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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^JB Salaan sare saaxiib. I learned my lessons. Orwellian tragedy "All Solers are equal, but some are more equal than others" yaa meesha ka socota. I now want to cooperate with the winners. Any probem? EDIT: Haneefah agteeda uun iga day hada kadib. Kolkii horeba bilaash baan kutubo xoor u noqday. Culumadaan ku biiraye la soco.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: Should I swap jobs, should I change wives? So much for respect! :confused:
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: ps That has always been the way the Italians play. The only thing that hid this fact in the past is that they used to have good forwards. They don't now. If I agree with you here 100% on this, I think you will not think I am appeasing you. Appeasing I do in the General thread where you have got many fans. I am of course assuming they don't like sports.
  4. Waad saxan tahay adeer Ngonge!
  5. Germany and Turkey are there, Nuune!
  6. Spain never rises to big occassions. That point was more evident last night. Anyway this is how I see the probabilities of the remaining teams in terms of winning the cup. Probability (from most to least) 1. Germany 2. Spain 3. Russia 4. Turkey My preference (first preferred most) 1. Turkey 2. Russia 3. Spain 4. Germany Funny the two orderings are in opposite directions.
  7. ^ Sheekh Ibrahim Cabdall geesi iyo waxgarad. Iyo nin ilaahay. Your legacy will live on. Alla yarxam!
  8. KK, maad iska daysid dadka meesha iskaga tagay?
  9. Abdiqadir Hirsi Yamyam was a poet par excellence and a devout Somali. The thought of him brings tears to the eyes. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto! Dadka ku mashquula Bernand shaw baa saa yidhi iyo Martin Luther baa saa yidhi, kolkaan ninkan xikmadiisa dhagaystaan la yaaba oon idhaa maxaa kuwooda u dhiiday inay appreciate gareeyaan!
  10. Haneefah Taladaas waan qaatay. the name change is part of an overall change. Halkaa iigu soo hagaag hada ka dib. Wa bilaahi tawfiik!
  11. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Tolka, wali sheeko sheeko maa wadaa? Incase you haven't noticed, I stopped addressing you. Waayo, I finally figured inaadan 100% aheyn. Aad iyo aad ayaa u qafiifte. Caafimaad allaah kuu rajeeyo, aamiin dheh. A&T iska iloow oo salaamu calykum horta. Dadka wixxii tagay uun lama daba wadee!
  12. RUSSIAN ROULETTE! They are like that! One time they kill! others they fail to spark. Arshavin didn't play in the Spain game and he is the play maker. Pavulychenko is better than Nistleroy or anyother striker! Xalay Holland waa lagu barbartay! The age is a big factor. The old men couldn't cope with the average 20 Russians. Hiddink is rageedii. Anyway, NGONGE if I get 3/4 in the semi's right, would you think the my clock is good but malfunctions sometimes, rather than the reverse. You got 1? or 0? by the way. i know North is already 2 down. BTW I knew Russia is good but didn't knew which Russia will come to the field. With Italy, who knows they may turn something else. But I really want them to win this cup. below is my observation two weeks?? ago! Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: ... Anyway, Spain/Russia is a draw. Russia are good but incosistent. Depends which Russia comes out....
  13. ‘Fist of Duty’ When Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe, widely known as Uncle BOB in his home country waves to crowds with what he calls ‘fist of duty’, he knows which duty he is talking about. It is not about ordinary governance. For him, the duty has always been the liberation of Zimbabwe. And he feels that is under threat. No wonder then, the election motto of this old president has been waged in view of the ‘the second liberation”. A liberation against Anglo-saxon attempts to re-colonise Zimbabwe- a land of beauty and bliss via imposition of ‘stooges’ like Morgan Tsvangarai and to return land to the 4000 white farmers who were over-privileged for so long. For BOB, the Lancaster agreement to reallocate land to the landless blacks by paying compensations to the whites is breached by the labour government led by Tony ‘B-lair’. But, the consequences of partially justifiable defiance has been excruciating. The economy nose-dived, hyper-inflation soared by over a million percentage points, and unemployment levels over 95%: a classic case of the exceptional STAGFLATION, where an economy experiences high levels of inflation and unemployment. Ordinary Zimbabweans are paying in their lives, ravaged by HIV/AIDS pandemic, food insecurity, political violence and growing levels of poverty. The sanctions by the international financial instituions are mainly the root cause for the country’s slip into the abyss, but Mugabe’s inefficient government has also hugely contributed to the quick collapse. Yet, when Moragn Tsvangarai, put posters of ‘Morgan is More’ in the headquarters of his party, Zanu-PF officials ridiculed the slogan saying ‘Morgan is moron’ implying that he will never be allowed to lead this nation. Moragan Tsvangari will win a fee and fair election without bothering about making promises and election rallies. The people are so desperate for change-any change, that they will vote whoever they think will be acceptable to the powers that are. And they know Morgan is. It is quite ironic many Zimbabweans speak distastefully about the opposition leaders as greedy and power-maniac’s, yet they will risk their lives to vote them in. It is also ironic that most Zimbabweans speak well of the man they simply call ‘the old man’, as witty, clever and courageous; yet they will love to see the back of him. People also ridicule the senseless propaganda and strange headlines of the BBC, Sky news and CNN. Some of the reports from this media establishments amount to ‘Gandhi was sighted on the Ganges last night’. One wonders why there is a need to exaggerate the socio-economic ills and political tensions which even if told accurately will still be painful enough. The big lies are around the reports of killings, torture and displacement and the level of insecurity in the country. Comrade Mugabe has skilfully managed to milk the ‘no more whites’ cow for long, but it seems he underestimated the might of the old masters. With their money and media, they set out to carve him as the ‘Bokassa’ of the 21st century. And I think they have been successful. Liberation or no-liberation, Zimbabwe’s war is fought not only between him and the ‘Anglo-Saxons’. More importantly, it was the test ground for what can come up in South Africa, Namibia, and other South-African nations very soon; where the majority blacks are still ‘spectators of the big cake’. No one can afford to see Mugabe’s audacity replicated by upcoming power aspirants in the capitalist South Africa. It has to be defeated! ‘The fist of duty’ is clenched to fight those enemies, for Mugabe et al.
