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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. U.S. denies silence on war crimes in Ethiopia June 12th, 2008 (By David Gollust, VOA) — The United States said Thursday it has “persistently” expressed concern about human rights in Ethiopia with top officials in Addis Ababa, including alleged abuses in the ****** region. The comments follow an assertion by the monitoring group Human Rights Watch that the United States and key European countries have been silent on ****** rights violations. VOA’s David Gollust reports from the State Department. The State Department says it is giving the Human Rights Watch report on the ****** careful study but it is rejecting out-of-hand the report’s assertion of U.S. silence on Ethiopian human rights. The New York based monitoring group said in a report issued Thursday in Nairobi that in its battle with rebels in the eastern ****** region, the Ethiopian army has subjected civilians to executions torture and rape, and that the violence has added to a humanitarian crisis in the region. The report, which also accuses the rebels of the ONLF, the ****** National Liberation Front, of serious violations, charges key aid donors to Ethiopia - the United States, Britain and the European Union - with remaining silent on ****** abuses. It says the United States, viewing Ethiopia as a key anti-terrorism partner, has failed to use its leverage with Addis Ababa including military aid, to press for an end to the crimes. At a news briefing, acting State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said the United States takes all allegations of human rights violations seriously and “strongly rejects” the Human Rights Watch contention that it has minimized or ignored Ethiopian abuses. In the ******, he said non-governmental groups have reported that both the government and ONLF have been responsible for abuses and “harsh techniques” to intimidate the civilian population. The spokesman said that since the resurgence of ****** violence a year ago, the United States - both independently and in concert with others - has pushed for an end to rights abuses: “Since May 2007, the U.S. government has collaborated closely with international organizations, NGOs and other donors, to develop a concerted approach to the Ethiopian government, urging it to mitigate the humanitarian and human rights impact of its counter-insurgency operations in the ****** region. Our ambassador in Ethiopia has persistently raised concerns over human rights abuses at the highest level of the Ethiopian government, as have senior U.S. government visitors to Addis Ababa,” he said. At the roll-out of the report in the Kenyan capital, Human Rights Watch investigator Peter Bouchard said U.S. military and aid personnel have been active in the ****** region and should have first-hand human rights information, not just accounts gleaned from humanitarian groups: “There certainly is a presence. As far as we know U.S. forces were not directly involved or implicated in the abuses documented in our report. But on the other hand, we also know that the U.S. government has sent assessment teams, including from the USAID, to the region, that they have the information available to them about the seriousness of some of the abuses committed in the ******,” he said. ****** fighting has been under way for two decades but intensified last year, when the government launched an offensive to pursue rebels who attacked a Chinese-run oil field there and killed more than 70 people. A Human Rights Watch official said in Nairobi the renewed conflict has been largely hidden by a “a conspiracy of silence” by Ethiopia’s main international backers. Email to Friend | Add a comment 2 Responses to “U.S. denies silence on war crimes in Ethiopia”Zeudu says: Blatant lie is not going to help American hypocrisy. Here is Jendayi Frazer (spokes person for woyane) literally standing on fresh blood of murdered