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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Abtigiis


    Nephtys; Abti adna miyaa igu biloowday! Armaa intaan is waalo hadalkaaga dartid, qar iska tuuraa?!! No I lost my way and ended up here after bloody battle. I think you can see I have gone back to the fort, now. Check other threads. No,No ani warkaygu waa cad yahay. Meel ay taag i dhigto mooye, cabsi la iguma sheegin abid!! Calaacal meesha ma yaal. I think I have told the old man upto his neck. He is not easy, but not impossible either. Macal oodahiisuu kula soo gali laakiin. Xoogsade gave me a clue. Kolkol odaygu geer umbuu geshadaa, and then he fires indiscrimintaely to all sides ayuu igu yidhi. I was on the recieving end of that last night.
  2. ^ Ragga ha ii lug qaban go'e. Waad ogtahay bohoshaan galay!! Mohamed Mooge (AHUN) muxuu yidhi, " Jiiclaha (?) libaaxiyo,Jaandeerta doobkiiyo, Waayeelka,,,Wixii Jiidha waaga, jeenigu xanuunaa". The relevance is waxbaan jiidhay.
  3. Abtigiis


    Mukulaal Qaboow (KK) I never expected you will understand. It is a poem by Sayid Mohamed. Ask the people around and they will tell you. I know you are more into Maki Xaaji Banadir's "Bacdaa Duuqsoo" thing than the poem's of the 20th Century Somali's. I would have liked your support, but I think you know you are something of a loose cannon. It is hard to predict where you will hit!! JacaylBaro Serious. War adigaa la isoo kaa daliishana yaaye wax ka qabo arinta!! Halkanaad ilka waa weyn ii soo dhigaysaa!!
  4. Abtigiis


    Mukulaal Qaboow (KK) I never expected you will understand. It is a poem by Sayid Mohamed. Ask people around and they will tell you. I know you are more into Maki Xaaji Banadir's "Bacdaa Duuqsoo" thing than the peom's of the 20th Century Somali's. I would have liked your support, but I think you know you are something of a loose cannon. It is hard to predict where you will hit!! JacaylBaro Serious. War adigaa la isoo kaa daliishana yaaye wax ka qabo arinta!! Halkanaad ilka waa weyn ii soo dhigaysaa!!
  5. Ya Ahlu Khiyaana wa asxaabul Isticmaar, An irrelevant analogy by way of illegitimate reasoning. High class demagoguery. That is what all the McCain-Barack talk is! It is simple, Xinn et al. You accuse us of being war-mongerors. We see you as preachers of submission. "Give the right one, when your left cheek is slapped" jingoists. In la qiimo tiro dadka halganka hubaysan taageersan oo tuke canbaar leh laga dhigo, ama dadka loo tuso dad juhala iyo Intolerent ah is all your strategy. Taas dadka idin ka dhagaysan ula taga. McCain iyo Barack are nothing for me, by the way. Dad bay qiimo la leeyihiin. There are Somali's who talk more sense day in day out. I would have liked if you quote those. Or perhaps continue with the tale of Prophet's (SCW) modus operandi. Demonizing those who see differently, glorifying a mix club of "traitors, genuinely concerned citizens who are wary of war, opportunists, the disorientated, the disengaged who confined themseleves to didactic messages on peace" by calling them Jamaacatul Khayr wal Barakh is disingenious. Stop this bullish behaviour! That is what I am annyed at more than the issues we differ on. You are stifling freedom of expression and opinion!
  6. Abtigiis


