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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^^will be provided on request. As to kalsaarid business, I am afraid it just shows the shallowness of a mind of a 'woman'. Only moments ago, you took side. And now you behave like the proverbial hyena who said 'I will tend the sheep today'. Faltly rejected, Ibti! Waxaa nakala saaraya MS DD! I salute her husband. Waa nin fiican. She has no grudges against men!! Kuwaa idinka idin la hadhadlaan waxba iigu filayn!!!
  2. Originally posted by Nephthys: Of course, to the best of my knowledge, no women have actually died from a lack of men. Died? adigaa isku caddaynayee!! But they get sick! fair enough!!!! Ibtisam You are known for being unaccomadative and violent. Your valid points about presenting a fact is well taken; but if you are looking for quantitative researchs, take mine. I told you 80% of the women in that meeting who oppossed the coffee ceremony fall in that U-Sh-Rejected catagory. Like all researchs, there may be an issue of how representative it is, the validity of the methodology used, biases and sample size. Otherwise, it is not necessarily inferior to other researchs with Confidence Intervals, that I know you would have considered as 'facts'. Is it not quite telling of your 'unique' nature and the 'suppossed inferiority' that all of you here without quarters should make all this jaqaaq; while the male counterparts are telling me "yayna ku inkaarine iska'daa". In fact, that is what my mother used to tell me. " Hooyo, gabdha indhahoodu waa wax xun; iska ilaali". Nephtys, Abdiqadir Xirsi Yamayam said " odhaah horaa tidhi nin is-faanshay waa ri is nuugtay, tu kalaa ka daba tidhi, hadii ay ku liidaan kartaa la isku muujaa" Bal inaan idin cawryo iyo Inaad PM igu soo waashan, let me post my face here. The funny thing is I saw some of you in my dream; and .... Anyway, it is hard to argue with Cara who is full of herself and the holder of the key to "epistimological heights", to Ibtisam with her unrestrained didactic cavalcade, to the abusive Nepthys! MS DD adiga waan isku soo dhownahay! P.S. [waa lakala xadda dumarka]
  3. It is not who put up the bst argument here that matters. It is that CL oo kale iyo waa dadka Bernand Shaw, Luther King, Sheakespeare, Jefferson, iyo hebel baa saa yidhi wax weyn u arka!! That is what they think being knowledgeable. I met their types on many occassions. Shekepeare wasn no more than Xassen Sheikh Mumin or Hadrawi, waa gabadha!!
  4. ^^^ Portugal will be beaten by the mighty Germany. Germany knows how to stop passing teams. Turkey and Germany will go to the semi's. Spain will play Romania in the quarters. Too close to call. But I will say Romaina will proceed (more of a heart than head really). If Italy squeezes through, though unlikely, Spain are gone for good. 100%, I am confident Italy can beat Spain. Holland will cruise past Sweden/Russia. I think Sweden will qualify. This will make the semi's look: Germany Holland Turkey Romania( Spain??)- Any of them. but I really prefer Romania. If they don't meet in the semi's, Holland will play Germany in the finals. German's in the final are too tough to beat. But I tip Holland to win this time.
  5. Bernard Shaw aduu wax weyn kula yahay! By no means do I ever allow myself to be judged by confused souls! And if he was right, perhaps he refers to the kind of 'imposed' knowledge and values you espouse! For your information, I had a friend who would take all the quotes he sees on the cover of magazines and narrate to us in the middle of discussions; whether they are relevant or not!Just that he knows, we know he knows it! What has false knowledge got to do with the issue here? War maxaa foodleey gaaladu wareerisay meesha joogta!
  6. Morning Duqa. I learned one or two tricks from you. When predictions don't work out, Barkintaa la dheeraystaa!
  7. Why the fuss about 2 or 3 naturalised players in Turkey. The whole of French team is what??
  8. Qof damiir bini-aadamnimo leh oo askar Xabashiyeed la noolaan kara majiro. They are primitive and barbaric.Sometimes, I think the Palestinians are lucky. Askarta yuhuuda ayaan idhaa ilaahay muu kuwaa na hoos geeyo. They have some boundaries kuwaasi.
  9. Rag baa jira waxan oo dhanba Propaganda u arka oo Ethiopia is a friend ku leh! Waxaa ka mid ah Naxar Nugaaleed iyo Koora-Tuunshe.
  10. Originally posted by me: To the frenchie and italian supporters we will let romania win What happened to that Volkan dude xalay? did he want the Turks to loose? The Croats will destroy the Turks. Romania will have beaten the Dutch in full strength. They did that in style in the qualifications. Holland is not a physical team and Romania can do well against technical teams. They might face problems with the likes of Germany. Anyway, Turkey will beat Croatia.