Ethiopians and denying the horrible atrocities committed by the Weyane thugs, giving them diplomatic cover, by saying it is mere allegation to the accusations levelled by many humanitarian agencies like Red Cross. Here is a tell all from the British Independant Newspaper "Ethiopia's own Darfur" http://tinyurl.com/ysmvtc June 12th, 2008 at 9:49 pm GOSHU says: The criminals that were trained by US army, the weapons US sold to Terrorist regime of Tigrean Libertion Front, unstoppable funds that are sent to Mafia family of Tigrean origin is the causes of deaths, displacements, detainsions, tortures. Looke, Awassa massacres where, over one thousand farmers were showered with live bullets were the consequences of United States direct contributions. Gambelas Anuaks massacres that displaced over 100,000 population and caused deaths over 600 humans were funded by USA and Great Britain. Gara Sufi, Harar Genocide where a young girls bodies were among the butchered hundreds of killed, was the results of concerted efforts to demonize Africans at home through savoury Terrorists such as Meles Zenawi of Tigre Tribe whose begging hands never say enough, don't give me no more hand outs. The Mojo massacres, that 100's prisoners were taken from various cells, their eyes were pulled out, skinned off, riddled with bullets Washington supplied the Africas Nazi party of Meles of Tigre tribe. The Massacares of Bale Oromia, where men were hunted down, their tasticles were removed and showered with guns USA gave as gift to the barbaric migrats from Tigray aduwa. Jima Oromia, thousands of people were murdered by Tigrean Liberation front, who recieved training from US army and the Uniforms and weapons were supplied by the United States. Addis Ababa, election of May 2005, over 200 innocent Ethiopians were butchered while the US Embassy was there enjoying the killings. Wollega massacre of May, 2008 was committed by army personnels that UNITED STATES army trained and supplied with modern Weapons, where over 10,000 frightened citizens are displaced up to this day and over 400 women and children are butchered at night with guns and fires. ****** Somali region have been burning for over two years with US trained soldiers of African Hitler, Mr. Meles Zenawi, who is supplied over 200 billions of US dollars over 17 years but the money is being used for ethenic cleansing up to this second. The Tigreans who Originate from their territory of Tigray have succesfully, displaced at minimum over 10 million Ethiopians of diverse ethenic tribal sections. This was made possible by the money western powers shovel down the African Tyrant Meles Zerkawi of Nepotist Tigrean tribal mafia. United States must act fast and denounce their dirty affiliations with barberism that engulfed the entire Ethiopia, Somalia as the results and actions of their incompitant state department agents. Our people are extremely worst states of affairs than the privious Military Junta. US need to stop funding the enemies of the Ethiopian people.The only enemy Ethiopians want out is the regime that is killing them day and night full time, and US is the guarantor and sponsor of Terrorist onto the Ethiopian people. June 13th, 2008 at 12:56 am
  2. from the Ethiopian Review PLEASE SEE THE COMMENTS OF ANTI-TIGRE ETHIOPIANS. THE NEWS IS D/P. ****** National Liberation Front launches new offensive June 12th, 2008 | 6 Comments EDITOR’S NOTE: Please note that ONLF doesn’t refer the Woyanne army as “Ethiopian Army” as some of the international media, and even some fools in the Ethiopian opposition camp shamelessly do. We thank ONLF for not associating the horrible crimes of the Woyanne army with the name Ethiopia. (ONLF Military Communiqué) — The ****** National Liberation Army today has launched major operations in the ****** after rebuffing the late May offensive by the “Ethiopian” [Woyanne] Army. The Units from the Gorgor Command (Eagle Command) have launched two pronged offensive in