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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^ Eeg, odaygan xoodaamiskiisa! By the way, away Bishaaroo? Iyadaad ku halqabsan taqaanee?? War adeer PM igu soo tuur aniga waa la iga manuuncee, aan kuu waramee.
  2. Ceyrow Jr. Looks more than confused. All your subtlity couldn't mask your wicked thinking. Where does Islamic ideology allow opposing Ethiopi's evil, when it at the same time permits you to have relationship with Ethiopia [i don't care in what form]? IS is not that when your fellow muslim brother [not mention somali brother] is attcked, you should come to his defence. You want to sleep with the enemy and point fingers at the same time? Ma waxaasaad kolna qori isugu raraysay kolna u qaylyaysay. You disappoint me. VIVA XINN! Not quite so. But only here. Isna hadhow he will mistake this viva with VIVA le Shariif!
  3. ERNESTO wasn't a vengeful man, history says.
  4. Leave the yesterday things where they were adna horta. I am in joyous mood today. Don't dumpen the spirits.
  5. Why do people compare the Incompareable? somaliland is a functioning entity, regardless of the wrong path it is following: secessation. Puntland on the otherhand is nothing more than a club where a group of gangsters, pirates, hijackers, human traffickers and money launderers share their loots, masquerading as 'politicians'. It is an entity that was given birth to out of envy and 'ana waa ika' mentality. Nothing more. No wonder it is crumping into pieces. This is not to exonerate the 'myopic' secessionsits up north who wouldn't blink their eyes to sell the land of the Somali's to the highest bidder. But at least, they have a system in place.
  6. Che How can you be soo sure of me being wrong. Or why do you feel you can come between me and Ibti, anyway? EDIT:- Stoic, yours seem to be just fine. Could be!
  7. Originally posted by Ibtisam: I made no effort to move away from his touch.....the brother had to grab my hand to keep me standing. It is quite revealing. There is nothing wrong with the day or you. Marry Ibti. Marry. The writing couldn't be more clearer on the wall than that! It is the TIME. Waa lagu hayaa! ...Ma salguuroo caashaqee ani sibix ma igu galay, is the song for the toast.
  8. Why block? why me? Just because women who curse me in public inundated me with PM's privately? Men are jelous, walaahi. Unblock me asap, waryaada! Where is NGONGE, lobby adeer. You know we too were into something important!!
  9. It is a war, little lily. It is a war. And a war is fought not on impulse, but tactics. Are you feeling better, anyway? The last time I saw you your hands were full of mud and you were sticking it onto the backs of any 'pervert' passing by?
  10. It is a war, little lily. It is a war. And a war is fought not on impulse, but tactics. Are you feeling better, anyway? The last time I saw you your hands were full of mud and you were sticking it onto the backs of any 'pervert' passing by?
  11. It has come to my attention that there is a conspiracy against me by the Admin. Some cue if this is the usual schezopherenia or whatever, but the fact is my PM's are censored for whatever and not delivered. I can cite three this week. One to my dear friend Xinnfanin, one to Ngonge, and one to the not-so-freindly Cara. What is going on? A bit of introspection and I realised someone is upset with me. Someone high up in the Admin. I think he was tipped off by Emperor or General Duke or whoelse? By some women. So, it is time he/she comes clean and we solve our differences in a civilized manner. The only precondition is they should release the messages they sit on, and agree to do so in the future. Whoelse is suffering from the same problem and would like to be enlisted in this petition?
  12. Waad salaaman tahay adeer, Saakana ma sheekhii unbaad la soo toostay? How easy must be for you. Sheekh unbaa dabada la iska qabsadaa ileen. PM kii ma heshay?
  13. Waad salaaman tahay adeer, Saakana ma sheekhii unbaad la soo toostay? How easy must be for you. Sheekh unbaa dabada la iska qabsadaa ileen. PM kii ma heshay?
  14. Ngonge Everbody knows if rer LA get their acts togather, noone can stop them. Daraawishtu warkoodu wuu cad yahay. As to Awadalites, it is a reality that they are not feared in battle-fields. But that doesn't mean they can't fight. I believe with their brians and power, they can easily subjugate Hargeisa. Laakiin it takes some self-belief. I know I am offending some people, laakin waa siday tahay! EDIT: CHE waa la arki cidda u shaqeeysa USA ee ha degdegin.
  15. ^Lool about what, Che? Kuma fahmin.
  16. Farax Brawn, Don't forget those words, as they will haunt you in no time.
  17. Awdalites'ka aad sheegaysaan waa hostages masaakiin ah! They cannot choose their destiny. Pity. They are perhaps the best Somali's, but so vulnerable to Hargeisa hegemony. It is time to free them. Awdal Liberation Army ayaa loo baahan yahay. Some say it is the farming heritage that forbids them from fighting effectively for their rights. Bashir Goth is a useless Agnostic, just for the record. Maraykankuu u shaqeeyaa. I have evidence.
  18. Bokero yaad ku xumaynaysaa soo ma'aha oday? Alla ninyahoow dhib badnidaa!! That Somalia will arrest all Ngonges and no one will allow to tease or belittle the other's opinion!
  19. Adam Smith's classical economics has evolved in all shapes and has many irrelevant aspects. The notion of 'invincible hand' is perhaps the lasting legacy of the great economist. I surely see John Mynard keynes's "Keneysian Economics" as more contemporary. Anyway, I am a fan of welfare economics, not mindless free market. Although, the two are not mutually exclusive.
  20. haye, Ibti. laakiin gaal ma oran ee gaal-ismood ayaan idhi. Anyway,waan iska sixi taa. I am kind of dadka aan waxba reeban markay xanaaqaan. A big negative!
  21. overall too general and too vague to make any specific comments. But few points, Rational fiscal policy would have demanded for strong taxation at least in the initial years to boost govermnet budget and expenditure on capital works. Perhaps, that will have to ease as accpetable level of infrastructure is put back. There will be no need for any packages of selecive incentives for dispora. Peace will bring the most back. Religion should be a private matter ma fahmin. Of course, it will and should be more than a private matter in Somalia. It should guide our nations soul, identity and moral foundations. Army? totally got it wrong. The threats and the culture of war we just emerged would mean we will still need a minimum 50,000 by 2028. Ngonge hadaad ka badbaadid with this raw pieces waa Alxmadu lilaah. The man has a penchant inuu eryadoo wuxuu haad ka heelo!
  22. Waryaa Ngonge, dadka ha jaah-wareerin. Who can answer you anyway? Alla maxaan ku arkay adoo leh "you haven't answered me?".
  23. Salaam Ya Ibti. Waryaa Gaal-ismood (Marx or whatever), meanigful dispatches are more mind-enriching than your fuzzy posts and funny Ukuyaalaha Alxanka dabka! Leave Ibti alone!
  24. For once, 100% with NGONGE. It is not easy to be like that, you all know. This man never decieved me. Jumping up and down on podiums with rhethorics of "we need change" never took my wide gaze from the fundamentals. What change? whose change? and Can he actually deliver change? Bahaabahaale weyn weeye, and a populist flipflopper. I was for Hillary! At least I knew what she stands for. Agree or no agree! Orodaye Obaamoow Oho oho bilaashiyo Olol baad wadaayee Orgi qaylyay iyo Oodweynahan SOL shita Ila tihid Onkodkiisi kaa ololaystay aniguna