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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. It is sad! But Spain were the better side! No disgrace for portugal. They were more than a match!
  2. I think this is heading to the wrong direction!
  3. No, my views on the politics side of things are in the public domain. But this is about art, and art can offend as I said! Hawd is the home of poetry and Maax while you may not have heard about him is a hard-hitter! Cirka oo unkadi buu yidhaa, adhiga ii looge Aqal aad ah buul ooraluu, ka ag samaystaaye Aagaamuhuu kala yaqaan, ta u iniin roone Aboodaan ka gubi buu yidhaa, ubad fayoobaaye Istalaab xun buu kaga dhigaa, meeshan oofta ahe Ilmahana galabtuu iman, aabbihii dhalaye This is no more offensive than the celebrated Gubba! All you need to do is detach yourself from clan sentiment and enjoy the poetic cadence of the poems.
  4. ART CAN OFFEND! that is the bottomline! and it is not the content or the message that matters, it is the poetic cadence and the beauty of the language employed!
  5. Qassim comparing the new somali governors to the departed whitemen! Danbi ku hadli maayo'e ma'arag dawladdaan rabaye Isma doorin gaalkaan diriyo daarta kii galaye Dusha midabka soomaalibaad dugulka mooddaaye Misna laguma diirsade qalbigu waadirkii Karal'e Meeshaan dad aan urursho iyo darar ka eegaayey Iyaba waa darxumo ii hadhaye dacar miyaan leefay Ma dorraato raadkaan dhigaan dib ugu soo laabtay Sidii aan deyeysanahay miyaan dawgii ka habaabay
  6. Juxa;845034 wrote: runtii it matters not! lakin i was forced to come out to your defence and come to Politics to defend against Abtigiis Juxa, HAG'an anigaa kaa xiga!
  7. JB, waad iga shakisiisay ee maxaa jiraa? Ma cabashaa ku soo gaadhay? :D Waan fahmay meeshaad wax u wado!! Yartu way u qalantoo Baruurteeda qaar buu Bushimaha ka qoystee War ileen! War JB, waxan xageed ka keentay?!
  8. And following on LST's line, may own uncle Xarbi Ismaacil is great too! :D especially when he is instructing Xaaji Xunjudf's uncles to look after their own camels, which will inevitably end up in the hands of Xarbi. Dhiilka uun ha eegine nirgaha, dharaq u sii daaya Cusbada dheegga yaan lagaga rarin, dhaamiyaha awrka Goortay magaaladu dhashaad, dhadarbiyeysaane Dhurwaayahay ha iga siisanina, dhar iyo soor toona Niriggaad ka sii dhaylyeysataan, dhagar u qoondeeya Dhaqaaleeye geeliinnu way, naga dhexeeyaaye
  9. By a mile and more, Ahmed Ismaacil Diiriye (QAASIM) is the best of all! Maantana Siciidow waqtigu saamaxaad malehe Moorada salkeediyo xalaan sugay malluugtiiye Sufurtaa madow ee dayaxa saaran baan garanne Dhiig buu sidaa waqalkan aad sagalka mooddaaye Siigada dhacaysaa ragbay sabibi doontaaye Ilaahay sidaan ka arki jirey way ku socotaaye Duulkii sedkoodii dhammaa saancadka lahaaye Sanbabada gantaalaha ka mudi saadanbay garane Waa nayla kala soocayaa subax an dheerayne Ninki cadho la sooyaamayow sabirka maad dhowrtid And more... Hargeysaay anaa kaa hurdee laguma haysteene Haddaan soo hanbaabiri lahaa heec ma noqoteene Horaad dacara kuma nuujiseen hooya beenihiye Halaq iyo abees kuma gam'een hadhacyadaadiiye Huluulaha col kuuguma jireen soo hamaansadaye Hantidaada muu weerareen horor wax boobaaye Hareertaada lama soo fureeen haaway doobadahe Haweenkiyo caruurtaad lahayd lama halgaadeene Hablahaaga muu guursadeen haybti garanwaaye
  10. Oodweyne;844877 wrote: And in here, folks, the "mischief conductor" of the "clannish band" had struck up his baton for the mistake of the current government of Somaliland. Which means all of this "clannish skulduggery" was on the "card" the minute we have agreed to accept a useless bunch of warlords and non-entities call TFG , as a legitimate government to which to parlay a political and legal discourse of the kind in which only an elected government in Mogadishu should be the one in which Somaliland must entertained such talks with. Let see how our government start navigating out of this bit of a dicey jam in here. Particularly what they will do if and when it becomes obvious clear that the far from the said TFG treating these folks as not that important when it comes to her talks with Somaliland, but, on the contrary, they may even start using them as a bit of "Trojan horse" to which to frustrate Somaliland agenda in the said promised talks between the two sides, in the first place. All in all, we shall soon see what the TFG position is on this issue. Hence, that will tell us all we needed to know as to the color of their argument when it comes to the talks between the two sides. Pot, kettle and all that!!!!!!
  11. Horta, this reminds me something important! What has come of the 180,000 USD multiplex olympic stadium in Garowe?? :D Back then, we said 180,000 buys 3 bedroom apartment and we expressed concern!
  12. With the demise of Alshabab, this was inevitable!
  13. Somalis are the expansionist in truth. Oromo and Afar lands are shrinking! I can give examples for those who know the subject geography.
  14. The lands given to Oromoia belong to the Oromos! We those who know about Babile, Gursum etc know this! For once,let us be fair!
  15. Juxa, it is shame you support this nonesense simply because you are related to HAG through marriage!
  16. gooni;844301 wrote: Waa gob intaad bishan malabka dhuuqayso, islaan uur leh markay xabsiga malez ka barooratana waa guun dhogor leh, waa hadba siday jidbada dhaantadu kuu qabato. :D war dee haye gooni, soo intaa inantii talafoon naguma maamulayso go'e!!
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;844270 wrote: Haa hadaan fahmay wa qolyihi kale weye:D :D
  18. War Xinn, waan ku salaamay awoow! Waa maxay fikradan jinaabeeysan ee D ee aad idaba wadaa!! War my vision is a united somaaliweyn! I do not give two hoots to Gandhi's daydream of Azania, to Iley and Faroole! It is however a fact that the D block is the glue of somali unity and the more it gets unified, the more the dream of somaliweyn comes closer! However, it is free men who have to spearhead this cohesion, not selluts like Iley and Faroole who take orders from Melez! Generale, the SL guys are proven gob!
  19. Carafaat is shocked by the HAG discovery! In truth, we have DAGs in this very forum led by General Duke! We should condemn both Gebeyare and General Duke. We should also condemn Ayoub! These are the dumbest, dumber and dumb Carafaat is riling against!
  20. Thanks Awoowe, but I corrected that in the previous pages! I said the HAG chair is Maaddeey's cousin! Maybe next time, Maaddeey will add him to the list of his somali heros!
  21. ^ iyo Faroole oo inta ileey ka soo carata soo qabqabta!! What a jest!
  22. ^ Thanks to Abwaan and Che! What can we do?!
  23. War fiqi'ga ileen qabyaalad baa madax martay!! We don't want a DAG to confront the HAG!