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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ninkaasi BOB nin xun maa ahee kolkol bay kayar fakataa! Ilaahay unbaan u baryaynaa, otherwise waa la roon yahay Sheikh. De Spiritual father' na noo noqoo nagu du' wixii naga halawsan. Sida kalena waad fiican tahaye, Xeryihii Refugees'ka wali wax war ah? Lugtaad kula jirtaa wali soo ma' aha?
  2. ^ @ Malika Oz The Bob I know is every bit judgemental and opinionated, but with good sense. His judgements are usually right, I agree. Laakiin, ha odhan he is not judgementa.
  3. Xidigo I mean tell me who you are? I feel we are from the same village. I know you are not serious about the Is-cadde business, in its other sense. But, I feel today dagaal baad diyaar utahee, Let me give you a tip. Under the post 'I am lookinf for wife', a newbie with the name Canjeex is calling all you girls here 'something bad'. Check out. Oo intaad dhiig iska baadhid, runta u sheeg isagiyoo aabihiiba. Muxuu is mooday? Nuune; Adeer Haneefah won't miss what I wanted to say. Hadaad gabadha ka heshay anaa adeer u ah ee ama si haboon noo soo waydiiso, ama dee iyadaba toos ula xidhiidhi. Maxaad miskiinkaygan iskaga xoqi! BOB Waa runtaa! Waa dayuus. That is definitely a reaction I expected, and the moral the messgae should convey. Meel kale ayaa loola kacay sheekadiiba, thanks to the confused JB. Malika ugaaso, good day! As usual, nice to see somthing potentially good in me. Mahadsanid for the defence! I know I can rely on you. And afterall, with heavyweights like you on my back, do you think the feeble JB will ever stop me? Lilly; You are not! The man was confused. Casaankana dee nagama casidee, anaguba green baa gacmaha nagaga yaal. I was referring to misconceptions by some people.
  4. Haneefah I suspect Cobole's real name is A.A.H. Haduuna aheyn waan qaldayaa, but I know he is someone who knows me and I know him. Adiga laftigaagu is cadee, waan ku garanee! +Faheema Have I said anything offensive. I said I take your advice, and laughed off about the thing. Why do you think I am angry or you have touched a nerve. Ngonge- I knew the story won't scare perverts like you and me. To others, it still is nonesense! I know I have only one friend-XInn here. JB- See Faheema's comments. My reaction was more of a surprise it has to come from you, than being angry. Markaaad hadaltidhaa ee lagugu soo celiyo, waa lacadhoodayda daa dee Saaxiib!
  5. Waryaa Abdilatif, aka, Cobole; Don't feel vicariously embarassed for me. +faheema way idaba qaadatay markay iga hadho unbaan sugaynaa! Laakiin, waxaan ku idhi dee ninyahoow isa soo cadee, aniga I am positive inaad 100% igaranayso!
  6. Statistically, there was a high level of correlation between 'dawada wax caseeysa' iyo gabdhaha raggu ka mahad sheegtaan!! At least in the past.
  7. Hohoho! While I take Faheema's advice as constructive although said a bit harshly, I wasn't prepared to take anything from our friend-JB. I know where he is coming from. Anyway, let us not judge my personality, but talk about the merits of the story. You don't shoot the messenger! MMA- yes, way castahay. Laakiin, anigu xiddidadaa waxaa la iigu sheegay dad badan oo daawooyinka skin-whitening creams ka isticmaala. Iyadoo madoow ayuu xiddidadu doog noqonayaan. The guy must have seen a lot of that in his past life and was worried he ended up with qof xun! Anyway, anigu dee dadka SOL gabdho ka deedayanayaa ma ihiye why I would need to pretend. Wixii aan maqlo waan sheegi! Some would agree, some won't. It is fine.
  8. The name is serving the purpose. To intimidate. I see you are afraid.
  9. That is what surprises me. You jump to the denouement part of the story; and start lecturing us on ethics. Then, you come back and ask the question. You reverse the order of the argument. Anyway, the floor is yours if you can educate us. I heard green cells are not rare in Hargeisa. Noo sheeg!
  10. Well, I see some tough answers are Xanaaq for you dear JB. You mistake questions for attack. I didn't share what you said and went on to explain why. I teased you a bit, but that is not because I am angry. Unless, you want to be I am so. Dee Jikaarka jooji ninyahoow!
  11. JB stands for Jikaar-Badane. Am I right?
  12. I think you are dead wrong. First of all, you inflate the secrecy nature of the whole story. Second, you are assuming my friend is at loss and is awaiting decision from me. Thirdly, you miss the fun side of it. But as it always is, this is the critic JB trying to make sense when he is not making one! And I have learned it is hard to convince you. You are an adherent of the 'If you can't convince, confuse' Philosophy. Bal halkaad this innocous story gaadhsiisay day. You have turned it into a big moral question. Of course, the purpose is not lost to me. To look a nice guy at the expense of me! But, I tell you wife-beaters at home are calling for gender equality in every forum and it is not necessarily what you do that you preach. I, in my position of naughty boy, still feel better than the sanctimonious lot who greet 'Asalaamu calykum' by day and hit CALYPSO by night! Anyway, give me the answeres or just go away to the wilderness, adeerkiis. At least you have some bushes to make a thorough soul-search. Which you need!
