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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. La iigama xadin; laakiin xalay kol waan is idhi maxaad saaxiibkaa ugu shiday shalay? Waxoogaa qoomamo way iska jirtaa? balse arintaan diiday kaftanka ah " war waxan naga kala aayar" ma aheyn walaahi.
  2. Originally posted by Red Sea: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Ahhh ,, not another one plzzzz This little humurious comment above pissed some people off. Dadkii farta wada gaadhaysa. Adigay sidaa kula noqotay. That is very normal to me. But when he said "ninkan way waalayaan", that is what pissed me off. Waa haddaad runta rabtid. Haddaad malahaaga rumaysatidna adiyo yeelkaa!! Jacaylbaro Naga daa waxaas iska daayee, this is rubbish baad qori kartaa! And people have beens aying that. It is part of the game. But when you repeated "ninkan way waalayaan", I tried to correct you. Waan is-difaacay waxaana ku idhi ma nin la waalayaan kuu la ekahay???? Instead of answering that question, meel kalaad u booday. Haddana RED SEA's misguided conjecture ayaad ku daba gabannaysaa!!War is layaab ninyahoow! Xiinn, adeer shaah iyo wax walba anaa qaba. In fact, wax ka weyn baan soo aloosayaaye iga war sug. I will be in touch.
  3. Xiinn wax badan baa runtaa ah oo degdeg wuu jiraa. Laakiin it is the nature of the work that is to balme than the persona. I have to post some thoughts and quickly run back to the other important work. The purpose also: after all I think this is just for amusement and I am not serious about it. I hardly edit any of the posts. Laakiin taladaada waa la raaci. Waxyaalo aan caadi aheyn in laga sheekeeyo se waa loo baahan yahay. Otherwise, the usual stuff can really be boring. Waxyaalaha aan caadiga aheynna saqajaan badan wuu ku jiraa!! In the politics, Nowadays I feel there is no reason to shout. I saw people are really picked their forts and no one is intersted to cross to the other. Markaa wax la iska lug gooyo majro ee waa uun dhagax tuur xaalku. Convincing one another is not in our blood. Adigaba waa kan uun SHARIIFKAA ordi lagugu imtixaamay ee faraqa haysta uun!!! Meel uu kaa ridinna Alla og! But, there is no doubt you are a man of much wisdom and expereience. And I take what you say seriously. Not to apply it to how I conduct myself in this forum [which is basically a place to beguile time for me]; but in the real life. Degdeg meela laguma gaaddho; runtiina qof dhacdhac badan ma ahi hadaan iskaa baro. I know we would have been the best of friends. I like mature people. It is ironic some of my stroies has a tinge of immaturity; but that is becuase I like fun so much that I go everywhere to get one. Qosol kay aniga iigu baxdaa. Iyo of course, qoriga (the gun). A bizzare blend!
  4. Originally posted by Nephthys: Maantana ma waxanaad la soo shir tagtay? Umadyowga kale drug addict-kooda 'Sheikh' bay ugu yeeraan! Adu, you shame us all! :rolleyes: Nepthys, wixii xun lama qarsado. let us hope that bad culture leaves us. Adigu intaad dab shiddo kolba igaga bax; ood tidhaa dadka iska celi! Geeljire ka xabshida waxbaan ka qori; waa wax la yaab leh. Qaar baan habeena seexday oon safar ku tagay. Saaxiibaday oo laga dhintay awgeed.
  5. ^^^Taladaas waa loo baahanyahay oday. Waan sugayaa!!
  6. Ma arkayseen the confused French Coach ciyaartoo dhamaatay buu gacanta fidfidinayeey oo uu lahaa dhinacaa u laada kubada. hadda ciyaarooygii way soo dareereen ba markaas! Waxaasaa Khalkhal ah!! Anyway, I tipped Holland for the cup and I stick to it. The semi-finalalists are" Holland Germany Italy Turkey The second team to fear is the sneaky "Squadra Azzuri"
  7. Somalia Premier League 1.Real Da-ba-Dhilif 2. Al-Shabab Juniors 3. Sporting Isbahaysi 4. 1860 Turki 5. Diaspora Wanderers 6. FC Dynamo Indha-cadde 7. Dayniile Hotspur 8. Ashraaf United 9. Fadhi-ku-dirir Stars 10. Gimnasia BBC 11. Shooting Landers Who do you think will be the champions?
  8. Has any SOL’er ever been to a Tacsiyo in Jigjiga? I am sure some of you have been there. Those who come to the tacsiyo usually have a feast of ‘Qat’and in the ensuing mirqaan discuss about the life of the man they buried. Well, it is not uncommon to hear the following ‘elegy’ in the big tents that are erected in the compound of the next of kin of the deceased. Yusuf: “ Alla ma ninbuu ahaa! I never forget the day he saw me sitting in front of Muqaaxida Cabdiwaaxid, and he didn’t even asked me what is wrong with me? He was so perceptive that he saw my eyes and immediately gave me full killo ‘dhaadheer’ ah. Walaahi, saan u farxay!!” Dhega-wayne: “ Waxaana ka samrayn Mirqaan fiicnidiisa! He never messes up his ‘Qat’, never sends his hand unduly to other people’s ‘bac’, and puts his makeshift ‘findhicils ’in an orderly manner. Mirqaanoow dhimo! That majlis of us will never be the same again.” Khadar: “ waligay waxaan maskaxdayda ka baxeyn Taqsiintiisii! This world is meaningless anymore. Waa laga sii socdaa!” Fanax: “if it was not for him, I may have ended up in jail after I stop the breath of Islaantii Qaadka. I was so angry that I decided to beat her up when she refused to give me rubuc qaat ah. He intervened and made the deal go through on condition I pay tii hore when I get the salary.”
