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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Well, you chose to be on the same side with me. After all, you know how to play away games! EDIT BTW, maxaad ii waashay ood u tidhi LAyzie G. waa rijaaluhaa. Ceeb baan sameeyay oo sidii nin oo kale yaan ula tirsade! Trap ka noocaas ah dib ha ii galin.
  2. ^ Come to that other section saaxiib. Deal was we never bother one another here!
  3. Testimony to the new twist in the struggle. From ambushes to raids on towns. Next, it will total liberation. I smell victory!MMAAAAAAASHAAAALLLLLLAH!!!! The internal decay in the Tigray regime, and resolve of the young ONLF and Alshabaab fighters brings the days of joy ever closer. It will not be far when being a Somali will be something that evokes envy in others! It will not be far!
  4. Xinn That I differ with you on only one issue naturally limits the amount of ideas in the poem. I cannot fabricate issues that aren't there. Nonetheless, I think this will give you a lesson or sort in modern peom writing which is all about understandibility. Yours is more Arabic than Somali, and it is quite difficult to follow for the young audiences. I guess mine caters to the needs across ages. Quraan iyo Riyaatu-saalixiin kaad miciinsatay markaad Af-Somaligii kugu yaraaday. Sharbin maayoo dhoodaan oo wuu sharaxayaayee Shabeeladda maxaa laba ka dhigay sheeda kala haysta Sheeg waaguu yidhii waxaa inaga xiga shan iyo dheeraade Shalay sheekadii dhacdaa haddana sheekhyadu wadaane Shariifyada maxaa laba ka dhigay shaambadaha qaata?? Sharkii uu midkood shiribay ee shaaca laga qaaday Shan kun iyo kolkii ay dhinteen Shaafi iyo Shaaxin Shir inaan galaan rabaa oo shaaha la I siiyoo Sharaab inaan cabaa haboon oon shandado miisto Shabakadaha waa in laga daawadaa shaati caddidayda Sheekhi warkiisii markuu sheed u socon waayay SHABABKAA halgamayaan rabaa inaan la showraayee Shaydaan dadkaa uu leexsadee uu shanshada gooyey Shaamareer ayey igu noqdeen aan shakaal qabane Shilkaha wiilashaa saaran ee shiddaya baaruuda Sheekh iyo shariif iyagaa ii ah oo sharaf ku maamuusan!! Shanta nabada jecel eed sheegatiyo Xinnow shuqulkaagu Shanqadhaa aad bixinaysaa ma aha shaafi baa imane Shirqool muuqda baad ka odhan sheikh baa kuu maqane Sharooto bishimaha inaad nooga xidho yaad shushubaysaaye Shaadali inaan YEY la shubto markaan shiidayoo nacayba Shaalka inaad dhigata ood shuwaal kale laacdo Shara-calla ayaan idhi oo waa sheekoo ila shiiqsan Sharoobooyin badan oo shaqlan yaan kaa urinayaaye Shiffo inuu ku siiyaan ka baryi shayga kaa garani Intaadse meeshan uun shalalaxleyn sheeko baraleeyda Show inaad taktaa haboonaan laheyd hoyga ina-YUUSUF???
  5. Ngonge: I wanted to reply, but then again I glanced and saw it is the General section. Sorry!
  6. It is not my choice. let us pick now. Mine are X,M, or W.
  7. ^ditto mine. I know Xinn is page-gaab. 'D' ayuu ka yaqaanaa, like a leftie-player who would miss with his right. It would have been naive to follow his line. EDIT; Saaxiib Sakhar adigu ha igu qasbin inaan ku idhaa: Sakhar iyo Mariiqoow Suufigaa Sikhraamoow Suul-dhabaale mooye suugaan ma haysidee Sookeeye kalkalnimo sun yay ku leefsiin
  8. The prey will make one last jump from teh arrow shot at it! Naturally. Shiddoyin dhowr ah hadaan shiinka ka higaadsho Shar maluuqan oo yidhi shariif yaan shiinna laga sheegin Oo yidhi aana sheekh ah oo shafeecada qaada Yey dardaranna waan daba fadhiyi waa shulkaan ahaye! Shimbiraha ayaan laacayaa oo shaafi bay noqone Shuqul yaan lagu darsanin shambaalkaa shuufay umaddeena Shaambadaha Jabuuti shib ka dheh oo shush haku dhawaaqin Shuufay oo diiday shareerkiisa iyo shalaalax layntiisa Shiish ku idhi shiraacyada indhaha nalaga saaraayo Sheekhaa lagu galgal baanse nacay ee sharafkii laga qaaday Shaydaan la taliyaha shiraban ee XIIN’ka lagu sheego Shalaytooni mayo koley waa shaygaan garane Shan boqol oo Kun oo Soomalinah oo shaandho laga yeelay Shaamso iyo Shukri ku wii diluu rabaa inaan sheeko la wadaago!! Edit: Sakhar waxaasi ma baroor baa mise waa buraan bur mise waa qasiidadii haweenkeen jeclaa???????? The whole purpose of this thread was to force me to digress from the other fight where I volunteered to moderate. having dispensed my bit here, it is time to gate-crash and spoil the sizzling party elsewhere!
