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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^ And where has that get him to? it is not a qustion dear Xinn.
  2. ^ Let us assume I am so, but I would still tell you not to prefer YEY to anyone. And not in bad faith.
  3. Xinn A terrible case of mistaking capitualtion with leadership, of dereliction of duty with diplomacy and of an orator with a visionary. Or perhaps after all, it is not a mistake but a conscious faux paus obdurately conveyed to bamboozle the demure audience. Seldom did I encountered such a lousy salesman, who wouldn't even bother about packaging the 'rejected good' in a new label.
  4. ^Xinn, Empty or full, I stand by what I posted here. Adiganna kolka Shariifka la taabto ayaad sidii wadaad saar qabba dhacdaa!
  5. ^ Afromantic I understand your desperation, But PLEASE don't prefer the devil to anyone. Acuudu-bilaahi mina shaydaani rajiiiiiiim!
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: Those smelly students are everywhere. Still, I'm curious to know what Islamic system they would want to use. Lama ogola inay haweenka iyo ragu is dhex boodaan is the messgae of the students. Not surprised it is unpaltable to you. Adigu waxaad jiqilaysataad rabtaa! Maxamed Mooge qoladuu sheegay ee uu yidhi: Jidhiflaha libaaxiyo Jaandeerta doobkiyo Waayeelka Jaqafsadda Wixii jiidha waagaa Jeenigu Xanuunnaa
  7. Having seen your video post on Somali unity, I definitely would give you my vote. Two things You should change though: - As you are not running for the presidency of Yorkshire or Albion country you need to abondon your MARX name - Odaygaa daalan ee aviatar'ka kuu ahna get rid of him, and put a Somali nationalist in his place. Sida kale waa NAFIS!
  8. Geenyadda Bureeqa ah Markuu baqalku fuulaayay Way Baadiyootee Sharcigu Uma baneeyeene!!!! Surwaal!!Allow kuu naxariiso. Masuuliyadda dad aan u qalmin markay fuulaan waa mushkilo cadiim.
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: The deal Sh.Sharif reached is a much better alternative than the continuation of violence and innocent suffering that goes on uninterrupted. What has it achieved so far? This is just a grand statement! just a statement! Facts show an escalation of the violence. So at least that objective is out of the window. Ironically, it was the only objective that underpinned the argument for 'signing papers', and all other sub-ojectives brached off it. Which by way of deduction makes the whole exercise futile. As to you getting convinced, "IT IS DIFFICULT TO WAKE HE WHO PRETENDS TO BE ASLEEP UP" goes the Amxaaro saying.
  10. ^ Nuune ama WAN inaad tidhaa baad rabtay, khaain yaow!
  11. The good sheikh talks baloney. Nothing different than the talk of all those who tried to rationalise inaction at a time action was badly needed. Siyaasad baa lagu hogaamiyaa dagaal buu ku leeyahay. Who doesn't realise that? and was this lost to him when he led thousands of youth to the battle field, wagging AK-47 in the comfort of 'fadhi carbeed'?????? Waryaa ha i danbaajin adeer, Tusbaxayga aan iskaga wardiyee!!
  12. ^^^ Maya, I will never say that Xinn. You are a beloved friend. Laakiin, I fail to understand the grounds for your 'pacifist' and optimistic outlook of events in Somalia. Things seem so clear, yet like an old crocordile that become immovable out of age, you are so unchanging. Dibi socod caadi ah baad tahay! And I don't think it is because of poor analysis of the situation. Oodweyne xaafada uu rabo inuu ooto uu Raisal Wasaare ka noqdo waxba kama soconayaan! It is all about elite ego. The average women in the village of Xaaji-Saalax or Muqaayadda inannta doesn't give twoo hoots about scessation.
  13. ^Effectively rendering the good Sherif and his rabble irrelevant! Bravo!
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Oodweyne's argument: Sheekha waa la siray. UN tu waa tuug. USA waa bad. Claahi Yusuf and TFG waa bad. Jabbuuti is bad. Geelle is bad. Waxani waa fashilmayyaan. Alshabaab should keep fighting. Strangley, I agree with TOROROG, a.k.a Oodweyne on all of this. Maybe the part about Djibouti needs a qualifying line that reads...'they are getting bad of late'. Xinn That I took you as an honurable man was based on the perception you are against the TFG and Abdullahi Yusuf, but pro-Shariif and 'moderate' elements of the courts. Your deafening squeal of 'peace' is a camaflouge for unpardonable treason, now that your facade has been denuded by the master rethorician. Bagaan ku fahmay!