    Malika at least I expected cool heads like you will intervene. oo kala jooa na oran. That heat made me miss most of my committments for the day, Walaahi. Mukulaal Qaboow (KK) Coomaadi duulaaya bay Cadan ka keene Adiguba Aqlaad leedahee Carar maxaa dhaama?? Holy Sheikh Muxyadiin on a speedy mule!! Walaahi, I didn't know. Ileen I am in Women's section. Ceeb baa dhacday!!
  7. For all its seeming intricacy, there is only one unknown (infinity). Technically, even that is supposed to be a constant number. So, the equation is not even linear, but constant. How I miss Calculus!
  8. For all its seeming intricacy, there is onlyone unknown (infinity). Tchnically, even that is supposed to be a constant number. How I miss Calculus!
  9. XIINFANIIN (waa afareey jaawab u ah gabaygii hore): Inkastuu Caasimado taguu soo Cagacageeyoo Amu cilmi soo bartuu Caanaha ka keeno Qofna Camalkii lama dooriyee Sow XIINFANIIN ma'aha Ugama Caago cayda iyo wax sheeg waa tan cirradiiye Ma ku ceeshay tolow cawaa waakuu ceebta ii tiriyee???? Allahayoow col-forumkan miyaad caasha ii galisay
  10. Jacaylbaro adigaa dadka afka ii galiyay intaad tidhi waa Maqiiqane, kaalay oo iga saar. Emperor abti, adna ma ogtahay kani adaygii reerahaa kugu dhan oo cidiyahaad ku dagaalami. war hedde Truce bal aan samyno, go'e!!
  11. ^ I thought I defined "goor dhow". If it means something different to you, I don't care. Goor maan shaah cabnaa la isma waydiin, we were talking about Struggle. Any sane person, knows goor dhow in that sense is not after few hours or something close to it. Don't mind the floods, I think they will stop when I go back to work. And it is you who is resorting to critique of my style and not my message. Dib isu eeg, adigu. Aniga wax aad ii sheegi karto ayaa iska yar.
  12. Abtigiis


    Hunguri, Simply put, Igama badisid walaal. Waa meeshaan ku dhashay kuna barbaaray. Have you been there as late as 2007? Iska waajee saaxiib. Lama haysatide. Hiiyaashan SOL'na yayna ina dhex boodine. miyuu ku soo gaadhay the latest jacbur from Dhagaxbuur called, 'ADUUN DHAQAN BAAD OGEYD'. Waa lagu salaamay walaal. JB That was superb! laakin Shalay xageed ka dhacday. bad baan galoo waxaan is lahaa wuu ka dhex ka luumaysan doonaa. I think you know what I am talking about. Kolka laguu baahan yahay baa lagu waayaa adna. kol kaan lagu baahnayna sidii qof Photocopy lagu badiyay baad meel kasta igaga soo baxdaa. Shalay maad raga iga qabatid??? Mise waa Maqiiqane ha dhinto taladaadu!!
  13. Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo. Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history. That aspect evades you.
  14. Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo. Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history. That aspect evades you.
  15. Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo. Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history. That aspect evades you.
  16. Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo. Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all fights recorded by history. That aspect evades you.
  17. Guul!Allahu Akbar! Al nasru Qariib. Isseh waad naga farxisee, Ilaahay hakaa farxiyo!!!
  18. Abtigiis


