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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Daahir Xanan's Letter to Hillary Asalaamu calaykum kuma oran karo’e how are you my dear. Waan la socdaa in lagu bah dilay. It is iska xaal-aduun and it happens. I know how hard it must be for you. But don’t blame the poor black man. He is just a loud amplifier. Blame those in the studio making the sounds. Prominent among them is the Jews. You well know meeshay kaala qaadeen. Bill has nearly reconciled Barak (Ehud) and Yasser Arafat. The deal on the table hasn’t given the Palestinians a quarter of what they deserved. But it was considered an unforgivable affront by Zionists, and Bill was to pay the price. It will be too much conspiracy theory, but who knows why that all drums was beaten after your majestic man, when he went astray. As if William Jefferson Clinton’s indiscretion and moments of debauchery hasn’t left you gaping wounds inside, they come after you in the most devastating way. You were beaten by a no-body in the Democratic establishment; and you drunk the bitterness of betrayal from Bill Richardson’s hand. It is only pity that the Jews have to bury you that way; while you still have much sympathy to them. Sometimes, things work in weird ways. I don’t like your policies, but you were the only alternative I had. Somehow, I just imagined Bill will be in charge; at least during the night. And I thought in the morning, you will do the work as advised xalay. There is no way I would have liked to see either Duq Gacan, or Obama Hussien as President. Obama is not a bad man I think. But I am not considering him to marry my daughter. I weigh him on his policies and decisions. Unfortunately, my sixth sense tells me, he will be haunted by his middle name and will try to run away from his past. In so doing, he will have to sustain the suffering of the Muslims in the world and those in Somalia and occupied Somaligalbeed.MCGacan warkiisa waad haysa adba. Eedo Hillary, like the character in Alexander Dumas ‘le miserabele’, you are unlucky. Where you were rushing to -the White House; was the same place where you saw all those moments of shame.Waakii odaygu kugu ciyaala suuqeeyay. I was very angry with him for tarnishing his image for a fleeting joy of minutes. Gabadhuu tusbaxa iskaga jaray se halaag bay aheyd. Kol haduu dambaabi, meel halkaa dhaantay garan maayo. But he shouldn't have gone into all those intricacies of what defines what he was accused of.Waa isla halkii uun. In my tuulo, there are no meida or Kenneth Star or talk-shows. Such acts of infidelity only come to light kolka haween timaha is riffi la’arko. And you inquire and you know what went wrong. The man is largely unscathed. That is unfair. Some women even exchange insults while implicitly praising the cheat. How many times did I hear,"yaa! Naa orod is aas! Wuu kunacay dee! Wuu ku nacay!,“ the other one replying,“maani? La iguma sheegin!!...Xaasha…akhas! waa nin sharaf leh isagu ado kale suu odhan”. I have even seen the same man the brawl started over arbitrating between the two women. I have sent you through the DHL, Khadra Daahir’s “Wayska Xaal adduun” album. Get some Somali’s to translate it to you. I know they flock with the winner and you may not find many. Adiga aad isuma naqaan, laakiin, I am a fan of your man. Bill is really charismatic and erudite.Xayraanka George Bush oo kale ma aheyn. Igu salaam Chelsea iyo xaaabaheed. Good bye! Talafoonkii xaafadda ayaa naga xun ee waan kuu soo tacsiyeyn lahaa si habboon. Daahir Xanan Xidh-Maroodile Qore: Cabdi yare
  2. Abdilatif War de waan ku waayee waa sidee? Salaan sare gudoon. Macawis way dhaaftay, arintaasi. Suun iyo wax walba hadda ka dib waan ku xidhi.
  3. ^^^ Sayidkii baa laga hayaa inaan jabay waxaan gartay kolkuu reer habel baa lagaa ha hayaa la yiri. MARX/MARC/MERCURIAN of all people?!! Anigaa danbiga leh. Anaa waa hore dhiman waayay. Waryaa, adiga dameeraheenu isma saartaan. We are not in the same mood. amaanka iigu dadaal. Faarax Brawn I am thinking of changing the name actually. Laakiin ma tolnimaa waxaad samaysay. Maad hoos iigu sheegtid. Anyway, I will choose between these five. Suggest one: -Macallin Dugsi - Wayso Cadde - Yaa ii Bixi - Adan Xashi Ceyroow - Oonyood KoolKat (Mukulaal Qaboow) Thank You for understanding it wasn't me. Count on you, as ever. Magaca laakiin inaga badal. Bisadaha iyo waxaan..... Buuxo Salaan qiimo leh yaan hawada kuu soo mariyey,Ugaaso. Layzie G. Waan kula socdaa. Yaad isugu dhiibaysaa? JB waa saaxiibkay. Hallow!hallow! ma i maqlaysaa? wareeg!wareeg! afar iyo afartan'ka u wareeg! USB,LSB, Hallow! Hallow!
