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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. KT Xilli magac lagu mashquulo kuma jirno adeer. Haddiii adiga uuna xanuun ku hayn rag baa haweenkoodii hortooda lagu kufsadaa! So, ama na taageer ama na mucaarad. Academic debate wakhtigeedi kuma jirno! Somalinimadaas aad sheegina adigu magac baad sheegtee ANAGU waataan u dhimanaynoo. Why do think are the ONLF fighters dying? Waa inaan Somali soo raacno, adeer. We could have settled for less, and enjoyed a relative peace like NFD!
  2. Malika Thanks for the rationalisation of my 'weired humour'. I appreciate your support. But frankly, isn't not suppossed to be X talking to Y. I mean no personbality involved? Why then worryabout befriending someone before I TELL him/her off! Read peace offer. That is what it is, not an apology. I told the mistakes on both sides. KK Isn't it ironic it is women who are decrying my peace offer to Cara. You are just jeolous. All this bashing of me is out of jelously. Ah! Women! Next week, adigaan shaqo kaa dhigan, is diyaari waa laguu fadhi waayee!!
  3. Run hadaad rabtid, liiskan ku majiro anigu. But that doesn't mean there aren't other catagories. HINT: moody, but mostly cheerful. Canaan'taa yara badiyaa. Otherwise, I am perfect!
  4. Real rer-bari. Wale, you will have the last word!
  5. Stoic; I really want to apologise to LAYZIE G. It is from the heart. I want to clear my conscience; more than to be accpeted. But thanks for the advice!
  6. ^ Dear Xinn At no point did I claimed I am a poet. Infact, I am amazed I could put togather few verses. But I see you have already decided to release "an album" or perhaps " a single" some time soon. It would be a great disservice to the REAL poets and aspiring talents. Shows the urgency of the need for "Standards and Quality Control Ageny in Somali literature"! Adeerkiis, forget about my cat-fight and send me markaad dhamaysid. I am an avid fan of Somali poetry!
  7. ^^ Malika I really envy Ngonge. I think he is brilliant. Is it not fair if I try to catch up with him? How long ayaa la isku bartaa here? Or perhaps meelo kalaa jira? What do I know? KK Iga dhin dee, waad i eryatay in kugu filane. Mise inaan soo jiireeyo yaad rabtaa??? EDIT:- Layzie G. Raali ahoow abaaye. Aad baan kuugu qaldama the other day. But I think you know why? NGONGE ayaa been ii sheegay!
  8. ^^^ Are they those who are writing for you? Don't listen to them? Kuwaasi dhigaagay qabaan! All the stuff they were giving you are really nonsense!
  9. Xiinn The main problem still exists. You are the judge and the jury. And very judegemental. I told you I don't mind Nepthys or Xiddigo arbitrating. Nepthys could be in a difficult position, though. Haddow baa la odhan.... EDIT: Xinn, I am thought not to return the insults of my elders. Especially, when it is coming out of desperation! Shiil iyo shareer baa ka dhacay shaantii aad jirtaye Shuruudaha nikaa uun sharaxan een shiix ba uga yabin ee odhan anaa shara-dago shuumna uma baahni Sheekha wareersanna ku ritay shaadka iyo jeebka AlShabab inuu soo shuufaa waa sheeko aan jirine Shir inaynu isla aadi iyo shaqal kale mooyee Shiinkaagii dhaafi waa anaa sheekh ah oo sharaf leh!!! Haneefah is not giving on me to your disillussionment!
  10. Salaam to Serenity! and Looooooooool@ paragon!
  11. Nuune, Adigu waad kaftamysaa laakiin I ma shocked by Haneefah's reaction? Even after, I reformed so much! No more senseless stories, but this thread was suppossed to be a peace offer. I can see it just brought about a new blitz! Haneefah, explain yourself. Xaggee weeye danbigu?
  12. Haneefah Maxaan bi'iyay? I tried to consummate my rehabilitation by apologising to those I wronged? Why are you displeased?
  13. Paragon saaxiib waa maxay adaa iga bac wayne??? I mean on the other thread'na warku wuu duulaa baad laheyd!
  14. ^^HAGAAAG!Laakiin kuwaasi iyagaa lug'gii.