  15. ^^^You are right, we all skirted around the issue. But what have you done? As usual, waxba lama sheegin anna sheegi maayo!
  16. Waryaa anigu cidii danbi gali waxba igama gelin. Tusbax baan ka qaatay, as you may see in my name!
  17. I agree he must go, but he is not what the west wants us to believe, and Zimbabwe is suffering because BOB delivered the fruits of liberation to the blacks unlike the legendary Mandela who (though wisely and pragmatically) basically did nothing in black empowerment. 80% of fertile land in South Africa is still in the hands of the whites. Despite the duplicity of the western powers, opposiyion parties publish scathing papers and magazines, held rallies, and are allowed to travel outside the country, issue condemning statements and come back into the country. The sad thing is they are not free as well. So, Mugabe should go, but his mistake is more of 'underestimating who he is fighting' than fighting. Fight was due on any man in his shoes!
  18. Originally posted by Paragon: quote:Originally posted by Macawis-Cadde & Gu'iisii: Aniga haweenka iska ilaali mooye, ma NGONGE iska ilaahi baad i tidhi?? Taa horana waan yeelay. Waxaan ku dhintay waa ta danbe? Lool. Ninku war aan dhamaystirnayn miyuu ku siiyay? Xaal inooga qaad . Frankly, I think the 'GENERAL section' should be renamed "Ngonge and Spice women". It is not a place where healthy debates can thrive. I will not go there, laakiin hadduu Politics section ka soo galo, jiir bisadi qabatay buu noqon!!
  19. ^ I will come back to the original. Waa coping mechanism. Waan gabbanayaa.
  20. Aniga haweenka iska ilaali mooye, ma NGONGE iska ilaahi baad i tidhi?? Taa horana waan yeelay. Waxaan ku dhintay waa ta danbe?
  21. Xinn What laaxin? It is right. The man and his go' ma aha?
  22. ^^^ Xinn adigu caddow iyo cuqdadloow baad tahay! Birmad nin laga sugi ma tihid adeer! Hadana maanta cid aan idhaa war hooy adigaan ku hayaa! Laakiin ninkan waan ka sii afeefanayaa, uma jawaabayo. Infact my reply is to his previous posts. The one immediate above is quite sound, except for the usual verbosity and grandiloquence! Nin loo gali kara ma aha, dhagax baan tuurayee waan sii cararii gadaydiiye; bal nabadgalyo.
  23. ^What a waste of talent! Reminiscent of what they used to call 'terminological orotundity for intellectual profundity'. The YEY and TFG comments is valid. But this business of making distinction between Somali Republic and Somaliland is a figment of a dreamer's imagination. Legally speaking, I mean! Your reality of Somaliland is an abstraction- an interpretation, as Williams would have told us in his social theory. It is an interpretaion, which is and should remain heavily fortified against the subversion of the truth of our lived experience to assure it of undisturbed continuity. And it is quite evident that your mischaraterisation imparts terminal tribal hysteria and an unfortunate disorder of clan pride and nationhood. Your conception of the latter always derived from your reverence of the former! And as the 'genii' poppoed out of his closet,intoxicated by doses of narcissism and self-worth, he duly secreted 'the misfits' into post-script!
  24. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Ala maxaad Nepthiyeeey faantey. Kabo maas ah adigoo sita iyo labo maraykaan ah oo meel lahaynoo amxaar kugu modoobeeyey Markaan moodher kugu soo raree meherad kuu yeelay Military markaan kaa dhigaad micheal noqoteene. Midkale na wuxuu yiri: Qari iyo Jiqood waadigii jaahil ku ahaaye. Gabayada qabiilka inaga daa dee HABAARANE! or are you exempted? Waagaan waalaa haday tahay digadaan kaa dhigi lahaa. So forgetful! Hadda unbuu YAMYAM inagala hadlayay qabyaalada iyo xumaanteedda!
  25. ^Hadda, dadka waan inkaaraa uun ee lama dagaalo.