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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. There is some thing fishy about this lady. I am happily married'na way leedahay single'na waa la advertise gareenayaa! Maybe, she is married; but is bored with the serenity she told us. Yacni ninkaa neef ah; and then xagganaa loo soo suuq tagay? just philosophising. Before I saw that expose' by +faheema, I wanted to say to the girl, "Don't mind some cynical answers by those in Sol. Meesha dad cadhaysan oo wax si ka noqdeen baa u badan (including myself). So bear with it if you sense too much envy)!
  2. Agree on the first part. But on your final closing lines, are girls looking for husbands or cooks these days? I don't think it has to be part of the selection criteria. Just to be cheeky, nin Dish-washer ah sideed odhan adigu. Hawlihii kaluu ka habsaamiye??
  3. Some fetch water, and some buy supplies. Not the majority, I agree. But, you must see the other side of the coin. Somali women (not as a blame) don't provide for the house. When the man is tending camels (in rural setting) or is in the office or at the shop (in Urban setting), they are at home. The men might feel that they have a legitimate case if they argue that 'we bring the money, and so they should take care of the house chores'. In a situation where both are contributing and are coming home back at the same time, it would be unfair to ask her to go to the kitchen alone. Markaa arin kasta context'geeda halagu qiimeeyo. When I come back from a gruelling day at thelivestock market, all sweats, if she is to ask me to join her in the kitchen, of course wajigaan ka laadi, or if I care for her so much Falaasta shaahaan laadi oon jabin!
  4. Cl- indhuhu miyeyna ku daalin horta. Always rolleyes! Please read SOME in lieu of SAME. Spelling error. At leas, this time, the rolls are justified.
  5. Baadiyoow, wadaad ku sheeg ka saar liiska; but your assessment is difficult to improve. Ishaad ka toogatay! Soomaalidu riwaayaday ka heshaa, and whoever can act well. Nin ay arsaaqadu ka gashay inuu Somali warlords ku dhex-meeraysto ayey u arkaan nin cirka uga yimid oo samo-raadis ah. Even worse, they seem to miss that whatever Ould-Abdallah's personal feelings might be, he can only further the policies of his employers-the UN, and by extension the Donors (such USAID and DFID). Where is Xinn? He is mature in all wakes of life, but like Daa'uus lama dhamaystrin oo boog buu leeyahay. He has a soft spot for charlatans.
  6. Ibti I fully agree with your clarifications. Just to let you know unlike the conventional belief that Somali men do not work, they actually participate in house chores to some extent. Not cooking, of course. But something you said is important. SURVIVAL. It is survival that has dictated men has to cook in the west. And the issue of individualism and the state of family cohesion comes to picture when trying to explain how. You should know at one point in time, Somali's will also change. To some extent, those who fled the civil war has adapted. At home, I see the level of development hasn't yet placed such rigourous demands on the men. But, I am not against the principle. Finally, hats off for the quick advance you made in your Somali. With this pace, in a matter of weeks, roles will be reversed. I might seek support from you.
  7. ^^^^ And why do you feel the ladies in Burco are wrong? Is there no room for being different than the people in the West when it comes to division of labour? Who says theirs is the yardstick for being right and wrong? Do you realise in the East - China, India, Japan, Middle East and Africa etc (which comprise the bulk of the homosapeins that live in planet earth), indeed have similar job divisions and it is serving them well so far? Having said so, I am not for or against men cooking or not, but that for you to describe social traditions as yaab and Kibir is wrong. Aping others mannerisms apart, it is myopic. Don't try to impose certain values (however humane they seem from the outset) onto us! I will say Yaab@gabadhwareertay.cadaan.UK!
  8. Whatever noble intentions the Mauritanian might have had is irrelvant as long as he is part and parcel of the insidious plot of fragmenting the Somali opposition forces. Along with the chief protagonist, Ismael Omer Gelle, they are instrumental in weakening the political-if not military, and diplomatic vitality of the ARS. He is a willing partner in all this, for the priviledges that come along with his position as the head of the fake UN-Political office for Somalia (POS). There is nothing altruistic about his manouvers. As to Nuur Cadde, waa uruka xoolaha. Wuu daaqaa. Who, in his right mind, would have accepted to be the figure head of a government set up by an occupying force -particularily when it is evident he can achieve nothing, and when he claims to be coming from a humanitarian background. So, Prof Geel, for what should the imaginary "Golden KOOR for Somalinimo" medal be given to Ould Abdalla!
  9. Defining Jacaylbaro a.k.a (Carlos the Jackal) Kolka uu kululaado Ama oo kurba maagoo Kontrool ma lahooo Korontooyiin sideeduu Kalootiga ku qabtaa'oo Koorna wuu kaa lushaa! Kolkuu gaadhoo shinkiisu'na Koromo duulay la moodyoo Kor isu sii hinjintiisa Kolba meel ka wareega Koobidiisa khayaamo Wuu ka koodad yaraa'oo Midabkuu ka casaaye Waa KARLOOS laftigiisa!!! Kolka aad qabatee Kor inta aad ula duushoo Kaw ku siisa dhulkee Ka cab aad ku tidhaana Waa ku uun kilkiloo Koonka uun dhex ordoo Ka daayaay ku raftoo Kuleyl aan xamileyn!
