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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Nephtys gafuur weyn ninkani ma leh. Waa xariir. Laakiin waxuu tari karaa iska yar. Sidaan qabo; about geeska Africa. I hope I am wrong. Tan kale, dhiigay anaga wali noogu baxdaa!! Actually, the man who told me the story is in his late 60s. I have this bad habit of hanging around with old men! 1970s kii ma joogin anigu. Hoyaday baa aroos ahayd. So that you also don't think I am dot.com generation, I will volunteer my year of birth. July, 1973.
  2. Dhubad Nuune Waan fahmaye laakiin kaalay intii dadka madooba joogay unbaad sheegtaye waa sidee. miyaadan Qabridahar, Dhagaxbuur iyo Aware iyo Sheygosh iyo Caado iyo dhulkas marin?
  3. Lander has a point. I agree with you. After all, the TFG can't make decisions. Silaanyo was spot on.
  4. LIFE UNDER TIGRAYAN TROGLODYTES Disclaimer: It is true people from Tigray are not all beneficiaries of the loot or participants of the crimes perpetrated by Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF). Sadly, it is also true all current power-wielders in Ethiopia are Tigrayans. The writer wishes to emphasize this distinction. Let it be known to all that I am talking about the Tigrayan elites in power in this article-not the people of Tigray. It is not by happenstance that deep odium has been bubbling inside the hearts of people in different parts of Ethiopia against the Tigrayan condottieri, for over a decade now. From Gurage to Amahra, from Oromo to Berta, from Afar to Sidama, from Somaligalbeed to Anuak, from Addis Ababa to Arba-Minch; people are praying for the day they will, at last, hymn good riddance to these ‘rude’ masters. Why? Because they are bad rulers! I will provide the proof for that assertion and offer explanations as to why they are hopeless in their ‘superior’ position. In 2005 elections, the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD), overwhelmingly won the votes of the urban areas, the intelligentsia, Amhara, Gurage, and significant parts of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s (SNPP) region. The Oromo National Congress- took Oromia by landslide; while most of SNNP region was swept by its southern-ally in the United Ethiopia Democratic Forces (UEDF). That is, before the eventual turn around of events, and crowning of fake winners. The defeat proved the depth and intensity of the popular displeasure with the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)- the overcoat of the TPLF-by the people of these regions. In the remaining regions-euphemistically known as ‘the developing regions’- Satellite parties of the EPRDF, were declared winners; with no big furore, as people resigned to their fate, having seen what has transpired in the decisive regions. The shaky make-up of the pseudo-federal entities in Ethiopia is one more proof of the ‘misadventures’ of the TPLF; who designed a system of governance for which its social background and party ideology is ill-prepared to accommodate. Blighted by pernicious habit of lying and looting, they hoped they will manage to confuse and cheat the people of Ethiopia. The Amharic adage, ‘you don’t trust a man till you put him beneath the soil’ is taken to the heart; by the founding fathers of the TPLF. It might have been wise to adhere to it, in those days of ‘rebel-life’ in the deserts of Tigray; but certainly, that mentally clashes with the requisite principles of delegation of responsibility and trusting subordinates, central to modern management philosophies. Far worse, it is an anti-thesis of decentralisation and the principle of subsidiarity; that is mandatory for a true federalism to flourish. That obsession with control, and mistrust of ‘others’, explains why most of the puppet leaders in the ‘federal’ states are social rejects who have not gone far in education; and who therefore depend on the TPLF for survival. The biggest joke –in faking leaders for other nationalities- is witnessed in the resource-abundant Oromia; where a stranger to the locals is ‘anointed’ as their president. Many Oromo’s categorically rebuff the claim that Abadula Gamada, the president of Oromia, hails from their ethnic community. They similarly, dismiss the Illubabur-born Taye Takle-haymanot, a.k,a Kuma Demeksa-the Defence Minster; as being not one of their own. In Somali region, the current president is married to a Tigrayan woman- something believed to have been instrumental to his rise to power. In Afar region, Ismail Ali Serro-the president, is more of a Tigre than an Afari. Not that I wish to argue that the nationality of the person matters much, but it is appropriate to lay bare the false claims of the TPLF clique to the readers: the nauseating orations on democracy, good governance, and ethnic federalism. Some people are mystified why the TPLF rulers couldn’t pick better pawns; with a bit of acceptable credentials. Surely, it