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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Superb by Mo, congratulations. Kenenisa is well beyond his best and has been struggling all this year, but I thought he will do it tonight. IT IS now very clear Mo is a bettef runner right now. Wasn't a fluke at all!
  2. look at the way Caalin is sitting. Another disgrace. Abdiweli is pretending to be some robust scholar with that poise. He is better than the sharif's, if that can comfort him, but is useless as an intellectual.
  3. Alpha is 100% right. Why can't Duran and co hunt talent among somali diasporas in colleges if he is serious? Just an example. On what basis was moh and zamzam picked? "adeer, gabadhan iyo wiilkan meesha ha la geeyo" by someone who doesn't want to do the minimum effort? Or probably to please some political bigwigs.
  4. Adeer, you seem to be immersed in western analysis. All the things you mentioned do not stop inherent talent from shining. All the Ethios win games at the start without having those facilities at the national championships. I know there must be one or two good talent in Somalia. Ahmed Saleh of Djibouti is a case in point when we talk of talent. Yes, all the things you highlighted are necessary but only as supplements to real talent. All of those things cannot make Zamzam and Moh winners. They say artificial intelligence cannot undo natural stu.pid.ity and certainly artificial things cannot bring out a non-existent talent!
  5. There are countires faring worse who did send better athlets. No one is ducking bullets, they could have checked stable parts of somalia to find some better ones. I am sick of this excuse to deodorize failure and mediocrity.
  6. Is this upsetting too? Or is it about the poster?
  7. War Che, war de somalia igama xigtid ninyahow. Particularly when both of us are from the same region! Yaad boodhka isugu qarinaysaa? As to the so-called athletes, they are a joke and I can't see any reason why I should respect these journeymen and women. With a bit of care and effort, somalia could have fielded better athletes. Pointing out that is not a crime! What has the Musambanis of Somalia did to earn my respect? Mo Farah is competing for Britain, a country I don't like; but I feel vicarious pride in his performance as a fellow Somali. But the skinny jokes from the south are a disgrace! It is good they represented the nation at the opening but there is nothing to be proud of about their performance.
  8. I heard this story. A somali was running in a marathon race. As you would expect, the guy started running as if the event is a 100M and escaped very early. At that stage, the excited somali commentator started saying " Somalia ayaa aduungii hogaaminaysa, inagaa hormood ah, waa guul, waa guul"..... After few kms, the serious runners caught up with the somali joke. He soon begun to mingle with the other runners. At which stage, the patriotic commentator adopted this new line,," Somalia dadkeeda ayey ku dhex jirtaa, dadkaa ilaahay ayaa laga mid ahaadaa, lagamana horeeyo, lagama danbeeyo, ..." Again as you would expect, the guy started doing the Mohamed thing and started to chase the other runners from distance. The commentator's tone now turned, "Aduunka ayaan dabada ka jirnaa oo eryeynaynaa, waa mahad alle, waan baacsanaynaa"... The performance of the joke Somali athletes reminded me of this story.
  9. Che, if somalia is running, I would support them over the Ethiopians. I can't support Britian (MO Farah). Still have some feelings for him and if the Ethios don't win, I want him do well. I support the Ethios in Athletics simply from sporting vantage point. They are superb to watch. I like their patience and their tactics. As they say form is temporary but class is....Anbessa Kenenisa...Anbessa ..Kenani-kengna, baa ka dhici doonta caawa meesha.
  10. Are they going to be rewarded for disgracing the country? We have sunk so low as a nation that we are content with the utter failure. The sad truth is if the shambolic Somali Athletics Federation could organise a week's competition, they could have found some good athlets. I cannot believe Moh and Zamzam are the best talent of Somalia.
