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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by nuune: AT&T haye Romkania maxaa ku dhacey, I want your analaysis sxb, sidee bey wax noqdeen, maxaa is daba marey, kolleey fiilooyin badan baa isku dhax yaacey Anigu sida NGONGE dhuuman maayo when things mess up. I got it wrong. No ifs and buts. Romanian under performed. Now that Italy is on, Spian waa loo yaaba.
  2. Under the Garan After six months, Ruun got suspicious. Why isn’t this man taking off his vest (Garan) for one minute. Even by mistake. As they go to bed, Suubane always finds excuses not to show his chest to his wife. Sometimes, it is ‘I feel cold’, at other time ‘it is I don’t like the lights’. But even when the light is off, he will still insist on wearing a heavy Garan. When they started dating, he told her he was born in Muqdisho to a fairly well-to-do family. Like most men think, he supposed the effortless lie will boost his standing in her face. It would prove to be his nemesis. So, Ruun finally talked about it to him. She said she wants to see that part of his body. She assured him that if he has any skin disease or whatever, that will not affect their relationship. But after he refused to budge, she pleaded with him for a month or two, she brought the issue to his friend Roble. She gave an ultimatum: ‘either he will show me or our marriage is broken’. Although Roble and his friends begged her not to push him to that level in front of his peers, she insisted " ma yeelayo, ee garanka ha iska bixiyo". Dejected,he agreed. What Roble saw on the chest of our friend was nothing serious. He hasn’t got any health problems. But there were burns and bruises (from traditional healers at childhood) all over his stomach and under his nipples. Some of the bruises looked liked Greek Alphabets; others would remind one of astrologists’ mystic symbols. She was relieved. But again, she followed up with a question, “tell me who are you and where is your birth place?” After he told her, she said goodbye and left him. Rooble doesn’t know whether it is because of the falaadhaha or because of the lie; why she left his friend?
  3. The man in the corner Unlike Father Mukunori on his life in the days of liberation in Zimbabwe, “the man in the middle”, Adan cannot write an autobiography, but if he could, it would perhaps have taken the title ‘the man in the corner’. He claims he watches the earth moving in fast motions from his corner Bacadle shop. But like father, he is finding it hard how somethings never change and others move fast, as he gazes at the political and social upheavals that are transpiring before his own eyes. Twelve years ago, no one in his village was as privileged as he was. And thanks to his bloated pot-belly, which he hears is nowadays so much out of vogue that people have to throw away a lot of money to shed it and all excess flesh. Twelve years ago, when he went to a nearby shop with Abdullahi-dhuux, he saw what happened. The shop owner- a stranger to both of them let him take cloths for the ‘ciid’ on credit, while he rejected the same request from the thinner man. As he felt his pride in his belly was consummated by the reverence the man at shop gave it; and the consequent trust that followed, he started drinking even more “cow milk oo la kar-kariyay’ as a matter of self-transformation. He has to get bigger! But that was twelve years ago. Today, from the comfort of his Bacadle, he saw the young boy who insulted him last week. Adan uur-tanag; that is what he called him. If only the same young boy saw the pride his mother felt when she saw Adan was among the ‘odayaal’ sent to ask for her hand. He was so graceful that everyone in the village felt honoured to have him in every ceremony from Gabadh la doonayo, mid loo ergaynayo, tu la furayo, tacsiyo, or big ducco. And part of the attraction was his belly. The sight of the boy took his mind away from the mundane thoughts. And he quickly saw his young boy who is languishing in prison on false crimes. He recalls the face of the young man, Cali-Faysal, as he pleaded for mercy when the prosecutor read out his crimes. “This young man despises out party, its proletarian ideology, and all that symbolizes the struggle of the oppressed labourer that he stared at the sickle and hammer emblem of our revolution isagoo ukuyaalo xidhan (through sunglasses)”, the charges were read. But, the boy denied ever wearing such things. And truth be told, he didn’t even had one. So, it was a tale of injustice at its zenith when the judge, a party cadre, passed a damning verdict. And since then, Adan never saw him. He served ten years the last time the system collapsed, but he never lived to see the new dawn of hope. “What hope?”, Adan couldn’t answer that question. He saw a new beast in the form of “anti-terrorism” ideology. With all the insignia of paranoia and demagoguery that were the hallmarks of the defunct communism. And he felt sad for the young boy who thinks misery and intolerance was the thing of the past. “Again, that has to worry someone with something to lose; not me” Adan thought. For now, he was dumbfounded to understand why his eighteen year old girl- Asma refused to eat food for days when it is not the fasting season yet. She said, “She is on diet”. Maybe, his former wife is lying to him. She is the one who told him the story from where they live. Something, a lanky man turned up across the road towards the Xamaam next to his tiny outdoor shop. Everything he saw doesn’t make sense. He saw the man who broke his leg, accusing him of being ‘anti-peace’ six years ago, going to take a bath, and strangely there were urge to jump and break his neck. He wondered if any amount of soup would ever cleanse that crook of his sin. He was surprised even killers are humans, after all; and do need what any of us need: shower. Of all the anti-peace, anti-development, anti-government, anti-constitution, anti-this and anti-that they accused him, he knows he wasn’t any. Had they said, ‘anti-Cudbi’- his wife who lost one of her front teeth after he hit her with his head, he would have agreed. After all these years, the world is full of killers, accusers, invaders, liberators, conspiracies, and human tragedies. Hardly any thing changed for him from the days of headless communist cadres to hitherto when agonists and betrayers harass his nation. But too much has changed in the thinking of his community that he is now called ugly, his child refuses to eat food and his once submissive wife threatens to sue him if he dares to touch her. And he feels bad.