  9. Xiinn I assumed the defacto moderator role in the absence of one! A debate without it is meanigless. Anyway, I made my points. As to your proposal, I reject to compete with a man who proclaims himself the winner much akin to Dejach Gobeze of Lasta who not amused by the transformation of few of his friends to 'sainthood' and 'kings', wake up one night and declared himself "King of the kings Teklehaimanot II of Abysinnia"! What is the use of a duet when one of the sides will declare victory before th ballots are counted?
  10. NGONGE Meeshan people with balls ayaa isku garaaca! ma waxaad moodaysaa inay joogaan dad 'subcis' kula jiibinaya. I have nothing to say because by a bizzare quirk of fate, you stumbled upon the right ideas and I tend to agree with them. I don't personalise things, as a rule of thumb!
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: He's neither a visionary nor (as witnessed by his hasty retreat from Somalia when the Ethiopians arrived) a revolutionary. He's just an ordinary man that circumstances thrust into the limelight and left him dazed and confused. [/QB] It is amazing how even the senseless sometimes talk a lot of sense! Spot on S&N! I saw your provocation on the General section, but I am not a fool. Who were you saying phantom fire-starter? Bring that to the politics section and you will see!
  12. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: As far seccession, it will wait when somalia has a legit government then round table discussion will be away to discuss it, while Muqdisho is occupied those sort of things should be left in the back burner and how to rid the TFG and thier helpers should be top issue here. 100% correct! Wixii qalbigaaga kujira wax igama saarna laakiin hadalkaaku waa gar waana xaq!
  13. laylaa-oo-Layla by Amjad Khan in the same movie is one of my all-time greats. Lots of memories. JB, kindly lobby Rudy to dig the thing up. Carruurnimaddii bay na soo xusuusinaysaaye!
  14. War anagaa wax aragnay. War maanaa la iikaa soo diray!?
  15. Originally posted by Skipper: Abtigis its appailing you calling that conditions, i would call them advice in my world. advice, yes it is. But advice not taken can disqualify him.
  16. Ducaysanoow Haa dheh! waa budh deh! Afro, Sheekooyin baad naga baadhbaadysa.
  17. Maye runtii cilmi weynna laga faaii'dii maayoo, aniga laftigayguna waa ku qancay inayna habooneyn. Sababtoo ah mar hadii audience'gu kal duwan yahay waa in la isixtiraamo ee ma aha in Anonimity'ga laga faa'iidaysto oo wax dadka dareenkooda dhibaya meesha laga aqriyo.
  18. And it is not good to tell it afterall, I think. Runta qaarkeed in hoos la isaga hayaa maxuma. Anyway, I hope you are a bit relaxed about my state of health now. I can' t blame you. It was a tormenting week. orodkii baan kolna macawis, kolna Go', imikana Tusbax ku marayaa!! Nothing pleases me more than rediculing myself, but I noticed people think inaan calaacalayo.
  19. Waryaa Habaarane, kaftankan inuu domino-effect leeyahay soo ma ogid maad naga daysid?
  20. I give up Xinn, I give up. Indhahaa la isqabanayaa!
  21. Afro, walaal waxaan rabay inuu Somalinimadda ka door biddo Ingiriis iska dhiga. Of course, I forget to mention inuu Ukuyaalaha madmadoow eed kuwii Alxanka dabka moodo iska saaro. Now that bad side of me is coming again. But people provoke me.KKKKKK!
  22. Afro No more changes. The transformation is over. Skipper My 'support' is conditional. Please see the conditions.
  23. NOT-SO dear Oodweyne Whatever sense you would have made it is usually lost in the back-and forth oscillating self-promotion that often preceeds or follows it. Too bad you cannot be brief, but I bet were you to stick to issues, you would have received ample replies.