Dhagah-Madow district west of Dhagahbur and the Dudumo-Ad Garrison near Baabili district. In Dhagah-Madow districts there were three Woyanne battalions and their support units and in Dudumo- Ad Garrison there were two battalions and their support Units. Both Garrisons were captured and enemy troops destroyed. Hundreds of soldiers were captured and causalities were very high. Reinforcement forces from Harar, Fiq and Dhagah bur were also repelled, degraded and dispersed and ONLA is in hot pursuit of the remnants. In total more than 1800 Woyane troops were either killed, captured or had dispersed in the ****** wilderness. Heavy weaponry, ammunition and military vehicles were also captured. These two garrisons are strategic locations for the control of the area south and North West of the Jarar Valley. The Battle is escalating and may spread into other cities in the ******. Further details will be provided when the full report reaches ONLF information Bureau. Comments by anti-Tigre Ethiopians 6 Responses to “****** National Liberation Front launches new offensive” Mulugeta says Viva Viva ONLF. The Woyanne understand only force. Justies will prevail throu strugle June 12th, 2008 at 7:03 pm Anbessaw says The brave son and daughter of ONLF proved to the world how strong freedom fighter are they over and over!! I am so proud of my ****** people!!! All Ethiopians from this point on, we shall support this brave organaization with all means…let start raising money and let start give intrernational diplomatic effert.. when we all die one ad a time, they chose to stand and fight woyanne by themself. All Ethiopians we need to start supporting our brother and sister ASAP!!! June 12th, 2008 at 8:27 pm bert says[/b ] All Ethiopians need to rise up to the occasion. ONLF and all fighting forces need to be supported! June 12th, 2008 at 9:09 pm Issu says viva ONLF!!! Viva ONLF!! ONLF FOR EVER!! June 13th, 2008 at 2:47 am Independence says Go ONLF hero kill the woyane garbage force God bless ONLF Bravo June 13th, 2008 at 3:46 am Tariku says Thank you ONLF kill those ****** woyanes. they are the enemy of ethiopia. We have to support and join the ONLF by any means. we have no choice. encourage Dr Berhanu and others to organize us to rally behind all freedom fighters. LET US BE UNITED AND CRUSH THE ENEMY! GOD BLESS UNITED ETHIOPIA! http://www.ethiopianreview.com/content/2754 June 13th, 2008 at 7:48 am
  3. Jose baa ka farsamo fiican Carl! waxbuu isu raaciyay.
  4. Mali'Ika I will tell you the moral of it. The Tigre's were attacked by ONLF in various towns. Never before had the ONLF dared to attack military garrisons in this manner. The story above is from anti-ONLF site but it is saying the fighting has been going on for days and that casualities are high. It also says the nominal regional state 'president' and his officials have gone to visit the districs where the battle took place. It talks about many arrests made in Jigjiga. I tell you what I got from jigjiga now: The panicking Tigres arrested 5 of the top regional cabinet members accussed of passing intelligence information to ONLF. The Tigres are mad. Al-shabab attacked the town of Ferfer (inside Somali-galbeed territory) - 40 Kms from Beletwien and obliterated military camps there. The Tigres are under fire everywhere. And the main Amhara parties are in talks with the Oromo Liberation front and ONLF to forge a unified front. The economy is nose-diving and famine is spreading like a wild fire. Meles has overestimated his capacities and is paying for that arrogance. I was always of the view what he has in intelligence is undone by arrogance! This is the beginning of the end.
  5. Germany Vs Austria will be an intersting derby. On paper it is an easy ride. But the rivalry between the two nations and that Austria will have nothing to lose could pose a danger to Germany. Anyway, northern your prediction (4/4) looks still fine to me. Only that there is nothing special about it. You just picked those the bookies are tipping for glory. Just for the sake of eccentricity, I would say Croatia and Romania will be in the quarter finals.
