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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^^Maxaad la qaylyi maad soo codsatid sidoo kale.
  2. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: This is a propaganda campaign intended to challenge General Ilkajiir's run for presidency in Puntland. The Inan-Gumeeds have to resort to false reporting and lies through their convenient channel Reuters, which has an office in Hargeesa. Inan-Gummeed aa???????????? Who are they? At the dawn of 21st Century miyaad sheekadaa aaminsan tahay? waan iska sii socon anigu, for today. This is too much nonesense.
  3. Yaa Allahu baan ku gartay inuu Somali yahay. Ninku madoobaa! But, I liked his dream. It is a good dream of Somali nation Renaissance. Pity such a great guy is hiding under the face of an old pethethic whiteman.
  4. Key words: -Eritrea sidii looga rarri lahaa ARS nagala shaqeeya -Daqaale aanu Indhacadde iyo kula hadalo nasiiya What a trash way of presenting a position. A non-starter! How can you table your interal weaknesses in a negotiation as big as that one. Display of high level immaturity. Yet agian, I wonder why the negotations falied. The request from this men was too benign. Someone wanted it not to succeed. And broke No.4. I said that will happen. XINN, I now challenge you: Do you think peace is acheiveable as long as Ethiopia is involved? If you say yes, then I am shifting my suspicion's about you being too pessimist to beig a hypocrat!!!
  5. I take the risk again: POLAND to draw with Germany or beat them. They were on top of the group that contained Portugal. I have a bit of sympathy for the underdogs always. That might affect my Judgement sometimes. But i certainly rule our Portugal after what I saw last night. The midfield is world class but xagga hore iyo xagga danbe is zero. This team reminds one of the 1982 BRAZIL. Remember the talent and where they ended up!
  6. For the old guards: Who can understand XASSEN DIIRIYE and his IIMA YAX-YAXDOOsong, here. Sometimes, I think I have a young body with an old soul inside. Waxan unbaan ka helaa. Jacayl aan Yareeyni Iyahoonsayoo Yeela igu xidhyoo Yufluu ila tagee Kufayooday eradoo Yulqamoo cidlaan Yuun qudha intaa Aan ka Yoohayaa Middaan Yu'anayanaa Iima Yaxyaxdoo Waa yeelkadaa Ayey igu tidhaahdaa Yuraye dadyoow Ya hore u yiqiin Yaana dhihi jiroo Yabaq yaan Idhaa?? * * * Isyeelyeeli Maayee Afkiiyo ilkihii Yaxaas Igu yalamsayoo Mana Yibil baxoo Waan yaabanoo Yoolkiibaa intaa Ayuu iigu yimid Middaan Yu'anayanaa Iima Yaxyaxdoo Waa yeelkadaa Ayey igu tidhaahdaa Yuraye dadyoow Ya hore u yiqiin Yaana dhihi jiroo Yabaq yaan Idhaa?? MMA Heeso is not your forte from what I see here. You mention Magool and skip," Isna ilam daryeelo, anna kama danbeeyo" song???? I think it is by far one of its best! I think Sulfa's best is " Dareenkaa Lahaaw'e"
  7. Abdullahi Yusuf in Place of Hillary: The exit Speech Humour me as we go into this imagination. Abdullahi Yusuf runs a race for nomination of the Progressive Party’s (PP) candidate for Somalia’s Presidency in 2013. The other candidate is Professor Abdi Ismail Samatar. Nearly 26890 tol, jilib and kuraan voted for Yey. But he was defeated by the charismatic Professor who garnered nearly 6 million votes of the PP supporters. The campign has to end now and Yey should make his congratulations and endorse the consensus candidate. And he is just doing that. In garoon ku yaal Hadhuudhle, in front of cheering die-hard followers. As he came in to the garoon, cheers and chants started: “Abdullahi!Abdullahi!Abdullahi! ma nin warqad wax laga qaaday kugu ogaayeen!!wayna ku aqoonba!waa la isku lug’gui’!!" The supports voice got hysterical as the old President took out a pistol and fired into the air, dhaw!dhaw!dhaw!. It was a demonstration of the courage inside that frail body, and was fitting for the occasion. Finally, he managed to deliver his speech. “Adeerayaal, wax xisbi la yidhaa majiro; That is all big farce. Meeshu waa reer reer. He who thinks he will get an endorsement from me must be dreaming in the heavens. Ninkaa la leeyahay he got votes, it is wise if he can tender his papers elsewhere. I was on top of Ethiopian tanks, guiding artillery when he was sitting in boring libraries sifting through tissues of papers. For what does he calls himself aqoonyahan? Aqooontuu sheegi what is it? He can’t even decipher what Hal-xidhaale is. He doesn’t know inta jilib ee reer Maachiato u kala baxaan! Bal let him tell me: Habar Cali, iyo Habar Ayuub yaa Rer-Shugri Xigga??” “Adeerayaal, waa arkaa shirqool in meesha uu ka socdo. And I am not taking it lightly. Look at your power and your passion. Over 26,000 people have voted for me. Some say 12,000 of those are former warlords and few Ethiopians who sneaked across the border. Who said the warlords are not Somali’s? If at all, they are the relics that must be respected for their gallantry. Ethiopia as usual is our friend. Some sneakers waa sahalo ee, I will bring their army if this bespectacled reer-waqooyi, who is shouting in the language of the white-man doesn’t budge.” “Beentii weeye, no one has voted for him. Money from the narcotic trade in Afganistan and the Pharoas in Egypt is what is causing the havoc in our country. And he has the balls to ask me for endorsement, lest our Party 'will disintegrate'. I will not endorse him, hear me loud. I send him an INKAAR. And he cannot set a foot in Hadhuudhle and its surroundings. Those who voted for him iyagaa garan where they are going to crown him. I will attack wherever a party is planned for his coronation.” The crowd roared and gave a long standing ovation in appreciation of the gut and determination in the man. One fanatic supporter read a short poem from a stone podium amid the pandemonium and clutter. It was not all clear but the title of the Gabay was “Cabdullahigii Shilkaha Sheekha ka dhigtoow”. Abdullahi waved back at the crowds, deeply grateful for their unending belief in him. And there, he converged with Hillary’s message at last. She said it is you last night to her supporters. He said so too. “It is you. Jilibkayga iyo kuraantayda. It is you who stood by me in woe and weal. It is you who were there in high and huge times. It is the gun that kept me going. I can never imagine what this country –Somalia- would have looked without you. Maybe a hotbed of Alshabab Madrasas, everyone going to the mosque, no one allowed to kill another. Imagine a lifeless country where the Saraakiil can’t have they girls at night, where the ninka masuulkii can’t return all the favours he owes his tol. I can say a lot, but let me end here for now. Thank you, adeer. To the man who sought my endorsement, I say, ‘waa shiddaysan tahay adeer. Orodoo BBC’daadii ka hees hees.’” And he left; soo dhaqaaqa he told his security men. Looking sternly at Dayib-dhuub, the marksman with BKM Machin-gun. “Madaxa ku dhufo wixii aad ka shakiddo. All these chanting kids could turn a suicide bomber at anytime”.
