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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. This time it is women singing 'nin lagu seexoow ha seexan". ah, that bit is moving!
  2. watching Sheikh Sharif speaking to the event his supporters organised. Tarzan, Mohamed Dheere, Gheedi there. His speech occassionally intrupted by women chanting shirib! Seems the farmers are fired up! Only Ooba missing!
  3. Nomads, please watch Universal Tv's campaign today and tell me if our characterisation of UTV as a prostitute media outlet is not valid!!
  4. Sharif Xariif overestimated his political wit. Slept with Sakiin and paid the pay-phone that is Univesrsal TV to tip the scale. Apparently, this is backfiring. All the other candidates have now also organised another meeting and 125 MPs showed up. The Sharif event got 77 MPs. Now, all the other candidates agreed to vote for any one who stands against Sharif in the last roung. It looks Sharif is done. Good news! No Sharif, No Abdiweli. CHANGE!
  5. Istaaqfurullah! Abdiweli forgive me! Sheikh Sharif is so disgusting!
  6. Demilitrization is to send the troops to border outposts and not station them in major towns. When people are de-traumatized, then things can be put back if needed. Anyway, Iley started torture and killing not peace. If you don't know about that, you should. Because we are from the region, you should not base your judgement on speculation.
  7. especially now that the famed oil has turned out to be a mere saline water! Dadka ma aha waa Faroole iyo in yar oo dan shaqsi wadata oo rabta inay xukun gaar ah oo lacag ay ku heelaan raba. Dadka PL badankiisu waa Somali dhab ah!
  8. "If such elements are elected through unfair practices, Puntland State reserves the right to decide its own destiny, in accordance with provisions of the Puntland Constitution" Bring it on pirate-boys! Qabiilkasta marka sad bursiga laga diido waan hanjabyaa buu ku lug'goay. Bal PL ta destiny'geeda ka tashada aan aragnee go ahead. Rather should have said "Garow iyo I-Mohamudd" baa destiny'gooda ka tashan doona! useless. Galkacyo iyo Bossaso toona ma xukumo markaasu rabaa inuu hanjabo. By the way, if PL wants to a Federal State, it will one of 8-9 Federal states and will get its share accordingly. Shabelle State, Jubba State, Middle States, Khatumo State, Makhiir State, Awdal State, Hiiraan State, Bay and Bakool State etc etc. Meeshan waa la isku lu'gayaa! Now look at this clear attempt to blackmail the Election process!!! Who says the proces is fair or not fair? Who says so and so is acceptable and so is unacceptable? Bal ilaahay baan idinku dhaarshee kibirkaa eega!
  9. Shar'ma arke, that is not the most difficult point. There is an element of risk for both sides when it comes to operationalising any deal. They got to live with the risks but ultimately there got has to some level of goodwill and confidence-building that precede the implementation of the deal. Somalia, it was only you and those who think this war is a war of choice who are amazed by ONLF accepting peace. As you know, the gun is a means to peace not a goal by itself. So, today Ethiopia agreed to sit and discuss the grieviences of the Somalis in Ethiopia. Until now, they were refusing to do that. So, it is a progress regardless of its outcome. The second step is to agree on what to do about those grieviances. Definitely, no side won this war. So, there should be a compromise for no side can dicate its terms. But hopefully that compromise will make life better for the poor and oppressed people of the region. That is what matters!