  4. Now to Cara and all those who feel abused I love you sisters! It is why I like to chat with you. I believe in the equality of men and women! I regret that in my deliberate strategy to put you on the defensive, I sounded evasive and cheeky. This poem is for you: Gabdhaha Soomaliyeed Guntoodaan aqaan Galkoodaan galaa Gartoodaan jeclahay Guud kay ka udgoon yihiin Garaadkoodaa fayoow Gardaraday nacaan God kale kaan soo marin ayaan Garanaheyn!!! No flattery. There is nothing like you. Why I am proud to be a Somali. I know you will say is this man crazy or what, but allow me to add a qualifying line: "marakay xumaadaana, There is no-one more shameless and pathetic than some of our own!" Fortunately, they are few. Like Ayaan Hirsi Cali, magaceeda shaydaan ha sheegee!; iyo kuwo waa xoog club la igu geeyay aan ku arakay!
  5. Originally posted by +Faheema: bal hold you horses horta, I was simply pointing out the double standard of SOL, what is the point of banning someone only to let them in the back door? Are you raising the flag for me to be banned? In all honesty, I don't think I should have been banned without warning in the first place. But I am grateful I am back. I will not be banned, because I will not break the rule anymore! Ngonge No. Please tell me. The rest of the story doesn't auger good to me -the mouse!
  6. Indhayare Maalin kaan ragaa arkay waadigii iga qabqabanayey!!Anyway, good you see waxay yihiin!! Xinnfaniin It seems some people have a license to insult your Sheikh with impunity. It is sad General Duke inuu barroorta kugu darsado kolna halkaa ka miiso.
  7. -Faheema why will I be banned? The only risk of me being banned is when I am in hot arguments with Yeyists like Duke. Anyone, this is not the place to discuss that! Just to clear your disingenous attempt to give the wrong picture about me, I was banned for speaking against Abdullahi Yusuf!! In not appropriate way!I broke the rule, after someone posted 20 or so pictures of the cursed octagenerian; and I couldn't hold back my emotion!!!!!!maxaa kalood sheegi????????? Mise there is a clause I haven't seen oo leh ninkii feminists'ka wax ka sheega bustihiisu waa banaanka???? In any case, no hard feelings. I have 6 sisters and a daughter and I will be the last person to abuse women. So your attempt to paint me as anti-women is not valid. I do object to few ideologies that are popping up of late. Ideologies that are averse to our ways of life! And that has nothing to do with women emanucipation.
  8. ^ Why do you like losers? I mean Yey oo kale iyo?
  9. ^ haa!What is it that you wanted me to hear?
  10. ^Sad to see you are displeased! what impartiality can do to a human! Don't worry about the men; you are trying to play the same tactic I been playing the whole day. They are with me! period.
  11. ^ alla Tolaa'ay! Waa la ishr qoolay! I am sent on a wild goose chase with the 'cursed' creatures; and Xiin has surreptiously contiuned to sell the futile 'peace card' in my absence!!! Adeer, your Sheikh neither delivered peace nor fought to the end. His star is going down by the day.
  12. ^Haneefah will tell me right; unless... I don't know what glasses you use; but I don't see any insults in my suggestions. plain facts and opinions! Less vitepurative than what your club of "men-bashers" post here as a matter of greetings!
  13. ^ You are in the right list. For all your aggressivenss, you don't pass as a feminist! So, stoop low and watch the battle. And I assure you for every breast that feels bruised today, one will feel buttered tonight! I will compensate! Heestaadiina tanna u jawaab ah: "habluhu kala wanaagsane tolow hodan lamoodii Xageey caawa joogtaa??" Frankly, my heart is bubbling with trepedition as to what the "the peers of Guduudo-carwo"[led by Sheh are up to]! waxay soo wadaan aan eegno! I can only hope oday xariif ah ayaa dhexda ku heli oo iga maslixi!!