  10. Unless his mother is from a different nation and has given him a vernacular of Jimce to him, there is no such thing as a name. Anyway, inuu kuu been-guurayey baa laga yaabaaye iska ilaali!Curious why would he show it from a card, when he can say it!
  11. Cobole, salaan sare dear. Waan kula soo xidhiidhii.
  12. Xinn aniga igamaba neefisee how am I to blame? But, coolness lagu ma xanto inanta.
  13. CL You can't say I am besiging you, and pretend you can get away with it. Where did I besigied you? I am in attack mood and won't let this go unpunished.
  14. Hardworking in every field uun ha odhan hadhow, markuu xiisuhu dhamaado ee uu tu kale ku nabo! I am happy for you, but what you describe is too sweet to be true. It is not normal to have arguments in four years. Ilaahay ha kuugu wado, laakiin don't you feel your assessment of the man is a bit hasty? Afterall, four years is not much. Edit- CL maxaad u jeedaa besieged?? Like Sarajevo? I will lift it soon.
  15. War cabdilatif; Quutul carshi area ayaan kuu gartay!balse, adiga shaqsi ahaan kuuma soo saarin. Ma Cabdirashid baa? War ninyahoow isu kay sheeg through the PM. JB- waa nin tol'ahe ciyaartaa meel kasta la galin!
  16. ^What do you mean by stand alone? Ma ciyaarahay ka fadhiisatay?
  17. MS DD How I missed CARA. Infact, waan iska hella aniga iyo iyadu, warbaa ku seegan. Meeday horta? Miyirkii bay la tagtee meeday baa la marayaaye! Gabadhaa waan jeclahay, for no apparent reason! Though I think inay tahay tu gaaban oo lugo kuus-kuusan, haddana somehow yaa ku tusan unbaan leeyahay. It is for brotherly/sisterly relations though! Saasaa la isku soo gala marka hore, and later waa lagu kala fireeyaa! Horta yay isku fiican yihiin meeshan? NGONGE-bal arintaa dhex bood dee? UMP stands for Uzumpa Maramba Pfungwe.
  18. MS DD of SOL Adna waxay kuugu baxdaa acronyms'ka ee what is BDD,OCD? Fadlan noo qeex? From: AT in UMP
  19. I actually think [He/she/they] are funny! Galmudug Unity and Welfare Association! I want to join the Board of Directors. How do I apply? Somalida mataqaanin, waxaa laga yaaba reer dhan in lagu yidhi la idin ka badiye meel SOL la yidhaa jamac ku gala! Don't be surpirsed if you learn it is not one person! EDIT Why Marx, Ngonge?
  20. Ngonge; Whereever I am , I am sending my Salaams saaxib. The last time I told you my name, you refused to give yours, just because you taught I will use it against you. Yaa, akhi, naxnu Soomaaliyuun, waa umma min Jaamacatul carab wa muslimiin. You should have known you are part of us. Don't do to me that again! Walaahi Idaa qadabtu, balaaya dhici! Anyway,waadigii inoogu yeedhay for new contributors'e, did you notice the newest memeber in SOL is actually an NGO! I want them to define which sectors they work on and what their mission statement is.
  21. Just back from Uzumpa Maramba Pfungwe! I am tired and should rest.
  22. Waryaa cabdilatif; dee kaalay naanaysta aabahayna sheegtaye, niyahoow ma Hirad (London)baad tahay? Mise M.C.H (Minnesotta)? Waan kugu wareeree soo sheeg. Meeshii waan walaaqay ee maka daayaa! Ninyahoow meel cidlaan joogaa oo sheekooyinkan xusuustooda iyo dooda halkan ayaan ku maararoobaa! de E-mailka igala soo xidhiidhi waad haysaaye! Haneefah ceelkii oonyood baan u gartay wayna salaaman tahay. Farax-brawn; Because Abdilatif knows me, you can ask him. No member of my large family ever chewed Qat! Aniguna waligay ma taaban, even for trial. Imagine it was less than 1 US cents in the neighbourhood in Harar, kolkaan meeshaas joogay. JB- wax cag iyo dheg la' majooge meesha adeer. It is a misnomer acquired for one incident involving the old man. Your theory doesn't work. Xiin; War waan ku waayay maalmahan oo waan walbahaarsanaa ee bal waran. Ninyahoow bal soo xidhiidhi. Reerihii aad ii dirtayna waan radiine!
  23. Waxaa kasii daran, the first lady' da la leeyahay she will start flower farming! Does Djibouti need to plant Potatoes and Tomatoes to save foreign currrency or a commercial product dad ka taajiraan. Waa laaaluush cad! Shame on Geele iyo afadiisa. No wnoder they have been instrumental in breaking up the ARS! BTW, how many of Solers know that the real name of the so-called President of Oromia is not Abadulla Gamada (A typical Oromo name) but MINASE WOLDESELLASSIE ( A name from the North -AMhara and Tigre). Ninkaasi Oromo ma aha, dhul dad buu bixinayaa!
  24. Here we go again with NGONGE's elementary knowledge about football. Saaxiib, Robbie Keane way ka dhamaatay. He isn't a good striker.