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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Carmooyin.com awarded 'Somali political leadership' golden koor to Darwiish. Mohamed Dheere was the runner up.
  2. Tuug baad tahay. Maxaan isku cadeeyay. Ma waa la yidhi baa danbi ah. Waa xigasho.
  3. Old age makes one wiser but a pessimist. Change is incomprehensible for them. But you have a point. Zeal it is, for sure.
  4. ^^^Brofossor Geeljire (B.Hach.D) Western waxay rabaan garanaye, maxaa inaga taa ingaga galay. Somalia'is future is sealed at inception to be a doomed one if any non-islamic regime is to be allowed to take power. Waryaa, ma waxaanad ogeyn in 80% of TFG ay khamri cabaan, ooy tumasho iyo geerasheyn ku jiraan, oo fusqiigii soomaliya dumiyay aabo u ahaayeen. Don't you know that corruption, nepotism and reer hebel xafiiskooduu waa kaa is the whole culture of this TFG. Ma waxaad rabtaa inta wax la dhoob dhoobo, in within a decade haddana ka baxaay la yidhaa oo la qaxo. Never settle for something as shaky as that out of desperation. Gurigu salkuu ka dhismaa. Any future Somali government that is not built on a different moral basis, meritocracy, respect for the supermacy of law, compassion and patriotism is only going to be the genesis of a worse disintegration of the Somali nation. There are lots of injustices within us, and to handle it we need new blood. people who are free from the old fueds and vendatta's. Abdullahi Yusuf ma waxaad ka sugaysaa inuu dawlad uu qabsaday ay principles of democracy waligeed aaminsanaato. To give you a hint; wuxuu sheeko ka bilaabi lahaa Somaliland haday is dhiibi waydo, xoog baan ku maquuninaynaa. Assuming a military solution will succeed (although unlikely), is it fair to have a country where some citizens feel they are forced into. The whole notion of 4.5 and Federalism is not suited to the ills of Somalia. Decentralised decision making is good but that is still possible without setting the precedence for some somali's to claim franchise to some areas under the pretext of Federalism. I know this thinking of mine will be regarded as idealistic and off-the-mark, but I think Federalism will not work for Somalia. Because the whole idea was conceived as the result of pleasing clans (strictly speaking it is to appease clan-minded opportunist stomach-politicians), it will degenerate into jilibkayaga waxba lama siin spiral of nonesense at the end. A unitary, efficient, and democratic system that also takes meaningful steps to nurture the nascent dialects and languages apart from the main language; that caters to the needs of the poor people (God fearing technocrats can deliver this) can revive the somali nation. Rapacious warlords and wicked remanants of the old regime, AND GREEDY DIASPORA POWER-ASPIRANTS WHO WOULD NOT BLINK THEIR EYES TO ROB THE NATION TO COMPENSATE FOR LOST YEARS AND FOURTUNE AS THE RESULT OF LANGUISHING IN FOREIGN LANDS DOING MEAN JOBS (who are impatient to come back as soon as possible) would not heal the wounds but would only put salt to it. In the absence of robust institutions to deal with accountability concerns, missing culture and psche to confront theives, rampant illetracy, and the consequent non-participation and non-awareness of citizens; less qualified pios scholars (by no means Alshabab or whoever) will offer the right panecea. That is to start with; but gradually as institutions are rebuilt, it is the intellegensia who will have to take the helm. Somalia's foundation must be solid, religious and east-looking.
  5. Sidii gabadhii shalay laga sheekeenayey baad rabtaa inaan ku iraa hoooooostaan ka hayaa. tirrir siinyaha iga daa waxaan hayo kolkaan isku hagaajiyo waan kuu soo diriye.
  6. Magac dad ku wareeraa jira. Big name syndrome. Canavarro was a liability, already on the diminishing side of the utility curve (as Economists would like to say). He has started resorting to committing fouls and pulling shirts. Signs of an ageing defender. I am sure Italy will be better off. A young player with a lot to prove will come on his place, i guess. A liabilty, yes; just as Rio Ferdinand is for Man U. I wonder what fun it would have been to watch Rio playing for a team that is not on the attack for most of the time. Like Wigan and Aston Villa. Riwaayad buu noqon lahaa. Of course, Babel will be missed.
  7. Oz Saaxiib, this is all part of the misinformation and slander campaign against me. yesterday, they used my name. Today, toos baa la ii afuufayaa. Ma shigshigo saaxiib. Magac bi'inta aan ka dacwoonayo ayay qayb ka tahay.