  11. Sheekh Shariif's faction has surely appeased delusional pacifists; but hasn't changed anything on the ground. I am not sure if it can be termed even pyrric victory!
  12. A dramtic upset! Turkey won the match coming back from 2-0 to win 3-2.
  13. Turkey will beat Croatia. I said they will qualify. They are a decent side.
  14. ^ The Zack (Bakayle) Yaa yidhi? How old are you? I am 35. BTW, the same man Khayraad was in the Bank to give a specimen signature after he was nominated for the job. He was suppossed to deposit three identical signatures. Wixii uu hal mar saxeexo wax ka duwan unbuu haddana saxeexaa. As he was struggling to copy one of the signatures, a friend came into the Bank and patted him on the back to say Hi. Khayraad turned in anger and yelled at the man: "War hana qalin daarin!!Saxeexaan fadhiisinayaaye!!" Sida awrtii geela??????
  15. In her self-indulgence and bitter utterances, arch feminist Cara is not paying attention to parts of what I said. Noone is questioning the social problems in our society -men or women, and the unique challenges that women back home face. The education, and social progression issues are not something she should have spent time on. It is well known. I was talking about the composition of the feminist movements and certain traits they share. I am astounded the usually wise MS DD have to suggest women inthe diaspora can live without men. Way ka maarmi karaan, is her words., Walee?? Ha iga qoslin! if they can do without, then why all the preoccupation about men? I don't think a woman's life is complete without a man! the same is true with men; but at least we don't pretend it is not so. No question Naden is brilliant; but she got it wrong here. As far as i know this is a topic for the adults more than it is for adolescents.
  16. ^Real men! ME and REAL MEN. Let us not get bogged down into technicalities! The real issue is not who is real and fake. But that regardless of the fact that some advocacy is justifiable to ensure basic rights of women are addressed, like all movements, some with all-togather different motivations have hijacked the legitimate cause!
  17. Brofossore, we were in the same line and when I see the flock dewindle, it concerns me. Anyway, jibbo (wuu jibboday - means he goes with emotion). I actually was pulling your leg. Nothing serious.
  18. Originally posted by Ms DD: Why do men feel threatened by feminists? [/QB] No one is threatned. But we are fed up of the whinnings of grumpy women. Real women are enjoying life and its sweets; not wandering in coffee shops talking about trivialities, and declaring slogans!
  19. Adkaysi is not in the issue. Afartan haweenka ah ee meesha looga caagay waa la iska celin! maxay yihiin??????? No bad feelings to anyone, but it is unacceptable how men feel so disempowered for fear of accusations of you are this and you are that! The piture Cara painted is sad, but unfortunately true! Runty ma fantaa?? 80% of ultra-feminists are ugly, divorced, had bad love-life and so on!!Let us accept it and then move on! that is not to say there are no issues in women rights; but that there should be no ready made solution to problems that essentially are different!
  20. At least i know pretty girls don't churn in rage about men! The other criticism lacks substantive evidence! I talked about things that could be deemed 'what you described' on only two occassions.
  21. ^^^This will tell me who is who, at least! The unmistakable pattern!
