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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. [i Have decided to post these two short poems whereverI see the name Shariif.] I am not sure if my moratorium till negotations end should still be valid; but out of respect to XIIN, I am not ready to apply these lines to either of them. But I want him to reflect on it. This is also posted on another thread. Shariif yahow Shar yahow Shoolad yahay baasi Shaydaan la moodyahow Jinn yahow Shaadhka loo galiyay But someone I asked how one of the Shariif is doing in Djibouti sent this message from Djibouti: Shariifkii dar loo liilyay yuu dacalka haystaaye Danna kama laheyin ruux kalooy daranyo haysaayee Dibin daabyaddaa iyo ka weyn daartii Xoogsada'e Dibna uguma laabmeyn dalkii doog haduu baxana P.S. Both of these short poems are not mine. The man who composed it for an enitrely different matter is called SURWAAL (trouser). He is from my hometown.
  2. There is nothing called courts. Brofossore adiguna ha ina sii qaybin. Don't play into the hands of the man whose loyalty lies to his name: HUNGURI. They are members of the Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia (ARS.
  3. When I ‘descended’ (Waagaan Soo Dagay) Too much Diaspora coming down to visit their villages too often these days! That is pathetic. They sullied the importance of Dibada, and soo dagid. It is always in my mind, the first time I ‘descended’. Habar-yar Ceebla whistled the Mash-xarad ilililil, and if I remember correctly, someone broke eggs next to my leg as I walked. To protect me from bad spirits. I carried a very big bag full of hadiyad for ehelka and qaraabada. Habo’s friends chanted something that still sears in my sub-conscience. I don’t recall properly but was it “ Wuu soo dago, waa wiilkayagii”?. Most probably, something in that line. And like a chief who arrived back to his turf after a long absence, people lined up to greet and have a glimpse of me. Saafi, inaabtiday, was so proud of her role. She brought one young boy and young girl after another; introducing them to me. "Kan miyaad garan, waa ina Jirde. This girl is my dear friend. Waanu isku dheernahay. Her name is Malyuun. Ilaw iyo ilawba inaabtiga ituss bay I tidhi". But those are not the ones I remember very vividly. I remember eeddo Koraad’s more useful introductions to the children of the reerka. “Kaalay Bashiiroow”, she would beckon for him to stand near me. And then the interrogations start. “ Car bal garo waa ina ayo?” as a clue I am told, “ bal yuu u eg yahay?”. After I fail, she would chuckle and affectionately pat me at the shoulders, and would tell me who he is, and waxaanu isu nahay. If he/she was a kid who played with me intaana badda talaabin, she will give me good remarks to revive my memory. “Bil amaara, waa kii aad maalinkii ceelka ku riday ee ilaahay uun bixiyay! Bal intuu la’eg yahay day manta! Car garo?”. With the benefit of hindsight,nowadays I wonder if that was supposed to be ‘in dad la isbaro’ or reminding the young man of ‘dakannoyin horeeyey’. The worst was when she commented, “Soo ma ogid Qorane in uu wali lugtaad ku dhufatay ka dhutiyo”. Qorane was standing there smiling. And the small town will talk about me. “Ina Dhegga-cadde yaa soo dagay”. Pretty girls will do their utmost to befriend my sisters. I even heard that week, my younger sister Nuura reconciled with a girl she hadn’t spoken for a year. That week, my sister was busy delivering white and blue checkered envelopes to me. Not that there is anything particularly so amusing or attracting about me. But it is my status. Remember, I just descended. And if someone is lucky [a girl], she can ascend soon. But I liked the male enchanter’s talk, above all. They talked about me. How great I was as a boy. Some swear that they saw my present day glory coming, long time ago. Others prophesize about the great reaches I am to attain tomorrow. For example, Cabdi Haybe said that he saw me and him in a dream. “ Inagoo meel qurux badan fadhinna, oo