounted a front attack on the the ONLF on its name and strategy! But people are still afraid of the vicious ONLF backlash! However, in the last few months, there is growing feeling that the ONLF mistakes cannot be tolerated for fear of their propaganda.
  7. Kuligood trash ha lagu daro is good but just simplistic proposition. The context matters. ONLF qashin ha lagu daro can mean let us just lie down the guns and go home to live under Abyssinians tryanny. You may not have experienced it and you will probably not know about it. The ONLF should be reformed. The reality in the somali region is that other clans are not blameless. It is sad to say it but it is a fact. The enemy uses divide and rule and has targeted one community. The rest feel they are not affected. Xornimada dadka kale kama maqna waa la odhan karaa sabatoo ah mid baa shalay igu lahaa dhulka Jinacsani, Babile iyo etc etc ee la qaadanayo maxay ONLF uga hadli la'dahay. Waxaan ku idhi waa inay ka hadlaan, laakin qabiiladii meesha lahaa marka hore iyagu inay ka hadlaan soo ma aha, ileen ONLF waa urur qabiil oo waan wada ogsoonahaye! Been in la isu sheega ma aha Abwaan! The disunion and disarray among Somalis is far more a divisive factor than the O name in ONLF. But that doesn't mean they should keep a clan name! What I want from you is not to just shout ONLF should change name, but to also ask the other somalis in the region to support their brothers in whatever way they think is possible!
  8. Abwaan, which clan does the ONLF fight? Bal noo sheeg! This ONLF bashing thing you and che have started of late, if it coming from you being confused about the direction of the struggle against Ethiopian colonialsim, it is well and good. if it coming from a position of negativity against the group and the people it now represents, it is dispicable! The Ethiopian regime is fighting the O clan. In that regard, the ONLF is right to fight back. When their fight becomes wrong is when they claim that they represent all Somalis. Haday dhulkooda iyo dadkooda difaacaan ma ceebaa? I think you do not understand teh context in that region! Anyway, why is ONLF an issue here when we are talking about HAG? ONLF's stated enemy (as Carafaat correctly said) is ETHIOPIA. HAG's stated (in the mafrishes and tea tables where they meet in secrets) is against other somali clans, specifcially one! Are these two to be compared? Or does the filth of HAG disappear if ONLF is talked about, simply because Abtigiis raised this matter? I repeat,let us discuss like intellectuals, not Mafrish-mates!
  9. Abwaan, stop this myopia. ONLF should disappear but right now their enemy is Ethiopia not other Somalis! There is nothing wrong with having a HAG if the H are facing a persecution, by the way! I hope you can see the distinction. Let us discuss in a mature way, not the majlis way!
  10. So you are telling us HAG is the antithesis of MOD! That is what we are opposing. No MOD, No HAG. The crime of HAG, beyond the silly things they say, is that it is taking somalis back to clan-based political organisation at a time the emergence of Tayo, Hiil-Qaran, etc are starting to herald a new dawn of somali politics based on principles and beliefs and not on regions or clans. It is also serving as a scapegoat for other clannish outfits who would have similar agenda to that of HAG to mashroom! Now that I have given you my reasons and I see your preoccupation with MOD is blurring your objectivity, can you give me one reason why HAG has to exist?
  11. because others are writing D and it is not so secret what they are saying! Maxaa tayda uun ku tusay! Plus, I do belive clan names must be allowed but clan insults must be disallowed in this forum. It is not like clan issues are not discussed in this forum. I will accept your criticism when I see you alert Xinnfanin to his use of clan names ! Hadii kale waxaagu waa sheeko kale!