  8. Portugal's play is predictable. The defence is suspect. If other teams stop Ronaldo and Simao, they are out of rhtym. It is easy to score against them. But I have to say they brought new dynamic guys this time. Bosvinga(??) in the right back and Jao (No.10) look promising. Still too much touch on the ball.
  9. I second the writer that the Prof. has a weird way of expressing his feelings. He is very sympathetic to our cause in Somaligalbeed, but that shouldn't blind me to the fact that at his level, more objectivity is required. I admire his spirits though. And I think he analyse things from purely anthropological perspective. That is not always correct. Somaliland ninkii wax ka sheeganna aniga waanu is dili. Maxaa laga rabaa????
  10. Turkey should blame its low self-belief. Portugal was suspect in defence. They should have attacked. Portugal's attack is blunt. They rely on the midfields. Early in the second half, when Fatih Terim closed down the flanks with 4-5-1 formation, Portugal were running out of ideas. I still believe Portugal won't win this cup. But you should know I predicted Portugal and Turkey will qualify from this group. Looking at the Czech's, I might have underratd them. They brought new good guys. Anyway, all of us will be wrong on predictions. That doesn't prove anything. Ngonge just be bold enough to predict something. Markay ciyaartu dhamaato, waan sheegay ha odhan. I can do that as well.
  11. ^^ very wide off-the mark. I will post tomorrow. I left my notes home. The remaining part of the story is about a quarter of a page. Mind you. it is people who started imagining the worst obscene scenario. Not me. The thing is more funny than nasty.
  12. Lazie G. This wasn't a serious shot at storytelling. Just did that for fun. Your point is well taken. "I" is good for introspection and expressing internal monologues. An omnipresent "he/she" (third person narrative) gives you the the advantage of knowing what is going on in the mind of others. I will use your advice. Creative writing class baad i siisay. Thanks. Ngonge Ironically, I think I excel in football commentary. By the weay, I envy your sheekooyin. To be honest. Please read Ilka-Cadaawo (the teeth of the enemy) not Ilka-Cadoowo. Typo error. MMA I use that name to denouce this sinful discrimination. Hiding that side of us won't give a remedy to the ill. I don't like the censorship here on such matters. Waa in laga hadlo oo la dhaleeceeyo.
  13. Adiga waan kala dhimanay. Markaad dadka iga qaban wayday.
  14. Abdullahi Yusuf is a traitor too. Add that to be not religious. Plus, Duke even imitates that old man's way of talk. Adeer business. The ostantations so vile, the macno dari so evident.
  15. If I am a teacher, I might have given 3/10 marks for someone here.
  16. You may miss some good and decent ones in the politics section. Plus that anomaly is over. No more, walaal dee. And I may miss some good feedback and high class lessons. I would have preferred a partial ban.
  17. [i shared that with Nuune. But I urge him not disclose it]. Nuune now, I think you are not reflecting on the setting: Diredabe, 1982. And the manner in which the language came out! Plus, even at th height of modernity, I don't think I would have taken it as normal for that to come the first night. I think you are not appreciating that it happened to a man who will have all the reason to fear the woman. You are talking like these two educated people met, knew one another for ages and just found out that thing. Try to think like the man and the Minxiis. Not like Nuune.
  18. I sent some old man- Xinn with a message to you. Apparently, he isn't living to the onus of his age. I asked him to reconcile me with you; and he said he will, but first I need to compose a poem. I did that and urged him to bring it to you. I thought he was a serious man. Now, I realise you will not understand the poem, even if you see it. Too bad, but Xinn can redeem himself if he can translate it for you. I was asking for forgivenss.
  19. ^ Ma cadhaa wali lagu maqan yahay? Fariintii ma dhexday ku tuureen tolow.
  20. Walee, Makhiir meel la yidhaa waan soo nacayaa! Almost 75% of occupation supporters claim to have some kind of association with that tiny coastal area. Maxaa si ah? On Shariif, read the qualifying lines walaal. I said I am not yet ready to apply that to the men. And tha Gabay is not mine.
  21. Turkey will upset Portugal tonight.
  22. Nuune Waxa maqan ma aha waxa la isku haystaa!!Ma wax la iswaydiiyaa arintaasi? mise waa wax keeni kara inay tidhaa maad igala tashatid???And what would you have felt, beyond hypothetical suggestion? Haday adiga kugu dacdo?