  10. Adeer, the talks have started in an organized and very procedural way. Zack, the Ethio delegation got a shock of their life when the commander of the fighters inside the region Sulub Abdi Axmed sat just across the table as part of the ONLF delegation. Sulub is fluent in Amharic and I had lunch with him last week, was amazed by how young he looked given his age. The ethios intelligence who were part of the Ethio delgation could not belive their eyes : "O! is that Sulub? where is the big hair?" Afterall, they know him as he was their prisoner in Harar for sometime before he escaped!He is a brave man, having escaped from Ethiopian hands twice and still fighting inside. A former teacher, Sulub epitomizes the valour of those who did not waiver when the times were testing! Immensely proud by how the team conducted this round, but then the devil is in the details. If Ethiopia is geuine about peace in the region, there will be no problem. The ONLF is ready to be reasonable. If they want Ibrahim Dheere and Ma'ow kind of nonesense, they will not have it! Let the fire rage! I belive the Ethios are genuine too. Their real power-man in Addis, not Hailemariam, but another one I do not want to name, has met someone privately a week ago and the conclusion of the friend who saw the TPLF man is that he looked sincere. We don't care. We want things written on paper in the presence of third party. If the self-determination issue is shelved as part of the necessary compromise, The ONLF will insist on (1) complete political freedom within the agreed framework [to be agreed upon yet) (2) full demilitrization 3) clear protocols on resource sharing if the Ethiopians want to compromise. If they don't, ii biloow dhantadii "Ma wardheer taan jeclaaba, la wareegay wayaane!" It is that simple! We have no stomach for processes that can yield Iley and his ilk. The people will determine who rules them. Let the Tigres dictate to Somaliland and Puntland and whoever else wants to be dictated to, not to US!
  11. Must you belittle the comprehensive peace talks and the substantive political changes it will yield to 'unseating' an ignorant, and crazy puppet? Just wait!
  12. I am getting blood pressure everytime I see Abdiweli start abstract with "The current literature is silent on whether democracies are more fragile ". Which current literature? Is this guy possessed? Why not specify it? Obviously there is no one current literature on any given theme or subject matter? I second Carafat. General Duke must read the papers he is posting here. Or must look for the opinion of any other scholar around. If I had doubts on Abdiweli's academic quality, I don;t have any more doubts now. It is clear to me where he is. If Hodan let these pass through, I also want to read hers. Kala saara shaqsi nacayb ama jeceyl iyo objective critique of one's work. I find it hard morally to speak ill of a good academicians just because I don't like his politics. But here we are dealing with a bona fide fraud professor!
  13. ONE OF THE POOREST, CONTRADICTORY, AND SIMPLISTIC ECONOMIC ANALYSIS I HAVE EVER READ! My suspicions about this man's grit are validated. I am goin to write a one-page review of his article and share with you. But just look at the Abstract and the Conclusions (the econometrics models like all social research are a manipulated facility and yield the results of the selected date that one chased) and tell me if they make to you. basically, the Abstract is contradictory. I don't know the advisor who let this work pass, but he is either blind or plain criminal. What does it mean to say "the impact of political instability on economic growth is not conclusive"? Of course, it isn't. But how do you arrive at such conclusions? did he do a "with stability" Vs "instability" comparative analysis in the same country? No! if Somalia's economy grew 10% moe than that of Switzerland while facing political instability, how can one say the emperical evidence shows that the impact of political instability on growth is not as "recent(??how recent) or "current literature??(which literature?) says, where is the evidence that it is not? That is not presented in this paper. Abdiweli's point is that policy disturbances over some time have more impact on economci growth than political instability. I ask: and why is policy instability separated from political instability? If somalia has not government because of war, isn't that also a caused of policy instability? Really shallow analysis! But the worst is the conclusion. First of all, its presentation is wrong. He keeps on saying "this paper presents..." when this is a conclusion and he should have said "This paper presented or outlined ...." If we forgive him for this small lapse, the content is also hallow and not actually true. Look at it for yourself and tell me if it tells you anything. More on the paper later (I will look at the recent literature and the conventional growth models and what they say about the relationship between policy, politics and economic growth). "This paper elaborates upon the effect of political stability on economic growth using a novel approach. Unlike the literature on growth that emphasizes the turnover of decision makers, this paper focuses on the volatility of economic policies as the relevant indicator of stability. The literature on growth ignores the microeconomic instability associated with frequent changes of government policies. The empirical results of this paper indicate that the effect of political instability on economic growth is not conclusive. Most of the commonly used proxies for political instability have failed to explain growth differences across countries. The political instability indices have no significant effect on growth when a reasonable set of core variables is also included in the regression equation. The results also show that almost all of the policy uncertainty variables are significantly and negatively correlated with economic growth. However, the instability of economic policies has no significant impact on the accumulation of capital." Confusing and contradictory! cause and effect murdered! Conclusion: "This paper tested the relationship among political instability, policy uncertainty, and economic growth. The political instability variables failed to fully capture the uncertainties faced by individual investors. Most of the widely used measures of political instability such as coups, revolutions, and the like have failed to fully capture the effect of constantly changing policies on the perceptions of important economic agents. This paper presents the empirical results of the relationship between economic growth and several policy instability variables using appropriate econometric techniques. The results show that policy instability has a more dramatic and significant impact on growth than political instability. The empirical results also indicate that the impact of political instability on economic growth is not conclusive. None of the commonly used measures of political instability have any significant impact either on the composition or the amount of capital investment. Further research is needed to seek better measures and channels through which political instability affects economic growth. First of all, how can one gloss over as core an issue as the economic paradigm he is analyzing by simplying saying "current growth literature". There are lots of these literature and they all vary. Is he talking about Liberal economic paradigm on growth: hershmann, etc, or neo-liberals, or developmental state theories? This is the first thing he should have clarified, and but it is amateurish that cause and effect is thrown out when separating policy instability from political instability (war etc). This paper is fine from undergraduate student but from a graduate student , it is a DISASTER! I am honestly shocked by how poor this paper is! I said I will come with a full review!