  9. Suggestion well taken. But there are two things about my posts. Some are serious shots at scribbing something nice (still some of this may not be good enough); some others are just for fun [i am not sure if they are all funny].
  10. ^ I am happy to be a pupil of NGONGE. I am afraid, what he thinks might differ than what the mediocres see!
  11. ^Elaborate on the latter. I mean so I don't keep on repeating. Jacayl Baro Signature'ka ma ninka dhinca midig taagan baad tahay?
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: Holland will not win tonight. It'll be another Germany.
  13. ^ Malika, Who are you hitting at now? Non-rer Xamar?
  14. Apologees ought to be sincere and not reactive. Nuune, fine.
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Does that make you happy ,,,,, Sorry hadaa raali noqo sxb. Zafir Do you call that qualified offer, as an apologee? Where I grew up, it is not. Anyway, no hard feelings, JB waa sokeeye. He had no bad intentions, I know.
  16. Malaha shaadhkaad la baxaysaaba,,,Calashaan feedh-feedh!!
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Dhajjis baa laga gubay ninka. Correct. And he lied about being from big town. Tuuluu ku dhashay oo calooshaa laga sarsaray iyo dab iyo adu farsamooyin badan! Taas ayey gabadhu ka xanaaqday. Xamar maadan ku dhalanee sheeg bay ku tidhi. And then he said he is from "Bilcil-buur". The moral is don't lie about the small things. They can cause big problems.
  18. Waryaa JB, walaahi arinta meesha wax weyn uma arko. But I am surprised at your austerity in offering apologies. There is no big issue here and I might have made a spectacle out of nothing, laakiin waligaa tolow qof waan qaldamee iga raali ahow ma ku tidhi. Waxaad ixasuusinaysaa suuqa Hargiesa marka la is daba marayo kuwa intay laabta kugu qaadaan markaad dib u eegto ku yidhaa,(iyagoo faraha kugu soo fiiqaya) " war dee raali ahoww baa lagu yidhi". Is that raali-galin. Anyway, I have taken the thing out of proportion so " please forgive me."
  19. Look JB- you are good guy. But that you are afraid to apologise for your blunder [gaf qof kasta ka dhici kara] shows that you have a problem. Just say 'sorry if I hurted any feelings'. That is not a bad thing. It is a measure of once's wisdom. And don't worry too much about what wrong you have done or whether it is wrong or not; if I feel you wronged me by your comments, it is enough. You either explain [not always the best thing to do] or you apologise. Meesha waan kaaga tagay ama maanta waad wareersan tahay kaa wadi mayso.
  20. Originally posted by Zafir: some like buttering things ( abtigiis) Admit it! Yaan jecleyn buttering things. maybe I am the more naive here to say itin public. Ma NGONGE iyo xataa Odayga [bashe] yaa deyn lahaa???
  21. Yaan iska ilaaliyaa? And by the way, you are repeating the same insult? Don't you know giving advices when not solicitd by the receiver can be quite offenive. And afterall, what is the shame if someone doesn't like what I post? Everybody posts what he thinks is fuuny, relevant, educating and so and so. In a wide forum like this one, tastes are going to vary and some will hate what one posts, some will like, some won't read and some will be bored. That is quite natural. I don't know how that reflects back on my personality, and why I should keep guard??? for sure, I am not going to get marks for all the comments I reflect here. So why would I worry? I assume those who don't like what I post have the freedom to say so, or to ignore or whatever. If someone feels bad inside, it is his headache. Which tells me something. You obviously worry too much about impressing people, and not entertaining yourself. Which Psychologists will have a word for: Complexity.
  22. ^^wedding ring ku lahaa, good boy.
  23. ^Kaalay JB, dee hadda waxaagu waa af-lagaadee! Ma nin la waali karaan kuu la ekahay. You have every right not to read whatever trash I post, and to advise me on how I time it; but to suggest I am a fool is quite rude and unbecoming of a gentleman. You are not funny.
  24. When the moment of truth came, Sheikh Sharif failed miserably. Not once, but twice. the first was when 'the commander-in-cheif' ended up in a Nairobi hotel abondoning his troops in the wilderness. Now, again, under a different pretext and smooth talk he derelicted his responsibilities. In a very short period of time, he will be whinning about betrya by the UN. By then, he have lost all credibility. Ofcourse, he is already irrelevant as he can not deliver whatever he signs.
  25. ^^ Haa, good I know the ONLF bit is a satire afterall. the bile was rising inside me as I thought good Kashafa was saying that againt the freedom fighters. 1000% Kashafa is right! Kaalay, meeshan ileen dadbaa sharciga ka sareeya. Oodweyne's argument looks pretty good and classy; but I thought clan names are not allowed here. I remember I was banned for a lesser offence. Anyway, given the man's weight, I wouldn't be surprised if there are exceptions to the rule. Ninkan inaan isku taataabto marabo nin loo gali karo ma aha!!!