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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^ You don't have to tell me. I am only surprised how long it took you to come at me with your venom. Me, touching Ngonge, and you not throwing tantrums????,no!no! I never imagined!
  2. The difference is those I defend are "the unknown wronged", like the "unknown soldier" if you know what I mean.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. You're a volatile fellow, A&T. And in your moments of cerebral excitement, you shed all sense, self-awareness or wisdom. Sometimes you even display less sense than a loaf of bread. I knew it was coming! Ngonge afficianados on the move!Or for some, it is all about settling old scores! What a moment to seize! By the way, it is not about me, but the poor others Ngonge trashes on a daily basis. Me, he can't say that and get away with it! It is shame Ibti never grows out of 'group mentality'; as to CL, sometimes I think it is a camaflouge for the man of 'S&N'.
  4. Romanina were never tipped to win the cup. I thought they would qualify from the the difficult gropu they were in. And they nearly did. I think you admit they were close. But you thought they will be beaten in all matches. They fell short by just one penalty! Spain are even less of a threat than their neighbours. They will go!
  5. HARGEISA girls are excellent! yaa wax ka raba anagaa lugta saaaaaaasss ugu walaaqnee? Any questions please! Benign caveat: Way yara su'aal badan yihiin! (too much for the first day):Like "Gaadhigan maadigaa leh?...walaahi? run sheeg?...Kii cishadii horanna?...war naga daa!" And when you say "let us leave the car discussion and focus on the main issue here", and follow that up with, "bal haye, maxaad haysaa?", it is always," waa caadi. laakin waxaan ku idhi inaabtigay Iglan (England) jooga ayaa gaadhi noocan ah lahaa jiray". And when you finally ask for her number,It is " qor. Saddex iyo toban-aydhi two-afar-six-dhabble naayn"! Way ii dhamaatay, haduu JB budkii soo qaadan!!
  6. ^Are you covering up for your woeful plunders of late. On the offensive, huh, it is a strategy I use and like! Anyway, If I had any say in this forum's adim issues, I would have removed you from modertaing the Sports section immediately. It just isn't fair to keep you there! I will have move you to the General section where you excel!
  7. He is an Egyptian, and we are Syrians. All Arabs, but again... So you see Egypt has ties with Isreal!
  8. Shame such an accomplished poet -Surwaal, has to die virtually unkown. As far back as 1980s he detected the dangers of sanctimonious clerics who want to have the cake and eat it at the same time when he said: Laba beenloow Laba polatik Iyo labo basaasiin ah Iyo labo magaalada bakhtiyi Lacag ka baadhaysa Iyo labo Bidaanado leh oo culumo baabkood ah Oo Baytulaahiga mar tagi Booliskana gaadhi.. ... He was the same author of "Shariifyahow, Shar yahow, Shoolad yahay Baasi" and "Shariifkii Dar loo liilyay buu dacalka haystaaye". How could he have been so accuratly prophetic of what was to come!!
  9. The court hereby looked into the allegations brought against NGONGE also known as 'stuff and Nonsense'. Whereas the court understands his unique talents and intellectual heights; Whereas numerous cases of him stifling freedom of speech, expression and opinion have been reported and several reprimands issued before; Whereas it is known the use of deragotary and belittiling language hurts feelings and the presumed supermacy of one's ideas is an affront to civility and objective dialogue; Whereas his hyperthropic sense of usefulness as being among the VIPs; is making life unbearable for many PIVs (Poor Innocent Victims) in this forum Whereas the rights of other SOlers is not to be compromised; The judge hereby found that NGONGE-a.k.a 'stuff and nonsense' has repeatedly broke the rules of intellectual decency and has on numerous occassions opted for open and inflammatory language against Soler's who, right or wrong, good or bad, gave their thinkings freely. The court has aslo noted the not-so-disguised support and encouragement of some old guards like Xinn to the accussed; that has resulted in him being over indulgent in his insults and vulgarities. Therefore, looking at the potential suffocations his acts might engender, and the dangers of his claims to have a monopoly over the 'metaphysical truth', of the limitations that mentality will pose to free thinking; the court having found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt-hereby passes this verdict in the interst of freedom of expression and civil discussions: 1. NGONGE will serve a two-month mental hard labour in the company of DUKE 2. Will impersonate Naxar Nugaaleed and will play the devil's advocate for a week 3. All SOlers are ordered to say 'stuff and nonesense' against all comments by the convict 4. The convict shall promise to dissuade from making any comments that might harm the feelings of others 5. SOL admin shall change the convict's name to 'Stuff and Nonsense' for one month. 6. Xinn and other sponser's of 'bad forum manners' are herby urged to stop their clandestine support and to denounce his actions unequivocally. All relevant authorities shall be notified of this decisions by copy of this letter.
  10. I am a beliver of free speech. That is why I like people to say whatever they think. Of course, all are not expected to talk sense! Otherwise, what is going in the region is clear to those who matter: the people there. What few people in internet cafe's think hardly changes anything there. And we know who is killing us and who is fighting for us!