  14. Generale, i pursued few links and all do not show the actual document. The best I went is one where I am requested to buy the article. If you have any of these papers, do you mind posting a PDF version please? Ok, Somalia, then GD, disregard this request.
  15. "The role of social institutions in rural livelihoods" Abtigiis (with john Grill) "The economics of sensuality in sex industry in Thailand" Abtigiis (with Cudbi Ahmed),,,,,, I don't want to be harsh on the man, but waxooga "WITH hebel" taa nagu yar badatay. Anyway, I am already inclined to give him higher marks on account of the list and honestly feel a bit guilty for besmirching him academically, but I just want to read one of his piece which i will do now.
  16. War I am struggling right now. Give me the links to the actual works just one of them. All I see is a CV and a list of publications. I don't hate that, but I still want to read one of his works to change my opinion on his academic grit. Still, bear in mind, I am not saying he is not educated. My problem is not his education but other things I said earlier. But just as I read farmajo's thesis and can now confidently speak about his academic comeptency, I want to read Abdiweli's.
  17. war raali ahow! Liiska aad meesha ku soo dhajisay waxaan Hodan Isse aheyn kuma arag! Maxaad ugu badinaysaa wuxuu qoray maad kuwiisa kaliya soo dhajisid? it is not sayind Abdiweli/Hodan. It is saying Hodan Isse. Anyone inta yar ee isaga u gaarka ah hadaan isha marin. It is good his field is economics, so that you don't say i have no competency to judge him.
  18. Somalia;865423 wrote: Here are dozens of cited economic publications by him, and some with his wife who also holds a position of assistant professor at a US university. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/67067-Cited-Economic-Publications-of-Dr-Abdiweli-Mohamed-and-Dr-Hodan-Isse can we talk about him for once without Dr. Hodan coming as suffix or prefix! :D War ileen tan oo kalay. Ok, give me few hours and I will see the one's he PURPORTS to write, because we can never be sure given his overreliance on the wife. This time, we will take his words. I will read it this afternoon and come back with my unbiased feedback.
  19. Fogret about me. Just because we are talking about a public figure does not mean we also have to talk about me. It is Abdiweli who is on the spotlight and you cannot deflect attention from his weaknesses by pointing at the alleged weaknesses of someone else. If Waagaciusb, Dayniile, Me, Aminarts, Abwaan and many others are raising questions on him, and you, Somalia and puntlandi.com are the only people defending him, is that not an indictment of his enclave political personality? lol, I think you are the Somali Romney, reckless with facts. Abdiweli is more robust academically than Samatar? What has written? Care to share? The guy is dumb academically and has to rely on his wife for completing a thesis! By the way, I probably earn more than him now that you are comparing us. I am not counting money stolen from the people.