  4. DP. Waxan double post'ga ah yaa idaba wada? Agaa!
  5. War anagaa wax aragnay. I believe the blacks are more racist than the whites. Ninkani waa madow baa maryihii loo tuuray. Oo xitaa Nephtyhs ay odaygeedii inay iska fasaqdo ku dhawdahay! Then why blame if the whites simply vote white? I still can't understand. I think the whites are less racists.
  6. Originally posted by STOIC: ^^^^^Stunned and embarrassed at the above poster’s comments I think it is a good idea maybe to give him some itty bitty History lesson about the spirit and faith of people who sung “We Shall Overcome” in the streets of Alabama to the red clays of Georgia. I wish he knew as a black man (assuming he is Somali) that dawlada hoose qashinka ka qaada are the one’s that created the freedom and choice we experience today! It is this “lowlife’s” that overcame untold stories of courage and resilience in the face of Jim Crow era. Over and over again it is them "garbage collectors" that have fought back against any economic, legal and psychological effect Correct, but entirely irrelevant to my comment. The analogy was about cars, not people. If you extended it to Obama and his followers, that is your imagination. Bashi I see the buzzards are on watch to jump and eat my flesh at the earliest opportune moment. Anyway, Hillary Rodham Clinton isa pretty women. Stating that fact can in no way be construed to mean someone else isn't. And by the way, which race of mine are you talking about? I don't want to open another argument here, but I have never imagined myself as a Bantu (strictly speaking). Somali'sare Africans- and we have sizeable number of Bantus among the Somali's as well; but in terms of race, I think we are a product of afro-asian inter-marriages. Or a different race all togather. That doesn't imply we are superior to anybody. It is just a plain fact. Speaking of the Blacks in America I have experessed my opinion on those in the political arena currently. For instance, I liked Collin Powell. I am a fan of comedian Marc Lawrence. Nothing pleases me more than the mind-soothing melodies of the blacks from Louise Armstrong to Percy Sledge, from Marvin Gaye to Micheal Jackson. But, I hate people who try to cover up their own failings by blaming it on history. It is not correct to generalise, but most of dadka madow waxbaa si ka ah. That is what is politically so incorrect to say these days and will earn one the infamous title of a "racist". But, most non-blacks have that at heart. Whites'ka iyaga ayaa wanaagsan uma jeedo. All human races have the bad, the ugly,the good and the beautiful. I can go on for two pages if I start bellowing my prejudices against the Anglo-saxons for instances. So, duq Bashi, let us not trap one another on wordings of ideas. Self-hate? waryaa aniga haddii 10000000 times dib halaguu abuuro la yidhaa, waxaan ahay ee ah SOMALI waligay ma badaleen. That is why I hide my Ethiopian passport and go around telling everyone I am from Somalia (where I never lived).
  7. ^^mid buu rabaa Obama yaan la shaqeeyaa inuu ku harawsado. Ama reerihii buu rabaa in la yidhaa alaa war bal halkuu ina-Suubane marayo eega!
  8. Bffffffffffffffffffff! naa aamus bal. I think you must have read the ogayiis (disclaimer).
  9. ^ Protocol iyo Somali inay kala xanaaqaan miyaadan la socon. Of course, nowadays, there is a big improvement.
  10. ^ Misquoting the imposter. Whatever was said yesterday applies to the notice. And even when I go back and read what the fake A&T wrote yesterday, he didn't say he is quitting the general section. He said he will not post vulgar topics. Don't misqoute him. By the way, I know Abu-musmaar (from Awadaay- qat) makes mind work faster. It also creates phantom discussions.
  11. Waa hagaag Haneefah. Buuxo, raali galin qaado. Waan kula kaftamyay walaal. Aad iyo aad ayaad ugu mahadsan tahay soo dhaweynta. Adaa ugu horeeyay wax yidhaa bal horta soo dhawoow. Kuwa kale iyagoon biyo ba isiin bay igu bilaabeen waraysi.
  12. nin aan meela gaadhayn, haduu gaadhana Yuhuud dhexda ugali ayaa iga riday Billary farsamada ahayd. Islaanta meesha gaaladu ka aragtay anigu garan maaye qosolkeeda kaliya i deeqay; iyo haybada dadka ku hareeraysan. Siday wax u socoto Mc-Gacan armuu nagu soo caan bixiyaa. That old man is poison. Bush waa saleelo. Madowga oo dhan anigu waxaan ku nacay naag la yidhaa Jandayi Fraser iyo ta meesha keentay ee guumaysta ah. Very irresponsible women. Nin baa laga hayaa haduu gaadhi i jiidhi BMW ha noqdo. Ka dawlada hoose qashinka ka qaada haduu ku jidhaa u daran. Miyayna inkaar ahyen?