  12. AYOUB;844051 wrote: You're not calling spade a spade but clannish mud-slinging. You accuse HAG of "openly advertising clan" yet support 0gaden Liberation Front. You call HAG Somalia's Interahamwe yet they are an unarmed organisation that never harmed a person never-mind committing genocide. In fact you are shameless cheerleader of clannish armed factions like the Khatuumo militia who have killed and shed blood. Spade a spade? What spade is that? The one you're using to dig up Mogool (AUN) for a cheap political shot? I still see when you are coming from. You prepared to say anything that suits or justifies the Azania project. The original Dhaanto-dancers have better chances than these Mau Mau puppets if you ask me For unrepetentent worshipper of clan entity like somaliland, this is a bizzare accussation! Khatumo is a clan, so is Somaliland. Wake up Ayoub! By the way, I do not support Azania, nor do I endorse the O in the ONLF! The record is there if you want to see. I have boldly stepped out and rubbished this O preoccuptaion, but that will not stop me from opposing the murderous campaign of Meles Zenawi against my tolka! He who cannot fight against the abuse of his own son cannot speak against injustices against the son of his neighbour! I am proud of the legitimate struggle against Meles's tyranny, but I realize the ONLF way is not the way to win! Things will change! But you, a man who names himself after a clan - and a clan known for its foolish military strategies (kaarta- Ayoub) believe this somaliland thing is above clan, when you know it is not! You refuse to tell your tolka to embrace reality when you know the current project is not going to yield any returns! Indeed, HAG is worse than the armed groups in Somalia. It is sowing a dangerous seed of further division based on false victimisation! It should be stopped or else it can lead to genocide! The focal strategy of HAG in its genocide psychosis campaign in the past years was to build a coalition of haters by bonding with Somalilanders! "Waa la idin laayey. Anaga ma ahayn. Xaq baad u leedihiin inaad go'daan" nonsense is their slogan, as if most of the artillery men in somali army who destroyed Hargeisa were not from "HAG" lineage! The HAG is as dangerous as InterHamwe. Just because they haven't yet started calling some clans "Cockcroachs", doesn't mean they do not think of clan cleansing!
  13. Everyone realises this is an alliance between two stooges of Meles Zenawi. My vision is a united somali, not a united Da.ro.d! There is no such thing! I HAVE Always felt closer to Somalilanders than to puntlanders to be honest. And I believe the Hargeisawi's will feel the same. otherwise they would not have composed these lines: Agga! iyo ogoobeey haduu yidhaa, waa is afgaranaaye Afamadoow markii lagu daraan Nacay Ogaaaa.deeene :D On the pcitures, adeer, only fools do not know there is development going on in the region from late 1990s!!!! It is part of the wider infrastructural development going in the region. But the pictures do not reflect all the truth: the arrests, detention, rape, fear that people in the region experience on a daily basis outside the frame of the CAMERA! Fools can think the good face shown here about the region is the reality. If they want the truth about the region, and they are sincere, they can go and read the reports of independent international organisations -UN, Human Rights Watch etc! But Jigjiga was always better than Garowe, Galkacyo and Bossaso! or most of the towns in Somalia to be honest! The logic is simple: it has been growing and receiving a lot of money in the last two decades while the others were stagnating or dying!
  14. Hadaad ila doodi weydid, it proves you are a HAG!
  15. We call a spade a spade, never a soil redistribution implement!! And we call anarchists anarchists!
  16. Thanks reer Benadir. Actually a source told me this Liban Gabayare is from the anarchist wing of the clan (central regions) and not from Mogadishu, which effectively means we might actually be dealing with Maaddeey himself. Also I hear this Head of HAG is actually a cleaner. Maybe the selection process considered cleaning as a useful experience for the planned cleansing of other clans! So far the biggest achievement of HAG was to attend Somalilanders forums and to encourage them with their secession as a show of political support to a wronged ally! Ally against who? That is what we oppose.
  17. A_Khadar; wrote: ...sadly those who beat its drums were very young men/women who have potentials to lead this nation... I fully concur; I know Maaddeey can lead our nation. But that is if he outgrow this little tendancies. He cannot lead our nation when his five somali heroes are a medley of all sorts in terms of career but curiously all from one dusty region: Hassan D Aweys, Khalimo Khaliif Magool, Abdiqasim S Hassen, Adan Ceyrow..and last but not least General White-eyed!