all the people saying ‘who is the man dressed in all white, standing on top of the rotunda. Look at his grace and valour.’" Cabdi Haybe is adamant I was that man. Waving to crowds of adoring rer-Hawd. He didn’t tell me what my particular achievement was. I assume I was some kind of celebrity, or a king or perhaps a warrior. I don’t know. But he is sure. He said he heard people saying my name: “ku salaannay Saxaroow”. That must be the short of my full name: Saxardiid. Speaking of dreams, I had mine too. Cabdi Haybe wasn't in it. But Maxamuud Tulux was. I recall we were killed by Xabashi army, who accused us of beloning to a clandestine organisation. We were hanged. At the burial ceremony, As my body was lowered to the grave, I was astonsihed to learn Maxamuud was actually alive. He was saying "Haadaa xaqqullah, Xaqu Daa'imu laah" along with the rest. And someone in the crowd was whispering to another, telling why Maxamuud escaped death. The two men were talking behind him. I overheard their discussion. And I knew what he has done to me. He was only arrested to give the false sense he is a suspect. Isagaa ileen i jaajuusay, I knew that while under the soil. I also knew who cried for me and who didn't. I like the absuridty of death in dreams, and in the morining-alive and kicking, I confronted all. "Waan kala bartay dadka". But the old men, Aabo and Adeero, always delivered the last but most serious sermon at night. “ Sidaad moodi wadanku ma’aha. These people who are smiling for you at day are enemies. Iska ilaali. You must be careful of everybody. Don’t give them any money. Xoolo la baytimaaliyo ma hayno. Rer-Hebel nin bay inaga dileen. Agtooda ha marin. Kii xumaa ee luqunta dhuubnaa, Adan dheere, was saying he wants to invite you. We are not sure what his intentions are. You know, he is Midgaan. Don’t eat anything from his house.” The first few years, I listened to them. The next years, I challenged and disobeyed their orders. Can I afford not to be with Shamsuddin? Ah! There is no one like him. But they call him Midgaan. This misanthropic society of mine! They are all sinners. Apologies. I glided to a different didactic subject. Back to the ‘descending’ ritual. My old friends will come and I will show them the Album. It is always the Album first. “Meeshan miyaad garan, Margret Tatcher baa lagu aroosay”. I show them all the buldings and the 'assumed' life they missed. The envy in their eyes! Ilka-cadoowo -that is the nasty epithet they gave to Wali-yare,he will demand my T-shirt and sunglasses. “Adigu xagaa ka iibsoo oo kuwan iiga tag”. Sometimes, I refuse; but mostly I give him. He is a nice chap. Always willing to get me some cigarettes when I am badly in need. “ Royal cadde unbaa yaal, maad rabtaa?” he asked me one day. I was so sorry for him to have walked for over a kilometer to ascertain my preference. He could have grabbed anything around.
  4. Now you know the end, what do you think. Would you have reacted any differently to how Ina-gadhyare behaved? Nuune dadka ha u aamusine u sheeg dee adaa Moderator ahe! Waxaan u maleyn in aad la iiga dacwooday oo Admin'ku xoog i saarayo. xuruuftaydii waa lagu dhexdacayaa uun!!
  5. Emperor aniga meeshaan ku jiro Dab**********f iima sheegayo. walaalayaal waxaan idin lee yahay....(qudbad) Xabashi wadankeedii ha ku noqoto misanthrope miyaa??
  6. Nuune PM iisoo ***. anigu ma diri aqaane. urgent. Meesha tirtiran qabiil buu u qaatay. Send oo af-soomali ah weeye. D-R. The middle letter is I.
  7. Taas anigu ma arag; laakiin I don't think it is to do with love. Waxaa laga yaaba inuu Abu-musbaar ku tagay oo uu aad u mirqaansanaa. Mirqaan sheekadii hadaan bilawno, SOL inaguma fillee la soco. By the way, where the story occured is not in Mundul. Diredabe is a big city; and the aroos was well-organised. What do you think between central Diredabe and Muqdisho, midkee qurux badan Nuune! Now, it has changed a lot better of course. It is certainly a higher class to Hargeisa,I know. NUUNE PM iisoo ***. anigu ma diri aqaane. urgent.