  13. ^^ bal sidaas ii shirqoolaysid fiiri. Ma waxaas nin ku hadlaad igu taqaaanay. I now formally add you to the list of suspects who hacked my ID yesterday. Wax sheegaaga kale iyo cilmi is waydaarsigu se ma xuma.
  14. The BBC and other western media are out to destroy Obama. I don't understand why. Not that I will shed tears for his demise. My dislike for him is public knowledge. But, the way they are jabbing at him, looking all too innocent, is annoying. Islaan madoow oo Kenya joogta ayaa la daba wadaa oo lagu bahdilayaa. Ayeydii eega soo uma eka xaalku. Iyadunna tu is hagaajisa ma aha oo kolba digaag iyo shinbiro kale iyadoo hadhuudh u daadin baa la soo sawiraa.
  15. Malika Loooooooooooooooooool@tending camels. JB don't understand what the colour of that pig was. He thinks it is a fib. Buuxo adigunna ma cadawgaad ii maqashay. waa la i shirqoolay shalay.
  16. Blame the old age, duqa. Ma Obama oo geel la jooga yaadan arag? Mise sawirka waxaad ka raadinaysaa post'ga u horeeya. Ka laga hadlayaa waa ka Ngonge soo dhajiyay.
  17. Originally posted by Intel: thats called bidhaansi Me... i still do it I heard the Italians mistook it for a salute. And said, "reer-barri Bravo, barkee, seembari Saluuto". For me, I always understood it is an indigenous coping strategy. Makeshift sunglasses.
  18. He is there. Not only him, but a class of young unkowns such as Ibrahim Afellay of PSV. I think you understand tournament makes players. Expect new stars to shine.
  19. ^^^^ I think I focus on the tactics of the teams more than I enjoy the running and the passing. When I was a player (not too long ago) our coach was loquacious and will go on and on on the merits and limitations of system formations: 4-3-3, 3-5-2, and the ubiquitous 4-4-2. It is the quality of the players you have that has to dictate which system you pick, but unfortunately that Xabshi coach (maqaful as ever, used to play whichever he wanted. By the way, I want to take a formal coaching training and one day become the national coach of Somalia. Insha-allah. I have an eye, I beleive, in picking raw talent. I don't like playes who have reached climax and are coming down.
  20. For no apparent reason, I thought you will be on my side at this difficult time. It looks you want to believe who posted all that hogwash was me. I add you to the growing list of enemies! No, no, that is all bluff. Adigu you sound like you are from the aristocracy, and I am advised not to be foolish enough to upset the nobility. Ugaaso, declare that you believe me in all this.
  21. Van Bronkhorst is. Van der vaart isn't. But You need experience and defensive minded players. Too often Holland's total fotball lacked that extra vigilance. As long as Van Bronkhorst can block the flow of pasing of the other team, he is ok. Not my choice, tough.
  22. A & T tips Holland for the cup. Romania to do well, and Portugal and Spain to disappoint. Northerner The player in the pciture is of course Marius Lacatus (the famous number 7). Look at the Holland midfield and attack: Midfield Wesley Sneider Rafaeal Van der Vaart Giovanne Van bronckhorst Three man attack Van pierse Van nisterlrooy Robben I think Van Basten has opeted for 4-3-3 formation. that suits teams that have good wing players (as Holland do) very well. It is 6 while attacking,7 while defending. The full backs must be good, and I think Oolijer is more than reliable. Bouma is the weak on the left. Back, between the posts, is the impregnable Edwin Van der Sar. A penalty specialist, to boot.
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ But of course. It's not only HAMAS that is against him now. I bet even the PLO is against him too. He did not only talk about the security of Israel being sacrosanct (which is understandable and acceptable to the PLO), he insisted on Jerusalem being the capital of the state of Israel. This one was always the contentious point in the dealings between the two sides. The man is not merely giving lip service here, he is fully committed to the Israeli cause. Heck, not even Mr Clinton was that forthcoming in her speech. Still, pass me the pompoms....go Obama, go.... Go Obama? even after you say he is committed to what he said? Maxaa muqadas kuu ah adiga markaa. Good I got you on this. Waryaa, ileen nooc kalaad tahay. Dan kama lihid arimaha Islaamka.
  24. ^Implying I wasn't fine yesterday, Ya Ma'laa'ika? I told you it wasn't me.