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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ibti anigu kuma caayayo. But if only you could make a quarter of the rationalisations you make for NGONGE to me, you shouldn't have found vile in my comments. SAD. By the way, I was not talking about you. I was talking about 'imaginary' women, not a specific person. Not that this will lessen my 'crimes' in your eyes. You will only take a bigger stick to defend what you see as attack against women.
  2. In case Chubacka is female (my expereience tells me not to trust Ngonge), kindly apply my comments to Faarax Brawn. It fits him.
  3. Originally posted by NGONGE: ps Notice how Ibti forgot all about what i wrote earlier? badow yaho Didn't I know it? Rigaysi explained in action. Ninkii caayayey bay leedahay kaalay A&T ila eryo!
  4. I can't pass judgement on that, but has to give you a flat X for this one. I will put Rigaysi in context. When someone comes to a new place, and a friend by virtue of superior knowledge of the area and to impress upon his friend, tells him this and that abusrd stories, you can say 'Don't try to fool me (not quite that)-by saying hana rigaysan. When somebody has a blind loyalty to another, and sees whatever that person says as right and nice- even to the extent of mistaking blatant blunders for witticism, you can also describe that situation by saying -war nin baa rigaystay Cabdi. Meaning maskaxda ka qabsaday. I was referring to the later definition. EDIT: Ibti- come just too fast for my clarifications. I don't think you fancy your Somali against mine. Should have waited till I explain. Anyone, is this back-stabbing!! I was defending you. Or surrendering to the attacker to limit the damage. Ngonge go ahead and tell us what you know!
  5. Got it wrong, dear stoic. How do you rate your Somali?
  6. ^^ Nin la baxay Chubacka, maxaad ka sugaysay adigu Cisse? Waa caruurta meelahaa ku wareertay ee dhaqankoodi lagu diray.
  7. ^ I don't know in English. Referred to Xinn or Cisse or any volunteer. Way yaa usheega odayga what rigaysi mean?
  8. Originally posted by Bella*Princesa: LoooooL@ Ibtisam Sounds Like you've got a soft spot for paragon <--somali,cute,young version of Cilla Black don't worry..he's all yours, i'll be the match maker.. When I was a rookie here, and I started ranting assumptions prematurely, they called me MAQIIQANE!! lest they call you that- MAQIIQANTO!Just a reminder.
  9. Ngonge Just because women aad rigaysatay don't find harm in your tasteless humour doesn't mean you will have to obligate the task of name-calling to yourself as a matter of right! I don't want to come in between you two, but the link is my character, and I am saying she bears no resemblance to IBTI. Hadii si kale laguu hayo, cadeeyso; and we shall try to help.
  10. Now, I have nothing to say to that one. You are right. But, on a different note, is it possible the real-life Ibti sometimes relaxes and indulges in 'senseless' humour, or is my caprice of an Iron lady with no-nonesense forehead validated? Just curious about your seriousness!
  11. ^^^ waryaa NGONGE, shame. How dare you compare this dumb to Ibti? Ileen waad iska hadashaa???? I think Ibti is a woman Matador, not a careless rumour-mongerer!
  12. Ibti You are right. But you know if you also keep on telling someone who just apologised 'don't do it again, this is your third time,Ok for now' you are not doing justice to the forgiveness and pardon values! Just trying to be argumentative, dear. I fully agree with you. Period. But you should know sometimes I land myself in trouble on purpose. For the lure of being harrassed.
  13. If It is my misfortune to meet such girls quite often, is it a crime to talk about it? At best, you would sympatize with me.
  14. ^^^^ o!o! Xaal iyo badh. My usual uncalled for gaffes dear sister. I read in haste and am in deep alaab. 36 and 1/2 baan dhex fadhiyaa! Forgive. I need to do something about my haste!
  15. stoic, salaan sare and thanks for your usual support. Who, except the usual suspects- Ibti and co, is against exposing some weird love stories! Ofcourse if they think I, in the story stands for A&T, they are mistaken.