  18. If this Gabayare is related to the General Gabayare Siyaad is alleged to have eliminated, then it rings a bell, and it matches the narrative of vindictiveness that HAG is often associated with. By the way, one of the areas where HAG cells are most active is in Nairobi. Its danger is not only its exclusionary agenda and agenda, it is also creating a domino effect where others are emulating it, and using its existence to justify the assembling of another radical counter-HAG clan outifit! Loooool@ngonge. The HAG contingent in SOL will not react like the SL and PL ones. Already clannishness is the breakfast and dinner of the south nowadays, there is this unwritten code that clan issues must not be discussed openly. The southerners do not feel comfortable discussing clan matters. That does not mean they do not practice it, but yhey are certainly more civilized than SL and PL. Maybe the diversity of clans helped this commendable transformation. And it is precisely for this reason that i think the HAG is a dangerous novelty!
  19. miyaad taqaanaa gudoomiyaha interhamwe'da soomaaliya?!
  20. HAG will be outlawed with the first resoultion of the permanent parliament after August. Which effectively means Maaddeey cannot return to Somalia without renouncing it.
  21. Alla! Ta yare shalmada cas waa tii lawska iibin jirtay shaneemada agteeda! Oo goormay wafti soo dhaweeynta u dalacday?!! But then even Iley is a President!
  22. In African villages, they say a man who gulps a mango seed, certainly trusts that he has a big anus, for the undigested seed would want to come out of the lower end of his alimentary canal one day. They also say one should never be sure about the happiness of a lizard just because he saw it nodding. The interpretation for the nodding lizard is to be sought from studies of nature and its family, not from psychology! I hope the HAG has a big opening, as big as the farm lands of Mahaday to relieve the seed of hate and spite it has swallowed, when the genocide psychosis it is building finally delivers! I hope they are not misreading the shaking of heads and crossing of hands by men and women who belong to the clans who are the primary target of its vitriol, as one of trepidation and vulnerability! Much like fools mistake a nodding lizard for a happy little reptile! It is also a true moral truism that when you bring a maggot-infested log into your fireplace, you must expect a courtesy call from lizards! If the mayhem of two decades ago revisits Somalia ever, one militant activist outfit, - an activist of retail identity and an ardent disciple of the doctrine of “the narrowing of self” would win macabre homages for its role in the genesis of such carnage. Derisively known as “H* Against God”, Somalia’s baby interhamwe, is a dangerous group whose message of hate and division has not claimed lives yet, only because the ground is not fertile for the execution of its genocidal agenda. Alshabab is in charge of many of HAG’s regular territories and the terrorists prioritize terrorism over genocide. The day Mogadishu comes back to life and Somalis from all walks of life and regions return to their natural capital, the architects of this vile clan cult will start implementing the project of hate they have been crafting in foreign lands. It does not bode well for Somalia. Millions of wronged Somalis, who saw their houses looted and daughters raped in 1990, will not sleep in the open drunk with the confidence of being a native and a citizen of Mogadishu, when they hear the crescendo’s of yesterday’s war chants against them, in the slogans of the HAG! They will kick HAG on the teeth and mayhem will ensue! It is true the HAG is populated with people who failed to make ends meet in work life, seeking a redeeming existence in political life. That is not only true for HAG but for “DAG”, D&M-AG and the myriad of clan-based associations (whatever they openly advertise their clan identity like the wretched HAG or they hide behind other convenient labels). It is hard to find men of integrity who have decent life as members of clan associations, because they simply have not time to waste on nonsense! The HAG can only win members and survive by selling stories of false victimization and conspiracies against the clan whose name they purport to represent! Hate, conspiracy theories, and manufactured fear of the other are the fodder which HAG and its likes feed on. Our message to HAG is: HAG, you are not Le Mag! get Life!
  23. I aplogize dear Oba. I am just alerted that It is actually Maaddeey who is the chef de band of this diseased group. The same Maaddeey who pretends to be above clan and therefore for jihad! My sincere aplogies Dr. Oba.
  24. Are you denying you are a core member of HAG?