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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. All of you male CHAUVINISTS are angry with me for what you see as 'Capitualting and begging women for forgiveness'. If only my sisters could see through your hypocracy!! :mad: Malika Salaan sare! I don't believe in insuniuations and EXTRAPOLATIONS. I rightfully claim that I am being quoted out of context!
  2. The frank Sinatra way- ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL! I know I am intruding but thumps up Ibti. Don't listen to this old man. Keep your fighting spirits. Cara It is in the terms that no more of such nonsense is forthcoming. Anyway, I take it as a gentle reminder.
  3. Waryaa NGONGE You are shaming yourself in Public? Admitting to a lie. Waxaan ku idhi PM iisoo *** anu ma diri aqaan, or the Admin really like to get hold of whatever I send! Paragon- Doob dareenbaa dilay ma maqashay. You are getting a bit carried away, like an old friend of mine oo gabdhaha Shaaha na siinaya odhan jiray "way ii iljabisay" isagoon lala hadlinba! For your information, the words erased in this reply is iisoo d-i-r. MMA baa reer mooday oo Isbaaro weyn u dhigtay. Pity! CARA In that case my hunch that you will indeed be the entry point is validated. I knew you have soft heart for me! read all I wrote in the opposite! speaking of opposities, my junior school teacher was funny. He used to ask us, "what is the opposite of white, we reply black" and he approves. But one thing that surprises me till today is when he asked "what is the opposite of dog?" If you answer anything other than "Cat", it is a big X in the exam!
  4. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Observer, Dhubad, Abtigiis, Garhaye, Nephthys, Haneefah, and the rest of ONLF members, I wish you the best of luck in your struggle for freedom and an independent state. Reer-hebeloow guulaysta uun ma tidhaahdid, Koore? Wax kale uma jeedide? Koora waa nin xanuunsanaya, Ilaahay ha u sahlo. I am afraid with every victory, his chronic cancer if getting worse. Dhubad; You got it wrong, my dear. Ninkuu Reero-gaar ah buu la hadlayey. But he forgot, today Dhubad, me, Paragon, dabshid all share one vision and aspiration.
  5. Ngonge No suspicions. I just rejected your offer of help. You think I forgot what you have done to me? Arintii aan isku ogayna kamaad soo jawaabin! Admin'ka waydii soo kaan ku idhi! Dabshid Gabadha luuq waan kuwada hadli karaa! But you are making it sound like something else. In fact, Caalaa fooorjo haddaan la xidhiidhi. Bal maxaa ku maydha! But to give you your due, daasado badan cagahaan ku wataa. And as Faheema said sometimes I enjoy markay iga daba dhacayso! I like when people get upset!
  6. Originally posted by Cara: Abtigiis' impending story about a man and his unorthodox attachment to a goat with really long eyelashes, Wonder if this was before the ceasefire? in any case, I am equally intersted in hearing that 'story'. What eyelashes?
  7. War anagaa wax aragnay. War Dabshid ma caydaad xitaa ii quudhi la'dahay? What publicity? Saaxiib, I wish you were in my shoes. Ngonge:- Adaa la yaqaan PM'ka saaxib. I would say waa 'Daacad' not "badaw"! If you want me forgive you, Layzie G. iiga ergee!
  8. Faheema, I have no bad intention of hurting anyone. Please don't mind my bad references and examples. It is in the blood, I fear. Faheema, walaashay, hadalka Cara kaan ku leeyahay ha u qaadan inaan dad kale ku xumaynayo. Cara I am man enough to apologise in public. I think this should be applauded and not rediculed. I welcomethe cease-fire andundertake to observe it religiously. The next phase will be upgrading the relations to diplomtic levels. EDIT: CARA send me a catalogue of house rules I need to observe by PM. NGONGE ka dhex bax sheekada adeer. Don't pretend you own people. You are trying to take the credit for something that is not of your making.Kolkaan kulahaa iga qabo, you fuelled the fire. When I crossed fence and is near close to restore, how dare you jump in and offer 'instructions'. Old man, leave me alone! Walaaladayna ha isku kaaya dirin!
  9. Abtigiis


    ^ Soo dhawenya laga ma hadlayo, saaxiib. Laakiin waxbaa si ah! Don't judge from afar. Xiin waryaa anigu Polygamy ma ogoli. Hadaan saa rabbo tii horaan haysan lahaa. One is enough. Haddii sheekadda la isla fahmi waayana "fantashiruu- fil ardhi". Iyana ilaahay ha u khayro, adigana sidoo kale. No big deal! Saas weeye, labaan haystaa kuma odhan.