  8. You have no idea what can happen before dhidid and the things you talk about. The other side of the story is how I came to know about it. Me, Ina gadhyare and this youngman from reerihii were dinning in this restuarant in Diredawa. And the discussion turned to " war maad gabadh reer Diri dhabe ah meeshan intaad iskaga guursatid aad halkan iska dagtid". Iyo, Ina-gadhayre oo la soo booday war maxaad u waalaysaa wiilka. I was the one who was suggesting the boy to marry. And then he followed it up, adeer dadkan isku dhaqan ma nihin'e yuuna ku waalin. Orod oo reerihii ka soo kaxayso. I argued against that, saying he is discriminatory. It was at that point that he told us the story; in part to intimidate the boy. I found it funny and weired.
  9. Iskaashatadda Iskaa wax-u-qabso ee degmada Kombolcha ayaa maanta hanjabaad adag u diray Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Ronald Reagan, kaas ooy ku eedeeyeen in uu faraha kula jiro arimaha wadanka Itoobiya. Gudoomiyaha Iskaashatada Ibrahim Yuya oo u waramay Laanta Af-Oromada ee Idaacadda Ethiopia ayaa sheegay in Iskaashataduu ay gabagabo marinayso qorshihii looga hortagi lahaa isku-day kasta oo ka yimaada Imbiraadooriyadda Caalamiga (International Imperialism) ah ee Maraykanka; iyagoo tababar soconayey saddex cisho loogu soo xiidhay banaan ku yaala beer uu gudoomiyuhu leeyahay ilaa 46 beeraleey ah oo duruusta Marxism-Lenisism lagu siiyay. Sidoo kale waxaa tababartayaasha oo qiiro wadaninimo ka muuqatay loo qaybiyay 300 oo Xagaaf iyo manjooyin oo loogu tala galay in ay difaac adag ka galaan beerahooda. Mid ka mid ah dadkii la tababaray oo aan waydiinay in uu ka cabsi qabo hubka iyo diyaaradaha casrigaha ah ee Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in niyad adag ay ka muhiimsan tahay hub kasta; isagoo intaa raaciyay " Miig baad sheegiyee maraakiib haday soo qaataana, koob shaaha nagama wadayaan. Waayo Xagaafyada nadaas ayaanu dabada u qaban. Warkii waa naga intaa. Galatooma( Af-Oromo: Have a good day). The Moral of the story: Muxuu yahay Kipligat. Waa beeralayadda hanjabaysa oo kale.Maxaan u soo joognay the irrelevant trying to be relevant!
  10. Nuune Good question. isku dhidid la islama gaadhinba. Waa la casheeyay, si fiican baa loo kaftamay, and the bombshell happened as they barely begun playing. After that man divorced the girl, she can swear she hasn't slept with a man. Micnaha la ima taaban waligay haday tidhaa waa runteed.
  11. I can understand the anger of Zakariye; but I think his language is too strong. But those sheepish Shariif's are not doing any good. They advertised their difference when they actually had no basic difference with the team in Asmara. They only wanted to talk because they felt not talking would have been a disrespect to their host-President Ismail Omar Gelle. That was not a mistake, but they shouldn't have attacked (one of them) Eritrea. I know that is the only country that can offer them protection markuu xaalku adkaado. Anyway, I am not sure if my moratorium till negotations end should still be valid; but out of respect to XIIN, I am not ready to apply these lines to either of them. Shariif yahow Shar yahow Shoolad yahay baasi Shaydaan la moodyahow Jinn yahow Shaadhka loo galiyay But someone I asked how one of the Shariif is doing in Djibouti sent this message from Djibouti: Shariifkii dar loo liilyay yuu dacalka haystaaye Danna kama laheyin ruux kalooy daranyo haysaayee Dibin daabyaddaa iyo ka weyn daartii Xoogsada'e Dibna uguma laabmeyn dalkii doog haduu baxana P.S. Both of these short poems are not mine. The man who composed it for an enitrely different matter is called SURWAAL (trouser). He is from my hometown.
  12. Please read Daahir-Xanan (one name) and not as two. Give due acknowledgent to the school boy who helps him write the letter. See Qore: Cabdi yare. Emperor thanks saaxiib. Good my name is not always horrifying to see for you.