  14. ^Now that you officially relinquish your membership of the wicked cult, there may be a room to accomodate you. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You know why Ibtisam is quitting. Waxay ka xanaaqday the mention of Haneefah! poor creatures! Iyagaa la isku dilaa ileen waa run! The lab test worked to perfection!! look how fragile they are! Waa tii ugu mutacalim saneyd taa ilmada iska tiraysa! MS DD Whoelse would be a better witness! You tell them! ii dhiib gacanta!
  15. Ibtisam My only advice to you is not to be too sure of your women-folk! you know what chemistry can do to them? Even if you send as spies first, after a small chat; they will spew out all you told them and curse you once in blissful 'delirium'. gacantaa la marin and that is it! I told you again. It is not a story. But you surely don't expect me to produce a hard copy of what transpired in that hall, here???? You of course have the right to think I am a liar. I would have worried if Haneefah called me so? Not you!
  16. Originally posted by Ibtisam: Emperor: I expect you at the back of every indefensible argument dear, clear evidence has little meaning to you, but in any case I’ll give you the benefit of doubt, here is what we know for sure: 1) A&T made up a story, some rambling about bitter women, coffee etc 2) You jumped in with your own little two certain, confirming the minor details of his story 3) You, A&T and co, go on to present these as fact, falsely claiming that there is evidence, and data collected, which you shall present to us. 4) We now know that number three is false and unfounded. So what is there to agree to?? What you expressed is nothing more than your own opinions, who are you trying to convince and confuse? Who said it is a made-up story? Look how presumptive you can be!! Sad good women are writing PM's telling me not to be bothered by the few spoliers here. To all those who are doing that, "Thank you. I hear you. Rest assured, I will not put you in the same bag with Ibti and her clique!!".
  17. Malika You can't have it both way. You are either with me or with Cara and the bad eggs!! Is cadde! Anyway, there is two list. And so far the list that belongs to "anti-coffee ceremony" is making the noise. Ibtisam I know you were ending SMS to Sheh or whoever that is suppossed! Bal u yeedh waxay qaado. It seems your prayer is not answered. Who knows the rookies might have been deserted and islaanta is having good time with 'real Men'!!! Armaa gacanta lagu dhigay ooyna idiin soo socon. Xiin By Sheh, do you mean islaantii u weyneyd baa lagu maqan yahay! Then, I better stock the ammunition.
  18. Originally posted by Ibtisam: HAHAHa he pre categorised the ladies based on their threads in SOL. Nin Walaan. A&T We are still waiting for the evidence and time is ticking! Malika! lol, maxaad ku samiin. It is really not worth your energy. Roll up your sleeves girl. Ibtisam- never mind it is in the pipeline. As to the catagorisation,it took me some time and I am not in a mood to spoil my hardwork. Yes, you are not monolithic. My attacks are directed at few bad eggs. Abdilatif I know you are on my side. Appreciated. Xiin isagu 'waa baadida ninbaa kula daydaya daala kaa badane, oo aan rabin inaad hesho daa'im abidkaayee'sheekadiisu!! Laakiin, if push comes to shove, isagaa ku dhex dhici. Feministiga lama tuso.
  19. Malika waa lagu salaamay. You are not in this fight unless you volunteer to jump in! I was expecting you will take no side. All that coolness in other threads suddenly evaporated by the mention of 'feminism'. I thougt your past posts pointed to a different personality! Anyway, I add you to the list of MS DD. It is a curse for me to put you in the list of Cara et al!! Soo dhawoow!! Kolba midbaa garba saarta inta laga dhigo la odhan orod u bax!!
  20. Spain will be rattled by anyb decent side. Any side that is confident enough to attack them. if you sit back, they can finsish you; as the foolish Sewdish coach did. Germany will see them off in no time. Iga qor taas!!
  21. Abdilatif Salaan sare! u sheeg odayga!
  22. ^^ waa runtaa oo dabin wuu jiraa! laakiin meel laga laabto majoognee waa iska ridi xabadda ilaa the last bullet! I will die like a lion not a dog!! You reminded me of one point. If the feminists were prudent enough, they would have picked a fight with you; because you are implying they are 'unworthy' contenders!! I beleive I hounred them more by engaging and not showing contempt- waa haday wax garanayaan!!!! It is indeed sad that the same women who present their cases here will in the final analyisis feel I am defiling my 'manhood' stature by stooping low and 'arguing with women'???????? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction? Emperor Hadaad imaqlayso, waan kaa aarsan doonaa!!!!!
  23. ^MS DD, waad salaaman tahay! Pretty sure.