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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Oodweyne: And therefore your six-ways of describing what scalp of fictitious kind that your lot may have had won against my end of folks ( all pure fiction of course ), particularly in those inhospitable terrain that we both of us come from, seamed to be no different from that kind of tale that I was alluding to a minute ago, dear lad . Regards, Oodweyne. What is this? my tribe wasn't beaten by your tribe thing? If Oodweyne is not a tribalist, then Hitler wasn't a racist! I am fine with the jumbles that look to have been addressed to a judge in a court room, and all credit to OOD for the funy examples, but that should not distract from the real essence of his messages. I feel the urge to declare 'Down with Tribalists like Oodweyne', much in tune with the slogan of a headless cadre. But not for now.
  2. Sheikh Osama; Hadalkaaga waan fahmay. Talo sokeeyana lam diidi karo, balse meel cayiman majirtee waa uun passion inaan sheekooyinkaa ka sheekeeyo. Dhinaca kale dee nin reer leh oo xaalkiisu saxan yahay baan aheye la soco. Nin xeryaha qoxootiga ku gurya noqdana igumaadan ogeyn! Sheikh, sheekadani waa dhab oo anigu wixii aan maqlo yaana hayn karin. Taas weeye ceebtaydu. Regardless, who can say no to anything that comes with that spiritual aviatar. Haye, walaal. Waxaanse jirin inaan kuu sheego ilama qumana! WAAN KA BARMOOSAY JACAYLKA! Incidentally, when I was in those games, I like Mohamed Ahmed's: Ka hadh baan lahaa Haween iyo Dhibkoodoo Horay uga tag baan idhi hayskuba haleeyne Marka aan habeen qudha hurdo nabad u seexdaba Soow habluhu heesiyo hayaay iima qaadaan Caawana hirkaan dagay ma hudiyo calaydhbaa Heesihiyo caashaqa maka galay halkaygiiiiii!! Does that give you any clue?
  3. When my relative Cumar, a rich man with phyiscal disability {laangadhe/Jiis},who returned from Saudi Arabia, married a beautiful girl- half his age, the cheeky home boys tried to convince the bride of the worth of the man she has just married. And in unison, they sang: Cumaroow Jacayloow Jiis Caafimaadoow Jirro ma aha tiisuye Kay lacagtu jabisoow Jiddah iyo Sucuudiga Kii soo jibaaxoow Sida jeerta wabiyadda Kii yare janjeedhoow Jeesto miyaa wax kaa maqan? Jarmalkay ka heeseen Qaar kuu jibboodoo Jooharad lamoodbaad Jeenigeeda haysaa! Anaguna Jarmaadkaan Jalaleey ku qaadnaa!!
  4. Insha-allah, He will be out of the jail of the oppressors soon. Pray for him.
  5. Unknown; There is a lot you are yet to learn. Adeer, ninkan JB la leeyahay is a beleiver in the mirages he carved out of his own imaginations. Waa kuwa yidhaa Qadiyadda Somaliland waa muqadas, implying Reerkanagu reeraha kale yuu ka fiican yahay!Ha ku wareerin. Duke'na, Maxamed dheere miyaad ka habaabi?
  6. MS DD Please be informed, I regard you very highly; and had it not been for this anomalous guy I wouldn't have liked to offend you. Blame the man.
  7. Ninka duruuc'da wata hadalkiisa maad inaga daysaan. Antenna'diisu ma saxna.
  8. Waa kaarta (tactic) fashilan oo qofku damco inuu wax kaaga qaado. Anagaad Kaarta-ayuub noo la imanaysaa baa waagi hore la odhan jiray. The genesis of the story was how a unit leader of the SNM from Ayuub sub-clan led his army to attack hargeisa. markay SNM tu Hargeisa weerareeysay ayey jilib-jilib assignment u kala qaaadatay. Kolkaa jilibkan ninkii watay (I have to say as a small sub-clan waa la dacaayadaynayaa) uu ciidankii reerkooda jidka Berbera ee laamida ah soo qaadisiiyey isagoo rasaastii dameero ugu soo raray. Gawaadhidii Jaadka ee sii dhaafaysayna ma joojin'e kolkay yidhaahdaan xageed ku socotaan wuxuu ugu jawaabyey 'Hargeisan caawa ku bariisanaynaa?'. Naturally, the government army was informed prior to their arrival and they were routed well before they reached their target. Markaa wixii fashilan baa Hargeisa laga yidhaa 'war naga daa Kaarta Ayuubta'. Later, out of concern for the sub-clan, I guess, waxaa loo badalay Kaarto-qodaal, implying a farmer's tactic. Yacni reer miyi.
  9. ^ All except dirac. Perfumes, jewellery, etc. Although I don't recommend the latter for unconcluded deal.
  10. Haa, oo Gabdadhuu ku jiir jiireenayaa. What they call Kaarto-qodaal in Hargeisa!
  11. A manly man i know of once gave a small SW radio to a girl saying 'BBC'da kala soco.
  12. NG-jokes aside, you agree with me and Xinn, inaan Duruuc shiid iyo googarad lala shir tagin!
  13. Originally posted by unknown1: i knew you were a female hahaha. And you congratulate youself for that? My name is Geedi and I am a she. Xinn was pulling your leg, dear oday. War ma ninkan Ibtisam iyo Abdullahi ku wareersan baynu la saaxiibnaa?
  14. MS DD The man is in a territory where isn't his. Good of him for looking for guur xalaal ah, laakin waa maxay dirac iyo garbasaartan uu is horwadaa. At least he could have brought cadar iyo cream. Or even Kabo for that matter! Ibtisam Men are enemies of those recklesses who defile their integrity.
  15. Of all the list of gifts he can present how can he buy dirac? Kaas waa saqajaan! barinna ka.....buu soo iibin doonaa! MS DD- amaanka iigu dadaal dheh isagiyo diraciisa xun ee 'kaneebo'da ah!
  16. Xinn You are my friend. But don't hunt newbies and shoot them down before they learn to fly. Adigunna harawsigaa balaayo ku dhigtay. That was what you did to me.
  17. Yes, for the latter question. Are you from Mars? Xaggeed ku aragtay nin Ibtisam la yidhaa? No for the first. But I thought it was inconsequential for the debate.
  18. Ibti Gabadh refers to the bride sis. Why not hook up with me to brush up your somali?
  19. Unknown, your ideas are unknown too. Were you not praising the good sheikh a minute ago? FYI, Abud-mansoor -Xafiduulah, was in Bay region.
  20. Malika Just because one stingy MiM run away from the comfort of the dirac, the uunsi and all the suuro before the big deal- because he doesn't want to pay a fortune, and went the cheap way doesn't mean, our girls are at loss. It is Good riddance, in many ways. Malay giisaa ilaahay ha u barakeeyo; but from the profile of those Faarax's who go east for marriage I assembled, there is a pattern of being stingy. Maybe a good xalimo was saved the burden!
  21. Unknown Don't listen to Ibtisam. You have the right to defend Abu-mansoor right here. Ngonge What task? Soo daa waxaad haysid. I mean your stuff and Nonsense!
  22. ^^ And what is wrong with that, mad man? Unknown yaayna ku jabsan bahaabahaa layaashani? Viva Mukhtarr Rooboow.
  23. Hussein Tanzania is a good somali. Unscathed by the useless Qabyaalad so rampant in Somalia. I beleive the further you are from the center of Somalia, the less Qabiiliste one becomes. No wonder, just over a decade ago, before the collapse of Somalia, I didn't know 'reerka uu yahay' jaarkaygu!