  13. Thanks Xiin and Nepthys. Faarax Brawn: that line is added to give you a point. It wasn't an arranged marriage and the two lovers agreed on their own. So, that rules out any surprises. Macna ninkan saa ma moodayn thing. To All Solers We all is done and busted and your couriosity is satisfied, it is me who will leave the consequences. Sheegta hadda aad leedihiin ima wadayso. But, in respect to all people who must know what happened, I offer this deal. You vote for one person who will get it from me, and then give feedback to Solers. He can decide the language to describe the 'indescribable'. I propose Xiin or Baashi or Nephthys. You choose and let me know. Nepythys, adigu tol ma tihid. Intaad tidhi car baa waa cidda kula hadasha yaad hadana kolkay igu bilaabatay waxba ii qaban wayday. Ibtisam must have grown in meel dadku dhagax faraqa ku wato oo shiidka hadhka la iskaga dhigo. Notwithstanding, I have high respect for her and she must agree give the green light to the selected individual before he breaks the last lines.
  14. Tixdan waa Xaal iyo Xurmeyn ku socota IBTISAAM! Ibtisaam waa Xabadkayga Marna waa Xirsigayga Kolkuu Xaalku xumaado Iyadaan u xigtaayoo Xaqqa sheeg ku idhaa Ee haday Xaajo Xumaatay Oo Xaalxaal meel iga tuuray Ha xajiimoonin walaaloo Xiinku yuun ku fogayne Intaad Xaajada eegto Xumihiina Xassayso Xagga aad iga joogto Xantu yayna ka yeedhin Haddaan manta Xummaaday Barri baan Xarragoonee Ku xisaabtan midaaso Xishoodayka ku diirso Koley wuu ku hadhayne Xuruuftaa meesha ku taala Xurmayn iiga gudoon Xiin: Wa kaas gabaygiiye qaado arrintu way xun tahaye xal keen. Nephtys & Ngonge: I decided to gamble and if the reaction was not so harsh, then go all the way. Now, there is no hope.
  15. ^^^ war iyagu ima shuufine adaa ishuufaye, hawasha sax; aniga sidii oday ka yaabalay nin gabadhiisa raba, orod gabadha soo wada hadla ha i odhane. Siddii Maxamed Adan Dacar baan leeyahay: Adaa igu diraaye waar hoooooyy Intaynaan is dilin, dakhar dhigle dicin War hooooooooooy
  16. Wife beaters amaze me. Mostly it is because they feel they are not wanted. May meel kale aayar iska taqaan. It is walaahi disgusting. By the way, you can't tell a wife beater by his looks. Like serial killers, it is usually the most serene guy you sit beside in coffee shop cracking jokes. Some of my experiences are horrifying.
  17. ^^ If I had the slightest doubt someone can even imagine where the story would end- that is what happened, I wouldn't have bothered to post it. Some are suggesting bad breath, others one of them not clean (nasty things), others weired things. But this thing is so unique that I was afraid I will die without telling. I know some are thinking I might just wanted to keep people on suspense (for attention purpose); laakiin walaahi bilaahi hadaan sheego in lagu kala kici; oo Bashi 3 cisho aanad qosol iyo yaab la soo jeedayn. Walaahi baan ku idhi. Qof maqlay ku yar iyo ku weyn oon YAAAAAA??/ odhan lama hayo.
  18. Xiin Waa ashkato. Xagii iyada aheyd way igaga socotaa xabadii. Dee adigaa PM iyo intaad baalyo hoosta ka dirto dabka shidayee, waan is ognahee, ka daaya deh. Reer bari munaafaqadii waan ka barmoosay.
  19. ^^^^waryaada Xiin iyo Bashi xageed igu wadaan. Awoowgiin la gub. Anagu waa horaan aragnee, kaalaya dadoow nala arkaad wadaan! Waad idin fahmay. Sheeko dhab ah weeye. To assume I am fabricating all this is to give me undeserved credit for creativity I don't posssess. Ibtisam hala igala hadlo. Idinku meesha ka odoayeeya oo xaal iiga geeya. Xaalku ma fiicna. And frankly, she has a POINT. Bal maan siyaasadaydii isaka dhex boodo??
  20. Cabdiqasim Salat Xassen is a human being. He might have his own weaknesses. But by the standards of somali politicians, he is an angel. He is a wise man and a religious fellow. Certainly, a nationalist.