  8. PM ma Prime Minister baa? aaminaada waxaan ka wafdaa halkanaad keeni, kolkaasa sumcad xumadii shalay ee la igu been abuurtay oo kale dhici.
  9. Maxaan kuugu dhaartaa? Cabdi-qaybdiid iyo Darwiish waataan waayaa! It wasn't me!
  10. Horta ma la haystaa baa ka horaya. Mida kale, yaa ku aamin adi?
  11. Bashir Makhtal is the grandson of the great Makhtal Daahir. He hails from the legendary family reknown for its patriotism and rejection of Abyssinian domination. I am sure Bashir will be out sometime soon. Of course, our prayers and sympathies are always with him. Who knows he can a be a MANDELA in the making. Noolow Bashir! Waan kuu soo ducaynaynaa walaal. Ilaahay dib ha isu keen tuso.
  12. Waa la hayaa ee yaa sheegi.
  13. It is only natural that suspects shout first! ragaan ka shakisnaa yaa soo bax baxaya. MMA Thank you for the support. Sidaa dadka ugu sheeg,my trademark. I suspect it was hacked. idon't remember leaving while logged in.
  14. ^ Golihii aan seexdaba miyuu gogol yar xaadh-xaadhay was that the fourth line?
  15. Ku: Dhamaan inta aqridda SOL - Rugtooda KU: Maamulka SOL - e-mail'kooda OG: In alaale intii warku gaadhay - Xaafadahooda Ujeeddo:- Canbaareyn misuse of my name It is with deep sense of shame and disbelief that I learned in shalay oo dhan magacayga inta si qalad ah loogu login gareeyay, all kinds of profanities and vulgarities halkan lagaga sheekeeyey; including ups and downs and opening sealed jars- to name but few. I reject this attempt by my enemies to defile my good name in SOL. This is preposterous, insensitive and unacceptable. I call upon all SOLers to extend their support in unequivocally denouncing such acts of piracy, and in standing in unision with me at this time of enormous disappointment. I also call upon the adminstration of SOL to take all the requisite investigations as to who is behind this henious crime and to take appropriate measures to ensure it never happens again. i beleive some within here are complicit in one way or another. I don't want to call names yet, though. I wish to reitrate my respect to my fellow sisters and assure them that regardless of the been-abuur, they can always count on my unreserved support and understanding. I regret that some have taken the wrong picture of me, misled by the rubble who posted fabricated stories in my name. To the perpetrators, I can only say: SHAME ON YOU! Waxaan maamulka SOL ugu baaqayaa inay talaabo shariga waafaqsan ka qaadaan cid kasta oo isku dayda inay burush wasaq ah marmariso sharafta iyo karaamada other members of the site. Counting on your understanding; Abtigiis & Tolka
  16. Nepthys Waa runtay, walaahi. Abdullahi Yusuf iyo Maxamed dheere waataan waayaa.
  17. ^ Isku fac unbaan nahay saaxiib. Wax weyn igama waynid. 1973 ayaan dhagaxbuur ku dhashay. With 4 years, dagaalkii kolkuu dhacay Hargeisa la iila qaxay. But within a year,I was taken back to Ethiopia. Hooyaday unbaa diiday inay Hargeisa sii joogto. It was a risk to go back; and my father stayed one year more in Muqdisho. I am told he was angry with mom's decision. But, as it would prove later, her decision was good for us. Interms of stabiliy and good schooling.
  18. What makes you he will change direction as a president? While I still don't agree that he feels anything inside, even he feels the way you say, that amounts to nothing. He doesn't have the courage to manouver.
  19. 71 kii aaa?? baalayaa dhacday! Waryaa and in the other thread you challenge my sports knowledge? Waryaa ileen Ilaahay unbaa kaa weyn? You are the age of Gentille, De'stifano and Puscash. Caateena system iyadoo la ciyaara kuugu danbysay aduun.
  20. And you are surprised, Abu-geel? How did it ever cross your mind this black man would have beaten the establishement without the powerful Yuhuud at his back? War kan warkiisuu waa ILA LIQAA!!!Waad arki doontaa. Waligeeba OBAMA,OBAMA ha hayaan maryooleeydu.
  21. Corporal Duke ma Kipligat bay kaa maraysaa maantana. Maxaad ciidan u baahatay?
  22. Waa mid Somali asalkiisu yahay laakiin Xabashi intuu ku dhex koray ah dadka is daad raaciya. I know him personally. Kolbuu wasiir ku-xigeen ahaa xiligii Cabdi-majid. He is originally from lafa-ciise, near Jigjiga.