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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Bravo Rer-Awdal. I saw the need for Awdal Liberation front well before now.
  2. Ngonge Barafossor Naanaaboow! I don't know what you want me to say. I don't approve of the dismemberment of Somalia. Period. As to why, I don't think we need to discuss it here. It is a matter of belief to me. About the secession in my part, it is a different matter. And it is not in conflict with my refusal to see Somaliland go from motherland. Infact, it goes hand in hand with it. WE are fighting to join our Somali brothers. We want to be part of Somalia. The self-determination fight has that end in mind. But, it might not be the best thing to do to declare our true intentions and you might have heared of other goals. Rest assured, our people feel they are an integral part of Somalia. EDIT Why strange? By the way, what do you feel about the struggle in Somaligalbeed? Your answer is keenly awaited!
  3. Waynakaa hadaba! Waynakaa!! Please this piece. Somaliland sheekadeedii aheyd waa qaran ma soo ururtay horta? laakiin waxaan kayaabay Addis Ababa ayey ka boodhiyeen! and The 'HARAG SAGAARO NINKII HOY U HAYSTOOW ADIGU HUWO' Slogan. http://gargaar.blogspot.com/2008/07/reer-awdal-oo-addisababa-kaga.html
  4. Red Sea So you have now formally wrapped yourself up with the 'Italian' flag. Ninkii rabbaa 32 calal wuu tolon karaa, but Somalia's flag is only ONE- The graceful Blue with the White Star. Incidentally, in one qudbad (grave) in my hometown- called Qulunquul, there are more than 300 flags of all colurs that blew over the trees. So much so, some locals call it the 'United Hunguri'( as lots of sufiyaal eat as many as 10 camels at a time) in reference to the flags in the United Nations. But they are not an independent state!
  5. We shouldn't argue for the sake of it. We are not bulls. Frame the scope of our debate and let us have a beginning. So far, it hasn't been any focused. Your chatroom stroies Vs my Coff shop rumors. That wasn't pleasant.
  6. The moment I typed if a government comes today, I knew you will hold onto the IF. How presceint I was. Let me get ready, I see you are already rolling up the sleeves. Sug aan shaqadda iska dhameeyee! Reer-Magaal yahoow!
  7. ^Isse, NG has no time to hang around in such untidy places and with not-so-bright folks. What he doesn't understand though is the amount of political maturity and coherence of debates that go on in every alley. I was in Hotel in Nairobi and young boys (in their 20s) used to sit around me in the reception area. They start talking about politics and you wonder what more you could add to what they conclude. NG-I officially invite you to join me in one of my several coffee shops. That will sharpen your analyis. Meeshaad ka daadinaysaa ileen waa halkaa'e! EIDT: sometimes I wonder if I know NGONGE. I think he is Cabdi Cumar, a former collegue of mine. The way he frames his arguments and all the dust he has to swirl to convey a simple message is so like him. Your analysis is mostly based on conceptual reasonings and the conclusions are far-fetched. you mistify a simple point. Do you realise if today a government of Somalia is formed [ I don't see the TFG as government, and prominent personalities from the North would declare support and the discussion in Hareisa will change from seeking secession to maxaan yeelaa? Pragmatism will set in. YOU disount the value of that mentality and all the change in attitudes it can evoke. That is not to say that alone will determine the choice of the people. But it will be a critical catalyst. Do you know already some sections among ardent supporters of the secession are asking questions about th viability of their stance? And Most of all, how do you fail to know that fleeting emotions of the Somali's? Adigaa arkii doona.
  8. Eheladda iyo qaraabadiisa iyo Asxaabta SOL waxay halkan ka baafinayaan JACAYLBARO also known as Jibbaysane. Markii ugu wardanbeysay waxaa lagu sheegay tuulo u dhaxaysa Xaaji-saalax iyo Burco. Shaad cas iyo surwaal cagaar ah ayuu xidhnaa. Calaamadihiisa lagu garan karo: 1- waa nin gaaban oo bidaar leh 2- kolkol wuu wareeraa, laakiin inta badan waa aqyaar 3-Qalimaan badan ayuu jeebadaha ku qaataa Fadlan ciddi warkiisa haysa ha soo gaadhsiiso maamulka SOL ama ha la xidhiidho Internet center'yada ugu dhow iyagaa warkiisa na soo gaadhsiinayee!
  9. Assuming I hear things in coffee shops, why do you think that is not reflective of the mood of the common man? Where do you hear your stuff? In workshops and websites? Unless that distinctive elitism is haunting you again, the viewpoints of the women selling onions in the street, and the waiter in a restaurant are equally if not more valid than that of a pseudo-intellectual and opportunist politician ranting on the BBC-like Faysal cali Waraabe. Shacabku muxuu aaminsanyahay kolka la leeyahay ma aha afar siyaasi sheekadooda waxa laga hadlayaa. You don't mix with the 'misfits' in coffee shops. It shows. Sadly, that failure has created a vaccum in your analysis, which largely focuses on reciting historical events, political statements and hypothetical value judgements.
