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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. One time I took a Somali relative of mine [waagii Xamar laga soo qaxay]- Cabdiwahaab- and we slept in a big tent. Kolkii laseexday unbuu kolba igu yidhaa "war xabshidu shanqad badanaa!" I told him to just concentrate on his sleep. " war ma sexanaynee noo sheeg maxaa meesha ka socda!!" intuu yidhi buu sigaar shitay! waligay ma iloobayo!
  2. Waa amaan Ugaaso. How often does a sensible person come from that part of the world. Iam naturally surprised!
  3. Abtigiis


    You should just have said "idinkoo raali ah is dhaafiya post'gan walaalayaal".
  4. N-G-O-N-G-E stands for Nonsense-Gibberish-Ox-Nut-Gullible-Easy! Now, I know, the author of Nonsense!
  5. ^^^^Assuming I am where? And in case you are right about that, I can't fly to London at will???
  6. Xaasid. Maxaad nooga dhaxgalaysaa?
  7. NGONGE That you don't like it won't make Bokero's comments rubbish. Anyway, where do you learn your 'civics' lessons? And on Hadrawi, he was giving an example, if I understood correct. The rest of his suggesstions may not be comprehensive, but are far from reprehensible.
  8. I am not shy to meet a woman. Can I meet you so that I fill the questionnaire for you?
  9. Faarax BADAW No, That is my translation. Salaan sare!
  10. Indhayare "Kii gaabshay wuu gali taariikhda" heestii aheyd uun maskaxda ku hay!
  11. ^Ugaaso oo adu ma reer xamar baad tahay? I didn't know that! I mean judging by how sensible you sound!
  12. Don't mind NGONGE. Waa nin isqaatay!
  13. The existence of a precedence doesn't justify the replication of modalities that worked in certain situations and countries. I am not implying the Ewe situation is entirely different than that of Somaliland, but I reckon you will agree with me there are marked differences in the context, histrory and the causal issues. The other minor misplacemnt in your argument is that if your assertion about " the failure by Somali's to manage their own affairs" is correct [i am not saying it isn't] then, perhaps the call for international fix of the matter should have encompassed the whole Somalia as well. Why single out the thorny issue of Somaliland alone; when it is quite evident that perhaps it is the only Somali issue that international meddling would mess up beyond repair. It is so because it will raise expectations and would give impetues to the asendency of one side of the competing visions. But, your other points are highly remarkable. NGONGE I will like to disassociate myself from your primitive remarks. Whatever points you have,you should spell out. Uttering "stuff and nonesense" will not give answeres to the person you are repsonding to, nor to the wider reader. It is intended to downplay the thoughts of others, while at the same time signalling at possessing a more grandoise ideas. Which, by virtue of incumbency, gullible SOL'ers will assume to be there! It is a habit or sort, and I know you won't stop it anytime soon, but please know it is unbecoming of someone of your stature. You sound like classical "mutacalimiin" who would despise whatever the "common man" suggests. In this case, I am afraid you are in the wrong forum.
  14. Number 5 is wrong. The issue of refrendum should come to the table once a credible governmnet in Southern Somalia fails to address the matter through negotiations and Inter-Somali accomodation of the issue is seen as no more viable. Prematurely taking the issue to International level is legally wrong and could lead to further destablisation. The rest are good moral appeals and normative frameworks.
  15. ^ Xarfaantan KK ayaantan waa la waaye, se weeye camal?