  13. Now what is the secret here? Is it not about an anonymous person? JB-give us answers please! +F, which rule have I broken? Or is it that, conversely, no rules apply when taunting A&T? Anyway, you are most welcome. No xanaaq business. Please tell us more on the green cells? Hadaad ogtahay!
  14. I frequented playing Poker with colleagues after work some years back. Everytime, the cards refuse to oblige, after initial successes, this freind of us would just ask for permission to be released saying "excuse me, I have to go. Please continue the deal, and I will be with you very shortly. Xaaska intaan soo kala tuuro ayaan dhakhso u soo noqon!". Of course, no one has the authority to tell him sit tight and let the play continue;not after going to the length of telling the details of what he intends to do in his absence. The problem was he never comes back! But the other day, one of our friends was furios. He lost some money and couldn't let the man go with it. "War naga fadhiiso waxba soo kala tuuri mayside, adaa lagu kala tuuriye!" he told him in anger. Because I have seen lots of men who talk about the private matters with their wives, I wasn't surprised. Just few weeks ago, a Sheikh (who used to be 'waa inaan mushaaxaa' guy for a long time before a late Towba-keen) called me to ask for guidance. He married a girl and after two years, started to suspect her. Wuxuu igu yidhi: "War ninyahow dhibaataa jirta. Gabadhii, she is fine in every sense. Laakiin, cagaheega waxaan ku arakay something I used to see in Naagaha xunxun. Xiddido green ah ayaa kuwada taagan! Waan fahmi waayey, balmaxay kula tahay?" Does anyone know why she should have 'green cells' above her feet?
  15. My day is spoiled. I am really sad. He was a great singer! Ilaahoow naxariistaada ka waraabi!
  16. Last Night, in my dream I finally managed to meet the enigmatic Ngonge. To my surprise, the man didn't looked as aggressive as he looks in the cyber world. His looks were not like a fat Arab as I always imagined in my head. He actually looks like NUUR CADDE (the feeble PM of Somalia), but is a bit more serious. On an important point, Ibtisam- You can't lose hope just because of one man's mishaps. All the people around Sheikh Sharif are funny clowns. Call it the 'enthronment of the mediocres'. Be proud because there are always people like Xassen Dahir Aweys, Abu-Mansoor and the late Ceyroow, who stood up for their religion and dignity when others waivered.
  17. Gediid; These days who needs Tusbax to do that hand magic. Iyagaaba iska diyaar ah. Anyway, JB shakigaagu waa sax. I am from all those places. It might sound weired, but I shared my life between them. Ngonge Actually, I am avoiding fights because I am busy of late. But, when the right time comes, you know I will go on and on and on. Ha sugi waayin, Yaa Tantaawi.
  18. Nin hore u yidhi gabay baa i haya miyaad maqashay wuxuu ku hadlay: "Sayidkaan Faraskiiska Marka uus Fardinhaayo....". Just uu gabay ku hayo doesn't mean you will deliver. Adiga anaa mid kuu tirin baan umaleyn maalin dhow. Xinn isaga bareejaan maraynaa! 1-1. EDIT Maasha-alaah! Wali wax ma hellay xaggaaga?
  19. Xinn; I actually haven't edited the name of the man and here I see someone who knows him. I am not surprised. Anyone from my hometown could hardly miss it. It was so famous. Laakiin waa inaan hadda kadib is-ilaaliyaa!
  20. Cobale Waryaa!Waryaa! ceeb baa dhacday. Ninkaan ka hadlayo waad garanaysaa. I am sorry I thought no one would know him. Adigu bal is qeex isku xaafad baynu aheeyne!
  21. Waryaa Ngonge- My views on the Sheriff are well known and I don't want to go back on that issue, lest I may lose a valued friend. But, I support Malika here, out of pure partisanship.It was always difficult to support an alien against a fellow Somali,but that you are a supporter of the dismemberment of Somalia erodes your pretention of wanting the best for our nation. In view of that, the Sheriff must not be mentioned by the lips of hypocrats. Malika Thanks for the confidence in me. It is a rarity for me to receive accolades, and when it comes from people of intergity, it is even more refereshing!But you must see the context of the insidious alien when talking about 'fun people'. Now, he will call me paranoid.
  22. Ngonge; Harar is where I grew up. If you believe it or not, the hyena place is in a place called 'Falana Bar' just after the north gate of the five magnificient gates of the Imam Nuur wall. I was born somewhere else, Degaxbuur,and I took my undergraduate studies in Addis. Does that clarify? I haven't fed any saaxib Stoci, nor do I like to visit Hyena's anyway. I have been to the place for not more than once. Malika Who can ever be a friend to a chemelon? Ngonge is not one of our own!
  23. Stoic Woo! that is my city. HARAR. Famous for so many things. NG I will teach you provided you reciprocate by teaching me your mother tongue!
  24. Skipper Watch out. Waa lagu furanayaa! And you seem impressed.
  25. I am sorry to do it this way, but was I left with any other option? No. This message is for Ngonge. Recall our little exchanges and your refusal to provide me with your real name. You thought that will basically kill the story. Unfortunately for you, a little research and queries, and guess what? I know your real name. Rashid Al-tantaawi. Hal anta bi khayr, pretender? I wonder why non-somali's are allowed here.