  11. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: ^^^ Portugal will be beaten by the mighty Germany. Germany knows how to stop passing teams. Turkey and Germany will go to the semi's. ....If Italy squeezes through, though unlikely, Spain are gone for good. 100%, I am confident Italy can beat Spain. Holland will cruise past Sweden/Russia. .... If they don't meet in the semi's, Holland will play Germany in the finals. German's in the final are too tough to beat. But I tip Holland to win this time. This was a week or so ago! So much for NGONGE's teasing me!
  12. Newbies to Football who are enamoured by the slick passing entertainers from Iberia will learn another hard lesson when the Azzuri humilate the Armada (Spain) in the upcoming game. I learned not to believe the flair and hype of teams great in personality but poor in efficiency. Portugal and Spain will never win a cup as long as they fail to diversify their play which is foolishly predictable. few diagonal passes in the midfield and run to the defence. I knew Geramny will mark Ronaldo and pack the midfield and will catch the lazy Portugese defence with the long balls. That is the medicine for teams who like to build up the ball from behind. I once trusted the great Portugese team (by far better than the current one) of Figo, Sa Pinto, Rui Costa, Joao Pinto, Costinha and many more. And ended up crying. With Spain, I followed from the days of Jose Maria Bakero, Michel and the 'Vulture' Emelio buttegeno. But it is always the same. They are not good enough! They lack the self-belief in big matches. Croatia is the favourite in the coming game, but I have the feeling Turkey will do something. It won't be easy for Slaven Bilic's men against the fighting Turks!
  13. Disclaimer ASHRAAF UNITED waxaan ula jeedaa Sheekh Shariif+ Shariif Xassen. It doesn't go beyond that!
  14. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: ^^^Ninyow relax bal horta oo wax waydii dadka intaanad 'iska nicin' cidna. The sister has been after this for a while. She has been collecting information about somaliland. She needs people from that area to participate, it has nothing to do with politics. If you were born there and now living in the UK, then I think you can participate. Is that so? my mistake!
  15. Habaarane, yaad u qarinaysaa hadalka. No more free entertainment. I am retiring; and will soon go back to my favourite politics section. Tuug yahow!
  16. Taas ma hadaad ogaatay Brofosorre. The whole charade about reconcilitaion is " to win over the moderate elements of islamists". By their own admission, US diplomats have been talking about this. Sadly, they don't want the Sheriff too. For them, time is of no essence. This is a long fight, and taking out Shariif will be as they say "one down, some to go". At the end of the day, the good Shariif will be discarded like a piece of trash. What a sad legacy of a man once hailed as a saviour!!
  17. Kolka lagaaga jawaabana waan waalay baad odhan!
  18. Originally posted by -Lily-: ^^^ :rolleyes: Now you add stereotyping to your perversity, what a character. The list is endless for those who rejoice in name-calling. Just for the record, there is no shame in talking about stereotypes as long as one is not speaking from whatever-centric point of view. So grow up! I hate people who talk like parrots! What was I saying about Jigjiga yesterday? Do you remember! In case you think I am out here after some people!
  19. I don't see why where a data is collected from has to be the focus of those who are willing to help. After all, it is a learning process. Somalinna waxaan ku nacay wax kasta waxay ka dhigaan siyaasad! 100% with Ibtisam.
  20. Wuu Gafay NGONGO Gartii wuu ka leexdoo Garaadkii wuu ka guuroo Golihii wuu fasaqayoo Nonesense iyo God aan jirin Gogoshi kuu laabyo Gees loola doodiyo Geed loo fadhiistaba Garan maayo aniguye Goofkan yaa na dhaafiyaa???????
  21. Ma gudboow Jacayloow Ma bartoow Jacayloow Ma dhamaatoo Jiiqduye Marba dhinac u sii jiid Mar horuu Ku muday Xiin Muu gafine wuxuu yidhi Mid jibbaysan baad tahay Mid wareersan baad tahay Mushkulo socdaad tahay Mirqaan aan dhamaaniyo Mucjisooyin baad tahay Mar hadaynu hadaloo Mar hore is dhaafinay Manuuska hoosiyo Maxay aheyd muhmuh dani???????? Ma mid aan koreynoo Madaxa qaadin baa tahay??????????? Maqiiqanihii aad sheegtiyo Maka diirin mudacee Midkii aan isnidhi shalay Miyuu sii socdaa wali Mala awaal ku miiriyo Markaan muranka soo jaro Ma banneyni xeerku Mas iyo abees iyo Maansooyin waa weyn Miirkaa Calooshiyo inuu Maskaxda meersado Ma ogoli safaadkiyo Miimida dhalaankee Mid uun labada soo gal Ma colbaa ma nabadbaa?? Midkaan anigu door bidi Malabkaa jacalykiyo Muxubooyin weeyaan!!!
  22. waxbaa la waalayaabaad lahayde, now you are taking your chances at the pitiable fool?
  23. For ardent seccessionst like you and a hater too, everything sane to Somalia is your madness! seen from that perspective, I agree with you: It is madness.