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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Now I know I sound like a nut, but who in SOL would take this Warxume guy out of my face before I crack his corrupt cranium into pieces. Adeer, go with your sermons elsewhere. Halkan uguma taag hayno! Fork Israel! And all it stands for. If it recognised Somalia (with your partially true story), it was for its own strategic geopoillitical intersts. USA recognised Kosovo, but is it the friend of Muslims. Where is LST? Adderrow ninka si naga dheh dee? Those who act like gaalo (as many accused Marx) waa la baan gareynayaa, while Gaaladii LIVE'ka aheyd way joogaan! What a paradox!
  2. It is a shame when everyone is jumping to defend his tribe. The predicament of Talaabo is a somali one. Ceebta waynu wada leenahay! Sad that Duke thinks Somaliland is part of Somalia, but doesn't want to share its 'Shame'! Ninkani qabiiliste caadi ah weeye! Now, I don't regret abusing him that led to my banning in just a month of my joining! By the way, that habit of not paying hotel and taxi bills waa arin Somaalida Xabashidu ku caydo! It is a big scandal walaahi. Qofbaa Hotel iska seexanayaa banking on remittances that might or might not come. Intersting topic for a sheeko, I guess!
  3. Suldaanka afka ka jeedi. Haduu Hargeisa ka soo dago waluu Suldaan Maxamed Cabdiqadir Airport'ga kaga hortegi!
  4. JB Waa lagaa qaaday! on behalf of them
  5. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Marka jilbaha loo laabto ee mindida iyo kuruska la isku dul qabto. Is the guy in the picture Maxamed Dheere?
  6. Mirqaan wacan,saaxiib. Waa xagee fadhigu maanta? Guryasamo mise Dumbuluq?
  7. Kolkaan sheekooyin sheegayo mooyee [i think mincing the language will kill the power of it], goormaan xishoon waayay oon profane language cid kula hadlay Afro? Ma sidaasaa la iiga quustay? Magac bilaash ah unbaa ii baxayee, I don't talk anything more weird than what the average guy talks here.
  8. War dee gabdhaha hortooda hanagu fashilinee si gaar ah aan isu waraysano!
  9. Edit- I bet his rejoinder will be a life without you in SOL?
  10. Now, don't blame the young lady without knowing what the man has been telling her. LIVE commentary can hurt!
  11. To qualify my assertion, I said there was a time I thought they are all dirty. Of course, with time, I also managed to learn that there are plenty of them who resisted carnal pleasures and lived with their faith and family responsibilities. With the swaying team, your generalisation is an understatment. Xoolo xitaa way ka xun yihiin. What a human being would put his wife at home, and will run after others [prostitute or no prostitute] in search of the same thing he has at home? In that regard, Somali women are by far better than the men.
  12. Correct summary! But he also features prominantly in the story. That makes him a protagonist. At the end of the day, the reader will know the two equally. Axmed-Daahir is a disturbed soul. As much as it seems absurd, I have encountered many real Axmed-Daahir's in the corridors of hotels. There are times when I thought no Somali men is clean. Dad aadan maleeneyn ayaad ku arkaysaa waxyaalo cajiib ah! I really don't know how to explain such behaviour.
  13. Lily; Yes the prostitute is the main character. I would like to know what you think of her?
  14. Your good name? If one testimony arrives, the court will declare you innocent! Of course, I look to Bokero to testify for the prosecution team!
  15. Come again, fatboy. I don't get your question. EDIT- Lily, was supposed to be. Now, I see there are two protagonists. Have to edit parts that would have accentuated her role. Curiously, to avoid your wrath.
  16. War ninkan maad inaga qabataan? I mean I really can't see why he is allowed to abuse us here? Adeer, haddaad mission soo qaadatay fantashiru fir ardi. Go and look for sites that cater for your needs. Somali iyo Christian isma qabanayaane adeeroow na daa.
  17. Waa maxay KQ'du (Kaarta Qodaaltu)? Nin fahmi la' waxaan u jeeday ma tihide?
  18. looooooooooooo@ the tracking device meeshaynu joognan ka waday.
  19. Could be right, but at least in this thread, I didn't see malice in my posts. Can see you are passionate about few things though.
  20. Of all people, you JB should know inaan qado ku maqnaa. Wayraa soo diga xaalkeena og adigu. I mean our times.
  21. Enough for now. The torment can get worse. It was out of need I mentioned. to cool you down.
  22. ^You are forgetting I am happily married. So don't be scared. And don't react to all things. Otherwise, I will join Ngonge's club.
  23. If freak show is not insult, the reference to Ayan Hirsi is not.