  15. Way iga socon la'dahay ninyahoow. Kolkaan waxbaad saxday is idhaaba dab kale unbaa sii hurayee, BAL MAAREE adigu ka odayeeyo!
  16. KoolKat oo maxay ah? Paragon contingencies in place, if you know what I mean? Meeshan horta miyaa lagu kaftamaa mise runtaa la isu sheegaa? Why would everybody tend to take me seriously!
  17. ^ Are you sure that is the best way of reconciling two people? Reminding one of the hurt? Waryaa, nin xun baad tahay!
  18. Waryaa Paragon anigu gabadh baan leeyahay iyadaana ka jeclahay wiilasha! BTW, Xaaajiyadaydu ma oga waxaan meelahan ku qorqoro. Waa ultra-conservative, hadday ogaato BALAAAAYAA Dhici!
  19. Islaan Soomali to her Daughter Hooyo men are five: Gacan-gaab: Please see 'The stingy Caruus'. After the caruus, he continues, "waa maxay? cuntada la karinayo hala tashiilo." When the woman says "waan afartan baxayaaye, labis iyo allab hala keeno", he says "safar baan u baxayaa". But usually the common tactic is to delay ‘wan-qalka’ ilmaha so that it coincides with the women’s ‘festivity’. Si aan waxba loo kala garan! Gafuur-gaab: This one is in ‘angry mode’ always. But, mostly when other men-folks are around. Naagtiisu kama daba-hadasho buu ka helaa. Waa walbahaar socda and torobo-desciplinarian. If a song slips from the mouth of his woman, he is quick to say “maalaa yacni unbaad akhridaa, Islayaab qof weyn baad tahaye”. But himself, sometimes wuu ku qaad-qaadaa with a voice good enough only to be heard when announcing ‘the toilet is occupied’. For instance, when business really gets fine, he takes off his shirt and lets out “ Heegan aan ahaadoo Horseedo, waa la ii hanwaynye Hogaansho” like wadani. Garaad-gaab: This one pretends to be the most munificent of all men. Among big crowds, he is the front-runner to say “anaa bixinaya”. Not that is bad, but at the same time, his women might not have changed her ‘dirac’ from the last ‘ciid’. Gashi-gaab: Always muddy looking and pale, he is a believer in the ‘utilitarian concept of matrimony’. For what am I going to dress myself up? He better concentrates in breaking wood for the family and fixing mal-functioning lights [in urban setting]. Mostly, in Macawis/Pyjama and wiping sweat from the forehead. Gunti Gaab: Having assured of ‘raaliyo’ at home, waa dayaday wayn kani. And he has perfected the art of ‘sophisticated shukaansi’. Tiisana wuu dharbaaxaa, tuu suuqa ku arkana “marakay alaab culus ooy wadatay u dhiibto, he asks if he can help more gleefully. A typical example is one the author saw who kept on asking a women whosaid she is married and her husband is abroad, “haa’ee, runta ii sheego, wax khilaaf ah miyaa jira dhexdiina???” [Please add more]. Do women feel I have avenged for them in some measure? Trying to get back lost ground.
  20. ^ What you really missed is that after all the letter of apologee was intended to cut in both edges! In any case, I am surprised no offence is taken at the audacity of those who bashed women via implied insults. Kaalay meesha fairness majirto dee mise kuwaas waa laga quustay?
  21. No need for disclaimer, old man. Sometimes, you are right. EDIT:- Unless of course she has felt the burden of responsibility as an 'Ugaaso' and came out in the defence of the 'subjects'.
  22. ^^ MA haweenkaa 'Sh!t' ah waryaa Paragon???????????????
  23. ^Perhaps that is what we miss in our society! I consider it an asset, Yaa Malika!
  24. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: and where is it now qalaafe still ocupiet by woyane Mogadisho ocupied by woyane Xaaji Xayraan That is not Sayid's problem. personally, I believe the Sayid have been harsh on some tribes and parts of his poems and deeds are not necessarily patriotic viewed against the mentality of today. But, the man has lived in early 20c. For heaven sake, certain things that were acceptable then are not anympore- but don't judge what happened more than half-a-century ago, standing at today. IT IS WRONG! But Who am I talking to? A fake Xaaji who in his 'high' moment like to bash historical figures he, rightly or wrongly, viewes to have stood against his clan. CLAN is of the essence here, not the bigger Somalinimo.