is not a matter of scarcity of ‘intellectuals for sale’. What these people fail to understand is the quintessential Tigrayan’s psyche of suspicion and what I wish to call the ‘minority-insecurity syndrome’. I know for them it will be a painful read, but let me push their agony a little longer; by elaborating on the two traits. Firstly, the suspicion trait. Meles has designated regions as private ‘fiefdoms’ to his kins; because he doesn’t trust anyone outside the ‘tribe’. A trait invariably shared by most Tigrayan elites. That partially explains why the most trivial decisions cannot be passed by ‘local’ officials, without consultations with TPLF ‘advisors’. The TPLF leadership planted ‘advisors’-powerful ‘advisors’, in all regions; except Tigray, where there is no apparent need for one. Officially, these advisors ‘provide technical assistance’ to the regional government bureaus. This is laughable, as most are ex-fighters with none or little capabilities to perform such duties. A notable example is one Ato Towolde-the advisor-cum-king in Somali regional State. With nothing more than a mere Diploma in social science to boast of – like the majority of TPLF ‘scholars’, he is an alumni of the civil service college established by EPRDF; the man often refers to his fighting-days’ experiences and arbitrary gut-feelings to rule the region. Like his predecessor, Gabrewahid, who has obligated to himself the task of selecting people’s representatives during elections; Towolde chooses the cabinet and party officials, and runs the day-to-day activities of the Somali region. Indeed, the irritating aspect of this not-so-disguised ‘direct’ rule is how noticeable it is. The TPLF elites don’t even bother to mask that they are running the show all over Ethiopia. Whether it is in Somali region, or Afar or Gambella- it is Abay Tsehaye, or Meresa, or Gebra-Ab, all Tigrayans, who are sent to fix it, when things need to be fixed. It is either Ignorance or arrogance-or both; that can only blind Towlede to the embarrassment he is causing to himself, or inflicting on his ‘servile subjects’; when he hands out a series of instructions to the regional ‘president’ in cabinet meetings. Or when he narrates with glee how he brought this or that ‘parvaneu’politician, from obscurity to ‘high office’-over dinner tables. No wonder, therefore, that the recently concluded Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP) farcical conference promoted his ‘toddlers’ to the highest positions. Much more can be said about the man and his likes elsewhere, but that is not the theme of the article, and this should suffice to illustrate the nature of the tribe-based style of governance of the TPLF. In addition to espionage and control; TPLF henchmen’s stretching of tribal tentacles to ‘all Shangiri-La spots’ also has much to do with corruption and debauchery. A fact the rhetorician Meles, himself, admitted; when he was warming up to oust ex-comrades from the TPLF; after they disagreed on the conduct of the war with Eritrea. Back then, the master of all deception – Meles; twisted political terminologies and branded the out-witted hitherto ‘strongmen of the party’- including the flamboyant Seye Abraha; ‘Bonapartists’’. It is time to ask what the basis of this suspicious behaviour is. TPLF knows that it is a minority group that has fought its way to power; and is ruling Ethiopia by sheer force and intimidation. It, therefore, thinks everyone out there is plotting to oust it. That fear from the ‘threat’ posed by the ‘giant beast’ subdued so far, makes the TPLF leadership hyper-vigilant. All the resultant wrongs and crimes it has committed against other nationalities; and the fear that the ‘victims’ will retaliate-if they were to be given a chance-reinforces the severity of their paranoia. With morbid thinking and virtual degeneration to misanthropy, they have become enemies of reason, rational people, and mutual interest. They conceive violent antipathy to whomever and whatever they perceive as a challenge; or a deterrent to their ‘tribal’ aspirations of self-enrichment and conquest. A perfect example of their ‘madness’ can be discerned from their actions in the war against the ****** people; where the primitive principle of vicarious liability is practised by the TPLF at the dawn of the 21st century. It is common to see a father imprisoned or killed for the ‘misdeeds’ of the son; who joined the ‘rebels’. Impelled by paranoia and self-doubt, and an irrational fright evoked by ‘minority’ complexity; Tigrayan ‘urban’ troglodytes, consider even the most ‘loyal lackeys’ a potential menace. Thus, they have sleepless nights; watching their back. And they do that with a lethal blend of braggadocio, savagery and thuggery. In consequence, life is becoming unbearable for millions of Ethiopians, and for the unfortunate people of Somalia; who are caught by the rummaging army of the Tigrayan Yakuza.