  10. NG Siyaasadda Somalida, as I reminded you on multiple occassions, is not where you excel. I am surprised at your insistence on playing the Guru. Perhaps that of Arabs (I saw someone was suggesting you are rooted there) ayaad ku dhaantaa!
  11. Bokero, I should have known from the name. Ileen nin quman ma tihid, adeer. Aping whiteman's mannersims and philosophies is hardly a substitue for epistimological profundity. Away with you 'church and state separation' analogies. By the way, do you realise why that come as an issue in the first place? It was because of the repressive nature of the Church and the need to salvage humans from the arbitrary savegery of a corrupted clergy. Can you say the same about the guidance our mosques and Culumo has offered for ages?
  12. Some Habro (save for the elites) are not so keen on secession in the presence of a workable alternative. It is noit difficult qiiro Somalinimo if the right circumstances come. I was in Hargeisa during CARTA conference. You must have seen the debates that were raging in majlis's and Muqaaxiyo those days. NG analyis is largely acdemic, adna dhulka waa hore ayaa kuugu danbaysay, and you judge thinks by what you hear from the misguided diaspora waving tribe flags.
  13. I think how the international media characterises Somaliland is telling. Xukuumadda ISKU-magacaday Somaliland. That said, I reject Xinn's factsheet on the will of the majority of the Somaliland popluation. You cannot talk about of what they favour in the absence of choices. Kolka wax lakala doorto yimaado ayaa la garan karaa! Both camps (pro and against secession ay campaign gareeyaan). Ngonge's political commentary is very basic and I wouldn't waste more time by refuting his elementary assertions.
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: You are not supposed to wear anything under it, saaxib. It completely alters the balance of the thing. Furthermore, the garment on garment friction causes the front of the macawis to ride up and collect around your thighs. Not a good look, saaxib. The traditional look is for it to gather around your buttocks each time you bend down to pick something up. Do you actually know in Fiiq, Afdheer and Gode areas of Somaligalbeed, some communities call some brands of Macawis Qoodha-Sifaysand another brand Dhuuso-majiir . The names reflect the texture of the material.
  15. Wax D.Ismaacil la yidhaa, ama Sheekh Isq layidhaa ma jiro. All are made up stories. I think Somali's can actually trace back accurately their lineage upto some level. After that, it is all the Kilalax,Kutuutu,Kummu,Maaxd fiction. Mida kale Abtirsimada maxaa meesha keenay iyo qabuuro faadh-faadhka.
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: [QB] Castro, Yes. Somaliland (like any other country in the world) does have the potential to implode. However, it will take 18 years of war and unrest for it to reach anything like what is taking place in Somalia. Plus, and here is the proof of the pudding, Somaliland has constantly displayed the ability to contain, restrain and control any instability or signs of unrest in the past 18 years. Come on NG, you can do better than this shallow and street-level analysis. All the feelings in the North [with the exception of a small community around Hargeisa] is what it is mainly because the other voices for unity hasnot spoken, and there is no other alternative for now. If a democratic and popular regime is born in South Somalia, except a massive change of the mood in the North. Sool, Sanaag and Awdal will tilt towards the south without a question. Togdheer will be divided. Hargeisa is tricky, but if the proponnents of unity speak out (they can't do that now), there will be cracks here too. You should know that.
  17. The biggest dowry is to buy her 'Kitaab Quraan ah'. I know lot of guys who do that. Apart from its immeasurable spiritual value, it costs 1-10 USD.
  18. Calling for even more bombardment on me, miyaa? You can take your shot. It is long over due.
  19. KoolKat NG is a genius. Any grudges? Anyway, congra for speaking against him. You are my hero! Malika Salaan sare ugaaso. Pity you should find me in the running position quite often. Ibtisam Which civics course or family upbringing could equip someone, a girl, with all those vocabularies of insult and yet accuse others of 'edeb-daro'? And all 'cause you personalise innocous comments and worse exercise differential treatment on a public forum depending on who you know and who you don't. sometimes things you say against people could be what others might think of you, remember!
  20. NG-You know it is the bias thing. That I have something against them. When the truth is there is no malice in what I am talking here! Anyway, on this one, I need to defend myself against fabrications.
  21. Faarax; Igama waynid saaxiib. And don't iscelcelis. Vent your anger when you have to. And take it when you get the return.
  22. ^^^ war ninyahow sometimes I curse my luck. Waxaan taabtaaba wuu igu qarxi uun. You know what I meant! Dumaashidaa dhiga ha isku kicin dheh de! For what?
  23. Irritating me is all you have been doing to me of late. A doze of your own medicine, I would be tempted to say Inaadeer!
  24. You may say whatever you wish to say. But I wasn't referring to you. I have scrolled up and couldn't find anything that suggests I was talking about you. But, I notice it is easier for you to believe your imaginations. If words mean anything, I WASN'T REFERRING to you. And if I did, nothing would have prevented me from saying I was.
  25. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Waa caruurta meelahaa ku wareertay ee dhaqankoodi lagu diray. This comments, Faarax.