  11. Tirunesh will go for the 5000 too. Meserat Defar is her biggest rival there. Tonight, Kenenisa (who is not at his best) will have Mo Farah for dinner. Mo will test the rage of Oromo's in an olympic. These species perform well in the olympics and usually save their best for this occassion. By the way, I was out of touch these days, how many medals did somaliland win so far? I upset one guy at the opening ceremony when I was in Hargeisa. After watching the parades of nations for a while, I leaned towards a gentleman on my side (in a packed cafe) and matter-of-factly asked him: "War waan daalnay, waa xili danbe'e, goormay Somaliland soo maraysaa, waan iska hoyan lahaaye?" You should have seen his face. He looked at me initially a bit surprised but i think he must have assumed I am inncoent SLander and so he said, "war kuma jirto dee". :D
  12. The arguments of the Freeman are far superior to those of Che, Maaddeey and the rest. And the problem is when people start using religious narratives in what should be an objective and logical debate. I face similar problems everyday when I venture into issues such as women's rights, Islam and State etc. But I still don't understand what Freeman wanted to achieve with this post! or maybe he phrased his lines wrongly! For instance, if his question was "I do not fast, so what should I do when I am with the family" I could have taken as a genuine question. To say "I don't fast but don't eat in front of my families and what is your take on this" clearly invites words like "cheat" and "coward". Maaddeeey, as a zealot mullah, there is little room for you in this kind of discussions. Clearly, a man who supports Alshabab is a primitive man.
  13. waa mahad alle the great nationalist, the beautiful somali artist is ALIVE and well. I almost got a heart-attack when my wife called me last night as I was going for aftir to a resturant and said Sado is dead. Somalia needs Sado.
  14. I have no problem with Free-Man not fasting. I am a tolerant person and what Free-man does is between him and his God if he has one. I cannot break utensils in anger because he is not fasting. What I find absurd is his question. It looked to me he wanted to pain the muslims in this forum. And i find that offensive. What is it you are looking for? Praise? condemnation?
  15. Abwaan;852294 wrote: To his English-speaking consistuency? Majority of Somalis might not understand English or this message I should say, why not talk to your people with a language that you both can understand? Because Farmajo speaks in Somali but no one gets his message because it is feeble. This video is for english-speaking Somalis. Abwaan why bring this negative dimension to the great message of the prof. Must you have to invent a matching scandal or weakness for the Prof so that the useless Farmajo shines?
  16. One of the best intellectuals of Somalia, Prof Ahmed, is a man not yet fully understood. But his message of reviving somali pride and patriotism will live for a long time, well after he is dead and buried. Men who are ahead of times suffer when they are preaching the good word, but get redeemed when the rest of the society reaches their level after several decades. We love the Professor and his ideas, and we pray for his good health.
  17. My 'adulterer' self-depiction is fiction.Say the same about your 'not fasting' and we are even.
  18. ,,, more like a coward and a cheat. Traits that are not pleasant. If you don't want to fast, why not say so. And the worst of all, you come here and advertize your dishonesty like if you have killed a lion with your bare hands.
  19. I did not tell JB that Suldaanka and Redsea are your other names. I said Suldaanka and Burahaadeer are you!
  20. Waryaa JB, how soon? But you know I didn't like this one and didn't eat much. Too oily although vegetarian, except the doro wot. Ayoub, I am saying if they renovate their history, they may find themselves in tricky situation. if they don't, they will too. It is a catch 22 thing, but I did not say it is insurmountable.
  21. I can confirm that I and Mrs Abtiigiis invited JB for great Ethiopian lunch and therefore I feel more secure. On behalf of myself and madam, we thank JB for the company. Ayoub, where did I say the challenges are insurmountable and the way to resolve them is to join Somalia. Not that I disagree with your conclusion there but where is it written?
  22. Surely your real name is not Ayoub, nor did you take any traits from the Prophet Ayoub. He is said to be the incarnation of patience, you are as patient as a Sanaag-ian qat addict at noon! :D That leaves us with the Kaarta-Ayoub option only! By the way, I am a trusting person. I always think people are inherently good and won't harm you, unless you give them a reason to do that. I am sure I am wrong. But it is a mental setup that makes one enjoy the warmth of friendship. Even that has a limit though. In your case I have given you the reason to want to destroy me. There is nothing more dangerous than an ideological zealot, and one who thinks I have something to do with his past suffering. This, despite the fact that this tiny soul gave water to thirsty wonded SNM when they were fighting Siyad. I feel that guilt-free feeling gives me a moral legitimacy to speak against Ayoub's sacred cow! JB doesn't look like a man who can kill an ant, but if my elimination is going to be part of the necessary evil that must be done to surmount SL's challenges, he may not blink twice! :D My only protection here is that neither you nor the infirm Ba-dhul.ba.hante cousins of Oodweyne (the SOLer) can mess with a man whose mother is from mighty Gaashaanka and Rabasso! It is sucidal!
  23. Everytime I read Burahaader's blind idealism, I am struck by its sheer semblance to the chantings of a fascist! "peanuts", he says! A litle bit of doubt in what you believe in helps!