  5. Xakeed ka timid markaa? ma jilaal bay aheyd?
  6. Ninka sanka dheer is in denial. But leave him alone for now. Fadhi-carbeed kaa loogu iman doonaa. Kolkaasuu oran doonaa, isku majlis manihin. Nationhood ka iyo International Declarationka ma maqaam buu u haystaa???
  7. Somali maxaa isaga dan ah. Waad og'tahaye anigaad off-side inaan galo rabtaa???
  8. Originally posted by Nephthys: And a little FYI; a broken hymen is not necessarily indicitave of having had intercourse. There are numerous other ways a woman can break her hymen. How can one be sure when all the Dhakhtar excuses are rampant. Anyway, in a society that is close enough to monitor one another (as in the case of our towns and cities) the history of the lady speaks for itself and people don't jump to conclusions. If she is known for bad reputation, dhiig la'aan ma soconayso. Ninna ka dhagaysan maayo sheeko kale. On a different matter, kan aad is horwadaa (Obama) micno weyn ma leh, yuhuudaa wadata. Wax uu qaban karaa majiro; isagiibaa gacan ku gabad ah. Anglo-saxon'kaas go'aanku ka go'o ayaa dhaami lahaa. Inan layaalka oo dhan baan micno laheyn. BAASHI: Your idea fully seconded. Maxaa Hoos iyo kor baan ka tolonahay keenay,soo inay tidhaa wadadu waa "wabtaquu min fadlilaahi" ee bal waran ma aha???
  9. ^ Habaarane haye, saaxiib. maantay ku egtahay.
  10. Tu saa tirinna waan naqaan. But the quick guy told her "Dakhtarkii uun hadaba ula tag". Qaar baaba yiraa god anoo ka boodayaan...ama geed baan ka soo dhacay!! Of course, the modern ones are lucky. Aabahood baa diiday in la xalaaleeyo.
  11. You must know that when people are living in harsh environment, you will see only 50% of their true colour. Reer Qabridahar madow wuu ku yar yahay. The same is true for Dhagaxbuur. laakiin Godey and Wardheer, yes waa madoow. Exceptions abound, of course. go to Minnesotta for proof of reeraha oo shower helay. Faarax-brawn Short and slow ahh?? then adigu temporary faaruqinta xitaa kari maysid.You have to do it one at a time; cause of pace. Of course if it is not a case of birds of same feather.
  12. JB Waryaa, maanigaad ileedahay waxbuu kabbaday?? Taas xagiinaan ku ogeyne! Anigu jaad xitaa waligeey ma qayiliin iskadaa wax kalee. Very remarkable for a man who grew up in meesha lagaaga keeno Awadaay'ga. Igadaa dacaayada iyo daniga. Meelo kale tuhunka u badal?
  13. No one is saying they should. But, you know they do. Try to distinguish the normative from the positive. That doesn't concern women who properly married and for one reason or another are single again. Those are exempted from this requirement these days. Why for first-timers? because our religion doesn't allow pre-marriage sex. Period. And someone who was engaged in that act is seen as impure and not reliable. I think that is fine with me. If she lost her virginity through abuse or other factor, I think she should be exempted too from this requirement. Having said so, I don't support the Somali way of female circumcision. I am talking about the normal virginity, just to clarify.