  6. Ethiopia: Madaxwaynaha deeganka Cabdulahi Xasan iyo Cabdi Ilay o u ambobaxay gobihi dagalku kadhacay iyo dad tirobadan oo lagu x06/13/08 Jijiga(kilil5)---Waxaa magaalada Jijiga ee casimada deegaanka todobaadkii dhamaaday lagu xidh-xidhay dad aad u tiro badan oo isugu jira masuuliyiin dad kale oo lagu eedeeyay inay yihiin xubo taageera jabhadaha ONLF iyo Al Itaxaad. Shirkii maalinkii arbacadii la soo dhaafay ayaa waxaa isku fashiliyay xubin sheegay inuu ahaa taageero jabhada ONLF dawladana waydiistay in la siiyo Cafis balse wuxuu akhriyay liis dheer oo uu ku tilmaamay inay dhamaantood yihiin xubnaha Jabhada u jooga magaalada. xubnahaas waxaa kamid ahaa qaar hore loogu soo eedeeyay iyo qaar la xidh-xidhay kadibna la siidaayay kadib markay qiran waayayeen wax cadayn ah oo toosana loowaayay balse hada la fashiliyay kuwaas oo uu shir gudoonku sheegay in ay talaabada ku haboon ka qaadi doonaan. Masuulliyiinta shirkii u dambeeyay laga qabtay ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa wasiirkii maaliyada iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha mr Bashiir Cabdulaahi. Dhanka kale waxaan doonayaa inaan khalad yar o warkan kii ka horeeyay ahaa aan idinka saxo taas oo aan ku sheegay labada goobood ee uu dagaalku ka dhacay habeenimadii Arbacada inay kala ahaayeen Dhoobowayn iyo Dhuxun balse ay kala ahaayeen Dhoobowayn iyo Dhagax-madaw. Dagaaladaan oo la sheegay inay socdeen ilaa maalinkii arbacdii ayaa la sheegayaa inay kudhinteen dad shacaba oo aad utiro badan, qaar dawlada ka tirsanaa iyo tiro kale oo jabhada ka tirsanayd oo iyagana la sheegay inay aad ugu go'een gaar ahaan dhoobowayn. Waxaa shalay u ambo baxay dhankaas iyo goobaha ay dagaaladu ka socdaan wufuud ay horkacayaan madaxwaynaha deegaanka mudane Cabdulaahi Xasan iyo Cabdi Ilay. Shirkii shaqaalaha ayaa isaga hakad lagaliyay maalinkii shalay ahayd balse waxa uu maanta ka siisoconayaa goobtiisii waxaana lafilayaa in maanta lasoo gaba-gabayndoono. Jijiga Kilil5 Online
  7. When Holland lifts the cup, it will be reversed. By the way, I will quote what I have said about who will qualify from the first round when the round is over. You will be surprised I got key predictions right. France will be out, Turkey will qualify, and the likes. let us wait. One match is always tricky. But I know you were saying Italy and France will win. And you got that wrong.
  8. The likes of Naxar Nugaleed, Koora Tunnshe should have lived under this occupation to ever know what it means to be colonized. But They haven't and they talk nonesense here with Ethiopia is a friend blah blah.... Useless.
  9. ^^^Means it will lose. But I didn't focus on that part. Apologies, duqa!
  10. I am not queen's language guru; but I think 'holland will not win tonight' means they will draw or lose.
  11. Meeshaa anaa soo maray malin dhow, Lots of propaganda on BBC, Sky news and CNN are baseless. Wax waa jiraan but it is nowhere close to what they say. The economy is wild (largely due to IMF and World Bank restrctions) and the country is going down fast. But in terms of the atrocities, it is not as severe as the Anglo-saxons propagate.
  12. me (above) and me are on the same page. Viva Marco's boys. French and Italy must go. But if Italy gets something tonight, I think they will be able to beat France. They look solid.
  13. Masaajid xunno halakanaa ku soo tukaday! qaar yiraa baa jira.
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: Holland will not win tonight. It'll be another Germany. This is not a prediction. 2/3 possibilites. Stick to 1/3. Northerner Tactics, fluke, goalie error, referee mistakes are part of the game. Don't explain. Holland will beat France. Romania to draw with Italy.
  15. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^LoL Germany to win tonight. Ngonge, time to wait for Northerner??