  14. Koora Tuunshe Ilka-jiir waa General soodigii lahaa? Imikana ma Major buu hoos ugu dalacay? Laba-alifle uun bal ha gaadhsiin goor dhow?
  15. JB AAh! Vocabulary yaraantaan nacay. Gay has other meaning too. Go to webster's next to you! Lazie G Spin 'gay' to whatever you twist words to. kolkuu saaxiibkaa caytamo 'gentleman'nimo ka sii qaadaa soo ma aha? Ngonge dadka hadii laga adkaado waa la iska daayaa. A&T waad ka adkaatay because haduu kuu jawaabo imikaa la odhan 'haweenkuu caayay'. Waxba hawshaada laga garan maayo. Caruurtaaduna dadkay caydaa! Ila Che-Guvera dharka dhiganaya! Si la yeelo majirto! Macawis-Cadde has nothing to do with whatever A&T has done here! Taa la soco, oo be serious. Kaftan ma ogoli. Caruurtiibaa igu cayday!
  16. Duke That uncle of yours was "selected" not for red carpets and photo galleries. It seems you are enamoured by those things of late. Ma wax kale ood ku amaantaad wayday! Yours is reminiscent of the fool, stingy, cruel, worthless man who died and after people came back from his funeral, in line with the tradition of the land; it was necessary for someone to praise him. A realtive who was at loss to pick any thing the man could be credited for, chanted "Alla!Tolaay, waligay kolkuu dhagaxa tuurayo nin ka tuuryo dheeraa majirin!!" Wax aad ku amaanto odaygan useless ka ah ayaad wayday!!!
  17. Where I committed a sin is when I digressed into the softer side of life, and divulged into the world of the weirdos, uncharacteristically. And have given the impression of an immature,volatile, and resentful soul out here to fight. None of which remotely describe the persona. Perhaps, it is the lonliness and the need to laugh again after ages of seclusion, perhaps it is the excitement I feel that I met my people again. But anyway, it won't happen AGAIN. Because it is not right! Yet, I still have a clear conscience on the allegations that I somehow have insulted women. That tag of an anti-women distrubs me! But again, when I have taken the liberty of pulling everyone's legs without quarter, I should have known it coming. I don't think I have don wrong there, but I am the accused and not the judge. And for the sake of decency, I plead guilty for crimes I know I haven't committed. It is now time to embark on the road of penance and redemption!!! Thanks Afro, at least you weren't the harshest! Imikana wuu ooyay bay odhan doonaan, But It is a landmark speech for the rebirth of new personality! Much like that of Richard Nixon after Watergate. I call this one NGONGE-gate!
  18. ^Afro, Maxaan bi'iyay walaashay! I think people just overreacted to my silly jokes.
  19. ^ It was more of an oversight! Ninkaas ergaa iigu maqan! Nin loo gali karo ma aha. I was thinking he is like Xinn and no one will come o his rescue. I understimated the man's networks. Hadana isagii baan leeyahay arimihii bal furfur! show guddoomiyaha Manashiibiyo yuu ahaa duqu! Adiguna bal wixii aad kartid haweenkii gaadh oo la soo shir.
  20. Serenity Pole sana! waan arkay wuxuu afnijaaska Tuujiye meeshan ka aqriyay!! Waxaasoo kale miyaa la ogolyahay horta here? Laakiin, waa NABSI! anigoon waxba ku oran ayaad shalay oo dhan Pscho moron ta ihaysay. Just because I wanted to joke with you! BTW, I am not comparing myself to any 'vulgar' dude out there. Just wanted to say you were harsh on me!
  21. Originally posted by Afromantic GirL: They face a huge task against Germany Tuncay, Arda Turan and Emre Asik of Turkey were booked and will miss the semi-final. ... You are right. There is no clean slate for the semi's!! EDIT:-Sometimes young players who get the stage perform better. let us hope it will be the case with Turkey.
  22. Val: to be frank with you, aad & aad ayaa la iiga gardaran yahay! I don't know where I alienated women. But, I can see people feel I am abusive, and Yes, I will stop!
  23. Salaan sare North! Official Calaalkii miyaad ka soo baqatay?
  24. Originally posted by STOIC: Now If you put a crusty sensation tears on their cheek through your short stories all the Xawadley (SP?) will follow you.You can control and manipulate them skillfully.Use your skills wisely If those words were from me, I would have been taking the bunches aready! Double standard!