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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Whatever swagger(confidence) that was in me was shattered by the bilstering attacks last week. It will take time to recover. But, that confidence is still in place in the fields of Politics and Poetry. It is this cursed General section which gives the false impression everything 'general' can be discussed. Sorry, I have been ranting too much. On the positive side, things are moving very well in the real life. Cyber-life is, afterall, an appendix.
  2. Stoic Thanks for the support. Most grateful. What I told Ngonge is that in those golden days, I too had Ifraax who splashed dirty-water on the boy who tackled me hard while in football contest! I digressed, just a bit too nostalgic!
  3. ^^^ I know. The poor Miskiin is being abused. Libaax-dhagahiibaa inta loo dhibay la yidhi sii hay. Markaasu kolba meel ku dhexdhacayaa. HE is my friend. Isaga ma aha dhibtu ee waa kuwa ka koreeya. rag baa yidhi halkaa fadhi wixii aad is tidhaa adeerkayuu caayayaana massax! Libaax sanka-taabtaayaashaan la hadli aan lurkaa qabinne Lambar weyn intay kugu xidheen laalay furihiina Laaq ayaan dalban hadana ma rabo wixii laboodaaya Leexadaa ma waxaa laga lulaa laaska iyo laalays
  4. Ngonge Waryaa, Admin'ka la xidhiidh. xabbad fariin ah yaa taal. Ha ka dul dhaqaaqin sidii gabdhii hore ee kolkaad tidhaa Boostadda ayey warqadi kuu taala, ninka boostada haysta shaaha u keeni jirey ee odhan jiray "bal ii eeg inay warqadi ii taal"!!! Just for the record, when the beeees roamed around me, angry I unsettled the hive, I remembered IFRAAX. When this boy gave me a nasty tackle in a football match, she didn't hurled insults like yours did here! After a week, the boy came and complained to me: " Iga qabso waryaa saaxiibadaa. Anoo xafaddooda ag marayay shaly biyo wasaq ah igu saydhaye!" Istaaqfurullahi!!
  5. Pujah waad fiican tahay laakiin this useless Obama aad ha ugu mashquulin! Macno weyn maleh!
  6. Number 4 is about spelling, not about paraphrasing. (I just exploited that loophole). Number 5 has a whole thread last week : oodweyne Vs Bashe. Number 1: It is going on discreetly. through metaphor and Gabbays. But basically the devil is where? in the detail. It comes down to interpretations. Otherwise, if Number 5 is strictly enforced would TUUJIYE be around for long????
  7. MMA is getting paranoid. Someone needs to stop him. He allows "Bullshit" to be posted and not Xagga-danbe-bilif and Xagga-danbe-qoodi??? I think these words describe accurately what is going on in Somalia and need to be de-censured. We know who is being protected here!!!
  8. Originally posted by STOIC: You want people to snap out of their mental inertia, ha? I hear you bro….I’m all for controversial topics as long as you can build your arguments through the aid of the rules of the site. The secret of this place lies in understanding the rules. You can bathe yourself with every kind of imagination you feel like just don’t break the rules (there are exception to this rules if you know how to work your way round that baby ). This is the only site that has some adult type of conversation going within the Somali websites. I think in the political section most of the people there have cultivated the habit of defending their clan. I sometimes read their Somali politics with amusement, and then with resentment when everyone decides to duplicate what the other person has just said in a different wordings. You might think there is a real enemy that sit behinds the screen with a noteworthy achievements.Just let it out all you have and don’t break the rules Saaxiib, none of my earlier controversial posts even remotely border breaking the WRITTEN ruels of SOL. What they broke,apparaently, were the unwritten ones coined under references to social etiqutte and decorum. Which hasn't been breached either! It is not about me, it is about people with more potential to share us knowledge, experiences, wisdom fear the untold rules and the harassment of falsely pious people whose real life contrasts from the posture poised here. Posture and pretention is what I hated!
  9. Abtigiis


    Taydana seen idhaa?? war ha iwaaline i dhaaf, ma in caruurta la ii daadiyaad rabtaa??? Cadaw!
  10. ^^^^Hopeless in Kisiwahili. Ma aqaan afkaas. Will Amharic be of any interst to you? But beyond the joke, why can't people talk about controversial issues? Why can't we entertain as the same time learn from our mistakes, experiences, encounters, and so on? Is this supposed to be were friends greet each other, the same topic being debated over and over in the politics section, and quick jabs exchanged? Come on NGONGE et al have more potential than that. I don't know why they are holding back. Wa muqaaxidda hala shiddo sidani si ma ahee!!!!!
  11. It is unlikely such talent will flourish under the scornful gaze of old guards like S&N and the sanctimonious folks clapping behindhim. I know you will feel I am still bitter after the bee-sting the other day, but I think deception and denial is rewarded here. Anyway,who am I to challenge them?- The establishment! Nowadays, I am almost feeling this is .....where everyone is busy on self-promotion and attaining the 'highest' possible personality marks. It is suffocating.
  12. ^^^Najua yale mnajadiliana. Nimestaajabu kwa kuwa hamna stori.
  13. Abtigiis


    Originally posted by Malika: Its a difficult situation really..but avoiding him might be the solution. That is what I am doing for now. Thanks all for concurring with me.
  14. Abtigiis