  16. So Ibtisam believs Somaliland is not part of Somalia! Aqooneey ku nacay!
  17. Loving Hibaaq- Calander There was no question that I loved Hibaq. For all she has: the pretty face, the upkeep and the warm reception I am accorded whenever I reach their home. But Hibaq has her own weaknesses as well. She was not talkative, but she had an insatiable proclivity for rumours and current affairs. The day I found her standing near a crashed car, asking the wounded driver whether it was a faulty brake or malfunctioning steering that caused the mayhem, I just gave up. Few weeks before, in Alla-Magan Restaurant, she had to be dragged out by Police while trying to find out whether the brawl inside the kitchen of the Restaurant had resulted in any fatality. And the odd thing is she has to cancel a serious social commitment – A Hagbad to come to the city centre and follow up with the story she heard from women-folks. That trait of her was a hot point of our disagreement. Some days, we arrange to meet at Lixda Galabnimo- just after the BBC finishes its afternoon session, and she will come at the next BBC broadcast at night. And the explanations are always absurd: “Did you hear Tusmo Cabdullahi inay foolanaysay for the last two days?” Sometimes, I get agitated. “So what? I am a Traditional Birth Attendant or her husband?” The sad thing is Tusmo wasn’t her relative or friend. You may think Hibaaq is a humanitarian and a voluntary social worker. But so many of my friends told me that one day as an old women struggled to carry a Jerry-can of water to her house, she didn’t offer any help. No one expects, with her tender age, she could be so politicised. It is entirely possible that in the middle of a heated love-talk, she can abruptly, and excitedly, jump and exclaim “ Horta did I tell you that Gudoomiye ku-xigeenkii Gobolka in la xidhay?”. And she will go on and on explaining why his arrest will offer a panacea to the social ills of the community and the profile of the new Guddomiye, who she says; she has inner information who he will be. She is usually right. In our early blissful days, I enjoyed her detective nature as I parade with pride among the boys, when I hear that she found out inaan Ina-Ilka case la sheekaysto and she goes and insults her up to her neck. Indeed, when I ask why she had fought with someone I don’t even know [lying,of course], she would say, ‘I was buying bread from this shop. She came to the shop and her sight was awful. She spreads rumours that she is your friend. On top of that, she asked me, ‘Haye, naa miyaa laguu soo fadhiisanayaa? I never miss such a jab'. But, hers was more than just an inquisitive display. The itineraries of who is travelling outside or coming inside, the schedule of matrimonial ceremonies, Geeri and tacsiyo, afartan-bax, diiqo, Sagaalaysi, what she calls Baadhi (Party), and warqad laga qaadayo nin, isfasaqaad etc filled my life with a lot of confusion. But it was the talk of my peers-sharp and caustic, that finally forced me to call it the day and cancel the wada-socod. Abdi-Dalab yelled at me sarcastically “so, what is up this week? At least you have an access to a human ‘Calandar’”. That hurt.
  18. ^ Tolerance sis. If everyone was to think like you, we wouldn't need this forum.
  19. ^ Just a minor correction on the Somali: Qaxar badanaa ninku.
  20. Ideal just before going to bed. Much better than Pyjamas or sleeping gowns. Flexibity is its real value. It can put to multiple uses. I don't frequent it outside home.
  21. Xinn I still couldn't PM you. Dump some would-be minyaroos and please at least get an introductory message from me. Haneefah; Odaygu waa mashruuc balaadhan. Lama fahmi karo. If I pursue him, i will likely get tired with no result. I MISS NGONGE! Even his meaness and craziness! Yaaab!
  22. Xinnfanin PM kaagi waan ka soo jawaabay. But it is saying your PM is full. Adeer, ileen meesha shaqo kalaad ka haysaa. Oo muran'ka siyaasada waxbaa kuu waheliya! FULL weeye ee kala yaree hawlaha. Faarax brawn Sidee laguu hayaa?
  23. Where is CARA? I leave that to her? I know she is fierce, but not a liar? Come out and testify. LG- where do you get that insidious lie? Is is that Ngonge, isn't? Waa beentood ee la soco! EDIT: By the way, can this lead to censorship? Hi Cara Ii waran? arintii xageed marinaysaa? waadigii lahaa aan is aragnee, gorma? xagee? bal arintaa ka soo warbixi. Hadii kale, heestan aad cisho walbo ii soo dirayso ee, " Dhulkaa igu balaadhee baryo kaama raageen" iska hayso. Igu salaam Hibaaq iyo abtiyaba. A&T
  24. ^ Eeg, odaygan xoodaamiskiisa! By the way, away Bishaaroo? Iyadaad ku halqabsan taqaanee?? War adeer PM igu soo tuur aniga waa la iga manuuncee, aan kuu waramee.