    ^ Waryaa Dhagaxaa serious ah yaa kugu yidhi? malaha mataqaanid.
  19. The Mongolians and self-appointed 'heavyweights', and their archaic ideologies must be fought vehemently.
  20. Adeer Your unrestrained name calling apart, you hardly added any meaningful dimension to our debate. It took you nearly 5 pages to tell me you are not TFG supporter. Why then decry it if you didn't know my stance on Shariif? You have assumed the role of the judge and the jury, and at times speak on behalf of "many Nomades" like a super-delegate in this forum. I understood your strategy, and that risk is not one I am prepared to take. Curiously, you haven't said anything on mitigating contingencies if that gamble fails. And don't expect me to go with your views just because you have repeated it over and over. It has also come to my attention, that there are a group of old guards who have successfully managed to control the direction of debates in this forum by discouraging different ideas through a lethal blend of bullying,merciless attacks on personalities, and over-played squeals of "you are cyper-jihadist, you are uninformed" hullabaloos. To the extent many people have been compelled to be reticent on expressing their views particularly when it is supportive of the liberation war. A war you discredit supposedly because it hasn't achieved its heyday and is still in infancy. Strategies are not evaluated over a short period of time, and it might take long time for the forces of resistance before they transform from hit and run tactics to full blown engagements with the enemy. No contradictions if you can comprehend simultaneous arguments. The war must continue, regardless of talks. There are precedences of that and You know it. I don't see Sheikh Sharif and co, as a separate entity. For me, they fall within the enclave of liberation fighters. What I object is if they go it alone as a faction. They have to convince their colleagues, or get their acts tactfully (endorsed by others). Others who regardless of what you think of them are the ones capable of delivering peace, i.e, Al-Ashabab. The people in Djibouti cannot deliver that by themselves. The only impact of a partial peace deal will be a weakened opposition (politically), but no end of hostility( militarily). I am also surprised you imply if one is not in Somalia, then he is in Qurbo. I think Somali's live in many parts of East Africa. That is just a gentle reminder, though. Your habit of saying, 'my comments/opinions/utterances are unscathed, hardly impeachable,validated" is absurd. For that is what others have to say about it. Adigii umbaa isu makhraati furaya!! I admire that you are full of your self and confident. But remember there is a thin line between too much self-belief and arrogance! I never go for debates to win or lose. It is to convince or be convinced. Your approach is noted, nonetheless. So, will it suffice if I throw the towel and congratulate you for winning? You won it, saaxiib.
  21. Shacab daalay and continuous war miyaad tidhi. That is what Tigre elders told Meles in 1985 when the village of Hawzeen was obliterated and nearly 13,000 civillians were killed. It is what Hamsaeen and Akala-guzaay elders told Isayas Afeworki when Nakfa was taken and thousands of Eritean men and women died of hunger. It is probably what the Algerian elders told to those who faced French occupation, and it is what Bosninans told Alija Izetbegovich when he stood up against Serbs fervent nationalism. There are losses and tragedies in a struggle. You take that as an endogenous factor when you are in a war. It is not because you have a softer heart, or we are barbarians that we espouse that line and you oppose it. Throughout history that debate has raged.We merely find ourselves on the two sides of the divide. I hope you see it that way.
  22. ^ oo hadaad arkaysay maad iga soo gaadhid. Mise waa ka gabo xaalkaagu. Waxba mayna ila dicin walaahi. Waa uun you are this, you are that business waxoodu. That hardly intimidates anyone.
  23. Adeer Xiin Your generalisations about people in Qurbaha is unfounded. Nor the whereabouts of me or the luxuries you talk about. That comes from a man who just minutes ago accused me of half-truths. Sheikh Sharif is not alone in Djibouti. I was talking about him and all the good people around him. That doesn't alter my conclusions. On the strategy of Sulux to attain lasting solution, I don't share your optimism; but I can see your point. I don't say it is not wise to use that method,I am only very pessimistic of any good result to materialize from it, for reasons I have outlined earlier on this thread. Yet, I don't object to the peace talks if the Sharif has a fallback plan should things go wrong. Just as you wish to see a peaceful Somalia, I do also want to see the same. Our strategies differ because our analysis diverge. No one can predict which is to prove the trump card to success, with certainty. Abdullahi Yusuf, Mohamed Dheere are Somalis who unfourtunately are now working with what I see as the enemy. Provided that the enemy leaves, they will have to be judged by the Somali people. Prior to that, if their inclusion into a peace process can result in anything meanigful, I don't object to it. Nation-bulding needs compromise and forgiveness. We are not in that situation right now. Lest you will say this is also half-truth, it is an opinion. I admire your optimism, but you must see where my argument comes from. Ethiopia will not allow a peace settlement among Somali parties for now. Nor do the US wish to see that. For the Americans, hunting few men is much more important than the state of the Somali people. I believe I am not talking from hypothetical point of view. I have met people from the International Crisis Group, the UN, and influential Embassy's in East Africa at differnt time. Not that I am a big fish in any sense, but while they were gathering information on the situation. What I heard and saw is in my mind. I will tell you Greg( an American) in one of these organisations, asked me what I think of Somalia. I have played the dumb guy and started singing with his favourite line. I told him now that the ICU is routed, there is no basis for extremism in Somalia. I was trying to tell them that a longer stay of Ethiopians in Somalia might revive strong nationalistic and Islamic sentiments. It was a week or so after Muqdisho was invaded by Ethiopia. What he said to me still rings in my mind. " But all kids are going to Madrasas and women are still veiled?". So, I know where the fight is aimed at. My assertions about Ethiopia might be entirely flawed. But It is based on my expereices and exposure to the mentality of the ruling class in that country. I don't want to twist anybody's arms to agree with me, but I also expect others not to do so. Overall, your intention is good but I differ on your methods and recommonedations.
  24. ^ Is cadee, Isseh. you are good guy, yes? Caawa wixii hortayda mara way ku dhacaysaa!!