    CL: There is no food in mine. I eat outside, and quite often I invite him as well. Taking me to his home is suppossed to be the return-casuumad. The thing you suspect is not there. Forget about that! I am not intersted in them and they are NOT interested. I am the friend of the father! A YOUNGER friend of course! Be honest! What am I supposed to say? Somethings are said easier than done, I see. Malika: I think he is doing his best, but he finds himself in unfamiliar situation. Nin horey wax u casuumi jiray ilama ah. He seems stressed.
  15. Abtigiis


    Cynical as ever! any advice as to what I should do? I am losing a friend?
  16. Abtigiis


    Casuumad The wise old Somali’s said, “When you come as a host to a family, you pay attention to how much clutter they do over your coming. The nobler, the less fuss you see; and when the food and drinks come, it is in abundance”. This is particularly valid in a pastoralist setting as people travel long distances and relieving their hardship is considered a great honour. In the urban setting, it is usually the thoughtfulness and respect that counts much more than the amount and type of food or dinks; when a friend, a relative or a colleague invites you to his home. In the last couple of weeks; I am disturbed by a repeated invitation of a friend and a colleague who would tell me, “Because your family is not around, you must go with me to my house” regularly. Not that he is a bad man. Nor that I am a cynic. But something is amiss. As we get to his house, the man shouts to his wife (whom he adores-and frankly I think is taking him for granted) telling her about my arrival. Imagine, that is done so obviously that it embarrasses me. I feel like a small xerroow just arriving at the doorsteps of a wealthy man and the owner telling his wife, “Heey, please give this man something”. My friend’s wife will then greet me, and her children (grown up) will run around to serve us. You may be asking what is wrong with that. Nothing! But, beneath the façade of ‘high-level reception’, I see some level of nervousness; and sometimes the man keeps reminding his family, “Is the rice not ready? Don’t worry, just give us the meat!" I am a tiny man with a bad appetite, and I never pay attention to food. The woman will come as we are eating and ask me if anything is missing?” Naturally, I say ‘everything is perfect. Thank you’. Again, after we finish eating, my friend keeps reminding me that I can always come and eat whenever I feel like coming, and that I should feel at home etc. He also talks about the quality of the food and how his daughters have gone to a training school to perfect their food preparation skills. I am not used to that kind of casuumad, for I am a believer that when someone comes to one’s house, he should be given the maximum freedom and should not be reminded of the ‘privileges’ he is accorded. Why am I worried? I suspect the man is going out of his way to please me. I think he is not used to accommodating guests and throwing out invitations. Mainly because although he is earning five-figure salary, I think he is stingy. And is going out of his way in all his efforts to take care of me. Why is he inviting me? One main reason, I suspect (ilaahay ha iga dhaafo haduu dani yahay) is because another colleague of us is nagging him to take care of me as I am new to the country. And because our relationship is also very good! To relieve him, I offered I share the burden so that I don’t feel I am taking advantage of his benevolence. He refused that as well. I, therefore, stopped going to the house at all, giving thousands of excuses and that is affecting our relationship. Am I overreacting? Or do you think I am right?
  17. G. can be anything! Am I a witch or palm-reader to decipher it? when the more knowledge (who at one point claims to have proposed to her) tellms me he is carrying Mangoes!
  18. Chart room ka ma haweenka unbaad u samaysatay? We are excluded miyaa? Kaasi ma Chart room baa mise waa ...? Misunderstanding???????? ma xishoonaysid kaalay. What is Rijaaluhaa in arabic. You pride youself inaad Af-carabi ku sanqatid? Tell me!
  19. Femme, no doubt he is a pain. But, could it be because I am a Mascho or sort as well (on top of being eccentric, schzopherenic, psychopath, and a moron)that I also enjoy his torments? I am worried about myself. Femme, it is the place. The PLACE. We are not in safe lands. I can only escape by appeasing him. Remember: "A burnt child dreads fire", and imagine when the furnace is the same. Let him come to the POLITICS section.
  20. Malika now that I know Layzie G is a girl walaahi I am full of contrition with respect to my behaviour the other day. Ngonge was the one who told me, LG is a man. Now, he is saying I misundertood. What does "Rijaaluhaa" mean in arabic? With my little Arabic, it means "man". And I taunted her like I do to old men. Ofcourse, the accusation that I insulted "some people-rer Xamar" set fire in me. I write stuff about everybody-not least myself. But nothing warranted my rants. I knew you were disappointed. As the Ugaaso of this forum you should have had a bigger heart to accomodate when we misbehave. Ma saasaad rabtaa inaad "Ugaaso" noogu sii ahaato? The change is absolute and irreversible. There is no way I will give ammunition to people, only for them to dig up the dirt the day the talk gets bitter.
  21. Walaahi, I took it literally. Gabadha si xun baan ula murmay and it is all your fault. The guilt is killing me. Oday diraa-diraa ah baad tahay. Kuma saamaxayo.
  22. I never fought with Ngonge, Femme. Some people mistook it for a fight and before I know the bees were on me biting and stinging. I don't think even Ngonge would have approved of it. But he needs the bees for they produce honey and there was no way he will wave to them to set me free! But even if fights occur, they need to be over in a day.
  23. Malika I am new. A reformed A&T. No more bullshit! Sidee tahay? and welcome. You were being missed!