  10. Dear Cara; It is not lost to me where my predicament with the progeny of Eve started. You may wonder why you? I wish to remind you that peace is made between bitter enemies and not buddies. You will also know that it takes a warrior to enforce a peace. Consequently, as I pondered over the idea of making a peace deal with my sisters in this forum, and as I understood the width of the schism largely created by misunderstandings on your part, my continouos impertinence, and the wicked hands of 'male-folk traitors', I came to this idea of a peace offer. This idea came as I realized that the conflict between me and 'feminists' in SOL is analogous to the one between Lilliputians who preferred cracking open their soft-boiled eggs from the little end, and Blefuscans who preferred the big end in Johanatan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels' Despite the that fact we, as human beings (most of all as men and women), are born to vent and dissent, histrory has also thought us that there is no alternative to peace. Dear Cara, It is not entirely secret that, as the captain of the ship, you have actively participated and coordinated the vitepurative onslaught against me with deadly efficiency. Employing PM, telephone calls, Skype and all telecommunication tools at your disposal. Yet, we need to forgive one another for a better tommorrow. You need to realise that beyond my navel-gazing at 'sensitive' issues, I hold my somali women with high esteem and affection. Rest assured, it is not by happenstance this messgae is specifically targeted at you. I know once you approve of the 'restoration of cordial relations' -as the Iron lady of Sol, many Barbie-dolls who chanted 'down with A&T' last week, not because they understood what the controversy was about, but primarily because they sow 'the she-lion' was in attack mode will relax with their irresponsible use of the 'insult vocabulary'. I know you hold the key. On my part, there will be no more attacks on any women [even if provoked], no more displeasing NGONGE in the general section, no more posting of 'absurd and X-rated' stories. In the spirit of reconciliation and the good days that shall come, I will like you to reverse all your hardwork in inciting the 'violence' and assure both the 'doves' and 'the hawks' in your community of the value in accepting this deal. Counting on your understanding; Abtigiis & Tusbax
  11. Originally posted by Hunguri: Xiin, anigu reer Sheekh Cumar-ka aan aqqaano waa Galbeed-ka, laakiin Bari ka yimi. Waa niman wadaado ah, laakiin assal ahaan reer Galbeeda. Teeda kale, ninkan A&T waa nin suugaantiisu fiicantahay. Xaggaa gabaygana anigu adiga ayaan kugu dhaafayaa. Waayo hadda, waa adiga iyo isaga . Jirteenoo, hadii ay si wanaagsan jaanta isula qaado. Xoogaa, waa bawsanayaa. Mida kale, A&T wuxuu u egyahay qolyihii xadrayn jiray. Waayo Thread walba sijjaayad yar ayaa utaalla waana ka hiin raagayaa . Women section,General,Politics. Walibana dhinaca luuqqana cabashadiisu way badatay . Adiga, laftigaaga beryahan waad yara dawakhdayoo, qofkii hadlaba waxaad leedahay Sheekh Shariif ayuu wax ka sheegay. Almuhim, Jacaylbro waa sugaynaa, isagu aniga ayuu ii cammiri doonaa jawaab dheer oon qoray yaa iga halawday because it was over the maximum images allowed and I never saved it: The bottom line was Hunguri RER Galbeed Vs Rer Bari waad ku fogaatay saaxib. It wasn't meant to compare; laakiin You spoiled your 'image' when you mentioned "KALUUN". Halkaasaan ku kala tagnay!! Bille Rafle, as the Minster of Fishery, once said in a promotional forum, " Don't mind the smell. This thing[fish] is actually good. please eat it.]Loooooooolllll! Saaxiib, General section'ka Haween baa sidii tuug la qabtay oo Police sii wado mashxarad iyo foodhi ila daba galay! Orodkiibaan ku gabbo is idhi -Women section( I thought They will not suspect I could be there), but they smoked me out soon thanks to the insufferable KOOLKAT. Now, I am firmly based in POLITICS section. Xaggaa iigu soo hagaag! Xinn, now that you have no idea of Rer-Sheekh Cumar yacquub, waxba islama haysid adeer!! Anyway, Sheekhii dharbaaxadu ku dhacday ee Sheemay hadalkiina Waa kii shiraacdee ka dagay shiishka dhagaxbuure Shalay kii awoowgii shafka ku dhuftay sheekha abtirkayga Yaa Sheekooyin aan door shishleeyn maanta ii sharxiye Shaandhooyinkaa aan shirabay ee shiinka kaga shiillay iyo sheel-dhareerka uu soo shanqadhin XINNKA ma xishoode Shaah iyo rag laaluush looga dhigay shuuro ololaysa 'Sheekhyadda' aan kala shidniyo haday sharaf dhac ii keentay Shib intaa oon idhaa sidii sheekhii soo carraray Shaadhkayga maan qaato oo sharadka SOL dhaafoo Shawashawda XINN iyo maxaa shaqo-wareer keenay??