  16. Tacsi Xabashi Speaking of tacsiyo, Do you know what happens in Xabashi Tacsiyo? First of all, a professional 'crier' is hired to cry and move people. This is standard procedure. Secondly, it is mandatory for every visitor to cry as loud as he/she can. This is when entering the tent (place of tacsiyo). But, once inside, people play poker and different other games and GOSSIP is a key part of the ritual. Perhaps, the best place to go and hear about what one is up to is tacsiyo. People are still required to cry on a time interval basis. Like every hour once, all games are stopped and "wayne, wayne" starts. Men and women all should cry. AT NIGHT, here is what I really wanted to tell. Waa la is dhex seexdaa. All singles (men and women) or any willing MBA's (Married But Available- too many in Ethiopia) sleep in the tent. Men and women are mixed. Initially, women will take a corner and men the other. But at mid-night, the light will be off and the scramble begins. It is forbidden for anybody (mainly woman to spoil the sanctity of the mourning session - by for instance shouting or claiming someone is abusing her. The assumption is if someone is not ready, he/she will ask for permission to be allowed to go home. Although, asking for permission is seen as inappropriate. During the scramble (which has to be done with the minimum noise), everyone can send "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" to the one he finds next. If "Busy", look for a "vacant" one! Love blooms under the tent! It is quite natural to hear Tigist, or Aster or Woyni got pregnant and it happened during " a tacsiyo". Infact, girls who get the pregnancy from elsewhere, and want to cover up for their 'looseness', often claim " I was sleeping in a 'Hazen bet' (tacsiyo) and I noticed I was in something. I couldn't help." Nowadays, because of the HIV/AIDS prevalence and higher understaning of the risk, the practice is dying down in urban areas. It still goes on, but not so widely. But, in rural areas, the fiesta is very much alive. But if you want to hit the right gril, you need to ensure the right mechanisms are in place so that you know where she is sitting as the lights are about to go off. Hadii kale, Islaan qaboow baad dhinaca ka saari. And the night will be a waste. I know a Somali man who once participated in such profane rituals, and they say he found all occupied markaaasu nin operation ku dhex jira laftigiisi ku gujiyay. When the man said "waryaa Abdi, waa sidee", They say he replid, " Is dhaafi, Axmedoow. Isasii dhaafi, adoo raali ah." The name of the man was Kaaryoone. By the way, not attending a Xabashi acquaintance's mourning session is considered a great insult and if you haven't gone to your friend's, you can be sure there will be no more friendship. It is being taken too seriously. But, with the is-dhex-yaac in those days, perhaps some people would have prayed for too many unfortunate people to perish! [specific incidents report to be continued if the panel Okey's!]
  17. happy young man. Morning!
  18. ^ adigu kuma jirtid dadka wax la waydiinayo. Waad naga wayntahay! I expected you will know runtii. Waqooyi is the home of Somali suugaan. Sorry- I mean Somaliland!
  19. Saan u gaabsannaayaan gaboobayoo Gabdhii iyo Gayaankaygii waan gabee Goblamaaye God aakhiro aan galee hehe Intii aanan gu'in i GUNAANADEE!! Cid ay khusaysaa majiro in SOL?? I like that song, walaahi. Mohamed Jammac Joof buu ahaa. Yaa yaqaan horta?
  20. maxaa colaadinoo keenay! Saaxiibadana way ka dhexeysaa. Ismaan dhaf iyo isku dhacdhac is part of life, haddana waalayn anigu. Waad igu dhici, kolna anaa kugu dhici baan ka wadaa!
  21. Aalla markaan Tuulayaasha kubbad ku daawado, dadka aan kubbada aqoon waxay taageeraan kolba "kooxda dharka cad". I took a sample and it is amzing how colour influenced prefences among people indifferent to who wins. Isagu waa kuwa kolba kuwa dharka cad taageera!!
  22. Sida Gabdhaha la isuu waydiistoo ( among differnt communities in the Somali nation) Where I live "Asalaamu calaykum. I, represenitng our boy Liiban Dahir Yusuf, hereby ask for the hand of your esteemed daughter Nimco Jaamac Kooreeye. Inaad na siisaan ood noo meherisaan ayaan idin waydiisanaynaa." Muqdisho I have never been to Muqdisho, but Dr. Abdullahi tells me that he once attended one similar occassion; and the man who was representing the groom-to-be [poiniting his hand to the boy sitting to his left] said: "Aqyaarta, waa la idin salaamay. Xariifkan sitting to my left Iikar aa la dhahaa! Jeesto aas ku magac dheer yahay. Xarfaantiina Fardows aas u kulul yahay. Maxaa ka qabtaan haddaan isugu toosino?" Is it true? I find it less formal but more candid.
  23. Don't carry grudges adiguna. Kolna waa la isku qaad-qaada kolna waa laheshiiyaa'e!! Dhib badnidaa ninyahoow??
  24. ^It is OK to post. Nepthys is overreacting. But we all must know the timing of this lies. It is intended to whitewash the recent Human Right Watch reports. Waa shaqo ay Tigre'gu iska yaqaanaan. And I expect it is likely to continue for sometime. ONLF baa wax kufsata tolow yaa idinka dhagaysan bay leeyihiin????????