  14. It was in Qabridahar. This dark guy from Gode came to ask for the hand of his would be wife. Gabadh buu soo doonay. Anyone who knows Qabridahar will know that the people there are tall and light skinned. And slightly chauvinistic. So, the uncle of the girl saw tha man amid the clutter of macawis, Cash, Qaat, and quruurado Coca-cola ah. All this intended to be a happy nikaax ceremony. Joojiya her uncle said. And he spoke to the man;" Adeer, sidan guur doon kuma tihide, ma shini (seed) badal baad u socotay?". Following it with, " Ma anagaad nagu shinni badalan rabtaa?"! And that primitive uncle of the girl stopped the ceremony. Imagine the heart break. Believe it or not, waa dhab. Just added his story to wind up my bad day in SOL with a cruel joke.
  15. And now you think I am a pervert? Don't judge me so fast sister. I think now that people have seen it, there is no u-turn. But, caadi iyo badh baa la yahay; la soco. Inkastood fariid tahay marbay kaa lig ligataa Ooy kaa muhmuhataa sidii ruux wareer qaba'e That is what happened. De adigunna get a big heart and cafi odayga.
  16. Waxanoo dhan Nephthys ayaa ka masuul ah. Bal maxay waxan noo dhex gelisay. Yaa Jamaacaa Ha la i cafiyo, 36 baan bartanka u fadhiyaaye. Seriously, I am embarrassed. But I still don't share Ibtisam's dismissive comment. All these weeks, I was only astonished by the amount of talk about short man, French kiss blah blah. Waa yahee, naga daayaa sheekooyinkaa. And I don't think it is lost to Ibtisam, that what she just said shouldn't happen, is unfortunately what has actually been happening throughout mankind's history. Ibti, Shall I also tell you woman who bothered about what is in between man's....? Anigu maana bilaabin. But my posts are uncalled for, regardless. And I APOLOGISE. Malika Ramadantii baa soo dhow so ma'aha. Danbigaan sii dhamaynayaa hadda; in talking of course. Waxaad sheegi, ayaankee. Yaa hayaba. JB Adigu dadka maxaad iigu soo jeedinaysaa???
  17. Tan hoose ka waran, BUUXO [ today is my first and last day on this soft topics. I will go to my favourite politics. so I felt I better exhaust all] Virginity lie II This is a true story. This friend of mine was advising me what not to do while I was preparing to marry. He advised me not to announce that I am GD (Guur-doon). He said he did just that, and later regretted. Why? Because every women he talked to, got serious and tu aan waligeed la ag marin. The story of one that he was closing on to marry was particularly intriguing. She would not allow him to touch her shoulders. Halkaa iga fadhi waryaa business. Apparently, this girl was notorious for easygoing with men. She was even rumored to have been offering apprentices to most of the upcoming he-goats. They use to say, no one graduates to manhood without gacan maris on her. But, this friend never knew. At last, as he decided to take her in, the man insisted on proving her virginity. This is the conversation they had as he was finally allowed to embrace her; as a gesture of gratitude for the proposal of marriage. Haajir: Haye dee, show me you are virgin Ruqiya: oo miyaadan I aaminsaneyn, isiidaa waryaa. Faking anger Haajir: Maya dee, let me see inaad tolon tahay Ruqiya: Iga daa dee. Haajir: Ma yeelayo. Ruqiya: sensing danger, took the risk. Ok. I will show you but from distance. Haajir: from distance, maxaa laga garan. Maya farta uun ii saar. Ruqiya: after long debate, allowed him, while squeezing her legs and buttocks as hard as possible. Haajir: Is dabci dee. Nervous and hot, he slipped his hands to the heavens. Sensing no impediment all along, he queried, ‘away dee’? With slyly voice and heaving, she said, “ Anigu Hoooooooostaan ka tolan ahay!”. She said Hooooostaa with a funny long sound, he told me. The angry man said, “hoostee? Ma caloosha?” Malika Moji wax igu dhacay maanta. Actually, i post the second before I saw your comment. I regret to have disappointed many. But this is an anomaly. Rest assured. Looma noqonayo.