  12. Jamac Kadiye is a brilliant poet and a born-Somali. I like his "Somalibaan ahay" poem. He is great. Cimrigiisa Allah ha dheereeyo!
  13. NGONGE- You always sound like the sane mind here. But I think Ibtisam's reaction is a natural reaction to the misdeeds of intolerant anti-muslims. I don't like you too liberal thinking.
  14. Just nonesensical envy. Hadii reer hebel la sheego, reekanagana waa in la sheegaa mentality. But the circumstances are different. Not that I wish the land under Ethiopian occupation to be named under the'O' name, but what sense does it make to ban the name of an organisation that is widely broadcasted in all media outlets!
  15. Abtigiis


    ^^^ Taas unbaan ku jiraa! Wax ciyaal jecelna waan ahay! Taydaas baan boodhka ka hurgufan oon iska dul-joogi; yaa qaxar u taag haya!
  16. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Reer Bari ma ihi! Laakiin knowing your ilk wixii Qoraxdu meeshay kasoo baxdo idinka xigaa waa reer bari including Hargeysa! One Dhagax-buuri once told me, Bari wax san qorraxda uun baa ka haynaa! No, Hargiesa is not Bari. Infact, Rer-Barri has no good reputation precisely because -rightly or wrongly, they are seen Wax-walba waan daadinay kind of Indha-adayg thing. That is just a prejudice. And the man reflected that. Adiguse, meeshaa dooni sheeg oo you have all the "characterstics of qorax ka soo bax". Your temperamnet and attitude leads me! EDIT: I have no reason to doubt her. Welcome Xiddigo!
  17. ^^^ Wax Bari ka yimid, reerkaas unbaa jira adeer oo dhagaxbuur soo dagay!! I am of course presuming inaad Rer-Bari tahay. Hint: Jikaarka iyo madax-adayga! EDIT: Xiin, sorry about the two lines. My mistake. But The poem is impeccable. Waxaad tidhi halagu badalo wuxuu yahay ilaa hadda magaran!
  18. Abtigiis


    ^^^ War taydaan iska iimaan qabaa? Waxay hayso wax ka duwan ma leh adeer. It is all about Iimaanka. Xinn:- tu horaa tagtoo, tii labaad baa la marayaaye, ma macdan baan ka baadhaynaa????????
  19. Sixidaada waxba kama jiraan. I wish the audiences make their verdict. By the way, my two lines waad isdaba marisay (up side down). but more imporatntly, RER CUMAR YACQUUB (Solers Qabiil ma aha yaa!! Waa qoys ama xaafad) maxaad isu tiihiin? Is that the Sheikh you are referring to??
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: It was said the said sheekh left the city and settled in Dhagaxbuur, culumada kala qabta , he thought was more offensive then a slap from what he thought was an ignorant heckler! Looooool@ Xinn's honesty! I am actually the grandson of that Sheikh who fled to Dhagaxbuur. Dharbaaxadii awoowgaa baad wali ila daba socotaa, markaasay Paragoon, Abdilatiif, Sakhar iyo rag aan waxba ogayni leeyihiin ""Gabbyaaga aan kala qabano"!! I know you are logged in, inaad wax warqad ku qorqoraysid waa la socdaa ood tolkii isugu yeedhay. The book of the EIGHTH EPOCH reads, "They Shall come togather and scribble down innuendos, but We shall see through their mischiefs and expose their proses disguised as poems".
  21. ^ He will recieve higher accolade from his creator. No need to complain. Good Sheikh, he make me proud!
  22. What about the man who had Lugdheer+Joogdheer+dhegdheer in one!??????? I think I have Garraad-dheer now. Alxamdu-liaalah!! EDIT: Che, let this go to Xiin! He will do better in prose! He is disasterous in poetry!