  22. One or Two on Feminists Addis Ababa University female students organised a two-day discussion forum on the rights of girl students’ vis-à-vis male students; and specifically on the issue of ‘coffee-ceremonies' in its campuses in 1995. There is this culture where female students come into the dormitories of the boys and prepare ‘coffee’ while studying and doing assignments. Some girls said that because of the time it takes - (on average a typical Ethiopian Coffee ceremony will take 2-3 hours as it is obligatory to do the three rounds known as Abool, Tonna and Baraka) - they are distracted and the male are taking advantage of them. Some ascribed their weak academic performance to it. The forum discussion was intended to brainstorm on the issue, recommend solutions and strategise on common way of enforcing decisions to be passed. But it became comical. The girls were divided; some came up and thanked the male students for organising such stress-reducing ceremonies. One after another, tall and graceful girls stood up in the meeting and heaped praise on the boys for being sensitive, and has even gone as far as saying that it is the boys who lose time trying to help the girls do their assignments in most cases. Few short and old-aged (more of woman than girl), challenged the assertion and tearfully called for ‘common front’ against male exploitation. It was quite clear from the meeting that positions on the issue largely depended, inter alia, on beauty, age, and height. The meeting turned into a commotion with the Pro-Coffee ceremony girls (now a clear majority) accusing the grumpy ‘unwanted’ girls of jeopardising the ‘sisterly-brotherly’ relations between female and the male students. Undeterred by the resentful cries and sobbing of the ugly girls (who are the fore-runners of all feminist movements- as usual), the meeting passed a four point resolution: • That the sacred coffee ceremony must be encouraged to flourish • That those who lobbied against it are losers who used the issue to pursue their cases against boys who refused to call them for these sessions. • That a committee of five girls led by Betty ( the prettiest girl in the campus) deliver an apology to the male students committee and to throw a party to erase any bad-feelings boys might have felt because of this uncalled for forum • And finally to issue a condemnation of ‘ugly’ and ‘bitter’ girls who are overcompensating for the pain they feel inside-as the result of rejection by male- by sponsoring frivouls discussions under the guise of ‘women’s rights, equality and feminism’. One male student commented when woman agree among themselves on how they see us, then let us sit and discuss what is amiss. As it looks now, we don’t need to defend ourselves. A later investigation found out that apart from colleges, in work places and the real worls, there is a similar pattern in the composition of feminists. Divorced, spinsters, and those with bad love-life tend to occupy 85% of those who shout for ‘imaginary’ equality between men and female. As if the unique creations of each of us doesn’t warrant certain limitations in what each of us can do and can’t do!
  23. The Report: Warbixintii Khayraad (You may think this is fictional, but it actually happened). Because he was the head of the natural resource office of Dhagax-madow district (Xafiiska Khayraadka Dabiiciga ee Degmada Dhagax-madow), Mo’alin Shugri was also known as Khayraad. He was unrecognisable in his name of birth. That Monday was unlike any other as he was supposed to submit a report on ‘cududa Shaqaale’ee Xafiiska. But when he appeared in that vital meeting, chaired by the provincial administrator, he had neither pen nor paper. He never used either, and relies more on his ‘mind’, as he likes to say. ‘Wax kasta maskaxdaan ku hayaa’, he tells to those who doubt his capacity to run the office. When his turn came, he read the report in the meeting. Orally. “Sidaad la socotaan, this office is a small office. We don’t have sufficient manpower. All in all, I have three people.” “The first one is our typist and cashier- Koos.You know her, I presume. Waa Ina-Ilka-case. She hasn’t been coming to the office for the last three days. Just before I come into this meeting, my wife told me in la guursaday oo lala baxay. I have no report on who married her and where she might have gone. We are stuck. Shambadihii are locked in her house. I have gone to their house to collect, but her mom refused. Actually, it might have been the timing of my visit that was the problem. The old woman was hit on the head by a mad man, and has been sick the whole day. I will go back tomorrow to see if she is fine and hence can give us the stamps. Dad baan u diray inay soo baadhaan who is the man who married her and how we didn't knew about it. There are rumors the man she married has another wife." “Ka kale is, I think you all know Cabdi Langadhe. He is the accountant. Ka dheer ee iimanka la’ ee foolka jaban. He was with me minutes before this meeting, but we fought and he decided not to come here. I don’t know where he took his studies, but I can tell you he is full of nonsense. As part of the offices policy to safe-guard wild life, we bought two donkeys last week. He broke the office regulation and let the donkeys go to the field without first putting it in the store. Sida ku qoran sharciga Xafiiska, qodobka 14 Xarafka tirsigiisu yahay GQ 13/76, it says, [ he read this in Somali]- “ No goods/ properties can be in use without it properly received in the store (and Goods Receiving Note issued) and then dispatch vouchers issued when requested by appropriate office staff.)” labadii dameer oon Bakhaarka lagu xareyn ayuu banaanka ku sii daayay. Therefore, I gave him a strong warning for this breach of the law. Here is a copy of the warning letter: ‘Ku:- Cabdi Laangadhe……..Gacansaar Og:- Dhammaan Shaqaalaha Xafiiska Gaal iyo Muslimba Ujeeddo:- Cagaha Dhig Waryaa War hooy, hadhow baa la odhan doona kanaa keeroow. Behave. I urge you to stop what you are involved in. You and I, both, know what it is. I have also told adeerka what you are involved in.’ ” The third one is the Xabashi guard, Kebede. He hasn’t attended work, so I fired him. The quarrel started when I informed him that because the Xabshi killed one of my uncles in the 1977 war, each month I will deduct 50 Birr from his Salary. Wuu kibray!
  24. Brofossore Geljire warkaagu waayahan waa ila-liqaa!! let us hope it is an anomaly. Bal jibbo ah unbaa ilaahay kugu saliday.