  16. ANOTHER ONE! West fails to condemn Ethiopia rights abuses: rights group Thu Jun 12, 2008 Daniel Wallis NAIROBI (Reuters) - Western donors have failed to condemn war crimes by Ethiopian forces during a year-old campaign against separatist fighters in the country's eastern ****** region, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday. "The Ethiopian army's answer to the rebels has been to viciously attack civilians in the ******," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director of the U.S.-based group. "These widespread and systematic atrocities amount to crimes against humanity. Yet Ethiopia's major donors, Washington, London and Brussels, seem to be maintaining a conspiracy of silence around the crimes." Ethiopian government officials in Addis Ababa routinely reject such allegations against their counter-insurgency operations in the rocky, arid region, which borders Somalia. They also accuse the rebels of abusing locals. But officials had no immediate comment on the new report. Ethiopia, a key regional ally of the United States, launched its latest offensive after the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) attacked a Chinese-run oil field in the region in April 2007, killing more than 70 people. Human Rights Watch said its 130-page report was based on interviews by its researchers with more than 100 victims and eyewitnesses of abuses by soldiers. Ridwan Sahid told how an Ethiopian soldier pushed him into a ditch and tried to kill him by taking a metal rod used to clean his gun and ramming it down his throat. When Ridwan fought him off by twisting his fingers, more troops rushed over and tried to strangle him with a rope. Ridwan passed out and woke up later under the cold body of a friend. BEATINGS, TORTURE One 31-year-old ****** shopkeeper told HRW he was arrested and beaten by troops who demanded he admit being an ONLF member. "They tied both my legs and lifted me upside down to the ceiling with a rope, and kept beating me more, saying I had to confess," he was quoted as saying. "For two months, we underwent this same ordeal, being taken from our rooms at night and being beaten and tortured." The report also includes accounts of villages being burned by the military, which HRW said it had confirmed using satellite imagery. Witnesses said at least 150 civilians were executed. HRW said the government was limiting all access to the region, that the violence was ongoing, and that staff believed their findings represented only a fraction of the actual abuses. Gagnon said the army's tactics were fuelling a looming humanitarian crisis and threatening the survival of thousands of ethnic Somali nomads who cross the area with their livestock. Western nations give Ethiopia more than $2 billion a year in aid, she said, but must speak out now to halt the bloodshed. "The government's attacks on civilians, its trade blockade, and restrictions on aid amount to the illegal collective punishment of tens of thousands of people," Gagnon said. "Unless humanitarian agencies get immediate access to independently assess the needs and monitor food distribution, more lives will be lost." Also accused of abuses by its military in Somalia, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has said in the past human rights groups are selectively and falsely attacking him after falling for propaganda by Ethiopia's enemies.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/12/ethiopia.humanbehaviour Please see the picture.
  18. Somali men have nothing but praise for the woman. I haven't seen them complaining.
  19. Haweenkn yaa dhibay hadaba. Haters bay wada noqdeen. By the way, this hate thing about self-hate, is universal. Almost all the people (of different races I know) say the same thing about their own male/women; but still 99% of go for them. Insensitive or whatever, kuwaa unbaa wax la idiin saaray. Haddi kale dhaxantu meelahaa ha idin ku disho.
  20. The captured is speaking in broken Axmaari. Most likely he is Canfari (from the Afar region). 99% probablity. Only Somali's and Afar's speak Amharic that way. He is saying "I am a muslim, and as I have no intention to harm another muslim, ...." Good strategy by the Muqaawamaa but long overdue. Askarta axmaarata waa ina lakala qaybiyo si ay u kala shakiyaan. I know Oromos and Axmaaro will try to cross the ocean at every opportunity. Human traficking, sadly, could boost the struggle!!
  21. Originally posted by money: She had another title for the iskuduwaha ololaha nadaafadda ee xaafadda - organizer of the cleaning campaign for the district.
  22. Garhaye Xogta oo faahfaahsan ilaa xalay way soo dhacaysay. Dhagxmadoow kuma taqaan. Dhudumo-cad about 200 reinforcements ayaa lagu dilay. It was a major operation. The Tigres are getting wild. Last two days, they are arresting members of their 'nominal' adminstration cabinet including 5 bureau heads. Si fiican bay u socotaa!!!!!
  23. It is not always good to be positive, as is the case with HIV. Your positive optimism borders delusion and is unacceptable, duqa. Perhaps it is you who should make some soul serching.
  24. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Millatary Djibout mutch stronger then Eritrea Bfffffffffffffffffffffffffff! Xaaji Xayraan, waad iga qoslisay. I thought your strength was waving some weird flag oo tidhaa jamhuuriyad xor ah ayaa leh! Mutch iga qoslisay!!
  25. Eritrea is the new mantra, for the losers these days. Mad or no mad, way soconayaa halganku. Stop whinning. Nin rag ah iska dhig. YEY iyo qudhunkuu soo ka xeeystay are to be wiped out soon.