  18. ^ This "blood proof" culture is widely practised in Ethiopia (nowadays rural areas). But, the women are industrious. Kuwa mar hore laga soo dhiijiyay een waxba is la heyn, chicken blood ayay kolkay hawshu kululaato ragga ku hoos daadiyaan. Ninkaan xariif aheyn waa loo qariyaa. Loona cabaadaa. Kolkaasu qosol ku dhuftaa. Some even fake limping for two days as proof of hard labour. Ninkii xariif ahi isagu laydhkuu u shidan, fartana wuu iska horeeysiin! [istaaq furulaah].
  19. Safiirka Ethiopia maxaa meesha geeyay anigu oran maayo? Shir iska daaye, wadan dhan bayba galeen. Niman xishoonaya ma aha. Speaking of that safiir, Shamsuddin tolow miyaa? Isagaa halkaas joogi jire. Shamsudiin wuu gali, waa nin qac ah; isagoon cidna u dirsan buu daf oran. Wuxuu ka helaa mashraxyadda. Haduu meel kale waayo, ciyaalka xaafadaha isku dirira ayuu intuu kala qabto dadka u qudbadeeyaa uu yidhaa bal eega waxay isku haystaan. At least that is what we used to say about him. I am not sure if he is still posted to Djibouti, though. 80% probability, it is him.
  20. gabadhii buu wareeriyay. kolkay meel la qabsataba meesha kaluu tagi!
  21. The upper or the lower: Dilemma of a Short man Abiib - a very short man, who was my neighbour for four years married a very tall woman. Obviously, for the sake of getting a taller off-springs. This cheeky friend of mine, once came to my house and has to told me this about Abiib's predicament. One night, as the couple with the contrasting heights commenced their act; Abiib has to leap frog upwards to kiss her lips, while still doing it. Unfortunately, as he goes up, he has to vacate the down. When he races back to fix it, an empty mouth sings with the wind. But he continued to march up and down, alternatly. An embittered tall wife slapped him at the head,the naughty friend tells me, with this rebuke:"Labada meelood meel uun ku ekoow. Kolba meel ha faaruqin'e!" So short men beware. Meel uun ku ekaada!!
  22. Unlike what most people think, Sheekh Aweys is wadani. His only agenda is to uphold the territorial soverignity and integrity of the Somali natio. He is right to make qualifications to his earlier stance. Contrary to what Corporal Duke and few others here try to paint us, no one is happy to see a prolonged somali conflict. If the UN is deployed, they will not interfer in the daily politics like the Ethiopians are doing right now. And who knows the old stooge will be impeached by the vote of the parliament. With noi Xabashi guards to intimidate parliamentarians, it is a high probablity.
  23. There is no agreement. That was where they stood years back. Except Alshabab, Shekh Sharif and the mainstream ARS members never oppossed the deployment of peacekeepers except from the frontier countries. Uness Ethiopia is out, wax heshiis ah ha filin.
  24. Qaabkuu u nacamlaynayey baan ka xumaaday walaahi. Anagoo cashou fadhina (nin aan saaxiib nahay oo TFG la shaqeeya ayuu la socday), unbuu xabashigu noo yimid. Kolkaasuu bilaabay reer hebel waa nabad-diid, dawaladnimo ma ogola. Xabashigii baa Ingiriiskii fahmi waayay oo yidhi; and then my services were required. Xabshigii markuu kacayay wuxuu lahaa, "hulaachum yaaw naa chuu (you are all the same, tuug baad tihiin). Muxuu la xanaaqay buu i waydiiyey, kolkaasaan ku idhi " cagtaan marinaynaa tuugtaa dawlada diidan buu lee yahay".