  21. Ibtisam Ka daa dee adigunna. Waa sidee, ma dadka markay xanaaqaan aan waxba la hadhin baad tahay. I might have gone out of the way, but give me a chance. Come on, you know I am not so low. I can be rehabilitated. Ngonge It is not me who talks about women's bodies in great detail, mocking some creations; and gets away with it. Ahh!the advantages of incumbancy!!!
  22. Ibtisam Now you are getting too far. You don't even know what the couple fought over. What is wrong with sharing stories that are deemed either weired or funny or whatever. The point: entertainment and suspense. That said, I understand where you are coming from. And will always be the first to uphold high mores and norms. I don't think I have compromised that here. Nothing in this story could be deemed vulgar. Nothing. As to what people imagine, well, as you said it is in everybody's head. Nepthys It is what she said. Not about her body. And I said I am not going to tell it here in any case. So, why do people shout. Ma inaan sheegay ka baqayaan. Waa mental exercise. Xiin anigu laakiin waligay ma qayilin. Anyway, meeshaan ka imid is in my signature. I mean originally.
  23. Xiin adeer, maxaan bi'iyay? wax xun miyaan thread'kan ku qoray. Xageed ka timid? Diri dhabe. Ibtisam you are not even close. I am sure. Hygiene is good clue, but not in the way you think.
  24. ^ No. She is a girl. No weird things. Perfect.
  25. Ina Gadhyare was a long time friend of mine. The age difference of 15 or so years hardly affected our relationship. We seem to understand very well. And boy! what a story teller he is. Mostly from his own experiences. This one happened in 1982 in Dire dawa. Ina Gadhyare's friend married this girl from the Diredabe. The whole day they spent preparing for the night. They went to a barber shop, bought Macawis iyo Shaal; and lots of Garamo and underwear. Then, the friend bought Topaz blades to do the ultimate cleanings. Except the chin and that on the head, there will have to be no hair in his body when the moment of truth arrives, he vowed. He took a nice bath from three buckets and went to the ceremony. The bride really liked the man, and has gone to a saloon early in the morning. Xinne, hairwork and all other formalities were completed. Labadii hodmee hoy wada galee was sung in uproar and after a goat was killed and the copule were asked to step over it, they went inside. A while after, someone shouted aroos lagamana raago,lagumana raago. People departed. Including the minxiis- Ina Gadhyare. In the morning,after giving the new couples ample time to recover from the hand-bending and stretchings; the Minxiis went to their house to 'assess the damage' and to share the joy. He was in for the shock of his life. He saw gabadhii oo kab haysata oo indhuhu cas yihiin (hurling insults and vowing to break the skull of the man) and the red-eyed groom oo garan xidhan (xalay oo dhanna soo jeeday) saying warqadaada haddaan ku siin, ciyaala suuqad yahay. Ina Gadhyare unable to stop the faracass, finally managed to take the man out for a bit of faq (consultation) to ask why he is behaving that way. The man uttered this words, " waligay intaan aduun ku noolaa waxay naagtaasi ku hadashay sheeko iyo shaahid midna kuma maqal!". Ina Gadhyare: war ma wax hadal ah unbaa mise dhib kalaa jira Caruus: wax kalaa dhaami lahaa Ina Gadhyare: Gabadh ma aha miyaad lee dahay mise wax kalaa jira? Caruus: war Gabadhnimo iyo waxaas ma nin daneeeyaad igu ogeyd? waxaasi waa sahalo Ina Gadhyare: is this thing about a talk or about her body Caruus: Not about her body. Then He glanced sideways to ensure no one is listening. He then caught the man's neck; and whispered what the girl said last night into his ears. Ina-Gadhyare: (Mouth wide open with disbelief), held his hands on his head and then on his mouth. He then took the hand of the caruus and said, "Let us rush fast from this place". Caruus: Shall I go back to the house to take my shirt? Ina-Gadhyare: Shaad iyo waxaas ma haleelaynee, ina eri. "Inaa lilaah wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun". war ina eri. Now, what do you think caused the fight? Ina Gadhyare told me, but I will not reveal it in million years! What could it be? It is for your imagination. I know if I say it here, I will be banned immediately or some will demand me be stonned to death!