  20. My problem with Abdiweli is not personal. It is not driven by clan animosity, personal hate, or self-inetest. I genuinely believe he is not the right man because in him I see a man who is corrupt, nepotistic and divisive. All that is fatal for Somalia. On the wife, i saw her once. She looks a dignified and intelligent person. You can see the bruises on her shoulders on which she has been carrying the heavy weight of Abdiweli with his sagging belly for long long time. And I think she needs to rest. The last thing I want for her is to keep on carrying this misfit politically, as if all the pain of carrying him academically is not enough. This is about emanucipating a sister too. Abdiweli offers nothing beyond assembling friends and relying on personal loyalties to move his political agenda. On the contrary, Professor Samater has identified the core of Somalia's predatory politics as absence of political doctrines and party policy lines. Since he transformed his political activism into strategic politics, he is making a progress and this election is just a small phase in the future Hill-Qaran wants to see. still, he has done tremendously well in connecting the HQ ideas to the masses. As a party that champions ideas that do not conform to the dominanat clan framework of the day, it is entirely expected it will be accused of being an elitist. It is an eleitis because only an intellectual elite have the capacity to absorb its ideas of no-qabill. The next challenge is connecting with the masses and tricking its vision down to the people. That is happeing. Prof Samatar is not issuing promising all sides and urging his wife to hold dinners to anyone that is relevant just to get something. Ngonge, on your question, because I think in Abdiweli we are dealing with an exception and not the rule. :D it is still possible some wear the trouser, but very few men hide behind skirts politically in Somalia, so logically, it is possible but not probable.
  21. NG, I am a geeljire through and through and I want it that way. I do not have to look urbane and modern like Mooge and the other overzelous kids here, proving their match validity to SOL girls. Or to fit the hegemonic liberal social ideas of the day. Nor I am someone who doesn't like oppossing ideas. For instance, I know General Duke is a damaged good intellectually speaking, but I still enjoy his political commentaries. Now he says Abdiwali's wife is an asset to the team. We don't doubt that. We just think she is promoting an empty husband who has come this far on her shoulders. If she is running, I will vote for her. Tillamock, arintaa kor uga bax. It is not an insult. Shame on GD for bringing this into this talk, but still it is not an insult. If my wife is not politically active, it is because I am and her ideas complement mine. The reverse is true in Abdiweli's case. His wife is running the country as PM and his ideas (assuming he has any except going to Lido and playing with the sand) are complementing that of his wife. We can't elect a man who cannot run the country if the wife dies.
  22. The foolish mooge and the rest of sentimental folks parading as modern men should know it is not Juxa who is being invited for dinner. Also even Juxa would probably vote for what her husband believes in. Again, call it shameful, call it male chauvinism, but it is the truth. Yes, the bed matters and is where big policies are shaped, for men or women alike, as unseemly as it seems. NG, salaadii jimcahaa taagan oon ku sii ordayaaye, infact Abdiweli's case we can say the wife is the PM. In terms of co-writing his academic papers, i think it is because he is poor academically. I belive she is the Dr. of Economics, but he took the title through her work. Explains the gap between his papers and his practical knowledge.
  23. NG, salaam saxiib. Longtime,hedde sidaa ma aha saaxiibtinamu ee aan soo wada xidhiidhno. I was giving just an example. I know Abdiweli is power-hungry and throwing promises everywhere and this woment thing is just that. But even if he is serious, I don't think talking to these women really matters in the current somali politics. Haweenka raggii qabay will debrief them right after the dinner and give them a stark choice: choose between Abdiweli's dinner or my warm embrace! :D I think most women will take the latter.
  24. Ilka-dahable;865313 wrote: lol marka abtigiisa this is they vote and they have rights to decide who they give waana fiicantahay in dumarka codkooda aan la dheelsan mise waxaa leedahay cod dumar kuu hayo ha xisaabsan Ilka-gold, this is neither a normative analysis nor a moral discussion. I want women to have voice and even become president. But on the dinner posted here, my assertion that the women MPs will consult their husbands is accurate. This is the reality. Forexample, if my wife Cudbi votes for PM Abdiweli, she knows she will have to look for another husband minutes after the end of the election.
  25. Fool! haweenka uu leeyahay i doorta raggii qabay xagay joogaan? Why not invite the husbands (who like any other somali come from clans) instead of these poor women? War lacagta ha iska dhameeyn yaa yidhaa.